Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco


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2<br />

Spelling<br />

14<br /> In the following words, which are in fact abbreviations, letters<br />

have also been omitted and replaced by an apostrophe: ’s morgens<br />

(historically < des), ’s-Hertogenbosch (historically < des); these are archaic<br />

genitive forms.<br />

The abbreviated forms of ik, het, mijn, zijn, i.e. ’k, ’t, m’n, z’n, which use<br />

an apostrophe, are best avoided in writing except in certain standard<br />

expressions where the abbreviated form is accepted:<br />

met z’n drieën ‘the three of them’, op z’n Frans ‘à la française’<br />

(always abbreviated in these two cases), in m’n eentje ‘on my own’,<br />

Ik heb ’t koud ‘I am cold’, over ’t algemeen ‘in general’ (both<br />

commonly but not necessarily abbreviated)<br />

2.5<br />

Capital letters<br />

Hoofdletters<br />

The use of capital letters is generally speaking as in English.<br />

The Dutch regard the diphthong ij as one letter (it was a separate key on<br />

a typewriter, for example, but is no longer one on the computer keyboard)<br />

and thus if a word starts with ij and has to be capitalized, both the i and<br />

the j are affected:<br />

het IJ, het IJsselmeer, IJsland ‘Iceland’<br />

Several expressions in Dutch start with ’s (see 2.4). If such an expression<br />

stands at the beginning of a sentence, the first letter of the next word is<br />

capitalized:<br />

’s Avonds is zij nooit thuis. ‘She is never at home in the evening.’<br />

In Dutch family names with van, den, der, ten and ter one usually writes<br />

such particles separately and small letters are used when a first name or<br />

initials precede:<br />

Piet van den Berg, H. van der Molen<br />

When the first name or initials are not mentioned, a capital letter is used:<br />

een brief van Van den Berg<br />

We hebben het over De Bruijn.<br />

meneer Van der Plank

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