HART 09 - 105 - Bonsmara

HART 09 - 105 - Bonsmara HART 09 - 105 - Bonsmara

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Beste Medeboere en Vriende<br />

<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />



Maart 2012<br />

Dit is net ongelooflik hoe goed die vleisbedryf sy deelnemers behandel het oor die afgelope paar<br />

jare. 2011 was ‘n ‘Bumper” jaar – of jy nou bees, skaap, bok of wild geboer het, dit speel geen<br />

rol nie. Die aanvraag was groot, pryse was oor die algemeen goed en daar was ‘n lewendige<br />

entoesiasme onder die boerdery gemeenskappe. In Namibië waar die landbou so ‘n groot rol speel,<br />

het hierdie entoesiasme deurgevloei na vele ander sektore en is dit sommer lekker in Namibië!<br />

Op Hartebeestloop het al hierdie goeie nuus gemaak dat ons ook gees vang. Op die koop toe word<br />

die voorspellings toe waar van laat somer se goeie reëns en dit lyk baie goed by ons. Die Kalahari<br />

is oortrek met opslag, suurgras en polle. Die <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s staan sterk in die geweste en met hierdie<br />

reën is daar geen keer aan die boere se belangstelling in vleisbeeste, veral die <strong>Bonsmara</strong>.<br />

Op Hartebeestloop wil ons ‘n groot gebeurtenis maak van die 5de Produksie Veiling. Ons het<br />

127 geregistreerde bulle vanuit die Kalahari duineveld, die klipperige, suidwestelike gedeelte<br />

(Dassiesfontein) en vanaf die grasvelde van Omitara (Korasieplaas) op Hartebeestloop versamel.<br />

Dit is omtrent ‘n gesig! Daar is min dinge in die lewe wat die mooi van ‘n rooi bees teen die hange<br />

van die sandduine kan klop. Daar het ‘n kolossale hoeveelheid tyd, moeite, beplanning en geld<br />

in die teling van die veilingsbulle gegaan. Die beste 50 gaan na die veiling op Donderdag 24 Mei<br />

2012. Hulle is die room van Hartebeestloop teling en ek ken elkeen van hulle by naam, nommer,<br />

stamboom en prestasie.<br />

Daar is werklik ‘n bul vir elke boer, elke omgewing en elke produksiestelsel. Daar is ‘n sterk<br />

aanbieding van die tipiese Hartebeestloop “All Rounder” bulle, so ook bulle vir die teel van osse,<br />

speenkalwers, vervangingsverse, terminale bulle en ook baie goeie kombinasie bulle. Elkeen<br />

van hierdie bulle is ‘n diamant in sy eie reg en daarom vorm diamante ‘n integrale deel van die<br />

Hartebeestloop “logo”.


visit www.bonsmara.com.na for the auction catalogue<br />

<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

Joggie jbried@joggie.com.na<br />

Nico +264 811241168<br />

Daar is ook die bulle wat as potensiële stoetvaars geklassifiseer is. Dit bly maar elke teler se droom<br />

om sulke bulle te teel. Ek is elke keer van nuuts af gemotiveerd as ek hierdie bulle sien. Hulle is die<br />

room van die <strong>Bonsmara</strong> ras. Hierdie jaar bied ons ook 4 jong potensiële stoetvaars aan wat self in die<br />

Hartebeestloop kudde gebruik is. Die bulle het klaar hul merk gemaak en bied gemoedsrus aan die<br />

koper. Dit is tradisie op Hartebeestloop om jaarliks ook 2 van ons beproefde stoetvaars aan te bied.<br />

Kom kyk gerus na die 2 bulle en sien hoe lyk donkie-jare se beproefde teling in ‘n dier!<br />

Daar is sekere goed wat uniek is aan elke veiling. So ook probeer ons jaarliks iets uniek na die<br />

Hartebeestloop veiling bring. Baie boere wil graag ‘n Hartebeestloop bul besit maar kon vir verskeie<br />

redes tot nou dit nie doen nie. Ons voorneme vir die 2012 veiling is “ ’n Hartebeestloop veilingsbul vir<br />

elke boer”. Uitstekende terme is beding met Standard Bank en Agra om finansieringskemas in plek te<br />

stel om boere te help om die genetika te bekom wat hul graag wil hê. Ons het uit ons pad gegaan om<br />

hierdie voorneme in ‘n werkbare vorm om te sit om voornemende kopers te help.<br />

Op Hartebeestloop is ons bederf deur die kwaliteit gasverkopers wat mee maak aan die veiling.<br />

Hierdie manne en vroue is bekende telers met ‘n geskiedenis van uitstaande <strong>Bonsmara</strong> diere teel en<br />

‘n passie vir die bedryf. Dit is mos ‘n feit dat die vereistes wat Hartebeestloop aan die telers en diere<br />

stel wat op die veiling kom, die heel strengste is van alle Namibiese veilings. Dit moet mos aan die<br />

voornemende koper gemoedsrus gee! Hierdie jaar bring die manne weer top diere na die veiling en dit<br />

gee goeie genetiese variasie.<br />

Daar is werklik moeite gedoen deur ons en die gasverkopers om ook kwaliteit vroulike diere na die<br />

veiling te bring. Die <strong>Bonsmara</strong> is ‘n moederlyn ras en sy sukses is gebou daarop! Die vroulike diere op<br />

die veiling gee waarde aan die moederlyn eienskappe van die <strong>Bonsmara</strong>. Die kommersiële vroulike<br />

diere se kwaliteit is van so ‘n aard dat hulle as basisdiere vir stoetteling aangebied kan word. Die<br />

stoet vroulike diere is van hoogstaande gehalte en behoort hulle merk in enige kudde te maak. Die<br />

gasverkopers en ons besef terdeë dat dit gedeeltelik ons name is wat verkoop word en nie so seer ‘n<br />

dier nie. So – ons almal staan by die kwaliteit van ons aanbiedings. Op die veiling is sommer ‘n klomp<br />

vroulike diere – kom soek jou keuses uit.<br />

Die veiling word weereens voorafgegaan met ‘n Boeredag vir almal. Die bekende weidingskundige<br />

Riaan Dames gaan daar wees en die sessies gaan so prakties as moontlik wees. Na vele navrae is<br />

besluit om die boere te wys en te leer wat die speenkalf koper en voerkraal soek in die ideale kalf.<br />

Ons almal beoefen tot ‘n mate ‘n speenkalf produksiestelsel en kennis om die beste kalf te teel en die<br />

hoogste prys te kry, is van groot ekonomiese voordeel. Kom leer saam met ons! Die namiddag kyk en<br />

praat ons net bulle. Die bul manne is almal daar en so ook die bulle. Kom hoor wat sê hulle en gee<br />

ook jou opinie. Dit is belangrik vir ons! Dit sal baie lekker wees om jou te ontvang op Hartebeestloop by die<br />

Boeredag (23 Mei) en die Veiling (24 Mei)!<br />

Vriendelike groete<br />

Joggie Briedenhann en Nico Visser<br />


Die KLIP en SAND/GRAS teken toon aan in watter tipe wêreld die bulle groot geword het.<br />



visit www.bonsmara.com.na for the auction catalogue<br />

<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

Joggie jbried@joggie.com.na<br />

Nico +264 811241168<br />

BOEREDAG 23 MEI 2012, <strong>09</strong>H00 op die plaas<br />

Bywoning is gratis, betaal slegs vir etes<br />

FARMERS DAY 23 MAY 2012, <strong>09</strong>h00 on the farm<br />

Lectures are free, only pay for food<br />

08H30 - <strong>09</strong>H00 Registrasie<br />

Registration<br />

<strong>09</strong>H00 - <strong>09</strong>H15 Opening (Ds Gerhard Liebenberg)<br />

<strong>09</strong>H15 - 10H00 Hartebeestloop <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s: 10 jaar later<br />

Hartebeestloop <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s: 10 years later<br />

(Joggie Briedenhann)<br />

10H00 - 11H00 Alles en meer oor die beste Speenkalf<br />

All and more about the best Weaner<br />

(Kobus Gresse - Karan Beef)<br />

11H00 - 11H30 Tee/Koffie Breuk Tea/Coffee Break<br />

11H30 - 12H30 Die bestuur van natuurlike Weiding<br />

The Management of Natural Grazing<br />

(Riaan Dames - Best Farmer)<br />

12H30 - 13H00 Dit is nou maklik om Hartebeestloop Genetika te bekom<br />

It is now easy to obtain Hartebeestloop Genetics<br />

(Gerhard Mukuahima - Standard Bank)<br />

13H00 - 14H00 Middagete / Lunch<br />

14h00 - 15h00 Prakties met Kobus in kraal en Riaan in veld<br />

Practical with Kobus in the kraal and Riaan in the veld<br />

15H00 - laat/late Bulle deur die ring, bespreking en saam kuier!<br />

Bulls through ring, discussion and socializing!

visit www.bonsmara.com.na for the auction catalogue<br />

<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

Joggie jbried@joggie.com.na<br />

Nico +264 811241168<br />


LOT 1 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 235 P 6 LOT 23: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 136 P 28 LOT 45: WCS 08 - 110 P 49<br />

LOT 2 : AEJ 05 - 122 P 7 LOT 24: <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 247 P 29 LOT 46: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 012 P 50<br />

LOT 3 : AG 04 - 175 P 8 LOT 25: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 160 P 30 LOT 47: scratched-<br />

LOT 4 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 082 P 9 LOT 26: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 016 P 31 LOT 48: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 026 P 51<br />

LOT 5 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 053 P 10 LOT 27: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 015 P 32 LOT 49: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 051 P 52<br />

LOT 6 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 237 P 11 LOT 28: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 045 P 33 LOT 50: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 060 P 53<br />

LOT 7 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 131 P 12 LOT 29: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 082 P 34 LOT 51: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 066 P 54<br />

LOT 8 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 007 P 13 LOT 30: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 162 P 35 LOT 52: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - <strong>09</strong>6 P 55<br />

LOT 9 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 010 P 14 LOT 31: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 185 P 36 LOT 53: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 126 P 56<br />

LOT 10: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 025 P 15 LOT 32: <strong>HART</strong> 07 - 037 P 37 LOT 54: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 175 P 57<br />

LOT 11: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 214 P 16 LOT 33: ERH <strong>09</strong> - 120 P 38 LOT 55: WCS 08 - 123 P 58<br />

LOT 12: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 122 P 17 LOT 34: WAGB <strong>09</strong> - 054 P 39 LOT 56: scratched-<br />

LOT 13: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 058 P 18 LOT 35: HMB <strong>09</strong> - 107 P 40 LOT 57: scratched<br />

LOT 14: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 203 P 19 LOT 36: TON 08 - 144 P 41 LOT 58: WAGB <strong>09</strong> - 135 P 59<br />

LOT 15: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 063 P 20 LOT 37: ERH <strong>09</strong> - <strong>105</strong> P 42 LOT 59: ERH <strong>09</strong> - 054 P 60<br />

LOT 16: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 215 P 21 LOT 38: scratched<br />

LOT 60: TON <strong>09</strong> - 044 P 61<br />

LOT 17: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - <strong>105</strong> P 22 LOT 39: WCS 08 - 053 P 43 LOT 61: ERH <strong>09</strong> - 135 P 62<br />

LOT 18: <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 240 P 23 LOT 40: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 181 P 44 LOT 62: TON 08 - 158 P 63<br />

LOT 19: <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 265 P 24 LOT 41: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 186 P 45 LOT 63: ERH <strong>09</strong> - 152 P 64<br />

LOT 20: <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 245 P 25 LOT 42: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 194 P 46 LOT 64: TON 08 - 075 P 65<br />

LOT 21: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 123 P 26 LOT 43: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 232 P 47<br />

LOT 22: <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 256 P 27 LOT 44: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 118 P 48<br />




P 66<br />



P xx<br />







<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 1 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 235<br />

LOT 1 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 235<br />

He is bred from KHB 05-172. He is a bull with unbelievable capacity and very good musculature but the average birth weight of his<br />

calves at Hartebeestloop is only 36 kg. You are welcome to read more about KHB 05-172 at various other places in the catalogue.<br />

His mother is <strong>HART</strong> 06-<strong>105</strong> with AFC of 23 months, ICP of 423 for 3 calves, weaning index of 101 and RI of 116.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-235 is a medium frame bull with very good length. He looks like his father – a good example of masculinity. The head is<br />

very strong, he is a lively-eyed bull always with his head up, good eyebrow-ridges, wide jaw, good width between the eyes, very good<br />

darkening and a good symmetrically hanging scrotum. The strong neck and the way in which the bull carries his head is very striking.<br />

There is sufficient depth, length, musculature and width in the bull to ensure good capacity. The bull’s middle section, spring of rib and<br />

top line immediately draw attention – as does the depth of his forequarter. There is more than sufficient flesh covering the framework.<br />

The adaptability traits are very good. He shows good hump development, good hide and coat and very strong legs and claws.<br />

There is good length between the hip- and pinbones and the slope of the rump is favourable. He has excellent sheath/navel flap<br />

combination. The only problem is the person who broke his tail while he was young – today no one is allowed to touch an animal’s<br />

tail at Hartebeesloop, except to bite the tail in order to move the animal forward in the crush-pen! Inherited from his father is a small<br />

white patch in front of the scrotum.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-235 shows good breed values with birth weight-direct value slightly above breed average, good milk value and growth<br />

potential, excellent feed efficiency values, the correct “right size” body measurements and very good reproductive breed values.<br />

Breed values play a role in stud breeding and meat production, but is only one of the many traits that must be considered.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-235 must preferably be used on older heifers (24 months) and cows. When I physically evaluate the bull, his shoulder<br />

points and muscle definition cautions me to be careful of using him on younger heifers. For the commercial farmer he is the ideal bull<br />

for any production system. He has enough milk to carry over to his heifers, good pre-weaning growth for weaner calf production and<br />

much post-weaning growth in the veld for ox production.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-235 will also do well in a crossbreeding program – he will provide your Simmentaler cross cows and Simbra cows with<br />

smooth hide and coat and plenty of pre-weaning growth! The smaller beef farmers with much dairy breed genetics in their herds, will<br />

also benefit greatly by bringing in more meat and growth into their herds.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 2 : AEJ 05 - 112<br />

