Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco Grammatica - loco


1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 12111 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 41111 Endings 1 When writing to a firm or stranger use Met de meeste hoogachting, or Hoogachtend, If one has been in touch with the individual previously, one can replace the above with the following, which is not as distant and impersonal as the above: Met vriendelijke groet(en), 2 To acquaintances and friends one writes (Met) vriendelijke/hartelijke groeten, This may be followed by, or simply replaced by Je (or possibly under certain circumstances Uw) Otto In very informal letters one can end simply with Groetjes, or De groeten, Wim (Veel) liefs, (= [lots of] love) Paulien Expressions used in formal letter writing lectori salutem (l.s.) to whom it may concern uw kenmerk/referentie your reference ter kennisneming + name cc + name (put at top of letter) t.a.v. (ter attentie van) att. (attention) met verwijzing naar with reference to naar aanleiding van with reference to Met verwijzing naar uw brief With reference to your letter van . . . moge ik of . . . I would like Hartelijk (Vriendelijk) dank Many thanks for your letter voor uw brief van 22 dezer of the 22nd inst. Expressions used in formal letter writing 387

Appendix 1 Letter writing and email 388 op de 28ste dezer on the 28th of this month op 28 okt. j.1. (= jongstleden) on the 28th October last per 26 dec. a.s. as from the 26th December (= aanstaande) next uw brief d.d. 15 mei your letter of the 15th of May (= de dato) Wilt u zo vriendelijk zijn . . . Please . . . Gelieve mij . . . te sturen Please send me . . . Wilt u mij nadere gegevens/ Please supply further details inlichtingen verstrekken iets per omgaande sturen to send something by return mail het verschuldigde bedrag the amount owed Ik sluit . . . hierbij in I hereby enclose . . . Hierbij ingesloten vindt u . . . Enclosed is . . . ondergetekende the undersigned U bij voorbaat (voor uw Thanking you in anticipation (for moeite) dankend, your trouble), Uw spoedig antwoord In anticipation of a prompt reply, tegemoetziende, Met belangstelling zie ik uw I anxiously await your reply antwoord tegemoet Uw antwoord zie ik te zijner Looking forward to hearing tijd gaarne tegemoet from you It is no longer accepted practice to capitalize u and uw in letters, but one does still occasionally meet it. Many married women in Holland sign and have letters addressed to them as follows: Mrs A Smit, whose maiden name was Scherpenzeel, would be addressed in writing as mevr. A. Smit-Scherpenzeel. A married woman never adopts the first name or initial of her husband as is sometimes still done in Anglo-Saxon countries, i.e. Mrs. John Smith.

Appendix 1<br />

Letter writing<br />

and email<br />

388<br />

op de 28ste dezer on the 28th of this month<br />

op 28 okt. j.1. (= jongstleden) on the 28th October last<br />

per 26 dec. a.s. as from the 26th December<br />

(= aanstaande) next<br />

uw brief d.d. 15 mei your letter of the 15th of May<br />

(= de dato)<br />

Wilt u zo vriendelijk zijn . . . Please . . .<br />

Gelieve mij . . . te sturen Please send me . . .<br />

Wilt u mij nadere gegevens/ Please supply further details<br />

inlichtingen verstrekken<br />

iets per omgaande sturen to send something by return<br />

mail<br />

het verschuldigde bedrag the amount owed<br />

Ik sluit . . . hierbij in I hereby enclose . . .<br />

Hierbij ingesloten vindt u . . . Enclosed is . . .<br />

ondergetekende the undersigned<br />

U bij voorbaat (voor uw Thanking you in anticipation (for<br />

moeite) dankend, your trouble),<br />

Uw spoedig antwoord In anticipation of a prompt reply,<br />

tegemoetziende,<br />

Met belangstelling zie ik uw I anxiously await your reply<br />

antwoord tegemoet<br />

Uw antwoord zie ik te zijner Looking forward to hearing<br />

tijd gaarne tegemoet from you<br />

It is no longer accepted practice to capitalize u and uw in letters, but one<br />

does still occasionally meet it.<br />

Many married women in Holland sign and have letters addressed to them<br />

as follows: Mrs A Smit, whose maiden name was Scherpenzeel, would be<br />

addressed in writing as mevr. A. Smit-Scherpenzeel. A married woman never<br />

adopts the first name or initial of her husband as is sometimes still done<br />

in Anglo-Saxon countries, i.e. Mrs. John Smith.

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