private school melkbosstrand private school / privaatskool

private school melkbosstrand private school / privaatskool

private school melkbosstrand private school / privaatskool


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Application Date<br />

Aansoekdatum<br />

…………………………….......<br />

P.O. Box 441<br />

Melkbosstrand 7437<br />

Telephone (021) 5531530 1530<br />

5531530<br />

Fax (021) 5530610<br />

(021) 5530610<br />

info@melkbos<strong>private</strong>.co.za<br />



A APPLICATION FORM / AANSOEKVORM (1/2013) (1/201<br />

Date Of Desired Enrolment<br />

Datum waarop toegang verlang word ……………………….<br />

Surname<br />

Van ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Full Names<br />

Volle voorname ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….<br />

Nickname<br />

Noemnaam …………………………………………………<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………….<br />

Identity Number (As On Birth Certificate)<br />

Identiteitsnommer (Soos op geboortesertifikaat)<br />

eboortesertifikaat)<br />

Date Of Birth<br />

Geboortedatum …………………………………………………….<br />

Home Language<br />

Huistaal ...………………………….<br />

Cell Number<br />

Selfoonnommer …………………………………………<br />

Living With<br />

By wie woon kind ……………………..<br />

Country Of Origin<br />

Land van oorsprong orsprong ………………………………….......<br />

Previous School’s Name<br />

Naam van vorige skool …………………… Tel: ……………………………..<br />

Last Grade<br />

Laaste Graad ……………………………<br />

Liable For Account:<br />

Aanspreeklik vir rekening<br />

Marital Status<br />

Huwelikstaat …………………………………………….<br />

Who must receive SMS’s<br />

Wie moet SMS’e ontvang<br />

www.melkbos<strong>private</strong>.co.za<br />

Other Siblings In MPS<br />

Ander kkinders<br />

In MPS …………………………………………….<br />

Years In Grade<br />

Jare in ggraad<br />

……………………...<br />

info@melkbos<strong>private</strong><br />

elkbos<strong>private</strong>.co.za<br />

Grade<br />

Graad ………………………………………………………………….<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………….<br />

Race<br />

Ras ……………………………………<br />

Father<br />

Vader<br />

Father<br />

Vader<br />

Gender<br />

Geslag ……………………………………………………………….<br />

Religion<br />

Geloof ……………………………………...<br />

Email Address<br />

E-posadres dres …………………………………………………………………..<br />

Immigrants Only<br />

Immigrante Alleenlik<br />

Arrival Date In South Africa<br />

Datum gearriveer in Suid-Afrika Afrika ……………………………………….<br />

Scholastic Information<br />

Skolastiese Inligting<br />

Financial Information<br />

Finansiële Inligting<br />

Receive SMS’s<br />

Ontvang SMS’e<br />

Date Left<br />

Datum verlaat erlaat ………………………………………………..<br />

Mother<br />

Moeder<br />

Mother<br />

Moeder<br />

Starting Date At MPS<br />

Begindatum by b MPS …………………………<br />

Yes/Ja<br />

Toelatingsnr. …………...<br />

Pastel Nr ...…………<br />

Goedgekeur Ja[ ] / Nee [ ]<br />

Posbus 441<br />

Melkbosstrand 7437<br />

Telefoon (021)<br />

Faks<br />

Grade<br />

Graad ………………….<br />

Guardian<br />

Voog<br />

No/Nee<br />

Both<br />




Surname<br />

Van ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

First Names<br />

Voorname ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….<br />

Title<br />

Titel ………………………………………..<br />

Home Telephone Number<br />

Huistelefoonnommer ………………………………………<br />

Cell phone Number<br />

Selfoonnommer …………………………………………….<br />

Identity Number<br />

Identiteitsnommer …………………………………………………………………………..<br />

Work Telephone Number<br />

Werktelefoonnommer ……………………………………………<br />

Email Address<br />

E-posadres …………………………………………………………<br />

Postal Address<br />

Posadres: ………………….…………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………...<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………….....…….. Postal Code / Poskode:……………<br />

