Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco Grammatica - loco


1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 12111 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 41111 Of can also be a subordinating conjunction with a further set of complex meanings (see The co-ordinating conjunctions doch and alleen are usually replaced by the adverbial conjunctions toch and alleen in the spoken language (see 12.3). Dus can act as an ordinary co-ordinating conjunction not affecting word order, but can also cause inversion, in which case it acts as an adverbial conjunction (see 12.3): Ruud bleef thuis dus Karel ging ook niet uit. (co-ordinating) Ruud bleef thuis dus ging Karel ook niet uit. (adverbial) Ruud stayed at home thus Karel didn’t go out either. But note that when dus is preceded by en, only the adverbial construction is possible—in this case en is the conjunction and dus is merely an adverb: Ruud bleef thuis en dus ging Karel ook niet uit. 12.2 Subordinating conjunctions Onderschikkende voegwoorden There is a large number of such conjunctions, most of which are listed below. The distinguishing feature of these is that the verb of the dependent clause is sent to the end of that clause. The following pitfalls with subordinating conjunctions should be noted. Be careful with word order when a subordinating conjunction governs two subordinate clauses which are joined by a co-ordinating conjunction: Ik bleef thuis omdat ik een beetje ziek was en (omdat) er op mijn werk toch niet veel te doen was. I stayed home because I felt a bit off and (because) there wasn’t much to do at work anyway. Wat was ze blij, toen ze zijn stem hoorde en (toen ze) zijn gezicht zag. How glad she was when she heard his voice and (when she) saw his face. Subordinating conjunctions 293

12 Conjunctions 294 Onze kennissen hadden ons verteld dat het een erg interessante plaats was en (dat) we er makkelijk een paar dagen zouden kunnen doorbrengen. Our friends had told us that it was a very interesting place and (that) we could easily spend a few days there. It is nearly always possible for stylistic reasons in both English and Dutch to place a subordinate clause in front of the main clause in a compound sentence. In English this has no effect on word order but in Dutch the subordinate clause assumes the role of first idea in the main clause (i.e. in the sentence as a whole) and thus inversion of subject and verb is required in the main clause. It is also usual to insert a comma between the two clauses to keep the finite verbs of each clause apart (see 3.1.2): Ik maakte de bedden op terwijl zij de afwas deed = Terwijl zij de afwas deed, maakte ik de bedden op. While she washed up, I made the beds. When a co-ordinating conjunction is followed by a subordinating conjunction, the subordinating one governs the word order of the following clause, but not that of the co-ordinate clause in which it is embedded; the subject and verb of the following co-ordinate clause invert as above because the subordinate clause takes on the role of first idea in the overall sentence. In the sentence below omdat ik erg slecht geslapen heb is the subordinate clause that has been embedded in the sentence Ik blijf thuis en ik ga terug naar bed: Ik blijf thuis en omdat ik erg slecht geslapen heb, ga ik terug naar bed. I’m staying home and because I slept really badly, I’m going back to bed. A subordinate clause can also be embedded in another subordinate clause, in which case one must remember to put the verb of the interrupted clause to the end when one returns to it. In the following example, which is stylistically not ideal but nevertheless possible, als je een vreemde taal leert has been embedded in the clause dat je gewoonlijk je eigen taal beter kunt begrijpen: Ik vind dat als je een vreemde taal leert, je gewoonlijk de grammatica van je eigen taal beter kunt begrijpen. I think that if you learn a foreign language you can usually understand the grammar of your own language better.

12<br />

Conjunctions<br />

294<br />

Onze kennissen hadden ons verteld dat het een erg<br />

interessante plaats was en (dat) we er makkelijk een paar<br />

dagen zouden kunnen doorbrengen.<br />

Our friends had told us that it was a very interesting place and (that)<br />

we could easily spend a few days there.<br />

It is nearly always possible for stylistic reasons in both English and Dutch<br />

to place a subordinate clause in front of the main clause in a compound<br />

sentence. In English this has no effect on word order but in Dutch the<br />

subordinate clause assumes the role of first idea in the main clause (i.e. in<br />

the sentence as a whole) and thus inversion of subject and verb is required<br />

in the main clause. It is also usual to insert a comma between the two<br />

clauses to keep the finite verbs of each clause apart (see 3.1.2):<br />

Ik maakte de bedden op terwijl zij de afwas deed =<br />

Terwijl zij de afwas deed, maakte ik de bedden op.<br />

While she washed up, I made the beds.<br />

When a co-ordinating conjunction is followed by a subordinating conjunction,<br />

the subordinating one governs the word order of the following clause,<br />

but not that of the co-ordinate clause in which it is embedded; the subject<br />

and verb of the following co-ordinate clause invert as above because the<br />

subordinate clause takes on the role of first idea in the overall sentence.<br />

In the sentence below omdat ik erg slecht geslapen heb is the subordinate<br />

clause that has been embedded in the sentence Ik blijf thuis en ik ga terug<br />

naar bed:<br />

Ik blijf thuis en omdat ik erg slecht geslapen heb, ga ik terug<br />

naar bed.<br />

I’m staying home and because I slept really badly, I’m going back to<br />

bed.<br />

A subordinate clause can also be embedded in another subordinate clause,<br />

in which case one must remember to put the verb of the interrupted clause<br />

to the end when one returns to it. In the following example, which is<br />

stylistically not ideal but nevertheless possible, als je een vreemde taal<br />

leert has been embedded in the clause dat je gewoonlijk je eigen taal beter<br />

kunt begrijpen:<br />

Ik vind dat als je een vreemde taal leert, je gewoonlijk de<br />

grammatica van je eigen taal beter kunt begrijpen.<br />

I think that if you learn a foreign language you can usually understand<br />

the grammar of your own language better.

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