quality people, quality products - CWI wire

quality people, quality products - CWI wire quality people, quality products - CWI wire

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*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby CONSOLIDATED WIRE INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD

1<br />


<strong>CWI</strong> converts process <strong>wire</strong> to produce a wide variety of fencing<br />

and fastening <strong>products</strong>. The primary markets served are farmers<br />

(agricultural co-operatives), builders (hardware outlets), mines,<br />

fencing contractors and various State departments.<br />

Products include nails, mesh fencing, barbed <strong>wire</strong>, high-tensile<br />

fencing <strong>wire</strong>, and <strong>wire</strong> for baling and binding. Most <strong>products</strong> have<br />

practical applications, such as protecting, enclosing and fastening.<br />

A range of nails is manufactured for use by formal and informal<br />

builders throughout Southern Africa.<br />

Wire mesh secures mine tunnels, <strong>wire</strong> netting protects sheep and<br />

ostriches. Barbed <strong>wire</strong> encloses livestock and game, while high-tensile<br />

<strong>wire</strong> trellises grapes. <strong>CWI</strong>’s high-tensile Veldspan® <strong>wire</strong> is one of the<br />

best known <strong>products</strong> in its field and is used by various Parks Boards<br />

and Private Game Farms to fence nature reserves.<br />

An advisory service is provided to farmers involving fence erection,<br />

repair and maintenance as well as training of farm labourers.<br />

A technical advisory service is provided by experienced <strong>CWI</strong> personnel.<br />


<strong>CWI</strong> produseer versinkte draad in ‘n groot verskeidenheid omheining<br />

en vashegtingsprodukte. Die primêre markte wat bedien word, is boere<br />

(landboukoöperasies), bouers (hardeware-kleinhandelaars), myne,<br />

draadoprigters en verskeie Staatsdepartemente. Die produktereeks sluit<br />

in spykers, maasdraad, doringdraad, staaldraad, omheiningsdraad,<br />

baal en binddraad.<br />

Die meeste produkte het praktiese toepassings, soos byvoorbeeld<br />

beskerming, afkamping en vashegting. Die maatskappy vervaardig<br />

‘n reeks spykers, wat regoor Suider-Afrika deur formele en informele<br />

bouers gebruik word.<br />

Maasdraad beveilig myntonnels, sifdraad beskerm skape en<br />

volstruise, doringdraad kamp vee en wild af, terwyl staaldraad<br />

‘n wingerdoplystelsel vir druiwe vorm. <strong>CWI</strong> se Veldspan® is een<br />

van die bekendste produkte op sy gebied en word deur verskeie<br />

Natuurbewarings Parkerade en Private wildsplase ingespan om<br />

natuurreservate te omhein.<br />

<strong>CWI</strong> se diens sluit in; omheiningsadvies aan boere, draadspan<br />

opleiding vir plaasarbeiders en herstel en instandhoudings advies,<br />

tegniese advies, wat deur ervare <strong>CWI</strong> personeel gelewer word, is ook<br />

beskikbaar.<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby


Consolidated Wire Industries, also known as <strong>CWI</strong>, co-owned<br />

by Arcelor MITTAL and SCAW Metals, is the premier producer<br />

of mild steel <strong>wire</strong> and <strong>wire</strong> <strong>products</strong> in South Africa. Its<br />

manufacturing plant situated in Vanderbijlpark has been<br />

operational since the early 1950’s and employs in excess of<br />

500 permanently employed staff. Our <strong>products</strong> conforms<br />

to national and international specifications and are sold<br />

in various countries around the world including, Africa,<br />

Europe, Far East, Middle East, Australia and Canada.<br />

The latest technology <strong>wire</strong>drawing machines are used to<br />

produce hard drawn <strong>wire</strong> suitable for applications such as<br />

the manufacturing of nails, core <strong>wire</strong> for welding rods, cold<br />