Physical Address<br />

Fisiese adres …………………………….………………….…………………………..…………………………………………………….<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………….....…….. Postal Code / Poskode:……………<br />

Occupation<br />

Beroep ………………………………………………………..<br />


Company<br />

Maatskappy ……………………………………………………….<br />

Surname<br />

Van .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

First Names<br />

Volle voorname ………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Title<br />

Titel …………………………………………<br />

Home Telephone Number<br />

Huistelefoonnommer ………………………………………<br />

Cellphone Number<br />

Selfoonnommer …………………………………………….<br />

Identity Number<br />

Identiteitsnommer .…………………………………………………………………………<br />

Work Telephone Number<br />

Werktelefoonnommer ……………………………………………<br />

Email Address<br />

E-posadres …………………………………………………………<br />

Postal Address<br />

Posadres: ……………………………….….………………………………………………………………………………………………..<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………….....…….. Postal Code / Poskode:……………<br />

Physical Address<br />

Fisiese adres ………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………..<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………….....…….. Postal Code / Poskode:……………<br />

Occupation<br />

Beroep ……………………………………………………..<br />

Company<br />

Maatskappy ……………………………………………………….


FAMILY MEMBER( closest relationship in SA not living with you)<br />

FAMILIELID ( naaste verwantskap in SA wat nie by u bly nie)<br />

Surname<br />

Van .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

First Names<br />

Volle voorname ………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Title<br />

Titel …………………………………………<br />

Home Telephone Number<br />

Huistelefoonnommer ………………………………………<br />

Cellphone Number<br />

Selfoonnommer …………………………………………….<br />

Identity Number<br />

Identiteitsnommer .…………………………………………………………………………<br />

Work Telephone Number<br />

Werktelefoonnommer ……………………………………………<br />

Email Address<br />

E-posadres …………………………………………………………<br />

Postal Address<br />

Posadres: ……………………………….….………………………………………………………………………………………………..<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………….....…….. Postal Code / Poskode:……………<br />

Physical Address<br />

Fisiese adres ………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………..<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………….....…….. Postal Code / Poskode:……………<br />

EMPLOYER –Main income earner/WERKGEWER – Primêre broodwinner<br />

Name of company/<br />

Naam van maatskappy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Physical Address<br />

Fisiese adres ………………………….………………….…………………………..…………………………………………………….<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………….....…….. Postal Code / Poskode:……………<br />

Telephone Number<br />

Telefoonnommer ………………………………………<br />

Period in service (years & months)<br />

Tydperk in diens (jare & maande)……………………….<br />

Position<br />

Beroep ………………………………………<br />

Fax Number<br />

Faksnommer……………………………………………<br />

Personnel /staff number<br />

Personeelnommer…………………………………………….<br />

EMPLOYER –Second income earner/WERKGEWER – Sekondêre broodwinner<br />

Name of company/<br />

Naam van maatskappy ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Physical Address<br />

Fisiese adres …………………………….………………….…………………………..………………………………………………….<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………….....…….. Postal Code / Poskode:…………<br />

Telephone Number<br />

Telefoonnommer ………………………………………<br />

Period in service (years & months)<br />

Tydperk in diens (jare & maande)……………………….<br />

Position<br />

Beroep ………………………………………<br />

Fax Number<br />

Faksnommer……………………………………………<br />

Personnel /staff number<br />




Gross income<br />

Bruto Inkomste ......................................................................<br />

Commision<br />

Kommissie .............................................................................<br />

Allowances<br />

Toelaes .................................................................................<br />

Other income<br />

Ander inkomste ...................................................................<br />

Total<br />

Totaal: R............................................................................<br />

Mortgage/Rent<br />

Verband/Huur .............................................................................<br />

Vehicle Leaser<br />

Voertuigbruikhuurpaaiemente ..............................................<br />

Personal loans repayments<br />

Persoonlike leningterugbetalings ...........................................<br />

Credit card payments<br />

Kredietkaartbetalings ..............................................................<br />

Property rates, taxes, W&E<br />

Eiendomsbelasting, W&L ..........................................................<br />