LOT 2 : AEJ 05 - 112<br />

Every year the tradition at Hartebeestloop farm is to put at least 2 proven stud sires on the market. In the past we have also<br />

purchased good breeding material from Jan Pienaar of NOSA <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. AEJ 03-199, presently at Tollie van Tonder from Komaweer<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong>s as well as AEJ 05-112 are part of our bull purchases from Jan. AEJ 05-112 is a bull partly owned with Badeveen<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong>s (Dok and Dirk Badenhorst). During the first period we only used his semen while he was physically kept at Badeveen.<br />

His primary function was to mate with heifers. His mother AEJ 00-148 is an excellent animal still active in die NOSA herd. Her age<br />

first calf (AFC) is 30 months, intercalving period (ICP) 382 days for 9 calves, weaning index is 102, breed index (RI) is 111 and all her<br />

calves have received 100% stud approval.<br />

He did well at Badeveen <strong>Bonsmara</strong> and at Hartebeestloop. He breeds handsome dark calves with splendid pigmentation.<br />

Remarkably, calves sired by him are consistently of very good length. He breeds exceptional depth of body, sufficient musculature,<br />

good scrotal circumference and strong top lines. If criticism is needed, improved hindquarter in his progeny would be desirable. If<br />

one observes his own exceptional forequarter and middle section then they slightly outshine his hindquarter. There are several of his<br />

calves standing in the queue and the plan is also to use one specific bull calf, which is presently doing very well during the summer<br />

PHASE D growth test.<br />

AEJ 05-112 is once again a bull unrelated to most of the NOSA-genetic pool in Namibia. It is well-known that Namibians regularly<br />

buy <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s from NOSA and that their cattle are very well adapted and highly rated. The presentation of AEJ 05-112 creates the<br />

ideal opportunity for prospective buyers of NOSA genetics even though the borders are closed. Consider him carefully – he will make<br />

his mark in many a herd.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 3 : AG 04 - 175<br />

LOT 3 : AG 04 - 175<br />

In the first years of stud breeding we had no choice but to keep all good and “reasonably good” heifers as substitutes.<br />

Prices for good female animals were sky high – in fact, even today they are still high!. Most of our purchases were<br />

therefore aimed at attaining younger animals in herds that were supposed to be genetically superior. The end result was<br />

that there was always a chronic shortage of good heifer bulls at Hartebeestloop. I purchased AG 04-175 on the 2007<br />

Arcadia auction for the following reasons – I was highly impressed with the photo of his father, he has everything that I am<br />

looking for in a heifer bull, his scrotum breeding value is far above the breed average and he has very good length. He<br />

comes from a family line of proven heifer bulls.<br />

At Hartebeestloop AG 04-175 has a progeny of 104 with an average birth weight of 35 kg. His nickname is Juan –<br />

because of his high libido. In Arcadia he was one of the bulls with the highest libido values in the M study of Retha<br />

Scheepers. One of his sons, <strong>HART</strong> 08-215, which was used in the herd as young bull, is also on the auction. Another one<br />

of his sons in the herd is currently being used as heifer bull.<br />

In the kraal AG 04-175 speaks for himself. I will speak about his calves. He breeds according to his appearance. The<br />

calves show very good length, depth and capacity. He consistently breeds outstanding hide, coat and strong heads. AG<br />

04-175 played a major role in the herd in breeding very good scrotums, not only in size but also smooth, symmetrical<br />

and in good hanging position. His calves take after him with regard to his dark and strong claws but are slightly lighter in<br />

skeletal structure. At Hartebeestloop he is classified as a specialist calving ease bull. He was successfully used on young<br />

heifers aged 14 months. With age he has however, become a little heavier and is now used on 24 month old heifers and<br />

cows. The majority of his progeny have pelvis sizes greater than the group average and the physical pelvis measurements<br />

in cm² are slightly larger than the herd average. 58.683<br />

This to us is an important economically beneficial trait.<br />

AG 04-175 can be used very successfully for yet another few years. His presentation is part of the Hartebeestloop<br />

annual tradition which offers 2 proven stud sires. We know it is the right path to follow when we look at the progeny of the<br />

previous proven stud sires now with their new owners. These stud sires are dead certainties which you buy with definite<br />

peace of mind. Breeders who like us, want to correctly breed the same traits selectively with AG 04-175, should seriously<br />

consider this bull. Better than this, is very hard to come by.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 4 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 082<br />

LOT 4 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 082<br />

With great success we used <strong>HART</strong> 08-082 in the Hartebeestloop herd on young first-time heifers. I was very impressed<br />

with his grandfather RCO 98-037 belonging to Ian and Jan Lourens from Jay-El <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s, where I saw him<br />

for the first time. We tried different combinations with the progeny of RCO 98-037 on Namibian cows. Hart 08-082 is bred<br />

from HJS 03-016 and NGO 00-069 – she is a typical more Bos indicus type of cow. The combination works excellently<br />

and there are more such sons on the way. NGO 00-069 was bred at Woestyn <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s where her data was not kept<br />

up to date. Her ICP is 436 days with her last 4 ICP values at Hartebeestloop on 400, 387, 383 and 367 days, respectively.<br />

She calves at 30 months and weans 7 calves with 102 index at 47.7% of her body mass. She has an 83% approval of<br />

her calves. I sold 2 bull calves and 1 heifer calf of hers for a total amount of N$ 207,000.00. She is one of the best.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-082 is an early matured medium frame bull which can be used on heifers and cows. He presents outstanding<br />

capacity, good balance with very good musculature. He is most likely one of the broadest bulls on the auction – with<br />

strong topline, good slope of rump and strong legs. He displays much masculinity – head is strong, eyebrow-ridges are<br />

well developed, darkening is present and scrotum is excellent (37.1 cm in circumference). <strong>HART</strong> 08-082 has very good<br />

height/length ratio of 1:21 and the extra meat and weight are in the length. His underline is very good with perfect sheath<br />

and navel flap. He also displays excellent adaptability traits – hide and coat are perfect, skin is 17 mm thick, hump is<br />

well-developed and claws are strong. One cannot expect better meat traits than that which he shows. There is not an<br />

inch of him which is not loaded with meat. Our aim after all, as you well know, is to improve carcass production and<br />

dressing percentage.<br />

His breeding values are once again, very well-balanced and one can clearly see that he can be used as heifer bull on<br />

young heifer cows. Birth weight-direct is below the breeding average, there is enough milk and both pre-wean- and postwean<br />

growth are sufficient.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-082 was identified as possible stud bull at an early age for use in the Hartebeestloop herd. He is unrelated<br />

to most of our breeding strains and I am not aware of any other RCO 98-037 breeding strain in Namibia. He bred excellently<br />

at Hartebeestloop and the calves look like him – thick, wide, well muscled, with all signs of outstanding capacity<br />

already showing. I have seen only a few bulls which breed this type of quality calves from 1st calf heifers.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-082 should go to a top stud herd where his traits and qualities can be used to the advantage of the <strong>Bonsmara</strong><br />

breed. I can recommend him with peace of mind – which I then also do!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 5 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 053<br />

LOT 5 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 053<br />

Hy is geteel uit ons staatmaker kuddevaar AG 02-027 en NGO 02-008. Sy is ‘n Woestyn <strong>Bonsmara</strong> koei wat gebou is<br />

om in die warm Kalahari te presteer. Haar OEK is 32 mnde, TKP is 386 dae oor 8 kalwers met RI van 1<strong>09</strong>. Sy het 80%<br />

stoet goedkeuring van haar kalwers. Sy is nie die meer Bos indicus tipe Namibiese <strong>Bonsmara</strong> koei nie. Sy is vol vleis,<br />

breed met goeie kapasiteit en ook goeie bespiering maar nog steeds baie vroulik met ‘n uitstekende uier en spene.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-053 het alle eienskappe wat ek en jy in ‘n stoetbul waardeer. Hy wys baie manlikheid, sterk bek, goeie<br />

oogbanke, baie sterk nekontwikkeling en goeie verdonkering van die voorkwart gedeelte. Sy skrotum is goed gevorm,<br />

hang mooi, is glad en het 36,1 cm gemeet. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-053 vertoon uitstekende lengte met hoogte/lengte verhouding van<br />

1:21. Nieteenstaande sy goeie lengte is die toplyn baie sterk – kyk gerus na die oogspier en hoe dit in die skofgedeelte<br />

ingaan. Met so ‘n oogspier kan die rug mos nie pap of hol wees nie. Die kruishelling se inklinasie is goed en so ook die<br />

baie goeie lengte van heupbeen na sitbeen. Hy is besonders breed reg deur - vanaf tussen die oë tot by die agterkwart.<br />

Daar is goeie diepte, sterk maar soepel bespiering en baie goeie kapasiteit.<br />

Sy aanpasbaarheid kan nie beter nie – bene en kloue is sterk en sy vel en haar is van hoogstaande kwaliteit.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-053 het van die beste vleiseienskappe op die veiling. So moet ‘n bul mos lyk om karkasopbrengs te verhoog<br />

en jou kudde ekonomies meer suksesvol te maak.<br />

Hy het uitstekende teelwaardes. Effens swaarder as rasgemiddeld op geboortedirek, met baie goeie voor- en naspeense<br />

groei, genoegsame melk, uitstekende voerdoeltreffendheidswaardes, perfekte liggaamsmates en uitstaande reproduksie<br />

teelwaardes. Hy is ‘n Top Presteerder met Suidelike-Afrika Veldbul ekonomiese indeks van 128, GDT indeks 126, Kleiber<br />

indeks 117 en baie goeie pelvismates. Daar is geen van sy prestasietoets data of meting van ekonomiese belangrike<br />

eienskappe wat ek kan kritiseer nie.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-053 is ons trots op Hartebeestloop en hy is ‘n volwaardige stoetbul. Die teler wat hom kry, gaan ‘n reuse stap<br />

vorentoe neem in kudde prestasie en genetiese verbetering. As jy enigsins kan, maak plek vir hom in jou kudde.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 6 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 237<br />

LOT 6 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 237<br />

Over the years we have found that it works very well to combine exceptional RSA bulls (with good growth and efficiency traits) with<br />

the more Bos indicus type Namibian <strong>Bonsmara</strong>. This is where the complementary effect (improvement of poor traits) of crossbreeding<br />

kicks in “big-time”.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-237 is bred from AG 98-338 and NGO 99-0088 (Woestyn <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s). Her AFC is 31 months, ICP 464 days for 6 calves,<br />

5/6 stud approved and she weans her calves at 48.6% of her body weight (496 kg). Unfortunately, Woestyn <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s did not keep<br />

the cow’s reproduction data up to date and she is far better than what her performance data indicates. Her daughter <strong>HART</strong> 06-077 also<br />

has a very good son (<strong>HART</strong> 08-246) on the auction. Heifers descended from her were of the top sellers on both the 2008 and 2010<br />

production auctions. One daughter, <strong>HART</strong> 07-154 is used in the herd and has an AFC of 25 months, ICP of 385 days over 3 calves,<br />

RI of 118 and weans at 50.1% of her body mass.<br />

It is difficult to describe <strong>HART</strong> 08-237 – much better to see him face-to-face. He was used with great success in the Hartebeestloop<br />

stud and has produced outstanding calves. He has very good length, excellent musculature, good depth and very good width<br />

throughout. He is a bull with outstanding capacity, strong top line, thick and strong neck, very good hindquarter with strong legs and<br />

claws. Observe his middle section and spring of rib. He is meaty! – inner- and outer thighs are especially full, as well as behind the<br />

shoulder-blades and loin areas, with wide hocks where the leg muscles stretch far down. His calves look precisely as described above.<br />

There is sufficient masculinity in the head, wide between the eyes, wide jaw with good darkening in the neck and forequarter area. His<br />

scrotum measures 33.7 cm, is symmetrical and hangs perfectly. His sheath/navel flap combination is very good.<br />

The breeding values for <strong>HART</strong> 08-237 are very well balanced. He is lower than breed average for birth weight-direct, presents good<br />

growth and feed efficiency traits, correct body measurements and very good calving rate. His scrotum breed value is negative – we<br />

regularly observe that bulls change enormously from one BLUP run to the next when they are put into a “large scrotum average<br />

measured” group during growth testing – only to change over to the other side the very next year. <strong>HART</strong> 08-237 is a stud bull with high<br />

potential. That which the traditional <strong>Bonsmara</strong> from Namibia is lacking, he has in absolute abundance!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 7 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 131<br />

LOT 7 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 131<br />

His father is AG 03-029 which does excellently at Hartebeestloop. Both his bull- and heifer calves are beginning to feature<br />

very strongly in the herd. His mother BHE 05-035 has an AFC of 26 months, ICP of 376 days for 3 calves, weaning<br />

index of 106 over the 3 calves at 48.2% of her body mass and RI of 117. Indeed, a showy cow.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-131 is a rock-hard bull with excellent musculature. His rib eye surface is far above the breeding average –<br />

observe the width over his back. He is broad-chested and carries this through to the back. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-131 shows outstanding<br />

length, but even so he has a very strong topline which ends in a perfect slope of rump. His height/length ratio is<br />

far better than that of the breed and of the best on the auction (1:28). He displays excellent balance with good capacity,<br />

outer- and inner thighs are full of meat, good meat traits over the loin area and full behind the shoulder. For us his legs<br />

and claws are of great value – they are precisely as we want to breed them for performance ability under difficult extensive<br />

conditions. His secondary masculinity traits are very strong – observe his head and darkening in the neck area. His<br />

scrotum is clean, hangs perfectly and measures 35.4 cm. It is difficult to breed a bull better adapted than <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-131 –<br />

hide and coat are outstanding, hump development is very good, long tail hangs on the ground and his sheath/navel flap<br />

combination is 100%.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-131 has very good breeding values – precisely as we like it: low on birth weight-direct with sufficient growth,<br />

good efficiency with excellent length. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-131 is a Top Performer with indices of above 100 for weaning, ADG,<br />

Kleiber, Veld Bull and pelvis measurements. He performed well in everything that we measured. Various animal scientists<br />

and stud animal consultants constantly marked him as potential stud sire at various stages of his development.<br />

I can confidently and with peace of mind recommend <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-131 to any serious stud breeder. He is brimming with<br />

stud potential – phenotypically correct, excellent performance testing values and outstanding meat traits. He can be used<br />

on heifers and cows. Now is your chance to establish the breeding strain in your herd, if you have not yet done so. He is<br />

the pride of Hartebeestloop.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 8 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 007<br />