heading as well as steel wool <strong>wire</strong>.<br />

<strong>CWI</strong> also has two of the largest and most sophisticated<br />

<strong>wire</strong> galvanizing plants in South Africa which are capable<br />

of producing high volumes of <strong>wire</strong> per annum.<br />

Product Group<br />

Produk Groep<br />

Zinc Coating Capability / Sink Laag Bekwaamheid<br />

Consolidated Wire Industries, beter bekend as <strong>CWI</strong>, met<br />

mede-eienaars soos Arcelor MITTAL en SCAW Metals, is een<br />

van Suid Afrika se vooraanstaande vervaardigers van sagte<br />

staaldraad en draad produkte. <strong>CWI</strong> is al vanaf die vroë<br />

1950’s in werking en verskaf permanente poste aan meer<br />

as 500 werknemers by die vervaardigingsaanleg geleë in<br />

Vanderbijlpark. Ons produkte konformeer met nasionale<br />

sowel as internasionale spesifikasies en word in verskeie<br />

lande regoor die wêreld verkoop soos, Afrika, Verre Ooste,<br />

Midde Ooste, Australia and Kanada.<br />

Net die nuutste tegnologiese draadtrek masjienerie<br />

word gebruik om hard-getrekte draad te vervaardig wat<br />

beskikbaar is vir aanwendings soos die vervaardiging van<br />

spykers, kern draad vir sweis stafies, bout en moer draad<br />

sowel as staalwoldraad.<br />

<strong>CWI</strong> het ook twee van die grootste en mees gesofistikeerdste<br />

draad versinkingprosseserings aanlegte in Suid Afrika wat<br />

in staat is om hoë volumes draad per jaar te vervaardig.<br />

Diameter Range (mm)<br />

Deursnee Reeks (mm)<br />

Typical Minimum Zinc Mass (g/m²)<br />

Tipiese Minimum Sink Massa (g/m²)<br />

Light Galvanised Wire / Ligte Versinkte Draad 1.60 – 6.00 15 – 100*<br />

Heavy Galvanised Wire / Swaar Versinkte Draad 1.25 – 5.00 150 – 275*<br />

Extra Heavy Galvanised Wire / Ekstra Swaar Versinkte Draad 1.25 – 5.00 366min<br />

Diameter Range (mm)<br />

Deursnee Reeks (mm)<br />

Standard Tensile Strength Ranges (Galvanised Wire) / Standaard Treksterkte Bereik (Versinkte Draad)<br />

Typical UTS Ranges (MPa)<br />

Tipiese UTS Reekse (MPa)<br />

1.25 – 4.00 350 – 500<br />

400 – 550<br />

600 – 750<br />

700 – 850<br />

1050Min<br />

4. 50 – 6.00 350 – 500<br />

400 – 550<br />

600 – 750<br />

Diameter Range (mm)<br />

Deursnee Reeks (mm)<br />

* Minimum zinc mass is a function of the diameter and may be negotiated<br />

* Minimum sink massa is ‘n funksie van die deursnee en kan onderhandel word<br />

Typical Minimum Products<br />

Tipiese Minimum Produkte<br />

Cable armouring / Panserdraad<br />

Welded mesh / Gelaste gaas<br />

Welded mesh, fencing, industrial / Gelaste gaas, omheining, industrieël<br />

Fencing / Omheining<br />

Fencing / Omheining<br />

Cable armouring / Panserdraad<br />

Welded mesh / Gelaste gaas<br />

Welded mesh, fencing, industrial / Gelaste gaas, omheining, industrieël<br />

Note: Non standard tensile strengths may be negotiated<br />

Let wel: Nie-standaard treksterktes kan onderhandel word<br />

Standard Coil Configuration (Galvanised Wire) / Standaard Spoel Opset (Versinkte Draad)<br />

