Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco


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Dit is de rekening die gisteren door hem werd betaald.<br />

This is the bill which was paid by him yesterday.<br />

Dit is de gisteren door hem betaalde rekening.<br />

Dat is het bedrag dat nog door hem betaald moet worden.<br />

That is the amount that still has to be paid by him.<br />

Dat is het door hem nog te betalen bedrag.<br />

Such constructions must be translated into English with relative clauses in<br />

the passive, as illustrated.<br /><br />

There are some impersonal English passives which are rendered in Dutch<br />

by an infinitive construction, thus avoiding the passive altogether:<br />

Er was niemand te zien. There was nobody to be seen.<br />

Dat was te verwachten. That was to be expected.<br />

Dat is te hopen. That is to be hoped.<br />

Waar is het boek te verkrijgen? Where can that book be<br />

obtained?<br /><br />

Use of men/je/ze instead of the passive<br />

It should be noted that the passive in all its forms is more common in<br />

English than in Dutch. Very often the Dutch use an active form of the<br />

verb with men ‘one’ or je ‘you’ as its subject.<br />

Hier spreekt men Nederlands.<br />

Dutch is spoken here.<br />

Men/je kan koeien met de hand melken.<br />

Cows can be milked by hand/You can milk cows by hand.<br />

Men is as formal in Dutch as ‘one’ is in English. In everyday speech je<br />

(never jij) is used, just as in English, as illustrated by the previous example.<br />

English can also use a non-personal ‘they’ instead of the passive; Dutch<br />

has this too and uses ze (never zij):<br />

Ze zeggen dat het gaat regenen. (= men zegt)<br />

They say it’s going to rain.<br />

The passive<br />


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