Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco Grammatica - loco


1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 12111 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 41111 The weight of a newborn baby is usually expressed in grams but colloquially people commonly use the term pond (i.e. 500 grams): Het kind woog bij de geboorte 3850 (achtendertighonderd vijftig) gram/bijna acht pond. The child weighed 3.85 kilos at birth. Aankomen ‘to gain weight’ and afvallen ‘to lose weight’ are both conjugated with zijn (see, footnote 21): Ik ben 10 kilo aangekomen/afgevallen. I have gained/lost 10 kilos. Note the following alternative, impersonal way of expressing weight gain: Er is tien kilo bijgekomen. (i.e. bij mijn gewicht) I’ve put on ten kilos. 14.11 14.11.1 Measurements Length, height de lengte length (of objects), height (of people) Hoe lang bent u? How tall are you? Ik ben 1,72 lang. I am one metre seventy-two centimetres tall. (pronounced één meter tweeënzeventig) The height of a tree, building and other things is de hoogte, e.g. Hoe hoog is die boom? ‘How tall is that tree?’ If using imperial measurements, which one would never do these days in Holland (except in historical contexts), the words voet ‘foot/feet’ and duim ‘inch/inches’ are used. Length up to one metre is usually expressed in centimetres. Note: de centimeter ‘the tape measure’. de breedte width de grootte size (i.e. largeness of s.t.) de maat size (of shoes and clothing) Measurements 363

14 Numerals 364 14.11.2 Square and cubic measurements vijf bij vijf (meter) five by five (metres) drie vierkante meter three square metres zes kubieke meter six cubic metres 14.11.3 Distance Distances are measured in kilometres in Holland and the word kilometer, like centimeter and meter, is never used in the plural after numerals: We hebben vandaag 500 kilometer gereden. We drove 500 kilometres today. But note honderden/duizenden kilometers ‘hundreds/thousands of kilometres’ where the word is pluralized. Mijl (c) ‘mile’ can be used when talking of distances in English-speaking countries, e.g. tien mijl ‘ten miles’. Petrol consumption of a car is expressed as follows: Mijn auto rijdt een op vijftien (i.e. één liter op vijftien kilometer). My car does fifteen kilometres to the litre. Speed is expressed as follows: Hij reed tachtig (kilometer per uur). He was driving (at) 80 kilometres an hour. Compare: Hij reed met tachtig (kilometer per uur) de rivier in. He drove into the river at eighty kilometres an hour. 14.12 Playing cards schoppen spades ruiten diamonds klaveren clubs harten hearts

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The weight of a newborn baby is usually expressed in grams but colloquially<br />

people commonly use the term pond (i.e. 500 grams):<br />

Het kind woog bij de geboorte 3850 (achtendertighonderd<br />

vijftig) gram/bijna acht pond.<br />

The child weighed 3.85 kilos at birth.<br />

Aankomen ‘to gain weight’ and afvallen ‘to lose weight’ are both conjugated<br />

with zijn (see, footnote 21):<br />

Ik ben 10 kilo aangekomen/afgevallen.<br />

I have gained/lost 10 kilos.<br />

Note the following alternative, impersonal way of expressing weight gain:<br />

Er is tien kilo bijgekomen. (i.e. bij mijn gewicht)<br />

I’ve put on ten kilos.<br />

14.11<br />

14.11.1<br />

Measurements<br />

Length, height<br />

de lengte length (of objects), height (of people)<br />

Hoe lang bent u? How tall are you?<br />

Ik ben 1,72 lang. I am one metre seventy-two centimetres tall.<br />

(pronounced één meter tweeënzeventig)<br />

The height of a tree, building and other things is de hoogte, e.g. Hoe<br />

hoog is die boom? ‘How tall is that tree?’<br />

If using imperial measurements, which one would never do these days in<br />

Holland (except in historical contexts), the words voet ‘foot/feet’ and<br />

duim ‘inch/inches’ are used.<br />

Length up to one metre is usually expressed in centimetres.<br />

Note: de centimeter ‘the tape measure’.<br />

de breedte width<br />

de grootte size (i.e. largeness of s.t.)<br />

de maat size (of shoes and clothing)<br />

Measurements<br />


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