Coil ID & OD (mm)<br />

Spoel ID & OD (mm)<br />

Expected Coil Weight (kg)<br />

Verwagte Spoel Gewig (kg)<br />

1.25 – 1.50 450 – 780 150 – 500<br />

1.60 – 6.00 450 – 780<br />

600 – 800<br />

600 – 1000<br />

600 – 1000<br />

Note 1: Non standard coil dimensions could be negotiated<br />

Note 2: 1.25 - 2.50mm <strong>wire</strong> can be delivered in high speed pay-off carriers to customers within the borders of SA<br />

Let wel: Nie-standaard spoel afmetings kan onderhandel word<br />

Let wel: 1.25 - 2.50mm draad kan in hoë spoed afbetaalbare vervoerders afgelewer word by kliënte binne die grense van SA<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby 2

VELDSPAN ®<br />

• Veldspan® is available in rolls of 100m. Saves on<br />

erection costs.<br />

• Veldspan® is a pre-manufactured fence, and<br />

is therefore easy to erect. Saves on time and<br />

labour costs.<br />

• Few droppers are used when erecting Veldspan®.<br />

Saves on material costs. Some droppers are<br />

required for game fencing.<br />

• Veldspan® is the most suitable fencing for all<br />

types of animals, namely: Game, Large and Small<br />

Livestock as well as Boundary fencing. Only one<br />

type of fencing is required.<br />

• Wire does not snap in extreme weather conditions<br />

or when animals jump against it. Lower<br />

maintenance and repair costs. Steel or wooden<br />

droppers could be used.<br />




A tough fence able to withstand the strain of pressure<br />

and scuffing exerted against it by most of the smaller<br />

livestock. This fence is suitable for sheep, goats, pigs<br />

and lambs.<br />

3<br />


• Veldspan® is beskikbaar in 100m rolle wat<br />

oprigtingskoste bespaar.<br />

• Veldspan® word maklik opgerig omdat die hele<br />

omheining vooraf vervaardig is. Dit bespaar tyd<br />

en arbeidskoste.<br />

• Min sparre word gebruik met die oprigting van<br />

Veldspan®. Dit bespaar materiaal kostes. Daar<br />

word wel sparre by wildomheining benodig.<br />

• Veldspan® is die mees geskikte omheining vir alle<br />

soorte diere, naamlik: Wild, Groot en Klein<br />

Plaasdiere, asook Grensomheinings. Dit beteken<br />

dat net een tipe heining benodig word.<br />

• Drade breek nie in uiterste weersomstandighede<br />

of wanneer diere daarteen spring nie. Dit bespaar<br />

op instandhoudings- en herstel koste.<br />

• Ystersparre of Houtsparre kan gebruik word<br />



Recommended Pattern<br />

Voorgestelde Patroon<br />


Recommended Pattern<br />

Voorgestelde Patroon<br />


6 - 90 - 15<br />

6 - 90 - 30<br />

7 - 115 - 15<br />

7 - 115 - 30<br />

8 - 115 - 30<br />

9 - 99 - 15<br />

9 - 99 - 30<br />

10 - 119 - 15<br />

10 - 119 - 30<br />

6 - 90 - 15<br />

6 - 90 - 30<br />

7 - 115 - 15<br />

7 - 115 - 30<br />

8 - 115 - 30<br />

9 - 99 - 15<br />

9 - 99 - 30<br />

10 - 119 - 15<br />

10 - 119 - 30<br />

‘n Sterk heining wat in staat is om die gedruk en<br />

geskuur van klein plaasdiere te kan weerstaan. Die<br />

heining is geskik vir skape, bokke, varke en lammers.<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby



