BIOFILM® - Nulandis

BIOFILM® - Nulandis BIOFILM® - Nulandis


Read the label carefully before opening BIOFILM® WATER SOLUBLE ADJUVANT Contains Anionic, Nonionic Components Reg. No. L3684, Act No.36 of 1947 Namibian Reg. No. N-AR 0828 A water soluble wetter, spreader and sticker for improving the retention and adhesion of water soluble and wettable powders as well as suspension concentrate pesticides. UN NUMBER 1992 ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Wetting agents, fatty acids, glycol ethers, spreading agents ............................................................ 976 g/ℓ MANUFACTURED AND REGISTERED BY: Gouws & Scheepers Reg. No. 1954/003213/07 Trading as PLAASKEM P O BOX 14418 WITFIELD 1467 ® Registered Trademark Plaaskem (Pty) Ltd UN number: 1992 – Flammable liquids, Toxic n.o.s. BIOFILM is an adjuvant consisting of a combination of nonionic and anionic components, designed to improve the retention, wetting, spreading and adhesion of insecticidal, acaricidal and fungicidal deposits under adverse weather conditions. BIOFILM will enhance the suspensibility of most wettable powders, suspension concentrates and water dispersable granules after addition to the spray tank. BIOFILM is extremely effective in ensuring adequate distribution of spray material over difficult to wet, waxy plant surfaces (onions, cole-crops, etc.), and at the same time decreases unnecessarily high spray run-off. BIOFILM forms an insoluble, non-drying film which is capable of re-wetting and redistribution after fog, heavy dew or light rain. BIOFILM reduces the possibility of chemical damage to plants by exceptionally even distribution of spray materials. WARNINGS: Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals and store away from food and feedstuff. Although this adjuvant has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions the registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal climatic and storage conditions, quality of dilution water, compatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the pest or disease against the pesticide used as well as by the method, time and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal or for lack of performance of the adjuvant concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier in the event of any uncertainty. PRECAUTIONS: Avoid prolonged contact with concentrate. Eye irritation may be caused. In the case of contact with eyes, flush immediately with water for at least 15 minutes. Prevent contamination of eating utensils, food, drinking water and feeds. Destroy empty container and do not use it for any other purpose.

Read the label carefully before opening<br />

<strong>BIOFILM®</strong><br />


Contains Anionic, Nonionic Components<br />

Reg. No. L3684, Act No.36 of 1947<br />

Namibian Reg. No. N-AR 0828<br />

A water soluble wetter, spreader and sticker for improving the retention and adhesion of water soluble and wettable powders<br />

as well as suspension concentrate pesticides.<br />

UN NUMBER 1992<br />


Wetting agents, fatty acids, glycol ethers, spreading agents ............................................................ 976 g/ℓ<br />


Gouws & Scheepers<br />

Reg. No. 1954/003213/07<br />

Trading as PLAASKEM<br />

P O BOX 14418<br />


1467<br />

® Registered Trademark Plaaskem (Pty) Ltd<br />

UN number: 1992 – Flammable liquids, Toxic n.o.s.<br />

BIOFILM is an adjuvant consisting of a combination of nonionic and anionic components, designed to improve the retention,<br />

wetting, spreading and adhesion of insecticidal, acaricidal and fungicidal deposits under adverse weather conditions.<br />

BIOFILM will enhance the suspensibility of most wettable powders, suspension concentrates and water dispersable<br />

granules after addition to the spray tank.<br />

BIOFILM is extremely effective in ensuring adequate distribution of spray material over difficult to wet, waxy plant surfaces<br />

(onions, cole-crops, etc.), and at the same time decreases unnecessarily high spray run-off.<br />

BIOFILM forms an insoluble, non-drying film which is capable of re-wetting and redistribution after fog, heavy dew or light<br />

rain.<br />

BIOFILM reduces the possibility of chemical damage to plants by exceptionally even distribution of spray materials.<br />


Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals and store away from food and feedstuff.<br />

Although this adjuvant has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions the registration holder does<br />

not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because the action and effect thereof may be affected by<br />

factors such as abnormal climatic and storage conditions, quality of dilution water, compatibility with other<br />

substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the pest or disease against the pesticide<br />

used as well as by the method, time and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not<br />

accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal or for lack of<br />

performance of the adjuvant concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the<br />

occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier in<br />

the event of any uncertainty.<br />


Avoid prolonged contact with concentrate. Eye irritation may be caused. In the case of contact with eyes, flush immediately<br />

with water for at least 15 minutes. Prevent contamination of eating utensils, food, drinking water and feeds.<br />

Destroy empty container and do not use it for any other purpose.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed.<br />

Mix BIOFILM thoroughly with water before adding pesticides.<br />

Do not use BIOFILM together wit foliar feeds or materials containing water soluble metallic salts<br />

To ensure optimum pesticide performance, the rate of BIOFILM must be adjusted according to the volume of application<br />

(ground, aerial or concentrate) and the plant surface to be sprayed (waxy or hairy).<br />