Policies – D/O, premiums<br />

Polisse – D/O, premies ..............................................................<br />

Furniture, Clothing accounts<br />

Meubels-, Klererekeninge ........................................................<br />

Telephone/Mobile<br />

Telefoon/Selfoon.......................................................................<br />

Groceries<br />

Kruideniersware .........................................................................<br />

Education<br />

Opvoeding...............................................................................<br />

Medical Aid<br />

Mediesefonds..........................................................................<br />

Transport , Fuel etc<br />

Vervoer, brandstof ens. .........................................................<br />

Overdraft repayments<br />

Oortrokkerekening terugbetalings .........................................<br />

Other<br />

Ander........................................................................................<br />

Total<br />

Totaal: R ............................................................<br />

*Please Please Please Please attach attach attach attach a a a a copy copy copy copy of of of of your your your your salary salary salary salary advise advise advise advise and and and and 3333 month’s month’s month’s month’s bank bank bank bank statement statementssss..../Heg statement statement /Heg /Heg /Heg aasssssssseeeebbbblief<br />

aa<br />

lief lief lief ‘n ‘n ‘n ‘n afskrif afskrif afskrif afskrif van van van van u u u u<br />

salariss salarisstrokie<br />

salariss salarisstrokie<br />

trokie trokie en en en en 3333 maand maande maand maande<br />

e e sssseeee bankstat bankstateeee bankstat bankstat aan. aan. aan. aan.<br />

*If *If *If *If you you you you are are are are a a a a business business business business owner, owner, owner, owner, please please please please provide provide provide provide us us us us with with with with a a a a letter letter letter letter from from from from your your your your accountant accountant accountant accountant stating stating stating stating your your your your income. income. income. income.<br />

Indien Indien Indien Indien u u u u u u u u eie eie eie eie besigheid besigheid besigheid besigheid besit, besit, besit, besit, word word word word u u u u versoek versoek versoek versoek om om om om asseblief asseblief asseblief asseblief ‘n ‘n ‘n ‘n brief brief brief brief van van van van u u u u boekhouer boekhouer boekhouer boekhouer aan aan aan aan te te te te heg heg heg heg wat wat wat wat u u u u<br />

inkomste inkomste inkomste inkomste bevestig. bevestig. bevestig. bevestig.<br />

Banking Details:<br />

Bankbesonderhede:<br />

Account name:<br />

Rekeningnaam: Melkbosstrand Private School<br />

Bank: Standard Bank<br />

Branch / Tak: 022209 (Bayside)<br />

Current Account no:<br />

Lopende rekeningnr.: 271210346<br />

Reference: Learner’s Surname and Name<br />

Verwysing: Leerder se van en naam

E.<br />

C<br />


The admission of learners is at the sole discretion of the MPS Rector and is subject to:<br />

1. Signing of code of conduct by parent/s or guardian and High School students.<br />

2. Signing of indemnity form and financial agreement.<br />

3. Evaluation of learner by educator for <strong>school</strong> readiness (where applicable)<br />

4. Interview with parents and student where applicable.<br />

5. Copies of I.D. document and previous <strong>school</strong> EMIS transfer form/<strong>school</strong> report.<br />

6. ITC reference check and verification of financial information provided.<br />

7. Payment of the 2013 enrolment fee.<br />

Note: The above documents (1 & 2 ) shall be made available upon receipt of the enrolment fee.<br />

Die toelating van leerders sal volgens die diskresie van die MPS Rektor alleenlik, geskied, en is onderhewig aan die volgende:<br />

1. Ondertekening van gedragskode deur ouer/s of voog en hoërskoolleerders.<br />

2. Ondertekening van die vrywaringsvorm en finansiële ooreenkoms.<br />

3. Evalueringsessie met leerkrag vir skoolgereedheid (waar van toepassing)<br />

4. Onderhoud met ouers en student waar van toepassing.<br />

5. Afskrif van identiteitsdokument en vorige skool se EMIS oordragvorm/skoolverslag.<br />

6. ITC verwysings en bevestiging van finansiële inligting wat voorsien word.<br />

7. Betaling van die 2013 inskrywingsfooi.<br />

Nota: Bogenoemde dokumente (1&2 ) sal aan u beskikbaar gestel word met ontvangs van die inskrywingsfooi.<br />