Recommended Pattern<br />

Voorgestelde Patroon<br />


The most economical fencing for larger livestock i.e.<br />

cattle and horses. Both Campspan® or Campeon®<br />

barbed <strong>wire</strong> could be used to raise the height of<br />

the fence if required. It also serves as an effective<br />

boundary fence.<br />

7 - 115 - 15<br />

7 - 115 - 30<br />

8 - 115 - 30<br />

VELDSPAN ®<br />

9 - 99 - 15<br />

9 - 99 - 30<br />

10 - 119 - 15<br />

10 - 119 - 30<br />

Die mees ekonomiese omheining vir groot plaasdiere<br />

soos beeste en perde. Beide Kampspan® of Campeon®<br />

doringdraad kan gebruik word om die hoogte van<br />

die heining te verhoog indien nodig. Dit vorm ook ‘n<br />

effektiewe grensomheining.<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby 4

VELDSPAN ®<br />


5<br />


Ideal for all security applications as VELDSPAN® does<br />

not unravel like diamond mesh when one <strong>wire</strong> is cut.<br />

It should be erected with a suitable security overhang<br />

of Campspan® or Campeon® barbed <strong>wire</strong> on top.<br />

Razor <strong>wire</strong> can also be incorporated. VELDSPAN®<br />

can also be combined with electrified strands of<br />

Veld® 1000 or Veld® 50/50 steel <strong>wire</strong>s to make a very<br />

effective barrier against man and beast.<br />


VELD<br />

Staaldrade/High Strain Wires<br />

Veld ® 1000<br />

Veld ® 50/50<br />

Veld ® Ovaal<br />

Recommended Pattern<br />

Voorgestelde Patroon<br />

13 - 188 - 15<br />

13 - 188 - 30<br />

14 - 211 - 15<br />

14 - 211 - 30<br />

All ll the equipment required to erect a fence is available from <strong>CWI</strong><br />

Alle oprigtingsgereedskap is verkrygbaar by <strong>CWI</strong><br />

NEW<br />

Extended Sizes<br />

Available<br />

16 - 244 - 15<br />

16 - 244 - 30<br />

New Extended Size<br />

Nuwe Verlengde Hoogtes<br />

Ideaal vir alle sekuriteitsaanwendings omdat<br />

VELDSPAN® nie ‘uitrafel’ soos ruitjiesmaasheining<br />

wanneer een draad geknip word nie. Dit behoort<br />

opgerig te word met ‘n geskikte veiligheidsoorhang<br />

van Kampspan® of Campeon® doringdraad of<br />

lemmetjiesdraad. VELDSPAN® kan ook maklik<br />

gekombineer word met geëlektrifiseerde Veld® 1000<br />

of Veld® 50/50 staaldraad om ‘n baie effektiewe<br />

skans teen mens en dier te vorm.<br />


A. Clamp Bar and 2 Wizard Strainers.<br />

Recommended for sizes up to<br />

10 - 119 - 15/30<br />

B. Clamp Bar and Winch Assembly.<br />

Recommended for larger sizes.<br />

A. Spanstaaf en 2 Wizard draadtrekkers.<br />

Voorgestel vir oprigting van groottes<br />

tot en met 10 - 119 - 15/30<br />

B. Spanstaaf en wenas kombinisasie.<br />

Voorsgestel vir groter groottes.<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby


