Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco


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Dit boek gaat over de oorlog. This book is about the war.<br />

Je moet er niet over praten. You mustn’t talk about it.<br />

Ik heb wat over. I have something left.<br />

De trein gaat over Leiden. The train goes via Leiden.<br />

per ‘by, per’<br />

per post/trein/tram (see met) by mail/train/tram<br />

5 keer per seconde/uur/jaar five times a second/hour/year<br />

Ze worden per dozijn verkocht. They are sold by the dozen.<br />

qua ‘as far as . . . is concerned’<br />

Hoe vind je dit boek qua presentatie?<br />

What do you think of this book as far as its presentation is<br />

concerned?<br />

Qua aantal deelnemers was het een succes.<br />

As far as the number of participants is concerned, it was a success.<br />

rond, rondom ‘around’<br />

Er staan mooie oude huizen rond het plein.<br />

There are beautiful old houses around the square.<br />

Rond vijf uur beginnen we trek te krijgen.<br />

At about 5.00 we begin to get peckish.<br />

rondom het vuur<br />

around the fire<br />

Rondom de stad loopt een singel.<br />

A moat runs around the city.<br />

sedert ‘since, for’ (see sinds 3 )<br />

sedert 12 mei since the twelfth of May<br />

sedert enige tijd for some time<br />

3 Sinds is much more common than sedert, which sounds a bit bookish.<br />

Prepositions<br />


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