LOT 8 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 007<br />

Daar is ‘n paar uitsonderlike AG 98-338 seuns op die veiling en <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-007 is een van hulle. Hy is geteel uit ‘n<br />

Namibiese koei NGO 03-<strong>09</strong>3 van Woestyn <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. Haar OEK is 36 mnde, TKP is 387 dae oor 6 kalwers met 75%<br />

stoetgoedkeuring en RI van <strong>105</strong>. Sy speen haar kalwers teen 50.1% van haar liggaamsgewig. Sy is ‘n uitstekende koei<br />

wat onder sub-optimale beesboer toestande nog steeds ver bo die gemiddeld presteer. Ek gaan nie veel sê oor AG 98-<br />

338 nie behalwe dat dit seker die bekendste bul is van alle beesrasse in Suidelike Afrika. As jy nog nie die bloedlyn in jou<br />

kudde het nie moet jy dit dalk nou ernstig oorweeg.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-007 is in alle opsigte ‘n uitstekende bul. Hy is ‘n mediumraam tipe 3 bul met baie goeie bespiering en goeie<br />

kapasiteit. Die toplyn is sterk, daar is baie goeie breedte, goeie diepte deur die voorlyf en mooi sprong van rib. Hy is<br />

sekerlik van die bes gebalanseerde bulle op die mark. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-007 het ‘n baie goeie agterkwart en is vol vleis agter die<br />

blaaie. Oor die algemeen is sy vleiseienskappe baie goed.<br />

Hy is baie manlik met sterk kop, goeie oogbank ontwikkeling en sterk nek. Sy skrotum meet 36,8 cm, is glad en skoon<br />

maar die naat is effe na regs aangeheg. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-007 is ‘n kop-op-bul – hy weet gedurig wat om hom aan gaan. Sy aanpasbaarheid<br />

is uit die boeke – vel en haar is goed, vel is baie dik en meet 18mm, skofontwikkeling is sterk en sy bene is<br />

baie sterk. Kyk gerus na die bul se bene, breedte oor die hakke en kloue. Dit is alles uitstaande. Sy kruishelling, wydte<br />

tussen sitbene, stertaanhegting en onderlyn kan nie beter nie. Hy is donkerrooi van kleur en dit is wat die <strong>Bonsmara</strong><br />

mark soek.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-007 se teelwaardes is uitstekend. Hy is binne perke op geboortegewig direk, vertoon goeie voor- en<br />

naspeense groei, met uitstekende voerdoeltreffendheidsyfers, goeie liggaamsmates en baie goeie reproduksie eienskappe.<br />

Hy is ‘n Top Presteerder tydens alle prestasietoetse wat ons gedoen het – Veldbul ekonomiese indeks (115),<br />

GDT (107) en Kleiber indeks (101). Sy kondisietelling was gedurende die 9 mnde ekstensiewe groeitoets altyd van die<br />

heel bestes. Hy is gehard, sal orals aanpas en sy konstitusie behou.<br />

Hierdie bul het alreeds van jong kalf af gewys dat hy gaan ontwikkel in ‘n volwaardige stoetbul. Hy is in alle opsigte die<br />

ideaal wat Hartebeestloop wil teel. Ek ken sy stamboom, sy prestasies tydens die prestasietoetsing, die waarde van sy<br />

ekonomiese belangrike eienskappe en sy BLUP teelwaardes en daarom kan ek hom aanbeveel as ‘n stoetbul. Met hom<br />

kan jy nie verkeerd gaan nie!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 9 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 010<br />

LOT 9 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 010<br />

He is bred from AG 02-027 which is from Ponk O’Kennedy of Woestyn <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. We attained exceptional bulls from<br />

him, the most well-known one being <strong>HART</strong> 07-027 which is used by Edward Hansen (EMOK <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) as stud bull.<br />

The mother is BHE 04-211 with AFC of 27 months, ICP 365 days for 6 calves, RI 117 and 100% approval of all the calves<br />

presented. The vast majority of our Fortress cows turned out to be reliable cows.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-010 is a medium frame bull with exceptionally good musculature. One can judge the musculature correctly<br />

throughout from the thick neck, forearm, rib eye and tortoise mucle. The eye muscle especially is very prominent on<br />

the back. His eye muscle surface is also greater than the breeding average. His height/length ratio of 1:24 is also very<br />

good and far above the breeding average. The bull is a good example of masculinity with his very strong head, excellent<br />

eyebrow-ridge development, wide between the eyes and strong jaw. His scrotum measures 39.6 cm and his breeding<br />

value is 14.9. The scrotum is smooth, well-formed but the attachment is slightly to the right. He presents a very good<br />

underline with a very functional sheath/navel flap combination. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-010 has one of the best hide and coat combinations<br />

in the beef industry. His hump development is excellent and he is very strong at the junction of the neck/forequarter.<br />

Legs and claws are excellent and so is the slope of the rump. His tail insertion could have been better.<br />

This bull weighed 30 kg at birth and his breeding value for birth weight-direct is far below the breeding average. His<br />

breeding values for growth and efficiency is typical that of a heifer bull. His reproduction breeding values are however,<br />

excellent. He fared outstandingly during the rest of the performance testing with indices as follows: Veld Bull (111), weaning<br />

(107), ADG (1<strong>09</strong>), Kleiber (1<strong>09</strong>) and pelvis (99). There are very few bulls on the market with this type of performance<br />

data. I would only use him on well-matured heifers of 24 months old and cows.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-010 has very good qualities and is a potential stud bull. Breeders should however, make provision for his<br />

coarse tail insertion and also take note of his scrotum attachment. If one has strong tail insertions and good scrotums in<br />

the herd, then it would be worth looking at <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-010. This bull brings so much to the table adding ample value to any<br />

herd that I can strongly recommend him for stud breeding. Study the bull in its totality and then make an assessment for<br />

yourself of what you see before your eyes.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 10 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 025<br />

LOT 10 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 025<br />

This bull is bred from AG 98-338 and CEF 98-<strong>09</strong>5. She was bought out of hand from Fourie Scheepers (Zinabos <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s)<br />

and performed well at Hartebeestloop. Her AFC is 31 months, ICP 399 days for 9 calves with average weaning<br />

index of 102, RI of 108 and 70% stud approval of her calves. This cow’s performances must be seen in the light of her<br />

transference from the cold Fouriesburg area to the hot, dry Kalahari. The contribution of AG 98-338 to the <strong>Bonsmara</strong> and<br />

the beef production industry in general, is enormous. Our wish is that each commercial farmer who farms with <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s,<br />

whether in pure-breeding or crossbreeding will have of his progeny in their herd.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-025 is a medium frame “All Rounder” bull which can be used on heifers or cows. He is a “wide-eyed” bull with<br />

a very proud attitude – his head is always in the air. He has good masculinity with a strong head, good eyebrow-ridge development,<br />

wide between the eyes, wide jaw and excellent darkening in the neck area. His scrotum is well formed, hangs<br />

symmetrically and measures 36.5 cm. He also presents a clean underline with good sheath/navel flap combination.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-025 presents excellent muscle definition and his rib eye surface is far above the breeding average. His “skilpadspier”<br />

and forearm are also very well developed which affirms his good musculature. His height/length ratio of 1:16<br />

is the same as that for the breeding average. Topline is strong and ends in very good slope of rump. I have not seen a<br />

bull with such adaptability traits as <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-025 in a very long time. His hide and coat are likely the best on the auction;<br />

hump development is very good and his legs and claws are from the book. I cannot say enough about the good traits that<br />

this bull demonstrates. Year after year we see that this type of bull is the best marketer for Hartebeestloop <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s.<br />

They keep their constitution wherever they are sent, work hard, adapt easily, walk comfortably and keep on performing.<br />

His breeding values are right on spot: Low on birth weight-direct, good growth with very good efficiency and strong on<br />

reproduction. His other measured traits are either equal to the herd average or slightly higher.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-025 is on our records as a potential stud bull. Any breeder who has not yet established the AG 98-338 breeding<br />

strain in his herd and who wants to do this must look closely at <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-025. Namibian breederss who have already<br />

invested in the genetics of AG 98-338 are soon going to reap the fruits thereof. His progeny at these breeders is of outstanding<br />

quality. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-025 has the advantage, unlike his father, that he can also be used on heifers. He can also be<br />

selectively paired with larger frame, flatter type cows to yield excellent results. This has worked very well for us and there<br />

is no reason why it cannot be the same for other breeders.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 11 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 214<br />

LOT 11 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 214<br />

Hierdie bul is uit AG 03-029 en BHE 05-061 geteel. Ons is baie tevrede met die teling van AG 03-029 – sy kalwers is<br />

konstant onder die bestes van die kalwergroepe. Kyk gerus na die kwaliteit van sy ander bulkalwers op die veiling. Ons<br />

gebruik ook 2 seuns in die kudde. BHE 05-061 se OEK is 27 mnde, TKP van 400 dae oor 5 kalwers, speenindeks van<br />

102 en RI van 111. Sy het 100% stoetgoedkeuring van haar kalwers. Sy het as jong vers op Hartebeestloop vanaf Frankfort<br />

(Vrystaat) aangekom en het uitstekend aangepas.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-214 is in alle opsigte ‘n uitsonderlike bul wat die oog vang. Hy vertoon baie goeie lengte (teelwaarde is 21)<br />

met goeie hoogte/lengte verhouding van 1:20. Jy kan dadelik sien dat sy lengte dra by tot sy indrukwekkende voorkoms.<br />

Die bul se vleiseienskappe beindruk – vol agter die blaaie, vol vleis oor die lende areas, kruis is goed vol vleis, uitstekende<br />

agterkwart en groot oogspieroppervlakte gemeet. Na alles gesê en gedaan is oor stoetteling, is genoegsame<br />

vleis en gewig op ‘n funksioneel doeltreffende dier, van die beste doelwitte wat in enige teelbeleid ingebou moet word. Hy<br />

is baie manlik – met sterk kop en oogbanke, uitstekende skrotum en goeie skede en naelvel. Kyk na die bul se vel en<br />

haar – glansend met kort, blink haar. Sy bene en kloue is opvallend sterk – kyk gerus na die breedte oor die hakke.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-214 vertoon baie goeie teelwaardes. Hy is op geboortedirek minimaal swaarder as die rasgemiddeld (sy<br />

eie geboortegewig is 36 kg). Hy vertoon uitstekende groeisyfers wat afplat na volwasse gewig, sy doeltreffenheid teelwaardes<br />

is baie goed en so ook sy liggaamsmate verhoudings en reproduksie. Hy was van die bestes met sy prestasietoetsing<br />

– Veldbul ekonomiese indeks (103), GDT (125), Kleiber indeks (111) en gemete pelvisoppervlakte van 19,63<br />

cm² wat bo die kuddegemiddeld is. Hy presteer orals goed ongeag wat jy meet of weeg.<br />

Daar is altyd bulle wat die plaasbestuurders en werksmense wat gedurig met hulle werk, hoog aan prys. Dit het baie te<br />

doen met loopvermoë (onthou ons diere word oor lang afstande getrek vir weging), kondisie deur die hele jaar, temperament,<br />

kop stamp en gesag afdwing (ons manne glo die sterkste bul is ook die beste) en vele meer. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-214 is hulle<br />

keuse vir die bul van die veiling.<br />

As stoettelers plaas ons altyd ‘n premie op die opinie van die mense wat baie nou en daagliks met die beeste/bulle<br />

werk. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-214 is ‘n potensiële stoetbul en is beslis ook een van my aanbevelings vir die veiling<br />



<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 12 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 122<br />

LOT 12 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 122<br />

He is bred from AG 03-353 which now belongs to Dries Venter from Tzaus <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. Some of you will remember the<br />

bull on the 20<strong>09</strong> auction – dark bull with very good qualities and excellent performance testing values. The mother is a<br />

Fortress cow BHE 05-033 which is bred from AG 98-338 combined with Robco genetics. Her AFC is 26 months, ICP 365<br />

days for 4 calves with average weaning index of 104, BI of 118 and 100% stud approval of her calves. An outstanding son<br />

of hers was sold to Andrè du Plessis (Steinhausen) and a heifer to Julius Lawrence (Mariental). BHE 05-033 is an outstanding<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong> cow.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-122 is of the best bulls that have been bred at Hartebeestloop. He is a good example of masculinity, highspiritedness<br />

and erectness, strong eyebrow-ridges, wide jaw with good darkening in the neck area. His scrotum hangs<br />

perfectly, is well formed and measures 38.7 cm with breeding value of 24.8! The bull has excellent musculature, width<br />

throughout, with depth in his forequarter and very good capacity. His height/length ratio is 1:23 which beats the breeding<br />

average by far; his topline is strong, notwithstanding his length and his rib eye surface is above the average for the breed.<br />

He is stuffed with meat – full behind the shoulders, inner- and outer thighs are full of meat, leg muscle is long and attaches<br />

low on the hocks; full of meat in the loins and well-filled with meat on the slope of his rump. His legs and toes are unsurpassable<br />

for our circumstances – here an animal cannot survive if his legs and toes are not strong. His adaptability is<br />

outstanding – hide and hair, hump development and thick skin folds in the neck and long tail – one could not ask for more.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-122 has excellent breeding values. He is average on birth weight-direct, good milk, very good growth and ADG,<br />

strong in efficiency and outstanding in reproduction breeding values. His economic important traits are of the best – weaning<br />

index (108), ADG (107), Kleiber index (103), Veld bull (102) and pelvis measurement equal to the herd average. He is<br />

truly a Top Performer in every sense of the word.<br />

As stud breeder one can pick out the young bulls that show stud potential (a very good feeling!) and this has taken the<br />

best part of 10 years for us to reach this point. From time to time one comes across a young bull and you know, without<br />

a doubt that he is truly a stud bull. is such a bull. He should be part of a stud where his qualities can be used to bring<br />

remarkable progress into the stud herd. We often use working bulls to strengthen one or more traits in the herd, but it<br />

is seldom possible to find a bull such as <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-122 which is certainly not inferior on any one of the traits. What you<br />

decide to improve on he will do without any disadvantage to any other trait. This is truly a real stud bull.<br />

I stick to and stick with <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-122.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 13 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 058<br />