Edge <strong>wire</strong> 3.06mm, 7.10kN (± 724kg)<br />

Line <strong>wire</strong> 2.24mm, 4.14kN (± 422kg)<br />

Stay <strong>wire</strong> 2.50mm, 1.96kN (± 200kg)<br />




Campspan® is versatile: Recommended for livestock,<br />

field and boundary fences.<br />

Wire 2 x 1.57 mm high tenstile <strong>wire</strong><br />

Barbs 2 x 1.49 mm high tenstile <strong>wire</strong><br />

Barb specification 4 points every 150 mm<br />

Barb length 9 mm to 15 mm<br />

Breaking strain 4.1 kN<br />

Roll mass 35 kg<br />

Roll length 845 m<br />

Zinc mass 230 g/m 2 (min)<br />

On request:<br />

Extra Heavy Galvanised 366g/m 2 can be achieved<br />



Raamdrade 3.06mm, 7.10kN (± 724kg)<br />

Lyn drade 2.24mm, 4.14kN (± 422kg)<br />

Stut drade 2.50mm, 1.96kN (± 200kg)<br />



AMPSPAN ®<br />

Kampspan® is veelsydig: Geskik vir veeheinings,<br />

landerye en grensdrade.<br />


Draad 2 x 1.57 mm staaldraad<br />

Dorings 2 x 1.49 mm staaldraad<br />

Doringspesifikasie 4 puntdorings elke 150 mm<br />

Doringlengte 9 mm to 15 mm<br />

Breekkrag 4.1 kN<br />

Rolmassa 35 kg<br />

Rollengte 845 m<br />

Masa sinkbedekking 230 g/m2 Op aanvraag:<br />

Ekstra Swaar Versink 366g/m2 kan bereik word<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby 6<br />

C<br />


HEXNET ®<br />

7<br />

Reverse Twist<br />

Trudraai<br />

Mesh size mm<br />

Maasgrootte mm<br />

13<br />

25<br />

50<br />

Height mm<br />

Hoogte mm<br />

600<br />

900<br />

1200<br />

1500<br />

1800<br />

2100<br />

2400<br />

2700<br />

3000<br />

3600<br />

Galvanising / Versinking<br />

Light / Lig SABS 935<br />

(Grade / Graad 3)<br />

Heavy / Swaar SABS 675<br />

Galvanising / Versinking<br />

Light / Lig SABS 935 (Grade / Graad 3)<br />

Heavy / Swaar SABS 675<br />

Mesh Construction / Maas Konstruksie<br />

Mesh size mm<br />

Maasgrootte mm<br />

40<br />

50<br />

63<br />

75<br />

100<br />

0.71mm<br />

0.90mm<br />

1.25mm<br />

1.60mm<br />

2.00mm<br />

2.50mm<br />

3.15mm<br />

4.00mm<br />

Width mm<br />

Wydte mm<br />

33<br />

600<br />

900<br />

1200<br />

1500<br />

1800<br />

Wire ø mm<br />

Draad ø mm<br />

1.80<br />

2.00<br />

2.50<br />

3.15<br />

4.00<br />

Single Twist<br />

Enkeldraai<br />

Mesh size mm<br />

Maasgrootte mm<br />


Aviary enclosures / Voëltjiedraad<br />

Chicken netting / Pluimveedraad<br />

Animal / poultry enclosures<br />

Omheinings vir kleindiere / pluimvee<br />

Jackal proofing / Jakkalsdraad<br />

Pig enclosures / Varkdraad<br />



* Not all configurations are<br />

necessarily available.<br />

* Alle samestellings<br />

is nie noodwendig<br />

beskikbaar nie.<br />


75<br />

90<br />

Dia 500g 5kg 5kg<br />

166m<br />

100m<br />

52m<br />

31m<br />

20m<br />

317m<br />

203m<br />

130m<br />

82m<br />

51m<br />

3170m<br />

2030m<br />

1399m<br />

819m<br />

508m<br />

13mm<br />

25mm<br />

50mm<br />

75mm<br />

90mm<br />

Zinc coating / Sinkdeklaag<br />

Light / Lig SABS 935 (Grade / Graad 3) Yes/Ja<br />

Heavy / Swaar SABS 675 Yes/Ja<br />

Roll length / Rollengte 30m<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby



Recommended Type<br />

Tipe<br />

Campeon ®<br />

Campeon ®<br />

Lite TM<br />

Iowa Super Strength TM<br />

Iowa Super Sterk TM<br />

Iowa<br />

Iowa Lite TM<br />

Champion ®<br />

224<br />

290<br />

200<br />

200<br />

250<br />

200<br />

250<br />

200<br />

200<br />

Nom Ø<br />

Nom Ø<br />

2.80 x 1.90 mm<br />

3.15 x 2.50 mm<br />

2.20 x 1.60 mm<br />

2 x 2.50 mm<br />

2 x 2.00 mm<br />

2 x 2.50 mm<br />

2 x 2.00 mm<br />

2 x 2.00 mm<br />

Length(m)<br />

Lengte(m)<br />

<strong>CWI</strong> brings you the IOWA Super Strength Barbed Wire which<br />

is stronger than most conventional mild steel barbed <strong>wire</strong>s,<br />

specially requested and designed for the farmer.<br />

Unlike conventional barbed <strong>wire</strong>, IOWA Super Strength<br />

has a better resistance against outdoor elements, including<br />

animals. A tough fence, nearly double the breaking strength<br />

of conventional Iowa Barbed Wire, able to withstand the strain<br />

of pressure and scuffing exerted against it by animals.<br />

IOWA Super Strength will serve as a very effective boundary<br />

fence suitable for all livestock. It could also be used to<br />

strengthen your existing fences by adding 2 or 3 strands.<br />

<strong>CWI</strong>’s Wire Products Division converts process <strong>wire</strong> to produce<br />

a wide variety of fencing and fastening <strong>products</strong> for supply to<br />

our clients in the farming, building, fencing contracting and<br />

mining sectors. Our extensive product range includes nails,<br />

mesh fencing, barbed <strong>wire</strong>, high-tensile fencing <strong>wire</strong> as well as<br />

<strong>wire</strong> for baling and binding.<br />

For the ultimate Super Strength , invest in <strong>CWI</strong>’s IOWA Super<br />

Strength Barbed Wire. The Farmers Choice!<br />


Mass(Kg)<br />

Massa(Kg)<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby<br />

Breaking<br />

strength<br />

Breekkrag<br />

Barb space<br />

Doring<br />

spasie<br />

(Nom)<br />

125 mm<br />

125 mm<br />

Champion ®<br />

224 2.80 x 1.90 mm 300<br />

12.4 4.15 kN 125 mm<br />

All barbs have 4 points / Alle dorings het 4 punte Galvanising Light / Versinking Lig / SABS 935 (Grade / Graad 3)<br />

Heavy / Swaar SABS 675<br />

Iowa Super StrengthTM Barbed Wire is stronger than most conventional mild steel barbed <strong>wire</strong> (line <strong>wire</strong>s are stronger)<br />

Iowa Super Sterk DoringdraadTM is sterker as konvensionele versinkte doringdraad (lyn drade is sterker)<br />

845<br />

515<br />

515<br />

845<br />

540<br />

400<br />

800<br />

270<br />

378<br />

540<br />

Conventional Iowa Barbed <strong>wire</strong> / Doringdraad 3.5 kN (+/- 360 Kg)<br />

Iowa Super Strength TM Barbed Wire / Super Sterk TM Doringdraad 5.8 kN (+/- 590 Kg)<br />

