Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco Grammatica - loco


1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 12111 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 41111 or I had scarcely/hardly got home when my father rang me. Niet alleen . . . (maar) ook ‘not only . . . but’ As above, the first half acts as an adverb, the second as a co-ordinating conjunction: Niet alleen heeft hij het boek verloren, (maar) hij heeft het me ook niet vergoed. Not only did he lose the book but he didn’t reimburse me for it either. There is also a similar co-ordinating correlative conjunction (see the last example under 12.4.1). Hoe . . . hoe/des te ‘the . . . the’ hoe . . . des te the . . . the hoe . . . hoe the . . . the Although synonymous, these two correlative couplets require a different word order: hoe . . . des te (sub. conj. + adv. conj.) hoe . . . hoe (sub. conj. + sub. conj.) Hoe ouder ze wordt, des te minder ziet ze. (but des te minder ze ziet, with subordinate word order, also occurs) Hoe ouder ze wordt, hoe minder ze ziet. (but hoe minder ziet ze, with adverbial word order, also occurs) The older she gets, the less she sees. 12.5 Conjunctions introducing infinitive clauses Infinitive clauses contain no finite verb but rather an infinitive preceded by te; at the beginning of the clause stands one of the conjunctions below. Only teneinde is used exclusively as a conjunction in infinitive clauses. All the other words have other grammatical functions as well: Conjunctions introducing infinitive clauses 309

12 Conjunctions 310 om 1 in order to (see only to (a much less common meaning) teneinde (form.) in order to alvorens 2 (form.) before na 2 after door by met 3 (see explanation in below) in plaats van 4 instead of zonder 4 without van from Hij ging naar huis om zijn fiets te halen. He went home (in order) to fetch his bike. De overlevenden kregen direct na de oorlog hun onroerend goed terug, om het na de machtsovername van de communisten opnieuw kwijt te raken. The survivors got their property back right after the war, only to lose it again after the communists took power. (see Teneinde moeilijkheden te voorkomen wordt men vriendelijk verzocht dieren buiten te laten. (In order) to avoid difficulties, you are kindly requested to leave animals outside. Door zo te doen, zul je niets bereiken. By doing that, you will accomplish nothing. Na urenlang gewerkt te hebben, is hij naar de bioscoop gegaan. After having worked for hours he went to the movies. Men wordt vriendelijk verzocht zijn sigaret te doven alvorens de bioscoop in te gaan. You are kindly requested to extinguish your cigarette before entering the cinema.

12<br />

Conjunctions<br />

310<br />

om 1 in order to (see<br />

only to (a much less common<br />

meaning)<br />

teneinde (form.) in order to<br />

alvorens 2 (form.) before<br />

na 2 after<br />

door by<br />

met 3 (see explanation in below)<br />

in plaats van 4 instead of<br />

zonder 4 without<br />

van from<br />

Hij ging naar huis om zijn fiets te halen.<br />

He went home (in order) to fetch his bike.<br />

De overlevenden kregen direct na de oorlog hun onroerend<br />

goed terug, om het na de machtsovername van de<br />

communisten opnieuw kwijt te raken.<br />

The survivors got their property back right after the war, only to<br />

lose it again after the communists took power. (see<br />

Teneinde moeilijkheden te voorkomen wordt men<br />

vriendelijk verzocht dieren buiten te laten.<br />

(In order) to avoid difficulties, you are kindly requested to leave<br />

animals outside.<br />

Door zo te doen, zul je niets bereiken.<br />

By doing that, you will accomplish nothing.<br />

Na urenlang gewerkt te hebben, is hij naar de bioscoop<br />

gegaan.<br />

After having worked for hours he went to the movies.<br />

Men wordt vriendelijk verzocht zijn sigaret te doven<br />

alvorens de bioscoop in te gaan.<br />

You are kindly requested to extinguish your cigarette before<br />

entering the cinema.

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