LOT 13 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 058<br />

Hierdie bul is geteel uit WAT 04-339 en ‘n koei van Jaap Prinsloo (Marloo <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) JMP 04-236. Sy doen baie goed<br />

in die Kalahari met OEK 25 mnde, TKP van 386 dae oor 6 kalwers, en ‘n RI van 115. Sy is nog steeds in die kudde en is<br />

van 2011 deel van die Elite groep koeie op Hartbeestloop. Kyk gerus na <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-058 en dan sal jy weet hoekom ons<br />

haar as een van die beter koeie identifiseer het. WAT 04-339 kom vanaf Frikkie Kruger (Waterpaslaagte <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) en<br />

word nog steeds in die kudde gebruik. Hy teel konstant wat die mark soek en sy kalwers is van die beste verkopers op<br />

Hartebeestloop.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-058 beïndruk jou dadelik as jy hom sien. Hy is sommer ‘n bielie van ‘n bul met uitstekende kapasiteit, lengte,<br />

breedte reg deur, diepte deur die voorlyf en baie goeie bespiering. Hy is veral sterk in die voorkwart, wys uitstekende<br />

sprong van rib en het goed bespierde rug en agterkwart. In kort – hy is pragtig in balans. Daar is genoeg manlikheid in<br />

die bul, verdonkering is aanwesig en hy is wakker en wil weet wat om hom aangaan. Hy het uitstekende vleiseienskappe<br />

– oor die lende, kruis, binne en buite dye en agter die blad is dit orals vol vleis. Hy is besonders sterk in die agterkwart.<br />

Sy aanpasbaarheidseienskappe is ook baie goed. Kyk na sy baie goeie vel en haar, dik vel met breë velvoue in die<br />

nekgedeelte, goeie skof en baie, baie sterk bene en kloue. ‘n Bul moet gemaklik oor ver afstande kan beweeg om te<br />

presteer op Dassiesfontein – hy doen dit maklik.<br />

Hier is goed gebalanseerde teelwaardes. Hy is baie laag op geboortedirek, daar is goeie voorspeense en naspeense<br />

groei met uitstekende voerdoeltreffendheidswaardes en ook goeie reproduksie teelwaardes. Alhoewel sy teelwaardes<br />

aanduidend is dat hy op verse ook gebruik kan word, sal ek dit met omsigtigheid benader. Die bul is breed met baie<br />

kapasiteit en goeie bespiering – probeer hom eers op uitgegroeide verse van 24 mnde en kyk hoe die kalwing verloop.<br />

Maak dan ‘n besluit oor presies hoe jy hom gaan aanwend.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-058 het goeie stoet potensiaal en is ‘n uitstaande bul wat uitstekende eienskappe in jou kudde behoort vas<br />

te lê. Hy is ‘n baie goeie voorbeeld van die tipe <strong>Bonsmara</strong> wat ons moet teel om mark segment te behou en selfs te<br />

vergroot. Hy spreek alles aan van regte tipe, fenotipies korrek, vol vleis, goeie teelwaardes, sterk stamboom en goeie<br />

moeder. Stoettelers behoort ernstig na die bul te kyk – hy gaan ‘n indruk maak op die veiling!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 14 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 203<br />

LOT 14 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 203<br />

Hy is geteel uit HJS 03-016 (RCO 98-037 seun) en BHE 04-201. Ek het reeds op ander plekke in die katalogus verwys<br />

na die kombinasies wat ons gedoen het met RCO 98-037. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-203 is ‘n toonbeeld wat vermag kan word deur<br />

selektiewe paring. BHE 04-201 se OEK is 27 mnde, TKP 442 dae oor 5 kalwers met speenindeks van 102 oor 4 en RI<br />

van <strong>105</strong>. Al haar kalwers aangebied vir stoet, is goedgekeur. Sy het aanvanklik gesukkel met aanpassing in die Kalahari<br />

maar doen uitstekend nou.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-203 is ‘n mediumraam “All Rounder” bul wat op verse en koeie gebruik kan word. Sy manlikheid val dadelik<br />

op – kop is sterk met goed ontwikkelde oogbanke, bree bek, genoeg spasie tussen oë met ‘n sterk bespierde nek wat<br />

goeie verdonkering wys. Sy skrotum is goed gevorm, hang mooi en is baie glad. Die onderlyn vertoon ook mooi.<br />

Daar is baie goeie bespiering aanwesig en die bul het “flair” – tipies wat ons sien met die goed gedefinieërde bespierde<br />

bulle. Sy lengte is uitstekend en hoogte/lengte verhouding is 1:21. Goeie lengte is een van die prioriteit teeldoelwitte<br />

by Hartebeestloop. Die bul is breed met goeie diepte deur die voorlyf en wys goeie kapasiteit met aanvaarbare sprong<br />

van rib. Sy aanpasbaarheid is ook goed en kyk gerus na dit wat belangrik is – vel, haar, skofontwikkeling, sterk bene en<br />

kloue, loopvermoë en algemene balans. Sy kruishelling is presies soos ons dit wil hê – helling is reg met goeie lengte en<br />

vol vleis op die kruisgedeelte. Die bul se pelvisindeks was van die beste in sy groep. As hy sulke kruishellings met groot<br />

pelvisse teel, is jy in die “pound seats”!<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-203 het goeie teelwaardes wat mooi in balans is. Hy is op rasgemiddeld vir geboortedirek, vertoon goeie<br />

groei met volwasse gewig op die rasgemiddeld, baie goeie voerdoeltreffenheidseienskappe met “right-size, right type”<br />

liggaamsmates en goeie reproduksie waardes. Hy het uitstekend presteer in sy prestasietoetsing met Veldbul indeks<br />

(106), GDT (110), Kleiber (103) en groot pelvismates.<br />

Ons het <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-203 opgeskryf as ‘n stoetbul. Hy het alles wat nodig is vir die stoetbedryf – uitstekende vleiseienskappe,<br />

beproefde stamboom, wys fenotipies alles wat belangrik is in stoetteling en presteer baie goed met die prestasietoetsing.<br />

Skryf hom ook maar op in jou boeke!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 15 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 063<br />

LOT 15 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 063<br />

He is bred from BHE 04-035 en <strong>HART</strong> 07-<strong>09</strong>8. BHE 04-035 is a RCO 98-037 son which was purchased on the Fortress<br />

Bull sale auction. We are very satisfied with the quality of his calves, but the bull unfortunately died from snakebite.<br />

There is however, very good progeny of his still present in the herd. <strong>HART</strong> 07-<strong>09</strong>8 is bred from AG 03-353 (he has a very<br />

strong son on the auction) and BHE 05-006. BHE 05-006 is one of our top cows with ICP of 335 days for 6 calves. <strong>HART</strong><br />

07-<strong>09</strong>8’s AFC is 21 months, ICP 363 days for 3 calves, with RI of 127 and 100% stud approval of the 2 calves presented.<br />

Cows breeding lines are important and the saying “A great sire has as a great dam”, is and remains our motto.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-063 is a medium frame “All Rounder” bull which can be used on both cows and heifers. He shows very good<br />

musculature – observe his back where the rib eye surface had a large measurement. There is good length, very good<br />

width and nice depth in the forequarter. The spring of rib is strong and the capacity of the bull is very good. The meat<br />

traits are first-class – full behind the shoulders, excellent hindquarters with full inner- and outer thighs and well-filled over<br />

the loins and rump. The leg muscles are long and attach low down on the hocks. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-063 is a very masculine bull<br />

with strong head and eyebrow-ridges, strong muscular neck with good darkening and a scrotum which is well-formed and<br />

hangs perfectly. Scrotum circumference is 34.1 cm. His slope of rump is as near to ideal as can be and so is his sheath/<br />

navel flap combination.<br />

His breeding values are very good – he is lower than breeding average on birth weight-direct, good pre- and post-wean<br />

growth figures with acceptable efficiency figures and reproduction breeding values. He fared excellently during the extensive<br />

growth testing with Veld bull economic index 110, ADG index <strong>105</strong> and Kleiber index 113. His pelvis measurement is<br />

equal to the group average.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-063 is an outstanding bull brimming with stud potential. As weaner calf he was given top marks and identified<br />

as potential stud bull, he retained classification at the PHASE D closing, again at the Veld bull closing, during the<br />

“screening” at Hartebeestloop (to decide which bull goes to the auction) and again during the visit to Hartebeestloop by<br />

a consultant from Stud Cattle Services. He constantly displayed well, from wean till now and that weighs heavily with us.<br />

He is not an “eye-popper” which suddenly starts to look good a month before the auction, because of being fed fat on<br />

extra feed. Breeders must seriously consider this bull.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 16 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 215<br />

LOT 16 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 215<br />

Every breeder wishes to breed a quality bull, have sufficient confidence in him to use on his top female animals and then to make<br />

him available to the farming community. <strong>HART</strong> 08-215 has been bred from AG 04-175, which has had a huge impact on our herd. I<br />

have used AG 04-175 primarily and very successfully to mate with 14 month old heifers. If there ever was a bull which could breed<br />

marketable animals through heifers, then it would be AG 04-175. Later on he became too heavy for the young heifers and his son,<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-215, was used instead. <strong>HART</strong> 08-215 performed exactly as his father did and we used him frequently. The mother is BHE<br />

04-015 with AFC of 29 months, intercalving period of 402 days for 4 calves with weaning index of <strong>105</strong> and RI of 108. All her calves<br />

have been stud approved. She weans her calves at an average of 52.1% of her body mass.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-215 is a medium frame “All Rounder” bull that can be used on both cows and heifers. We successfully used him as<br />

specialist heifer bull on young heifers. He breeds good masculinity with strong heads, good eyebrow-ridges, very trim underlines and<br />

top scrotums. His father has a scrotum breeding value of 14, which is double the breed value. <strong>HART</strong> 08-215 breeds consistently<br />

excellent hide and coat, strong top lines, both good capacity and depth of forequarter and outstanding length. His musculature is good<br />

without the strong muscle definition – one of the traits we highly value with selection of specialist heifer bulls. His legs are strong with<br />

satisfactory width at the hocks, nevertheless they are still light enough for easy calving of his progeny. I would point out that his tail<br />

setting is the only significant trait that could have been better.<br />

His breeding value is typical of a specialist heifer bull. We expect the values to improve as his progeny pass through performance<br />

testing.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-215 should be seriously considered by stud breeders who want to try out “early mating”. Heifers grow and develop faster<br />

at a younger age in good rainfall years and breeders can therefore consider mating them at an earlier age. Hart 08-215 truly breeds<br />

exceptional progeny from the young heifers and he should be strongly considered. At Hartebeestloop it is not always easy to stand<br />

out among approximately 250 other bull calves and to make the shortlist as working bull. This in itself is already an indication of good<br />

quality. Stud breeders can view him with confidence keeping above mentioned recommendations in mind and try to make a place for<br />

him in their herds. He is also unrelated to most other breeding strains already established in Namibia.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 17 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - <strong>105</strong><br />

LOT 17 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - <strong>105</strong><br />

It is important to spend time on WAT 04-339 which is the father of <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-<strong>105</strong> and also other bulls on the auction.<br />

Of his sons were also of the best sellers on the 2011 auction. Just as it is with everyone, the “stud value” of bulls is an<br />

important financial consideration at Hartebeestloop. Bulls which breed on an average basis with single extremes, are certainly<br />

good bulls, but not fully-fledged stud bulls. WAT 04-339 received an 80% approval of all his calves – and he also<br />

had to work himself up from the average cows to better cows until his progeny proved that he should be given a chance<br />

with the “Royal Family” of cows. Good bulls are bred from good mothers – not only good mothers regarding reproduction,<br />

but also good mothers with regard to build and specific traits which are important when breeding with bulls. WAT 04-339<br />

breeds this type of female animal which are potential bull mothers.<br />

The mother of <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-<strong>105</strong> is one of the selected heifers from NOSA <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s, AEJ 04-192. Her AFC is 31 months,<br />

ICP 344 days for 6 calves, with BI of 116 and 100% stud approval of calves presented. She is a stud cow which justifies<br />

her registration fees at the Society and SA Pedigree-book.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-<strong>105</strong> impresses with his very good depth, exceptional width and good length. His height/length ratio is 1:26<br />

which is very good and far better than the average of the breed. Extra meat and weight is in the length and it is high on<br />

our priority list. The bull has good capacity with strong spring of rib. His masculinity traits are good with strong head,<br />

good eyebrow-ridges and nice darkening in the neck and forequarter. His scrotum is well formed and measures 36.5 cm<br />

with high breeding value of 14.6. His adaptability is very good with excellent hide and hair, good skin folds in the neck,<br />

nice hump development, long tail and very strong legs and toes. At Hartebeestloop everything begins and ends with legs<br />

and toes! He presents an outstanding sheath/navel flap combination.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-<strong>105</strong> has outstanding breeding values: Lower than breeding average on birth weight-direct, very good growth<br />

and feed efficiency with excellent body measurements and top reproduction breeding values. His important traits such as<br />

Veld bull economic index (113), weaning index (104), ADG index (129) and Kleiber index (119) make him a Top Performer.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-<strong>105</strong> has very good stud potential. You can use him on heifers and cows. He has tons of “blue blood” in his<br />

veins. I am impressed with the bull and feel that stud breeders should seriously consider him.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 18 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 240<br />

LOT 18 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 240<br />

Die bul is geteel uit AG 98-338 en ‘n Woestyn <strong>Bonsmara</strong> koei NGO 03-070. Ondervinding het ons geleer en gewys<br />

dat onverwante top bulle uit RSA met spesifieke eienskappe, uitstekend kombineer met die top Namibiese koeie. Die<br />

belangrikste is dat dit die beste teelmateriaal van beide lande moet behels. My verklaring vir die uitstekende kombinasie<br />

is dat weens die oop basis van die <strong>Bonsmara</strong>, die RSA en Namibië <strong>Bonsmara</strong> kuddes tot ‘n groot mate onafhanklik en<br />

uiteenlopend van mekaar ontwikkel het. Die komplementariteit tussen die kuddes en die “basterkrag” maak die nageslag<br />

van hoogstaande gehalte. Lees gerus die artikel in die April Agriforum oor <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s en Basterkrag vir meer inligting.<br />