560<br />

515<br />

35<br />

35<br />

17.5<br />

28.5<br />

50<br />

25<br />

50<br />

25<br />

35<br />

50<br />

35<br />

17.5<br />

4.15 kN<br />

4.9 kN<br />

3.3 kN<br />

3.3 kN<br />

5.6 kN<br />

2.2 kN<br />

3.5 kN<br />

2.2 kN<br />

2.2 kN<br />

125 mm<br />

125 mm<br />

150 mm<br />

150 mm<br />

150 mm<br />

175 mm<br />

175 mm<br />

Barb dia<br />

Doring dia<br />

(Nom)<br />

1.60 mm<br />

1.80 mm<br />

1.60 mm<br />

1.60 mm<br />

1.80 mm<br />

1.80 mm<br />

1.80 mm<br />

1.80 mm<br />

1.80 mm<br />

1.60mm<br />

IOWA Super Sterk Doringdraad vervaardig deur <strong>CWI</strong>, bied<br />

nou ‘n baie sterker doringdraad as die meeste konvensionele<br />

versinkte doringdraad, spesiaal vervaardig op versoek van<br />

die boer.<br />

Anders as gewone doringdraad, bied IOWA Super Sterk ‘n<br />

hoër weerstand teen weersomstandighede sowel as diere. ‘n<br />

Sterk heining amper dubbel die breeksterkte van gewone IOWA<br />

Doringdraad wat in staat is om die druk en skuur van diere te<br />

kan weerstaan.<br />

IOWA Super Sterk sal dien as ‘n baie effektiewe grensheining<br />

geskik vir enige plaasdiere. Dit is ook geskik om u huidige<br />

omheining te versterk deur 2 of 3 additionele drade in te span.<br />

<strong>CWI</strong> se draadprodukte-afdeling omskep versinkte draad in ‘n<br />

