Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco Grammatica - loco


1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 12111 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 41111 Nouns ending in -e cause difficulty: there are those that always take -s (see -s plurals, and there are those that can take either -n or -s seconde ‘second’ – seconden/secondes, echtgenote ‘female spouse’ – echtgenoten/echtgenotes This is particularly the case for nouns formed from adjectives by the addition of -te: ziekte ‘sickness, disease’ – ziekten/ziektes, hoogte ‘height’ – hoogten/hoogtes, vlakte ‘plain’ – vlakten/vlaktes, type ‘type’ – typen/types Many Dutch nouns that originally ended in -de in the singular (and still do in formal style) add -n to the -de in the plural bladzij(de) ‘page’ – bladzijden, la(de) ‘drawer’ – laden, tree/trede ‘step’ – treden (also trees or treeën) The nouns koe ‘cow’ and vlo ‘flea’ insert an -i- before -en koeien, vlooien (colloquially one also hears vlooi in the singular) Nouns (usually abstracts) ending in -heid form their plural in -heden gelegenheid ‘opportunity’ gelegenheden, moeilijkheid ‘difficulty’ – moeilijkheden, schoonheid ‘beauty’ – schoonheden 7.2.3 -eren Plurals There is a small group of neuter nouns that preserve an old plural ending in -eren (compare Eng. children): been bone beenderen 17 blad leaf bladeren 18 17 Been ‘leg’ goes benen. 18 Blad ‘leaf of a book/magazine’ goes bladen, e.g. dagbladen ‘daily newspapers’. Plural of nouns 51

7 Nouns 52 ei egg eieren gelid joint gelederen 19 gemoed mind gemoederen goed goods, wares goederen hoen fowl hoenderen 20 kalf calf kalveren kind child kinderen lam lamb lammeren lied song liederen rad wheel raderen rund cow, ox runderen volk nation, people volkeren 21 Kleren ‘clothes’ is a contracted form of klederen (an archaic plural form of kleed). 7.2.4 Irregular plural formations Words ending in -man have a plural in -lieden or -lui, the former being more formal zeeman ‘sailor’ – zeelieden/zeelui; koopman ‘merchant’ – kooplieden/kooplui. Some words never employ -lui, only -lieden by virtue of their elevated meaning: edelman ‘nobleman’ – edellieden, raadsman ‘councillor’ – raadslieden Exceptions: muzelman ‘Muslim’ – muzelmannen, Noorman ‘Viking’ – Noormannen, vuilnisman ‘rubbishmen’ – 19 See -en plurals, i.e. 20 Also hoenders, which is more common than hoenderen. 21 Also volken.

7<br />

Nouns<br />

52<br />

ei egg eieren<br />

gelid joint gelederen 19<br />

gemoed mind gemoederen<br />

goed goods, wares goederen<br />

hoen fowl hoenderen 20<br />

kalf calf kalveren<br />

kind child kinderen<br />

lam lamb lammeren<br />

lied song liederen<br />

rad wheel raderen<br />

rund cow, ox runderen<br />

volk nation, people volkeren 21<br />

Kleren ‘clothes’ is a contracted form of klederen (an archaic plural form<br />

of kleed).<br />

7.2.4<br /><br />

Irregular plural formations<br />

Words ending in -man have a plural in -lieden or -lui, the<br />

former being more formal<br />

zeeman ‘sailor’ – zeelieden/zeelui; koopman ‘merchant’ –<br />

kooplieden/kooplui.<br />

Some words never employ -lui, only -lieden by virtue of their elevated<br />

meaning:<br />

edelman ‘nobleman’ – edellieden, raadsman ‘councillor’ –<br />

raadslieden<br />

Exceptions: muzelman ‘Muslim’ – muzelmannen, Noorman<br />

‘Viking’ – Noormannen, vuilnisman ‘rubbishmen’ –<br />

19 See -en plurals, i.e.<br />

20 Also hoenders, which is more common than hoenderen.<br />

21 Also volken.

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