NGO 03-070 se OEK is 35mnde, TKP van 411 dae oor 6 kalwers, speenindeks van 106, RI van 102 en speen haar<br />

kalwers teen 48,1% van haar liggaamsmassa.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-240 is deur ons in die kudde as jong bul gebruik. Sy kalwers lyk uitstekend. Hy teel gladde vel en haar,<br />

goeie bespiering met veral baie mooi agterkwarte. Sy kalwers wys hierdie eienskappe konstant. Die Namibiese mark is<br />

vleis en gewig georiënteerd – agterkwarte, goeie bespiering en “vol beeste” is belangrik. Hy teel dit. Daar is 25 BLUP<br />

teelwaardes op Beefpro wat ook vleiseienskappe teelwaardes insluit. Hartebeestloop doen al vir langer as 7 jaar ultrasoniese<br />

skanderings en diere se waardes tov ons kuddegemiddeld is belangrik vir ons. <strong>HART</strong> 08-240 is op al die teelwaardes<br />

presies waar ons dit wil kry in die Hartebeestloop kudde. Hy was die ideale bul om as jong bul te gebruik.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-240 is ‘n mediumraam “All Rounder” bul wat op verse en koeie gebruik kan word. Ons het geen kalfprobleme<br />

met hom op jong verse gehad nie. Hy het uitstekende aanpasbaarheidseienskappe en behou sy konstitusie goed.<br />

Sterk bene en kloue is sekerlik van sy beste eienskappe – hy kan agter ‘n groot klomp koeie stap, veral in die duine. Sy<br />

bespiering, lengte, kapasiteit en breedte is goed. Sy skrotum is baie goed gevorm, hang uitstekend en is glad.<br />

Sy teelwaardes is uitstekend met geboortedirek ligter as rasgemiddeld, baie goeie melkeienskappe met uitstekende<br />

groei en voerdoeltreffendheid en gebalanseerde liggaam mates met mooi reproduksie.<br />

Daar is baie kere dat jy liewers gemoedsrus wil koop en nie risiko’s wil vat nie. Ek gebruik die beginsel baie in my besluitneming<br />

tov bulaankope.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-240 is ‘n “gemoedsrus” bul vir die stoetboer. Moenie dat die foto jou mislei nie. Hy kom direk van sy groep<br />

koeie na die veilingstrop en fotograaf. Kom kyk hom op die veiling!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 19 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 265<br />

LOT 19 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 265<br />

He is bred from AG 04-175, which is also up for sale on the auction as a proven stud sire. He is also the half-brother of <strong>HART</strong><br />

08-215 which is being used in the herd and is also being presented at the auction. Read more about his father along with the<br />

description of AG 04-175.<br />

His mother (BHE 99-163) was an exceptional cow with AFC of 30 months, ICP 406 days for 7 calves with weaning index of 106<br />

over 7 and RI of 107. Her 7 calves include 6 bull calves and all 7 are stud approved. This is indeed the definition of a stud cow! Her<br />

2 bull calves with us were sold at an average of N$ 51,000 and are doing excellently for their new owners. She consistently bred<br />

very well until she was culled by reason of her teeth. She was designated as superior cow by the ARC.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-265 is a medium frame “All Rounder” bull which can be used on both heifers and cows. You will also notice that most<br />

of Hartebeestloop bulls are classified as “All Rounders” as you page through the catalogue. Although we make provision in our<br />

breeding policy for specialist bulls, we are aiming to produce wide spectrum “All Rounder” easy-to-farm-successfully-bulls” for<br />

the market. <strong>HART</strong> 08-265 is a quality bull with very good muscle definition. He will thrive in any circumstances and retain his<br />

constitution. He has good width, sufficient depth throughout the forequarter and good capacity. He has good masculinity – strong<br />

head, well-formed eyebrow-ridges, wide between the eyes, good darkening and hairless scrotum which is well-formed and hangs<br />

symmetrically. He stands out on adaptability traits – hide, coat, hump, good slope of rump and much more. His tail insertion could<br />

have been smoother.<br />

His breeding values are exactly where we want them – low on birth weight-direct, very strong on milk, good growth with<br />

acceptable efficiency and reproduction breeding values.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-265 is a potential stud bull and has been identified as such since weaning age. Fortunately he has developed as we<br />

had hoped. He has once again been evaluated with top marks by all the consultants at the pre-auction. He has attitude, is aware of<br />

his surroundings, does not take a back seat when it comes to a good session of rough-and-tumble with the other young bulls and<br />

always takes the lead when they are chased.<br />

Breeders should take a good look at <strong>HART</strong> 08-265 – he brings a whole bunch of strong traits into the herd. In our books he is<br />

recorded as a bull that brings in the traits of the modern <strong>Bonsmara</strong> “big time”. Make a point of trying to make a place for him in your<br />

herd. On this bull you have our word and our predictions.




<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 20 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 245<br />

LOT 20 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 245<br />

Hy is geteel uit HJS 03-016 – kyk ook na sy ander seuns op die veiling. Ons gebruik ook ‘n seun in die kudde. Die moer<br />

is <strong>HART</strong> 06-079 wat uit ‘n top Marloo <strong>Bonsmara</strong> koei geteel is. Haar OEK is 26 mnde, TKP is 391 dae oor 4 kalwers, met<br />

‘n RI van 114. Sy speen haar kalwers teen 56,7% van haar massa (505 kg) en haar koeidoeltreffenheidsindeks is 124.<br />

As ek genoeg sulke koeie het, kan ek gouer voltyds gaan boer! Sy is in alle opsigte ‘n uitstaande koei – veral as jy sien<br />

dat sy speen haar kalwers teen 113 indeks gemiddeld.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-245 is een van diè bulle op die veiling. Die goeie bespiering, diepte deur die voorlyf, breedte, sprong van rib<br />

en kapasiteit is wat dadelik op val. Hy is uitstekend in balans, loopvermoë is baie goed, toplyn is sterk, oogspieroppervlakte<br />

is beter as die rasgemiddeld en kruishelling is baie goed. <strong>HART</strong> 08-245 is propvol vleis – vanaf die vol kruishelling,<br />

lende areas, agterkwart en baie vol agter die blad. Jy kan nie sommer beter kry in terme van vleisbeesbul kwaliteite nie.<br />

Die bul vertoon uitstekende manlikheid – sterk in die kop, breë bek, goeie oogbanke – mooi pigment en goeie verdonkering<br />

in die nekgedeelte. Sy skrotum hang perfek en is baie goed gevorm. Dit meet 36,3 cm met teelwaarde van 7.7.<br />

Al sy aanpasbaarheidseienskappe is baie goed – baie gladde vel en haar, baie goeie skofontwikkeling met sterk bene en<br />

baie goeie kloue. Dit is werklik moeilik om die bul te kritiseer op fenotipiese eienskappe.<br />

Sy teelwaardes is ook baie goed – geboortegewig laer as rasgemiddeld, goeie voor- en naspeense groei, baie goeie<br />

melk maternaal en uitstaande reproduksie teelwaardes. Hy doen ook baie goed met Veldbul ekonomiese indeks van 112<br />

en Kleiberindeks van 106.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-245 is ‘n vroegryp, klipharde, mediumraam, “All Rounder” bul met baie goeie stoetpotensiaal. Ek het sy<br />

stoetpotensiaal identifiseer oor ‘n lang tydperk tydens die prestasietoetsing en sy uitgroei proses op die veld – ek mis<br />

baie selde ‘n goeie bul! Hy behoort na ‘n top stoetteler te gaan wat <strong>HART</strong> 08-245 se kwaliteite maksimaal in sy kudde<br />

gaan gebruik.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 21 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 123<br />

LOT 21 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 123<br />

He is bred from KHB 04-168 from Mr. Johan Myburgh of Kings Heath <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. We bought 2 stud bulls from him and<br />

both performed very well at<br />

Hartebeestloop. KHB 04-168 was sold to Tollie van Tonder from Komaweer <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s in 2011. The mother is <strong>HART</strong><br />

05-044 which is a “par excellence” bull mother. She bred <strong>HART</strong> 08-062 which was sold to Edward Hansen of EMOK<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong>s for the highest price in 2011.<br />

Besides <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-123 she still has 2 other bull calves which are both highly marked. Her AFC is 28 months, ICP 400<br />

days for 4 calves, weans them at 48.5% of her body mass and has 100% stud approval.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-123 is a bull with very good qualities. His very strong masculine traits are striking. Head is masculine, neck<br />

very strong, good eyebrow-ridges, wide between the eyes, wide jaw, nice darkening and excellent scrotum well formed<br />

and hanging very well symmetrically. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-123 is a lengthy bull with height/length ratio of 1:22 – far above the breeding<br />

average. Notwithstanding the length, the topline is very strong with rib eye surface which is much, much better than<br />

the breeding average. At Hartebeestloop we have been doing ultrasonic scanning for many years. I value and trust the<br />

readings as the size of the database built up over the years is very large. A rib eye that is large enough and stretches<br />

into the hump area keeps a lengthy bull’s topline strong. The bull is wide throughout, has enough depth in the forequarter<br />

and shows good capacity with very good spring of rib. The middle section of <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-123 is a good example of what all<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong> breeders should aim for. Also note the nice sheath/navel flap combination. The bull has all the carcass traits to<br />

make him a winner – he also carries a lot of meat. If I could find something to criticize, it would be his hocks. This comes<br />

from his mother with hocks that are a little too straight.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-123 has very well balanced breeding values. Although he is heavier than breeding average with regard to<br />

birth weight-direct, I will most certainly use him on well-matured heifers 24 months old. His growth values, as well as<br />

efficiency values are very good. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-123 is a Top Performer during performance testing with Veld bull economic<br />

index of 110, weaning index of 104, ADG index of 114 and Kleiber index of 112. His pelvis index is the same as the group<br />

average.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-123 is brimming with stud potential. There is some old gold in his pedigree – not only from RSA genetics, but<br />

also from the best in Namibia. This bull “brings a lot to the party” and prospective buyers must simply put him on their<br />

short list immediately.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 22 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 256<br />

LOT 22 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 256<br />

He is bred from HJS 03-016. He has a number of sons on the auction and they are all of very good quality. With <strong>HART</strong> 08-256<br />

we have combined the best of Robco and Arcadia genetics. The mother is <strong>HART</strong> 06-052 with AFC 28 months, ICP 376 days for 4<br />

calves and RI of 113. Her next bull calf is also very highly marked and does excellently during the extensive growth testing. She is<br />

the granddaughter of AG 98-338.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-256 is a medium frame, heavy-set bull with very good musculature. He is a typical early matured, compact and rockhard<br />

bull which will perform well anywhere. His secondary masculinity traits with very strong head, wide jaw, good width between<br />

the eyes and good eyebrow-ridges are quite striking. Notice his thick, compact neck with good darkening. His scrotum is perfect,<br />

hangs symmetrically and measures 35.3 cm. The bull has a very good underline with very good sheath/navel flap combination. He<br />

presents very good balance, strong middle section with good spring of rib, good width and length, good capacity and a strong top<br />

line. His back is strikingly strong. His adaptability is of the best of our herd at Hartebeestloop – exceptional hide and coat, good<br />

hump development, long tail and strong legs and claws. It is important that prospective buyers should look at the meat traits of this<br />

bull – behind his shoulders, very good hindquarter and full at the loins. He is typically the “right size, right type” <strong>Bonsmara</strong> bull to<br />

which breeders refer.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-256 performs very well during performance testing. His indices for Veld Bull test (110), ADG (99), Kleiber (103) and<br />

pelvis (103) place him in the first team. His breeding values are also very well balanced with slightly heavier on birth weight-direct<br />

(+1 kg), very good growth, acceptable efficiency and good reproduction breeding values.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-256 is a potential stud bull. The only problem is the small white spot underneath on the belly that could lead to doubt<br />

among breeders if they already have a problem with colour in the herd. If you are able to handle the spot of white in your herd, you<br />

should carefully consider the other qualities of the bull. <strong>HART</strong> 08-256 is a picture of the modern <strong>Bonsmara</strong> which has overtaken the<br />

traditional “other breed bull” markets in Namibia with rapid strides. At every selection and PHASE D growth test closing, the invited<br />

guests refer to this type of bull as those which perform well under extensive conditions.<br />

If you would like to breed bulls that are in demand then you must seriously consider looking at <strong>HART</strong> 08-256. If he breeds<br />

according to his appearance and as his father did, then you are in the pound seats.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 23 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 136<br />

LOT 23 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 136<br />

He is bred from WAT 04-339 and RCO 02-049. She is one of the last ROBCO cows left in the herd. Her teeth and<br />

reproduction are still quite good and with good rainfall and new growth in the veld, she can still bear at least another 3<br />

calves. Her AFC is 30 months, ICP 380 days for 7 calves with RI of 111. One of her excellent sons is used as stud bull at<br />

Swartrant <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. The fact that her condition is always relatively good is a very positive aspect and is a very good<br />

indication that she has adapted to the dunes with long distances to water and limited feeding.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-136 is one of those bull-types which are still going to develop very well further down the line. He is maybe<br />

short of another 6 months for masculinity to fully develop and his body to come into final “shape”. He is a medium frame<br />

bull which can be used on cows and heifers. He already shows very strong masculinity with strong head, good eyebrowridges,<br />

strongly developed neck with nice darkening and an excellent scrotum. The scrotum measures 39.2 cm with<br />

breeding value of 12.5, hangs symmetrically and is smooth. He is a very lengthy bull with height/length ratio of 1:23,<br />

good depth, sufficient musculature and good width throughout. He has good constitution with good balance. His legs and<br />

claws are of very good quality.<br />

There are very good adaptability traits with hide and coat of excellent quality. His topline is good with a rib eye surface<br />

which is far better than the breeding average. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-136 carries a lot of meat and presents fullness – especially at<br />

the shoulder and hindquarter. I would have liked the navel flap to be less fleshy.<br />

His breeding values are from the book. He is slightly heavier than breeding average on birth weight-direct, very good<br />

growth, outstanding feeding efficiency, correct body measurements and very good reproduction breeding values. He is<br />

a Top Performer with Veld bull economic index (120), ADG index (116), Kleiber index 110 and pelvis index 104. They do<br />

not easily perform better than that!<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-136 is defined by us as a young bull with stud potential. There are really good qualities in this bull – from<br />

phenotypical correctness, meat traits, breeding values, pedigrees and general performance during the testing of economically<br />

profitable traits. In 20<strong>09</strong> we sold a similar young bull <strong>HART</strong> 07-027 to Edward Hansen of EMOK <strong>Bonsmara</strong>. Today<br />

he is one of Edward’s best bulls. Buyers must look at him very closely – he might very well be the sale of the day.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 24 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 247<br />