High volume ground spraying<br />

(2 000 - 4 000 ℓ water/ha)<br />

Concentrate spraying (low volume)<br />

(500 - 1 000 ℓ water/ha)<br />

Conventional ground spraying<br />

(200 - 500 ℓ water/ha)<br />

Aerial spraying<br />

(25 - 45 ℓ water/ha)<br />


25 mℓ<br />

25 - 50 mℓ<br />

50 mℓ<br />

125 mℓ

<strong>BIOFILM®</strong><br />


Bevat Anioniese, nie-ioniese komponente<br />

Reg. Nr. L3684, Wet Nr. 36 van 1947<br />

Namibiese Reg. Nr. N-AR 0828<br />

‘n Wateroplosbare benatter, verspreider en kleefmiddel vir verbeterde behoud- en kleefvermoë van wateroplosbare en<br />

benatbare poeiers asook suspensiekonsentraat plaagbeheermiddels.<br />

UN NOMMER: 1992<br />


Benattingsmiddels, vetsure, glikoleter, verspreidingsmiddels ....................................................... 976 g/ℓ<br />


Gouws & Scheepers (EDMS) Bpk<br />

Reg. No. 1954/003213/07<br />

Handeldrywend as PLAASKEM<br />

POSBUS 14418<br />


1467<br />

® Geregistreerde Handelsmerk Plaaskem (Edms) Bpk<br />

UN number: 1992 – Flammable liquids, Toxic n.o.s.<br />

BIOFILM is ‘n bevorderingsmiddel wat uit ‘n kombinasie van nie-ioniese en anioniese komponente bestaan, ontwerp om<br />

die behoud, benatting, sprei en kleef van insekdoder-, mytdoder- en swamdoderspuitneerslae onder ongunstige<br />

weerstoestande te verbeter.<br />

BIOFILM sal die suspendeerbaarheid van meeste benatbare poeiers, suspensie konsentrate en water dispergeerbare<br />

korrels verbeter nadat dit by die spuittenk gevoeg word.<br />

BIOFILM is besonder doeltreffend om eweredige verspreiding van spuitmateriaal op moeilik benatbare, wasagtige<br />

plantoppervlaktes (uie, koolgewasse, ens.) te verseker en terselfdertyd onnodig hoë spuitafloop te verminder.<br />

BIOFILM vorm ‘n onoplosbare, nie-droënde film wat tot herbenatting en herverspreiding na mis, swaar dou en ligte reën<br />

in staat is.<br />

BIOFILM verminder deur sy uiters gelykmatige verspreiding van spuitmateriaal die moontlikheid van chemiese<br />

beskadiging van plante.<br />


Hou buite bereik van kinders, oningeligte persone en diere en bêre weg van voedsel en voer.<br />

Alhoewel hierdie bevorderingsmiddel omvattend onder ‘n groot verskeidenheid toestande getoets is, waarborg<br />

die registrasiehouer nie dat dit onder alle omstandighede doeltreffend sal wees nie, aangesien die werking en<br />

effek daarvan beïnvloed kan word deur faktore soos abnormale klimaats- en bergingstoestande, deur kwaliteit<br />

van verdunningswater, verenigbaarheid met ander stowwe wat nie op die etiket aangedui is nie en die voorkoms<br />

van weerstand van die plaag of siekte teen die plantbeskermingsmiddel wat gebruik is, sowel as deur die<br />

metode, tyd en akkuraatheid van toediening. Verder aanvaar die registrasiehouer nie verantwoordelikheid vir<br />

skade aan gewasse, plantegroei, die omgewing of vir nadelige effek op mens of dier of vir ‘n gebrek aan<br />

prestasie van die bevorderingsmiddel as gevolg van die versuim van die gebruiker om die etiketaanwysings na<br />

te kom, of as gevolg van die ontstaan van toestande wat nie kragtens die registrasie voorsien kon word nie.<br />

Raadpleeg die verskaffer in die geval van enige onsekerheid.<br />


Vermy langdurige kontak met die konsentraat aangesien oogirritasie mag voorkom. In die geval van kontak met oë,<br />

spoel onmiddellik uit met water vir minstens 15 minute. Voorkom besoedeling van eetgerei, voedsel, drinkwater en voer.<br />

Vernietig die leë houer en moet dit vir geen ander doel gebruik nie.<br />

GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS: Gebruik slegs soos aangedui.<br />

Meng BIOFILM deeglik met water voor byvoeging van plaagbeheermiddels.<br />

Moet nie BIOFILM saam met blaarvoedingsmiddels of middles wat oplosbare metaalsout bevat, gebruik nie.<br />

Om optimale plaagdoder doeltreffendheid te behaal, moet die dosis van BIOFILM volgens toedieningsvolume (grond, lug<br />

of konsentraat) en tipe bespuite plantoppervlakte (was- of haaragtig) aangepas word.<br />



Hoëvolume grondbespuiting<br />

(2 000 - 4 000 ℓ water/ha)<br />

Konsentraatbespuiting (lae volume)<br />

(500 - 1 000 ℓ water/ha)<br />

Konvensionele grondbespuiting<br />

(200 - 500 ℓ water/ha)<br />

Lugbespuiting<br />

(25 - 45 ℓ water/ha)<br />


25 mℓ<br />

25 - 50 mℓ<br />

50 mℓ<br />

125 mℓ

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