Fee Structure:<br />

Betalingstruktuur YEAR<br />

Enrolment Fee :<br />

Inskrywingsgeld:<br />

School Fees:<br />

Skoolgeld<br />

Grade/Graad 0000 - 12<br />

Grade/Graad 0000 – R<br />

Grade/Graad 1 – 6<br />

R 16 500.00<br />

Once<br />

off/Eenmalig<br />

Annual/Jaarliks<br />

Annual/Jaarliks<br />

2012<br />

(Valid till 31/08)<br />

(Geldig tot 31/08)<br />

Gr. 0000 - R R5 000.00<br />

Gr. 1 – 6 R5 000.00<br />

Gr. 7 – 12 R7 500.00<br />

R19 900.00<br />

R25 900.00<br />

2013<br />

(Effective/Effektief<br />

1 Sept 2012)<br />

Gr. 0000 - R R5 500.00<br />

Gr. 1 – 6 R5 500.00<br />

Gr. 7 – 12 R8 250.00<br />

R 21 800.00<br />

R 28 400.00<br />

Grade /Graad 7 - 12 Annual/Jaarliks R33 800.00 R 37 000.00<br />

After Care Fees: Grade/Graad 0000-R Month / Maand R805.00 (till 14:30)/<br />

R1105.00 (till 18:00)<br />

Nasorggeld: Grade/Graad 1 – 6 Month/Maand R640.00 (till 14:30)<br />

R1130.00 (till 18:00)<br />

Music/Musiek: Term/Kwartaal R890.00<br />

Drums/Dromme: Term/Kwartaal R970.00<br />

Payment Options for<br />

2013<br />

Betalingsopsies vir 2013<br />

Consumables/<br />

Verbruiksgoedere<br />

(annual in advance/<br />

jaarliks vooruit)<br />

Annual School fees paid in<br />

advancel<br />

Jaarlikse skoolfooie<br />

vooruitbetaling<br />

Debit order (12 months)/<br />

Debietorder (12 mnde.)<br />

Admin fee for late<br />

payments<br />

Admin. fooi vir laat<br />

betalings<br />

if paid by 20 Sept 2012 - 8.5%<br />

indien betaal teen 20 Sept 2012 – 8.5%<br />

if paid by 20 Oct 2012 – 5%<br />

indien betaal teen 20 Okt 2012 – 5%<br />

if paid by 20 Nov 2012 – 2.5%<br />

indien betaal teen 20 Nov 2012 – 2.5%<br />

Before the 3rd of every month<br />

Voor die 3 de van elke maand<br />

After 3rd of month<br />

Na die 3de van die maand<br />

Grade/Graad 0000 – R R 650.00<br />

Grade/Graad 1 – 3 R 380.00<br />

Grade/Graad 4 – 6 R 575.00<br />

Grade 7 - 12 R 225.00<br />

Gr.0000–R<br />

Gr. 1 - 6<br />

Gr. 7 - 12<br />

Gr. 0000–R<br />

Gr. 1 – 6<br />

Gr. 7 - 12<br />

Gr. 0000–R<br />

Gr. 1 – 6<br />

Gr. 7 – 12<br />

Gr.000 – R<br />

Gr. 1 – 6<br />

Gr. 7 - 12<br />

R 19 950.00<br />

R 25 990.00<br />

R 33 855.00<br />

R 20 710.00<br />

R 26 980.00<br />

R 35 150.00<br />

R 21 255.00<br />

R 27 690.00<br />

R 36 075.00<br />

R1 820.00 pm<br />

R2 370.00 pm<br />

R3 090.00 pm<br />



I/We, the undersigned ……………………………………………………. ………………….<br />

Identity Number …………………………………………………………………………<br />

residing at ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….<br />

do hereby acknowledge that I/we will be responsible for the payment of <strong>school</strong> fees in respect of:<br />