LOT 24 : <strong>HART</strong> 08 - 247<br />

He is bred from AG 02-027 and BHE 02-122. His mother is recorded as “Excellent” by die ARC and has done her title proud at<br />

Hartebeestloop. Her AFC is 30 months, ICP 416 days for 7 calves, weaning index 103 over 6 and RI <strong>105</strong>. She weans 6 calves at<br />

49.2% of her body mass. She is still in the herd and her younger calves look very good. The value of older cows, which can still<br />

breed marketable animals cannot be over-emphasized. That which you cannot breed you need to attain on the open market – and<br />

that costs!<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-247 is a bull presenting exceptional capacity. Throughout he shows very good width, exceptional depth, good length and<br />

very good musculature. He is especially very strong in the middle section with very good spring of rib. <strong>HART</strong> 08-247 has very strong<br />

masculinity traits – strong head, good eyebrow-ridges, good width between the eyes, of the best muscled necks on the auction with<br />

beautiful darkening, and perfect scrotum in shape, symmetry and position, measuring 35 cm in circumference. He is a “full bull”<br />

– very meaty and is generally very strong on meat traits. Our aim after all, within limits is to ensure more meat on the framework<br />

resulting in higher weight and larger income for our commercial farmers. This is what stud breeding is all about – the creation of<br />

a better animal for the commercial farmer for ongoing sustainable farming and optimal profit. We were impressed with him from<br />

a young age and have monitored his progress very closely. He has been used as young bull in the herd and his first calves have<br />

already been born. He breeds calves with depth and good musculature. He breeds according to his appearance and his calves<br />

stand out in the crowd.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08-247 shows good breeding values. He is slightly heavier than the breeding average on birth weight-direct, has abundant<br />

milk, good growth which plateaus precisely at a breeding average of 4 on Adult Weight, good feed efficiency and very good<br />

reproduction breeding values. He performs well overall – on everything we have measured.<br />

When I purchase a stud bull I try to keep the risks as low as possible. Pedigrees are important – this he has, from his grandfather<br />

(AG 98-338), father AG 02-027 and “Excellent” mother. His half-sisters have been measured as of the top performers in the herd<br />

with regard to AFC, ICP and quality marketable progeny. His own measured performances are good, his breeding values are<br />

good and his progeny look very promising. I know that the buyer who goes back to his farm with <strong>HART</strong> 08-247 is going to make a<br />

substantial contribution to his herd, the <strong>Bonsmara</strong> stud trade and the beef-cattle industry in general. He is one of the top bulls on the<br />



<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 25 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 160<br />

LOT 25 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 160<br />

He is bred from the reliable AG 98-338. It is not necessary to say much about AG 98-338, because his<br />

performances say it all. He is a typical case of “Let the bull do the talking”. AG 98-338 is now 14 years old<br />

and still active in the herd. As Mr. Japie Bestebreurtjie said “I have never in my 50 years in the cattle industry<br />

seen such a vigorous 14-year old bull”. His mother is NGO 03-205 and there are already bulls from the<br />

breeding strain at Jurgens Conradie (Aroab) en Johann Human (Gobabis). Her AFC is 33 months, ICP 372<br />

days for 6 calves, with average weaning index 102 and RI of 110. She weans her calves at 49.6% of her<br />

body weight with a 75% stud approval. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-160 is a combination of TOP RSA genetics combined with<br />

outstanding Namibian adaptability.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-160 is a medium frame “All Rounder” bull which can be used on cows and heifers. He presents<br />

very good capacity with especially an excellent middle section and sufficient width throughout. The bull carries<br />

a lot of meat in the hindquarter, his thighs are full and the meat stretches low down to the hocks; he is<br />

full behind the shoulder with loins that are well-filled with meat. His breeding value for meat production is<br />

much better than the breeding average - through and through a bull with good meat traits. The height/length<br />

ratio of 1:19 is better than the breeding average and notwithstanding the good length, the topline is strong.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-160 shows a good slope of rump, long tail and a good underline. His adaptability is excellent – observe<br />

the smooth hide and glossy hair, good hump development and strong legs and claws. One cannot get<br />

better than this. His scrotum circumference is 41.1 cm, is well- formed, hangs perfectly and has a breeding<br />

value of 17.1 which is far above the breeding average.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-160 has excellent breeding values – low on birth weight-direct, very good milk traits, good on<br />

growth and efficiency with top breeding values for calf tempo and scrotum. Calf tempo shows how many<br />

of his half-sisters were good enough to stay on in the herd as future breeding cows. He performs very well<br />

during the Veld bull test (117 index), growth tests (ADG index 102) under extensive conditions and pelvis<br />

measurements (1<strong>09</strong> index). He is at the top of his class regarding economic importance!<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-160 is a potential stud bull and will be used by the clever breeder to pair with first-time heifers.<br />

He will carry over sufficient capacity, good growth and fertility to his calves – he should breed quality and<br />

marketable calves from one’s heifers. During the 2011 <strong>Bonsmara</strong> Breed Promotion Day we heard that these<br />

are the 3 most common traits ensuring success. Breeders on the lookout for a strong heifer bull must<br />

definitely consider him.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 26 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 016<br />

LOT 26 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 016<br />

We have spent considerable time in trying to breed the best combinations with AG 98-338 (Arcadia <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) and RCO 98-037<br />

(Robco <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s). Both bulls are exceptional in their own right. The difference between the two we found was the following: The<br />

prepotency of AG 98-338 is so large that he regularly breeds successfully on different types of animals. RCO 98-037 must be correctly<br />

paired to bring out the best in him. The best is then really very good as can be seen in the case of <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-016. He was bred from<br />

AG 98-338 on his father’s side and from RCO 98-037 on his mother’s side. This combination is from the best of both worlds.<br />

He is bred from AG 02-027 and <strong>HART</strong> 05-040. Her AFC is 25 months, ICP 396 days for 4 calves, average weaning index 121 and she<br />

weans her calves at 53.8% of her body weight. Indeed, a strong Kalahari cow.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-016 is a good example of good capacity combined with good length. He is wide throughout, especially on the back where<br />

the rib eye surface is far above the average for the breed. He has depth in the forequarter with good spring of rib. He is very meaty –<br />

or as the old folks would say: “he is a full bull”! Look closely at the inner- and outer thighs, the full loins, fullness of shoulder and area<br />

above the line from pin bone to hip bone which is filled with expensive meat. He has an excellent hindquarter – observe how low down<br />

the leg muscles attach to the hocks. His masculinity is from the book – strong eyebrow-ridges, good darkening and good scrotum<br />

measuring 36.2 cm. His sheath/navel flap combination is very good. Looking only once at the bull gives the picture of what adaptability<br />

entails. I cannot criticize him at all – on anything!<br />

His breeding values are also from the book: Low on birth weight-direct, abundant milk, good growth, high efficiency and excellent<br />

reproduction breeding values. He performs well during the performance testing and his economically important traits are all well<br />

marked. He can be used on mature heifers, as well as on cows.<br />

Stud breeders must look very closely at <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-016. The bull has exceptional qualities and will make a huge impact in many<br />

herds. We are referring to carcass yield, dressing-mass percentages and many other terms, which have economical survival value<br />

for the commercial farmer. This bull combines all of these things and then to top this, he has strong stud potential as well. He is a<br />

striking example of what stud breeders look for when attempting to fix shortcomings in the herd (which we all have) and then to load<br />

the carcass with meat.<br />

We are on record that this bull and his progeny are going to make a great impact on the <strong>Bonsmara</strong> in Namibia or wherever he goes.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 27 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 015<br />

LOT 27 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 015<br />

He is bred from BHE 02-074 which is still used in the Hartebeestloop herd – mostly to mate with young heifers. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-015 is<br />

the first calf of <strong>HART</strong> 07-074. Her AFC is 22 months, with ICP of 354 days for 3 calves, reproduction index (RI) of 126 and 1/1 stud<br />

approval. Typically, the new generation Hartebeestloop heifers calf earlier and then reproduce well on a constant basis.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-015 is a good example of masculinity with strong eyebrow-ridges, wide jaw and very strong head. He is pure bull with<br />

firm neck and good darkening. His scrotum is excellently formed and hangs perfectly – it measures 36.7 cm with breeding value of<br />

12.2. BHE 02-074 breeds constantly good scrotums of sufficient size and we expect the same from <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-015. His adaptability<br />

traits are excellent and this is especially one of his strong points. Hide and coat could not be better – his coat is smooth and shines.<br />

Hump position and development are very good. Legs are strong with sufficient width over the hocks. His Veld bull and Kleiber indices<br />

are 114 and 102, respectively. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-015 fared excellently whenever he was tested under veld conditions. There is sufficient<br />

musculature with rib eye surface measuring above breeding average. Topline, width throughout and capacity are very good. The<br />

sheath and navel flap are acceptable.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-015 has low breeding values, but as a 1st calf from a 22 month old heifer, his own performances were good during<br />

performance testing. This includes sufficient growth during growth testing and large pelvis measurement. I expect his BLUP breeding<br />

values to become stronger as the results of his progeny are measured.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-015 is an early matured “All Rounder” bull which can be used very successfully on cows and young heifers (14 months).<br />

His supple musculature and build will ensure easy calving. The half-sisters of <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-015 from BHE 02-074 are of the most fertile<br />

lines in the Hartebeestloop herd when AFC and ICP are used as criteria. Look very closely at the bull – he has enough of everything<br />

to fare excellently in most herds. Farmers who want to breed hardy animals which are well adapted to veld conditions and always<br />

perform well, do not even have to look any further.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 28 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 045<br />

LOT 28 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 045<br />

Hy is geteel uit AG 98-338 en <strong>HART</strong> 06-004. Sy is ‘n suiwer Namibiese koei met geen RSA genetika in haar laaste 3<br />

generasie stamboom. <strong>HART</strong> 06-004 se OEK is 24 mnde, TKP van 362 dae oor 4 kalwers, RI van 120 en sy speen teen<br />

45,7% van haar liggaamsmassa. Hierdie selektiewe paring het uitstekend gewerk en dit kan duidelik gesien word in die<br />

kwaliteit van <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-045.<br />

Hier is ‘n tipiese mediumraam “All Rounder” bul wat op jong verse en koeie gebruik kan word. Sy bouvorm, bespiering<br />

en teelwaardes is van so ‘n aard dat hy suksesvol gebruik kan word om jong 14 mnde oue versies te open. Daar is genoegsame<br />

bespiering – dit is egter soepel van aard en nie so hard en duidelik gedefinieërd om kalfprobleme te veroorsaak<br />

nie. Hy is ook glad oor sy skouerknoppe wat ‘n aanduiding is van min kalfprobleme. Daar is goeie lengte, mooi<br />

diepte deur die voorlyf en genoeg breedte om goeie kapasiteit te verseker. Sy toplyn is sterk, skofontwikkeling is baie<br />

goed, kruishelling is regte “slope” met goeie lengte en vol vleis oor die kruisarea, stert is lank en bene en kloue is uit die<br />

boonste rakke. Hierdie bul se vel en haar is ‘n kyk-weer area – van die heel beste in die vleisbeesbedryf!<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-045 gaan orals aanpas en presteer. Hy is ‘n toonbeeld van manlikheid met sterk kop en goeie oogbanke,<br />

sterk bespierde nek met mooi verdonkering in die voorkwart. Sy skrotum is goed gevorm en hang mooi. Dit meet<br />

33,4cm.<br />

Die teelwaardes is tipies van ‘n bul wat op baie jong verse gebruik kan word. Geboortedirekte waarde is baie laer as<br />

rasgemiddeld (hy weeg 30kg met geboorte) en sy groeiwaardes is ook tipies van ‘n versbul. As jy egter kyk na sy prestasies<br />

tydens die Veldbul toets en die ekstensiewe groeitoets is dit ‘n perd van ‘n ander kleur. Hy is ‘n Top Presteerder met<br />

‘n Veldbul ekonomiese indeks (116), GDT indeks (102), Kleiber indeks (1<strong>09</strong>) en pelvisindeks (101). Alhoewel hy baie lig<br />

was met geboorte, trap hy vas en stof baie ander bulle uit tydens prestasietoets meting.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-045 is selektief geteel as ‘n spesialis versbul. Daar word baie gepraat oor die kalwers van verse wat altyd<br />

bietjie swakker is as die kudde standaard en min van hulle word “iets”. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-045 gaan vir jou daardie “iets” uit<br />

verse teel. Kyk gerus na sy prestasietoets data en weet dat daar groei in oormaat is, aanpasbaarheid op die veld, groot<br />

pelvismates en klomp woema in die bul. Stoettelers moet voorsiening maak en hom selektief paar vir sy lae skrotum<br />



<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 29 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 082<br />

LOT 29 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 082<br />

Hy is geteel uit AG 04-175 en NGO 00-0052. Sy is ‘n Woestyn <strong>Bonsmara</strong> koei wat se data ongelukkig nie op datum<br />

gehou is nie. Dit is hinderlik en beinvloed die prestasie van die Hartebeestloop kudde. NGO 00-0052 is egter elke keer<br />

met die jaarlikse koeikudde evaluasie, van die beter koeie met ‘n sterk kalf aan voet. Daar is geen rede om haar uit te<br />

skot nie. Haar OEK is 25 mnde, TKP van 474 dae oor 8 kalwers met speenindeks van <strong>105</strong> en 100% stoetgoedkeuring<br />

van al haar kalwers. Sy speen teen 48% van haar eie massa. Ek het reeds op vorige plekke in die katalogus verwys na<br />

AG 04-175 (kyk gerus ook na die foto van sy pa AG 99-104 op www.bonsmara.com.na).<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-082 is ‘n mediumraam “All Rounder” bul wat op koeie en jong verse gebruik kan word. Hy kom uit ‘n koeifamilie<br />

wat al verskeie generasies gebruik is om versbulle suksesvol te teel. Ons gebruik ook ‘n halfbroer AG 04-427 in die kudde<br />

primêr om verse oop te maak. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-082 het baie goeie diepte deur die voorlyf, mooi breedte en goeie bespiering.<br />

Tipies van die meer glad bespierde bulle is daar nie oormatige spierdefinisie nie. Hy is ook glad oor die skouerknoppe<br />

