Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco Grammatica - loco


1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 12111 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 41111 zich ergeren* to get irritated zich inschrijven* to enrol zich melden* to report (for duty, sick) zich noemen to call oneself zich omdraaien* to turn around zich omkleden* to change (one’s clothes) zich opgeven to give oneself up zich opofferen voor to sacrifice oneself for zich opstapelen* to pile up, accumulate zich opwinden* to get excited zich overeten* to overeat zich overgeven* to surrender zich scheren* to shave zich snijden33 to cut oneself zich terugtrekken* to retreat, pull back zich uitkleden* to undress (oneself), get undressed zich verbazen* to be amazed zich verbergen* to hide (oneself) zich verdedigen to defend oneself zich verschuilen* to hide (oneself) zich verstoppen* to hide (oneself) zich verkleden* to get dressed up in fancy dress zich veroorloven* to afford34 33 Note the following peculiarity of zich snijden: if the part of the body one has cut is mentioned, it is preceded by in and the definite article is used: Ik heb me in de vinger gesneden but also non-reflexively Ik heb in mijn vinger gesneden. I cut my finger. But one will also hear a combination of the two: Ik heb me in m’n vinger gesneden. 34 There are three ways of expressing ‘to afford’ (actually always expressed in English and Dutch as ‘to be able to afford’). Ik kan het me niet veroorloven. Ik kan het me niet permitteren. I can’t afford it. (see 11.17, footnote 32) Ik kan het niet bekostigen. (Note: this option is not reflexive) Reflexive verbs 261

11 Verbs 262 zich vervelen* to be bored zich voelen* to feel zich voorbereiden op to prepare oneself for zich voorstellen to introduce oneself zich wassen* to wash (oneself) zich wegen to weigh oneself zich wijden aan to devote oneself to Examples: Hij kleedde zich aan. He dressed. Hij draaide zich om. He turned around. Hij herinnerde zich mij. He remembered me. Hij verstopte zich. He hid. 11.17.3 Use of zichzelf All verbs in group 11.17.2 (i.e. those that can also occur as transitive verbs) can on occasion use mezelf, jezelf, zichzelf etc. instead of a simple me, je zich etc., but only when one needs to emphasize that one washed or dressed oneself and not somebody else: Ik kleedde Jantje aan en toen kleedde ik mezelf aan. (stress on zelf) I dressed Jantje and then I dressed myself. Ik woog de koffers en toen mezelf. (stress on zelf) I weighed the suitcases and then myself. Haar hebben ze niet verdedigd, alleen zichzelf. (stress on haar and zelf) They didn’t defend her, only themselves. There is also a group of verbs that one would not normally regard as reflexive verbs but which can be used reflexively, but then always with zichzelf. Such verbs cause complications for the English-speaking student

11<br />

Verbs<br />

262<br />

zich vervelen* to be bored<br />

zich voelen* to feel<br />

zich voorbereiden op to prepare oneself for<br />

zich voorstellen to introduce oneself<br />

zich wassen* to wash (oneself)<br />

zich wegen to weigh oneself<br />

zich wijden aan to devote oneself to<br />

Examples:<br />

Hij kleedde zich aan. He dressed.<br />

Hij draaide zich om. He turned around.<br />

Hij herinnerde zich mij. He remembered me.<br />

Hij verstopte zich. He hid.<br />

11.17.3<br /><br />

Use of zichzelf<br />

All verbs in group 11.17.2 (i.e. those that can also occur as transitive<br />

verbs) can on occasion use mezelf, jezelf, zichzelf etc. instead of a simple<br />

me, je zich etc., but only when one needs to emphasize that one washed<br />

or dressed oneself and not somebody else:<br />

Ik kleedde Jantje aan en toen kleedde ik mezelf aan. (stress<br />

on zelf)<br />

I dressed Jantje and then I dressed myself.<br />

Ik woog de koffers en toen mezelf. (stress on zelf)<br />

I weighed the suitcases and then myself.<br />

Haar hebben ze niet verdedigd, alleen zichzelf. (stress on<br />

haar and zelf)<br />

They didn’t defend her, only themselves.<br /><br />

There is also a group of verbs that one would not normally regard as<br />

reflexive verbs but which can be used reflexively, but then always with<br />

zichzelf. Such verbs cause complications for the English-speaking student

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