Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco

Grammatica - loco


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‘In a moment’<br />

as in ‘I’ll do it in a moment’ zo meteen<br />

straks16 dadelijk<br />

zo<br />

direct<br /><br />

‘Just’<br />

just net<br />

pas 17<br /><br />

‘Soon’<br />

zojuist 18<br />

soon gauw<br />

soon, quickly spoedig<br />

soon afterwards kort daarna<br />

soon, shortly binnenkort, straks<br />

sooner vroeger<br />

sooner or later vroeger of later, vroeg of laat<br />

op een gegeven ogenblik/moment<br />

as soon as possible zo gauw mogelijk 19<br />

Note: I’ll do it soon (see ‘in a moment’<br />

16 Straks can refer to both the near future and the very recent past:<br />

Tot straks!<br />

See you in a little while/later.<br />

Ik heb je horloge straks op je bed zien liggen.<br />

I saw your watch lying on your bed a moment ago.<br />

17 Pas also means ‘only’ and ‘not until’ (see 14.6).<br />

18 Despite appearances juist ‘correct’ does not usually mean ‘just’ in the temporal<br />

sense, only zojuist does.<br />

19 All expressions of this type, i.e. ‘as (adj./adv.) as possible’ take the form zo +<br />

adj./adv. + mogelijk where the second ‘as’ is not translated: zo laat/groot/dik mogelijk<br />

‘as late/large/fat as possible’.<br />

Adverbs of<br />

time<br />


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