- dit alles is belangrik om kalfgemak te verseker. Daar is goeie kapasiteit in die bul met ‘n sterk middelstuk. Hy is manlik<br />

met sterk kop, mooi pigment, goeie oogbanke en goed gevormde skrotum wat reg hang. Sy skede/naelvel kombinasie is<br />

so goed soos wat jy kan kry. Hy vertoon goeie balans, beweeg baie gemaklik en het sterk bene en kloue. Tipies van die<br />

versbulle is die bene effens meer fyn. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-082 het baie goeie vleiseienskappe – vol agter die blad en baie goeie<br />

agterkwart. Sy aanpasbaarheid is uitstekend - sy vel is glad, blink met kort haar, kyk die mooi velvoue in die nek, goeie<br />

skof en die lang stert.<br />

Sy teelwaardes wys dat hy op jong verse gebruik kan word. Hy is baie laer as rasgemiddeld op geboortedirek, baie laag<br />

op geboortematernaal, melkeienskappe is goed met groei en doeltreffendheid tipies dit van ‘n spesialis versbul. Hy het<br />

heel goed presteer tydens die groeitoets en Suidelike Afrika Veldbul toets.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-082 is ‘n bul wat groot waarde het as hy reg aangewend word. Ons het hom identifiseer as spesialis versbul<br />

om jong verse oop te maak en nog steeds genoegsame kapasiteit, goeie bespiering en sterk koppe te teel. In die Hartebeestloop<br />

kudde gebruik ons sulke bulle baie suksesvol om die koeie wat neig na “swaarder bespiering” terug te teel na<br />

net genoeg bespiering en baie vroulikheid sonder om in te boet op kapasiteit, diepte, breedte en sterk koppe.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 30 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 162<br />

LOT 30 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 162<br />

This bull is totally unrelated to existing Namibian genetics and his mother WVW 03-188 was bought on the Vaalbos<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong> auction when she was with calf. At the auction she caught my eye and proved me correct with her performances<br />

in the Kalahari. WVW 03-188’s AFC is 29 months, ICP 377 days for 6 calves, weaning index 100 over 5 calves<br />

and RI 113 with 100% stud approval of her calves. Her last ICP at Hartebeestloop was 312 days!<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-162 was used by us as young bull in the herd. He is genetically unrelated to the herd and has certain traits<br />

that we would very much like to bring into the herd. He is a medium frame bull which can be used on cows and mature<br />

heifers. He is masculine, with good posture and strong head. His eyebrow ridges are well-developed, strong neck with<br />

good darkening, wide jaw and well-formed scrotum which hangs nicely. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-162 shows good musculature, good<br />

depth in the forequarter, nice middle section with good spring of rib and sufficient width. The topline is strong and ends in<br />

a good slope of rump and tail insertion.<br />

He has the same adaptability traits as his mother. His hide and coat are good, hump development is nice, legs are<br />

strong and underline good, with good sheath/navel flap combination. I was impressed with his ability to perform during<br />

extensive testing. He weaned on only 181 kg (average for bull calves at Hartebeestloop is 251 kg), his mother most<br />

definitely struggled to adapt initially. During the performance testing he obtained a Veld bull economic index of 108, ADG<br />

index of 1<strong>09</strong> and Kleiber index of 1<strong>09</strong>. Initially, he fell behind, but caught up and ended better than the average of the<br />

group – quite an achievement indeed! He will perform very well in the veld and always be in good condition.<br />

The breeding values for <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 162 are also good – heavier than breeding average on birth weight-direct, good<br />

milk and growth traits, with acceptable efficiency and production breeding values.<br />

It is always good to bring unrelated genetics into one’s herd. This makes pairing decisions and general management<br />

that much easier, especially in stud breeding where we are all sensitive to inbreeding. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-162 has bred very<br />

good traits into the Hartebeestloop herd and he is definitely a bull that needs to be considered very strongly.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 31 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 185<br />

LOT 31 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 185<br />

He is bred from WAT 04-339 which was bought from Frikkie Kruger. I have previously mentioned in some of our newsletters, but I will<br />

mention it again – we find that WAT 04-339 absolutely excels. He has brought outstanding capacity into our herd, with a smoother musculature.<br />

The mother is HJB 04-027 which was bought at the Benchmark sale. She breeds very well. 1st calf was the top seller bull bought by<br />

Piet du Toit from Pilanesberg <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s on the 2010 auction. Her 1st heifer calf now has AFC 27 months, ICP 379 for 2 calves with BI 116<br />

and she weans at 56.6% of her body mass. We are very impressed with HJB 04-027 and how she breeds. She fulfils all the requirements<br />

of a bull mother.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> -185 is a medium frame “All Rounder” bull which can be used on cows and heifers. He has exceptional length with height/<br />

length ratio of 1:23. Topline is strong, musculature is excellent, has width throughout and sufficient capacity. He is very strong in his<br />

hindquarters and presents very good meat traits in general. His head is strong with very good eyebrow-ridge development, wide between<br />

the eyes and strong jaw. His scrotum is from the book – measures 37.3 cm with breeding value of 20.2. It hangs perfectly and is very wellformed.<br />

His sheath/navel flap combination is also very good. This bull will adapt anywhere – observe his glossy hide and hair, good hump<br />

and very strong legs and claws. He makes a good picture of what a bull should look like and how much meat he should be carrying.<br />

His breeding values are also well-balanced. He is lower than breeding average on birth weight-direct, good on growth and feeding efficiency,<br />

very good on body measurements and outstanding on reproduction breeding values. Our breeding policies on easy calving, good<br />

length with plenty of meat (weight) and sufficient growth with high reproduction potential is more or less a given for all auction bulls.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-185 is not an exception and falls nicely into place with his breeding values.<br />

is a young bull which shows stud potential. Look at him closely if you would like to improve or bring length, musculature, good scrotums,<br />

masculinity and meat potential into the herd. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-185 offers the huge advantage that he should not influence any other trait negatively<br />

while he is being used for corrective pairing. The specific WAT breeding strain (on father’s side) is relatively unrelated in Namibia, as<br />

is the HJB mother breeding strain which was used in the pairing. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-185 is a strain whereon breeders can build, while remaining<br />

unrelated. The fact that he shows stud potential should not put the serious commercial breeder off. There are plenty of “stud potential”<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong> bulls in use by commercial breeds and that is one of the reasons why there is such a high growth in the demand for <strong>Bonsmara</strong><br />



<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 32 : <strong>HART</strong> 07 - 037<br />

LOT 32 : <strong>HART</strong> 07 - 037<br />

Hierdie bul is gesamentlik deur Komaweer (Tollie van Tonder) en Millekena <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s (Nick van Wyk) aangekoop op<br />

die 20<strong>09</strong> Hartebeestloop produksie veiling. <strong>HART</strong> 07 - 037 is by ons (Komaweer <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) uitsluitlik gebruik om verse<br />

oop te maak. Sy geboortedirekte en geboorte maternale teelwaardes tesame met sy eie lae geboortegewig van 29 kg<br />

maak hom ‘n ideale versbul. Sy groeivermoë en voerdoeltreffenheid is egter so goed dat hy ook op koeie gebruik kan<br />

word. Ons het alreeds 70 nageslag van hom en daar is nog ‘n sterk string in die pyplyn. Hy is hard gebruik en het reeds<br />

sy merk in ons kudde gemaak.<br />

Hy is geteel uit CEF 03-223 (Zinabos <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) en vertoon uitstekende manlikheid en aanpasbaarheidseienskappe.<br />

Die gereelde verskuiwing tussen die 2 kuddes het hom glad nie beinvloed nie en hy het bly goed produseer en presteer.<br />

Tydens die laaste keuring op Komaweer <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s (April 2012) het sy verskalwers uitstekend gedoen. Hulle was<br />

konstant onder die bestes as groep en meer as 90% van die verse is weer opgeneem in die kudde. Hy teel baie goeie<br />

kapasiteit, bouvorm, vroulikheid (veral mooi vroulike nekke en koppe) en vel en haar. Sy bulkalwers is nog te jonk om te<br />

keur maar tydens visuele evaluasie het hulle ook baie sterk vertoon. In kort – <strong>HART</strong> 07-037 se nageslag is uitstekend by<br />

Komaweer <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s.<br />

Belangstellendes kan gerus die nageslag kom besigtig. Kom kyk gerus wat hy uit doodgewone en alledaagse verse<br />

geteel het. Hy kan nog met groot vrug in ander kuddes suksesvol gebruik word.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 33 : ERH <strong>09</strong> - 120<br />

LOT 33 : ERH <strong>09</strong> - 120<br />

Hierdie LMR 05-<strong>09</strong>2 seun se kapasiteit en diepte trek dadelik jou aandag en die bul is hoog<br />

aangeskryf deur Kiep en Barend tydens hulle besoek aan Maitland (EMOK <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s). Van jongs<br />

af het ERH <strong>09</strong>-120 uitgestaan tussen die ander kalwers en sy lengte, middelstuk, binne en buite<br />

dye en bespiering is uitsonderlik. Skrotum is goed gevorm (skrotumomtrek is 35,4 cm) en skede/<br />

naelvel kombinasie is ook aanvaarbaar. Sy aanpasbaarheidseienskappe is baie goed met mooi vel<br />

en haar, sterk bene en kloue asook goeie skofontwikkeling, lekker los en dik vel met mooi velvoue<br />

in die nek. ERH <strong>09</strong>-120 sal orals aanpas in Namibië en is kliphard – hy sal sy konstitusie behou<br />

waar ookal jy hom gaan gebruik. Hy is pure bul – sy kop is op, oë is wakker, verdonkering is aanwesig,<br />

nek is sterk en kop is manlik.<br />

Vaar van bul LMR 05-<strong>09</strong>2 kom uit die Limerick <strong>Bonsmara</strong> kudde van Paul Mare van Viljoenskroon<br />

en word nog steeds as kuddevaar gebruik deur Hartebeestloop <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. Die moer ERH<br />

05-082 het sover 3 kalwers gespeen teen <strong>105</strong> en is nog steeds in kudde. ERH <strong>09</strong>-120 het ‘n gekorrigeerde<br />

speengewig van 266 kg (Speendindeks 1<strong>09</strong>) en het ook uitstekend gegroei tydens FASE<br />

D met ‘n GDT indeks van 117 en Kleiber indeks van 1<strong>09</strong>.<br />

Sy teelwaardes is bo die rasgemiddeld vir speen direk, 12 en 18 maande en behoort swaar<br />

speenkalwers sowel as osse te teel. Ons sal aanbeveel dat hierdie bul slegs op koeie gebruik<br />

word. Die bul het uitstekende groeivermoë en dit mag dalk kalfprobleme veroorsaak met verse.<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-120 is ‘n tipiese EMOK-teling bul en verteenwoordig waarvoor hulle bekend is – goeie,<br />

geharde bulle met uitstekende aanpasbaarheid, baie manlik en vol vleis. EMOK bulle is regoor<br />

Namibië versprei en doen orals goed.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 34 : WAGB <strong>09</strong> - 054<br />

LOT 34 : WAGB <strong>09</strong> - 054<br />

Hier is die perfekte mediumraam vleisbul! Die bul het ’n lekker sterk manlike kop met goeie oogbanke,<br />

prominente nek en goeie skof ontwikkeling. Die bul se toplyn is puik en sluit af met ’n uitstekende<br />

bespierde agterkwart.<br />

Die bul toon baie goeie kapasiteit, sprong van rib en diepte. Sy bene is sterk met goeie kloue wat<br />

gemaklik in enige terein kan loop om sy werk te gaan doen. Die bul het ’n goed gevormde skrotum<br />

en het ook baie goeie sekondere manlike ontwikkeling. Kyk maar na die puik verdonkering by sy<br />

nek en agterkwart. WAGB <strong>09</strong> - 054 kom uit puik bloedlyne. Aan sy ma se kant is hy uit die Dr Piet<br />

Basson kudde. Die moederlyn toon baie goeie vrugbaarheid. Sy het 11 Kalwers in 14 jaar gekry.<br />

Haar reproduksie indeks is 103 en gemiddelde speen indekse van haar kalwers 96. Haar interkalf<br />

periode is 426 dae. Dit is merkwaardig vir ’n 14 jarige koei. Aan die vaderkant, is hy uit die Leon<br />

Lisa lyne met AG 930210 aan die oupa grootjie kant. Die bul se pa is WAGB 05-21. Hy is bekend<br />

vir baie goeie bespiering en karkaskwaliteite. Dit kan mens klaar by die bul sien met veld kondisie!<br />

Kyk hoe prominent is die skilpadspier!<br />

Hier is ’n bul wat perfek sal inskakel by enige kudde. Hy is ’n goeie medium raam bul en kan met<br />

gemak gebruik word om die hoog op die been koeie in jou kude af te bring. WAGB <strong>09</strong> - 054 is ’n<br />

puik vleisbul vir die meer geharde areas van die land.




