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oscillation range of 5˚ and processed using Denzo 9 . The reflections were merged with<br />

Scalepack. All the frames could be indexed using a primitive trilinic lattice. The<br />

structure was solved by direct methods using SHELXS-97 10 . Least-squares refinement<br />

using SHELXL-97 10 with isotropic displacement parameters for all the non-hydrogen<br />

atoms converged the residual to 0.1999. Subsequent refinements were carried out with<br />

anisotropic thermal parameters for the non-hydrogen atoms. After eight cycles of<br />

refinement the residuals converged to 0.0578. The hydrogen atoms were fixed at<br />

chemically acceptable positions, and were allowed to ride on their parent atoms.<br />

5.5 Results and discussion:<br />

The details of crystal data and refinement are given in Table 1. The bond lengths and<br />

bond angles of all the non-hydrogen atoms (Table 2 and 3.) and are in good agreement<br />

with the standard values 10 . Figure 1 represents the ORTEP 12 diagram of the molecule<br />

with thermal ellipsoids drawn at 50% probability.<br />

In the title compound C33H27NO3, the 1,4-dihydropyridine ring is in boat<br />

conformation, with atoms N1 and C4 deviating from the plane 13 (Cremer and Pople,<br />

1975) defined by the atoms N1/C2/C3/C4/C5/C6 by 0.1793(2)Å and 0.271(2)Å,<br />

respectively. The 1,4-dihydropyridine ring is puckered. The puckering parameters are<br />

Q = 0.406(2)Å, θ =106.0(3)˚ and Φ =2.4(3)˚. The dihedral angle between the least<br />

squares planes of the ring 1 and 2 is 87.70(1)˚, indicating that the ring 2 is nearly<br />

orthogonal to the dihydropyridine ring. The dihedral angles between the plane (1,3),<br />

(1,4) and (3,4) are 60.74(1)˚, 53.54˚ and 79.49˚, respectively. The structural<br />

conformation of carbomyl groups at C3 and C5 position is described by the torsion<br />

angle values of 50.09˚ and 161.10˚ and have -syn-periplanar and -anti-periplanr<br />

conformations. The structure exhibits coplanarity of the carbomyl group (C=O) with<br />

the conjugated double bond of the 1,4-dihydropyridine ring. The structure exhibit<br />

both inter and intramolecular hydrogen bonds of the type N–H. . .O and C–H. . .O, the<br />

hydrogen bonds bind the molecules into infinite one- dimensional chain. The<br />

observed hydrogen bonds are listed in Table 4. The packing of the molecules down b<br />

axis is shown in the Figure 2.

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