I will pay as follows:<br />

…………………………………..……………………………………………. ( learner )<br />

I/We confirm that this agreement is binding despite changes to my/our marital status, or any terms of settlement, which<br />

may arise from a divorce agreement.<br />

I/We, further agree, that in the event of me/our failing to pay <strong>school</strong> fees by the due date, I/we will be liable for all<br />

attorney and own-client charges incurred by MELKBOSSTRAND PRIVATE SCHOOL, to recover such fees, which costs shall<br />

include collection, commission and agents tracing fees.<br />

Enrolment fees payable on application will be refundable as follows:<br />

• if your child does not attend this <strong>school</strong>, the enrolment fee will only be refunded in the December of the year in<br />

which your child would have been enrolled at this <strong>school</strong> and 3 month’s <strong>school</strong> fees will be deducted from the<br />

enrolment fee.<br />

• within 1 st 6 months – fully refundable; (refunds will only be done in December and where adequate notice is<br />

given)<br />

• after 6 months attendance the refundable amount will be nil.<br />

When leaving the <strong>school</strong> a 3-month written notice is required. Shorter notice would require the payment of the<br />

following 3 months <strong>school</strong> fees. Refunds will be made if applicable.<br />


Ek/Ons, die ondergetekende ………………………………………………………………….<br />

Identiteitsnommer ……………….………………………………………………….<br />

woonagtig te …………………………………………………………………..….…………………………………..……….<br />

erken hiermee dat ons verantwoordelik is vir die betaling van skoolgelde ten opsigte van:<br />

Ek sal as volg betaal:<br />

Advanced Advanced payment<br />

payment<br />

Debit Debit Order<br />

Order<br />

…………………………………..……………………………………………. (leerder )<br />

Vooruitbetaling<br />

Vooruitbetaling<br />

Vooruitbetaling<br />

Debietorder<br />

Debietorder<br />

Ek/Ons bevestig verder dat die onderneming bindend sal wees, ongeag veranderinge in my/ons huwelikstatus, of enige<br />

skikkingsooreenkoms wat uit ‘n egskeidingsbevel mag vloei.<br />

Ek/Ons stem verder toe, dat sou ons versuim om enige skoolgelde deur ons verskuldig te betaal, ek/ons ook<br />

verantwoordelik sal wees vir alle prokureurskoste op ‘n kliënt-prokureur skaal soos deur MELKBOSSTRAND PRIVAATSKOOL<br />

teen ons aangegaan, asook invorderingskommissie en enige opsporingsfooie.<br />

Inskrywingsfooie is by aansoek betaalbaar en is soos volg terugbetaalbaar:<br />

• indien u kind nie die skool bywoon nie, sal die inskrywingsgeld eers terugbetaalbaar wees in die Desember van<br />

die jaar waarvoor u kind ingeskryf is en 3 maande se skoolgeld sal van die inskrywingsgeld verhaal word.<br />

• ten volle terugbetaalbaar binne eerste 6 maande; (terugbetalings geskied slegs in Desember en indien<br />

genoegsame kennis gegee is)<br />

• na 6 maande se bywoning sal die terugbetaalbare bedrag nul wees.<br />

‘n Geskrewe kennisgewing van 3 maande word vereis by skoolverlating. Indien korter kennis gegee word, sal skoolgeld<br />

vir die daaropvolgende 3 maande betaalbaar wees. Terugbetalings sal gemaak word, indien van toepassing.<br />

……………………………………………. ………………………………………………….<br />




1.1 The person(s) responsible for the account ( hereafter “the responsible person”) as set out in the Application Form above( “the Application Form”)<br />

herewith assumes liability for the account, alternatively binds himself as co-debtor and surety for payment of all <strong>school</strong> fees to Melkbosstrand<br />

Private School ( “the <strong>school</strong>”).<br />

1.2 The guardian, as described in the Application Form, binds himself as surety and co-debtor for the payment of all <strong>school</strong> fees by the responsible<br />

person or any other payments that may arise from this agreement.<br />


2.1 It is recorded that <strong>school</strong> fees are determined at the beginning of the year and responsible persons are informed of the result in writing. After the<br />

yearly determination of fees all responsible persons are invoiced for the <strong>school</strong> fees.<br />