groot verskeidenheid omheining en vashegtingsprodukte. Die<br />

produkte word gelewer aan ‘n wye verskeidenheid van kliënte<br />

wat onder meer boere, myne, bouers en draadoprigters insluit.<br />

Die maatskappy se wye reeks produkte sluit ook in ‘n reeks<br />

spykers, maasdraad vir die beveiliging van myntonnels, sifdraad<br />

vir die beskerming van skape en volstruise asook staaldraad vir<br />

wingerdopleidingstelsels.<br />

<strong>CWI</strong> se IOWA Super Sterk Doringdraad is die boer se<br />

eerste keuse!<br />


VELD ®<br />

AUTOBAAL ®<br />

9<br />

Nom ø<br />

Minimum breaking force/<br />

Minimum breekkrag<br />

Galvanising / Versinking:<br />

Light / Lig SABS 935 (Gr 3)<br />

Heavy / Swaar SABS 675<br />

Mass / Massa<br />

Roll length / Rollengte ( Nom)<br />


• Wire / Draad<br />

• Tolerance / Toleransie<br />

• Tensile Strength / Treksterkte<br />

• Elongation / Verlenging<br />

• Torsional Strength /<br />

Wringsterkte<br />

• Strapping / Hoepels<br />

• Packaging / Verpakking<br />

• Length / Rollengte<br />

• Mass per roll / Massa per rol<br />



50 / 50 Oval 1000<br />

2.00mm<br />

3.30kN<br />

Yes / Ja<br />

Yes / Ja<br />

50kg<br />

2100m<br />

2.00 / 2.65mm<br />

4.4 kN<br />

No / Nee<br />

Yes / Ja<br />

50kg<br />

1500m<br />

For automatic baling machines<br />

Vir outomatiese baalmasjiene<br />

1.90 mm<br />

± 0.05 mm<br />

345 MPa min<br />

12 % over / oor 200 mm min<br />

To withstand 40 twists over<br />

250 mm prior to fracture.<br />

Moet minstens 40 draaie<br />

weerstaan oor ‘n lengte van<br />

250 mm sonder om te breek.<br />

At least four ties<br />

Ten minste vier hoepels<br />

Plastic wrapped in cartons<br />

Plastiek verpak in kartonne<br />

2000 m<br />

45 kg<br />

2.24mm<br />

4.15kN<br />

Yes / Ja<br />

Yes / Ja<br />

50kg<br />

1650m<br />

Lengths and depths of Y/H standards available<br />

Lengtes en dieptes van Y/H lynpale beskikbaar<br />

Height of<br />

fence (mm)<br />

Hoogte van<br />

heining (mm)<br />

900<br />

1050<br />

1200<br />

1350 / 1400<br />

1800<br />

2400<br />

Min depth<br />

planted (mm)<br />

Min diepte<br />

geplant (mm)<br />

450<br />

450<br />

600<br />

650<br />

750<br />

650<br />

Treated poles<br />

Lenghts (mm)<br />

Behandelde pale<br />

Lengtes (mm)<br />

1500<br />

1500<br />

1800<br />

2100<br />

2700<br />

3300<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby<br />

Y / H<br />

standards<br />

Lengths (mm)<br />

Y / H paal<br />

Lengtes (mm)<br />

1400<br />

1550<br />

1850<br />

2150<br />

2750<br />


Round <strong>wire</strong> nail / Ronde-draadspyker<br />

Clout nail (electro-galvanised) / Plafon spyker (elektro-versink)<br />

Oval nail / Ovaal spyker<br />

Panel pin / Paneel spyker<br />

Steel cut floor nail / Staal gesnyde vloer spyker<br />

Steel fluted nail (electro-galvanised)<br />

Staal gegroefde spyker (elektro-versink)<br />

Galvanised roof screw / Versinkte dakskroef<br />

Galvanised <strong>wire</strong> staple / Versinkte draad krammetjie<br />

CCR & Tig Welding Rods General Purpose Electrode <strong>wire</strong> Sub-Arc Wire<br />

A.) C.)<br />

B.)<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Farm Gate /<br />

Plaas Hek<br />

Boere Gate /<br />

Boere Hek<br />

Auction Gate /<br />

Vendusie Hek<br />

A: Stays / Pypstutte<br />

B: Fencing Post with<br />

Cap and Base Plate /<br />

Heining Paal met<br />

Voetstuk<br />




*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby 10

EXPORTS DEPARTMENT : 6 Telford Street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, South Africa • P O Box 102, Vanderbijlpark, 1900, South Africa<br />

Tel: +27 (0)16 980 3153 / 57 / 54 / 56 • Fax: +27 (0)16 980 3178 • Email: sielie@cwi-<strong>wire</strong>.co.za<br />

VANDERBIJLPARK BRANCH : 6 Telford Street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, South Africa • P O Box 102, Vanderbijlpark, 1900, South Africa<br />

Tel: +27 (0)16 980 3150 • Fax: +27 (0)16 980 3291 • Email: sales@cwi-<strong>wire</strong>.co.za<br />

DURBAN BRANCH : 149 Chamberlain Road, Jacobs, 4026, South Africa • P O Box 85, UMBOGINTWINI, 4120, South Africa<br />

Deliveries: 40 Milner St Jacobs, 4026, South Africa<br />

Tel: +27 (0)31 461 1151 / 60 / 63 • Fax: +27 (0)31 461 1177 • Email: cwidbn@cwi-<strong>wire</strong>.co.za<br />

EAST LONDON BRANCH : Promat Warehouse, 367 Phillip Frame Road, Chiselhurst, 5247, South Africa<br />

P O Box 3409, CAMBRIDGE, 5206, South Africa<br />

Tel: +27 (0)43 726 1146 • Fax: +27 (0)43 726 1134 • Email: gert@cwi-<strong>wire</strong>.co.za<br />

POLOKWANE BRANCH : 15 Sixth Avenue, Industria, 0699, South Africa • P O Box 2040, POLOKWANE, 0700, South Africa<br />

Tel: +27 (0)15 297 3593 / 6 / 7 • Fax: +27 (0)15 297 3710 • Email: trudi@cwi-<strong>wire</strong>.co.za<br />

PORT ELIZABETH BRANCH : 19B Reed Street, North End, 6001, South Africa • P O Box 2542, NORTH END, 6056, South Africa<br />

Tel: +27 (0)41 487 1812 / 1848 • Fax: +27 (0)41 487 2784 • Email: shaunb@cwi-<strong>wire</strong>.co.za<br />

CAPE TOWN BRANCH : 9 Kariga Street, Kaymor Industry, Stikland, South Africa • P O Box 1344, SANLAMHOF, 6532 , South Africa<br />

Tel: +27 (0)21 948 1920 • Fax: +27 (0)21 948 1921 • Email: tommie@cwi-<strong>wire</strong>.co.za<br />

www.cwi-<strong>wire</strong>.com<br />

*All specifications are approximate *Alle spesifikasies is naastenby<br />

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