2.2 The responsible person shall immediately inform the <strong>school</strong> if he has not received an invoice at the start of the academic year.<br />

2.3 School fees are payable yearly in advance or monthly by means of a debit order, by the responsible person in the Application Form.<br />

2.4 Payments are to be made on or before the third day of every month in the event where the entire fee is not paid up front.<br />

2.5 The refund of the enrolment fee will be dealt with as set out in the Application Form above.<br />


4. GENERAL<br />

3.1 In the event where the undersigned surety, responsible person or guardian commits a breach of contract of any of the terms of this agreement,<br />

the <strong>school</strong> may in its sole discretion:<br />

3.1.1 Refuse the student entry to the <strong>school</strong>’s premises and withhold all assessment reports until the breach has been remedied; or<br />

3.1.2 Claim damages from the responsible person and / or the sureties and guardian<br />

3.1.3 Take whatever legal steps that may be necessary..<br />

This Agreement constitutes the whole Agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. No amendment or consensual cancellation of this<br />

Agreement or any provision or term thereof or of any Agreement, bill of exchange or other document issued or executed pursuant to or in terms of this<br />

Agreement and no settlement of any disputes arising under this Agreement and no extension of time, waiver or relaxation or suspension of any of the<br />

provisions or terms of this Agreement or of any Agreement, bill of exchange or other document issued pursuant to or in terms of this Agreement shall be<br />

binding unless recorded in a written document signed by the parties. Any such extension, waiver or relaxation or suspension which is so given or made shall<br />

be strictly construed as relating strictly to the matter in respect whereof it was made or given<br />


This agreement is subject to South African law.<br />


The responsible person, surety or guardian hereby consents to the disclosure and exchange of personal financial information to a credit bureau or financial<br />

institution in accordance with the Credit Act 2005.<br />


The parties choose as their domicilia citandi et executandi the addresses set out in the Application Form.<br />

8. LEGAL FEES<br />

In the event where the <strong>school</strong> takes legal action against the responsible person he will be liable for all legal fees on an attorney client scale, collection costs<br />

and commission, interest and tracing fees.<br />


9.1 The responsible person undertakes to give one term’s written notice of termination of the enrolment of a student, failing which the enrolment fee<br />

shall be forfeited and liability be incurred for the full amount of the following term’s fees.<br />

9.2 The School shall be entitled to terminate the enrolment of any student under the following circumstances:<br />

9.2.1 Summarily, and with immediate effect, if the student is guilty of an offence which, in the sole opinion of the School renders his<br />

continued enrolment at the School impossible, in which event the responsible person, after deduction of all amounts otherwise<br />

owing to the School, will be refunded a pro-rata proportion of any fees already paid in advance in respect of such student, but not be<br />

entitled to the refund of the enrolment fee.<br />

9.2.2 If the responsible person fails to meet his/her financial obligations towards the <strong>school</strong>.<br />

……………………………………………. ………………………………………………….<br />




1.1 Die rekeninghouers (hierna “die rekenpligtige”) soos beskryf in die aannsoekvorm hierbo, aanvaar hiermee aanspreeklikheid as hoofskuldenaar,<br />

alternatiewelik as medeskuldenaar en borg vir die betaling van alle skoolgelde aan Melkbosstrand Privaatskool (“die Skool”).<br />

1.2 Die Voog, soos beskryf in die Aansoek om Toelating, verbind homself / haarself as borg en medeskuldenaar teenoor die Skool vir die betaling van<br />

die skoolgelde deur die rekenpligtige asook alle ander verpligtinge wat uit hierdie ooreenkoms mag spruit.<br />


2.1 Dit word geboekstaaf dat Skoolgelde jaarliks vasgestel en daarna skriftelik aan alle rekenpligtiges vir kennisname deurgegee word. By afloop van<br />

die jaarlikse vasstelling van Skoolgelde word rekenpligtiges voor die begin van die skooljaar gefaktureer.<br />

2.2 Die rekenpligtige sal die Skool onmiddellik verwittig indien hy nie ‘n faktuur aan die begin van die skooljaar gekry het nie.<br />

2.3 Skoolgelde is jaarliks vooruitbetaalbaar of deur middel van `n debietorde deur die rekenpligtige.<br />

2.4 Betalings moet voor die derde dag van elke maand gemaak word, waar die rekenpligtige nie ‘n volle vooruitbetaling doen nie. .<br />

2.5 Inskrywingsfooie is terugbetaalbaar ingevolge die bepalinge uiteengesit in die Aansoekvorm hierbo. .<br />


3.1 Indien die ondergetekende borg, rekenpligtige of voog enige terme of voorwaardes van hierdie ooreenkoms verbreek, mag die Skool in sy eie<br />

diskresie:<br />

4. ALGEMEEN<br />

3.1.1 Die leerder toegang tot die Skool weier en alle assesseringsverslae terughou tot die kontrakbreuk aangesuiwer is; of<br />

3.1.2 ‘n Skadevergoedingseis aanhangig maak vir alle skade wat die Skool mag gely het weens die kontrakbreuk; of<br />

3.1.3 Enige ander gepaste regstappe na sy eie goeddenke in werking stel.<br />

Hierdie ooreenkoms stel die algehele ooreenkoms tussen die partye daar en daar is geen ooreenkomste, voorstellings of waarborge wat tussen die partye<br />

bestaan, anders as wat spesifiek hierin uiteengesit word nie. Geen wysiging of kansellasie van hierdie ooreenkoms sal enige regskrag dra tensy dit op skrif<br />

geplaas word en deur iedere party onderteken word nie.<br />


Dit word hiermee ooreengekom dat hierdie ooreenkoms onderworpe is aan, en geÏnterpreteer sal word ooreenkomstig die reg en die wetgewing van die RSA<br />

en dat dit verder onderworpe is aan die jurisdiksie van ‘n bevoegde hof in die RSA.<br />


Die ondergetekende, voog, verantwoordelike persoon of borg gee hiermee toestemming aan die Skool om kredietinligting oor hulself te bekom, te deel en uit<br />

te ruil met enige kredietburo of ander instelling met wie hulle finansiële transaksies gehad het of kon gehad het, ook sodanige inligting wat versoek word<br />

kragtens enige omstandighede soos beoog word in die Nasionale Kredietwet 34 van 2005.<br />


Die partye kies as hulle domicilium citandi et executandi vir alle doeleindes van hierdie ooreenkoms die adresse soos uiteengesit in die Aansoek om<br />

Toelating.<br />

8. REGSKOSTE<br />

Indien die rekenpligtige nie die skoolgelde betaal nie, en die Skool besluit om regstappe teen die rekenpligtige te neem, onderneem die rekenpligtige om die<br />

regskoste te betaal vir die invordering van die uitstaande skuld ten opsigte van skoolgelde, insluitende prokureursfooie op ‘n prokureur-eie-kliënte-skaal,<br />

invorderingsfooie en -kommissie, rente en opsporingskostes.<br />


9.1 Die rekenpligtige onderneem om een termyn kennis van kansellasie van die aansoek te gee en bevestig dat indien sodanige kennisgewing nie<br />

nagekom is nie, die inskrywingsgeld verbeur sal word en dat die rekenpligtige aanspreeklik sal wees vir die volgende kwartaal se fooie.<br />

9.2 Die skool behou die reg voor om die leerder se skoolbywoning op te skort onder die volgende omstandighede:<br />

9.2.1 Met onmiddellike inwerkingtreding as die leerder in die uitsuitlike diskresie van die skool skuldig is aan ‘n misdryf wat voortgesette<br />

onderrig aan die skool onmoontlik sou maak. In sodanige geval, na aftrekking van alle bedrae aan die skool verskuldig, sal ‘n<br />

proporsionele bedrag van die fooie wat vooruit betaal is, terugbetaal word, maar nie die inskrywingsfooi nie.<br />

9.2.2 Indien die rekenpligtige nie sy/haar finansiele verpligtinge teenoor die skool nakom nie<br />

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