<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 35 : HMB <strong>09</strong> - 107<br />

LOT 35 : HMB <strong>09</strong> - 107<br />

Hier is ‘n diep donkerrooi bul met goeie kapasiteit wat baie vleis dra. Hy kom uit ‘n uitstekende<br />

moeder met ‘n TKP van 375 dae oor 8 kalwers. Die bul is aan moederskant geteel uit die bekende<br />

AG J8 lyn en aan vaderskant uit die bekende JRB H5 lyn. HMB <strong>09</strong>-107 se ligaamsverhoudings is<br />

baie mooi in balans.<br />

Goeie breedte,’n uitstekende skede en testis en mooi donker pigment op die hoewe is fenotipies<br />

opvallend van hierdie bul.<br />

Op teelwaarde kant is HMB <strong>09</strong>-107 baie sterk op speen direk +6.1 en op speen maternal +11.2 wat<br />

dui op goeie melkproduksievermoë in sy nageslag.<br />

Sy teelwaardes op twaalf en agtien maande is bo die rasgemiddeld.<br />

Tydens fase D toetsing het die bul baie goed gedoen, en is hy met ‘n indeks van 108 vir groeidoeltreffendheid<br />

(Kleiberverhouding) ver bo die groep se gemiddeld. Dit kan seker nooit genoeg<br />

beklemtoon word hoe belangrik die vermoë van diere is om onder ekstensiewe toestande doeltreffend<br />

te kan produseer nie – HMB <strong>09</strong> - 107 doen dit verseker!<br />

HMB <strong>09</strong>-107 is geteel in sanderige omgewing en behoort daarom baie goed in ‘n soortgelyke<br />

omgewing te doen. Hierdie bul kan ook met sy eie lae geboortegewig en lae teelwaardes vir geboorte,<br />

met vrymoedigheid op verse gebruik word.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 36 : TON 08 - 144<br />

LOT 36 : TON 08 - 144<br />

TON 08-144 is geteel uit CSW 99-074 van oom Charles Williams van Vryburg. Hy teel al jare lank al met <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s en<br />

boer onder die naam Towton <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. Oom Charles was ook deel van die bekende <strong>Bonsmara</strong> Genepoel groep van<br />

telers. TON 08-144 se moeder, TON 03-002 verdien spesiale vermelding met die volgende reproduksiesyfers - TKP van<br />

371 dae, 6 uit 7 kalwers gespeen teen 101 en ‘n reproduksie-indeks van 108. Komaweer <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s is baie bekend vir<br />

hulle goeie melkeienskappe in die kudde.<br />

TON 08-144 is ‘n tipiese mediumraam “all Rounder “ bul wat op verse en koeie gebruik kan word. Hy vertoon goeie<br />

bespiering, sterk toplyn en goeie agterkwart. Daar is goeie sekondêre manlikheidseienskappe met sterk kop, goeie oogbanke,<br />

breë bek en mooi verdonkering van die voorkwartgedeelte. Bul het goeie vel met effe growwe haar – dit pla egter<br />

nie so baie nie veral aangesien die meer grower haar in die nekgedeelte is. Hy het goeie vleiseienskappe en is vol vleis.<br />

Naelvel, skede en skrotum is ook aanvaarbaar. Ek het gehou van die bul se aanpasbaarheid – sy bene en kloue is<br />

sterk en stert is lank. Kyk ook na die goeie skofontwikkeling by die bul. Hy kan regtig orals gaan aanpas en presteer.<br />

Sy speen, 12 en 18 maande indekse was almal beter as 100 en dit word weerspieël in sy gebalanseerde teelwaardes<br />

met die meeste beter as rasgemiddeld.<br />

Komaweer <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s verkoop all <strong>Bonsmara</strong> bulle vir baie jare regoor Namibië en is bekend vir goeie genetika en ‘n<br />

“geen verskoning” houding vir bulle wat nie presteer nie.<br />

TON 08-144 sal sy man staan in enige kudde en die koper is verseker van ‘n klomp goeie genetika en eienskappe wat<br />

agter die bul staan.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 37 : ERH <strong>09</strong> - <strong>105</strong><br />

LOT 37 : ERH <strong>09</strong> - <strong>105</strong><br />

Hierdie bul is geteel uit <strong>HART</strong> 07-053 ‘n seun van BHE 02-074 (aangekoop by Fortress <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s van Burkhard<br />

Hermann van Frankfort). BHE 02-074 word nog steeds by Hartebeestloop <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s in die kudde gebruik – primêr om<br />

verse te open. Daar is ook ander seuns van BHE 02-074 wat aangebied word op die veiling. Bulle en verse van hom was<br />

goeie verkopers op die Hartebeestloop produksie veilings van die afgelope paar jaar. Moer van ERH <strong>09</strong>-<strong>105</strong> is ERH 07-<br />

032 en sy het ‘n OEK van 29 maande, TKP van 382 dae oor 3 kalwers en gemiddelde speenindeks van 101 oor 2 met RI<br />

van 112. Tipiese koei wat baie goed presteer in die Hochfeld area. Daar is ‘n klomp sulke koeie by EMOK <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s.<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-<strong>105</strong> is weereens ‘n mediumraam “All Rounder” bul met goeie kapasiteit, genoegsame bespiering en baie<br />

goeie diepte deur die voorlyf. Sy toplyn is sterk, oogspier lyk baie goed en gaan regdeur tot by die skof. Hy het genoeg<br />

breedte, goeie kruishelling, mooi onderlyn en goeie skede/naelvel kombinasie. Die bul vertoon baie manlike eienskappe<br />

– sterk kop, sterk voorkwart en goeie nekontwikkeling met duidelike verdonkering. Sy skrotum is baie goed en meet<br />

36,2cm – hang ook perfek. Die bul dra klomp vleis en sal verseker karkasopbrengs in enige kudde baie goed aanspreek.<br />

Met ligte geboortegewig van 33kg en geboorte direk teelwaarde van baie laer as rasgemiddeld kan hierdie bul definitief<br />

aanbeveel word vir gebruik op jonger verse. Hy het baie goeie gebalanseerde teelwaardes met geen waarde wat jou<br />

bekommerd moet maak nie. Dit is wat ons verkies in teelwaardes.<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-<strong>105</strong> kan in enige produksiestelsel goed gebruik word. My gevoel is dat hy uitstekend sal doen in ‘n vervangingsvers<br />

teel program. Hy het baie goeie melkeienskappe en uitstekende reproduksie teelwaardes. Alles wat jy soek in ‘n<br />

vers om suksesvol met haar te boer, sal hy in oormaat verskaf!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 39 : WCS 08 - 053<br />

LOT 39 : WCS 08 - 053<br />

It sometimes happens that you buy a cow for much more than what you budgeted for, by reason of the quality of the<br />

calf at her side. If you are very lucky, as I was in this case, the cow becomes a top performer in your herd and the calf<br />

develops so well that he can be used for service in the herd as a young working bull. The father is CEF 04-419 from<br />

Fourie Scheepers (Zinabos <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s). The bull was frequently used in the late Wally Stay’s herd and his calves are in<br />

general very good. The mother is WCS 01-151 with AFC 35 months, ICP 432 days for 7 calves, weaning index 101 over<br />

6 and 100% stud approval of her calves at Hartebeestloop.<br />

The first impression of WCS 08-053 is the phenomenal capacity of the bull. He has very good length, excellent width, a<br />

lot of depth in the forequarter, good spring of rib and strong musculature. The topline is correct, the slope of rump is good<br />

and it is only the tail insertion which is attached slightly too high. The meat traits of the bull are probably of the best in<br />

the industry – outer- and inner thighs are well-filled; observe how low down the muscles stretch from the hindquarters to<br />

the hocks; he is full of meat behind the shoulders, his loin areas are well-filled and so also the expensive meaty section<br />

above the slope of the rump. When you look at the framework with its capacity, you would expect his legs to make thick<br />

soup bones. Look at the excellent legs, pasterns and claws. Notwithstanding his weight, his walking ability in the dunes<br />

are of the best. His veld bull economic index is 106, which is an indication of how well he has adapted and performed under<br />

extensive conditions. Breeders can look at his perfect scrotum – symmetrical, hangs well, very smooth and measures<br />

37.3 cm. I have not seen such good quality hide and hair in a long time.<br />

The breeding values of WCS 08-053 are very good: +1 kg heavier than breeding average on birth weight (this is minimal),<br />

plenty of milk, good growth, acceptable feeding efficiency figures and good reproductive breeding values.<br />

WCS 08-053 was used as young bull in the Hartebeestloop stud. Excepting for his excellent qualities, especially meat<br />

traits, he is also genetically unrelated to our existing genetics. He should go to a serious stud breeder who will with selective<br />

pairing establish his best traits in the herd. If you want to improve framework size with capacity in your herd, increase<br />

milk production, breed correct scrotums or improve carcass production, then this is the bull for you! At Hartebeestloop we<br />

cannot accept any credit for the breeding of this bull, but we can take credit for the observant eye that spotted him and<br />

his mother on the auction and then for turning a blind eye when it came to pay the price for his purchase!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 40 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 181<br />

LOT 40 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 181<br />

Farmers always ask for slightly larger frame bulls for breeding slaughter-oxen for competitive purposes. The policy at<br />

Hartebeestloop does not really allow for the breeding of later-matured slightly larger frame bulls, but we realized that<br />

there should be variation in the presentation of bulls. Larger frame bulls which are phenotypically excellent, with good<br />

constitution, very good balance and top performance testing values are also available. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-181 precisely fits this<br />

description. He is bred from AG 03-029 – one of the best stud bulls at Hartebeestloop. Also look closely at his other sons<br />

on the auction – we also use one of his sons in the herd. The mother is BHE 05-059 – one of the “Royal Family” cows at<br />

Hartebeestloop. Her AFC is 29 months, ICP 367 days for 5 calves, average weaning index 115, RI 114 and she weans<br />

her calves at 50.7% of her body mass. To top this, her stud approval of calves is 100%. Where will you ever get better<br />

than this?<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-181 is on our books a slightly larger frame (3.5) bull which still can be used on heifers, which are fully<br />

matured at 24 months. Of course, on cows he will fare fantastically. He presents very good balance for his larger frame<br />

with forequarter, middle section and hindquarter well put together. Observe his comfortable gait if you see him at Hartebeestloop.<br />

He has good length, strong topline and good width throughout. There is good capacity, very good hide and<br />

coat – also observe the thick skin folds in his neck. His musculature is strong with rib eye surface which is a few times<br />

larger than the breeding average. He shows good masculinity, nice darkening, very good adaptability with strong legs<br />

and good claws. He is a real whopper of a bull!<br />

His breeding values are excellent: Lower than breeding average on birth weight-direct, plenty of milk, excellent growth<br />

figures with even better efficiency figures and top reproduction values. He does well during the measurement of all economically<br />

important traits and holds his own among the other auction bulls.<br />

Usually the larger frame animals are not very well-balanced and it is a bit of a struggle to breed larger frame functionally<br />

efficient animals. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-181 satisfies all the requirements of functionally correct, good breeding values, good<br />

growth, fertile mother and excellent pedigree. He is ideal for weaning calf and ox production and will not be easily beaten<br />

by any other bull. He should go to a farmer who will eagerly boast about his weaning calves and oxen. One can with<br />

confidence, enter his progeny for the weaning calf and slaughter-ox competitions. His breeding value for carcass production<br />

is a few times larger than the average of the breed.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 41 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 186<br />

LOT 41 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 186<br />

This bul is bred from AG 03-353 belonging to Dries Venter from Tzaus <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. He did excellently at Hartebeestloop<br />

and we expect the same at Tzaus <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. The mother is VZF 05-103 which was bought on the RSA<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong> National auction. Her AFC is 32 months and she has ICP of 462 days for 3 calves, with weaning index of <strong>105</strong>.<br />

She weans 3 calves at 48% of her body weight and has 100% stud approval of calves. This is very typical of female<br />

animals bought in RSA – it takes a while before they are ready to reproduce normally. One of her sons is presently on<br />

our neighbour’s (Stephan de Wet) farm in Omitara.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-186 likely presents the best hide and hair out of all auction bulls. He is as slippery as an eel and shines like<br />

a diamond in the sun. There is good hump development, strong topline, good slope of rump and long tail. He has exceptionally<br />

strong legs with good claws. He is wide throughout, presents good height/length ratio of 1:18, deep in the forequarter<br />

and shows very good capacity. Good capacity is the one trait which all Namibian <strong>Bonsmara</strong> breeders value very<br />

highly. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-186 presents excellent balance and the fore- and hindquarter, as well as the middle section, are very<br />

well put together. He has excellent posture and moves very comfortably. The bull is loaded with meat – full outer- and<br />

inner thighs, full behind the shoulders, leg muscles are long and attach low down on the hocks. Also look at the “sjambok<br />

lashes” on his hindquarter – this is a term that the old folks used to describe hindquarters excellently filled with flesh.<br />

His scrotum is as perfect as they come – measures 38.3 cm with breeding value of 16.21. It is perfectly formed, hangs<br />

very nicely, is clean and without hair. If you would like to improve scrotums in your herd then you should look very carefully<br />

at this bull.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-186 presents very good breeding values. His birth weight-direct is far below the breeding average, there is<br />

enough milk, sufficient growth and an excellent scrotum breeding value. He did well during the performance testing with<br />

weaning index 112, Veld bull index 100, ADG index 102 and Kleiber index 106.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-186 is a typical example of the “All Rounder” bull that we breed at<br />

Hartebeestloop. He is early-matured, medium frame and will do well on heifers and cows. His musculature is ample, but<br />

more supple, with less muscle definition and therefore there should be no calving problems. This type of “no nonsense”<br />

bull does excellently wherever he goes. Farmers who would like to improve meat production in their herds do not have to<br />

look any further than <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-186.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 42 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 194<br />

LOT 42 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 194<br />

He is bred from WAT 04-339 and all are welcome to look at this other sons on the auction. We frequently use him in the<br />

herd, but he unfortunately picked up an injury high in the hip and we are now dependent on AI for his sperm. Since we<br />

set up a mobile AI caravan, moving from post to post, our AI successes have much improved.<br />

His mother is BHE 01-029 which arrived at the farm in the winter with a young calf. She really struggled and has ICP<br />

of 431 days for 8 calves, with BI of 103. She is just too old to significantly catch up with the days she has lost. Her build,<br />

udder, teats and general qualities are however, just too good to penalize her on ICP alone.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-194 is a medium frame “All Rounder” bull which can be used on heifers and cows. He has very good length<br />

with height/length ratio of 1:26 which is much better than the breeding average. His topline is strong – this can be partially<br />

attributed to a very well-developed rib eye of which the surface is far above the breeding average. His musculature<br />

is not as defined as those of the other bulls, but he presents enough musculature. This also makes it easier to use him<br />

on heifers. He has good width, nice depth and good capacity. He is especially strong in the forequarter.<br />

He presents good masculinity traits with strong head and eyebrow-ridges, beautiful darkening of a very strong neck<br />

and forequarter and good scrotum, which hangs symmetrically. His sheath could have been slightly shorter, but the navel<br />

flap is very good. We are very impressed with the bull’s legs and claws and his walking ability. I cannot over-emphasize<br />

the importance of strong legs, good hocks and claws for extensive conditions. Also look closely at the bull’s meat traits at<br />

the auction – inner- and outer thighs are well-filled, he is full of meat behind the shoulders, with good hindquarters.<br />

The breeding values of <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-194 are very well-balanced with birth weight-direct lower than the breeding average,<br />

good growth (he weans 280 kg), low adult weight, acceptable efficiency values and good reproduction breeding values.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-194 is once again a typical Hartebeestloop broad spectrum bull which can be used on cows and heifers<br />

and that will perform in any production system. If the weaning calf prices are good, market his calves. If oxen prices at<br />

Meatco are good, let them go. Market his heifers as expectant substitute heifers to other herds and the buyers will come<br />

back to you on an annual basis.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 43 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 232<br />

LOT 43 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 232<br />

Hy is ‘n suiwer RSA teling met WCS 04-036 wat ons as koei met kalf op die uitverkoping veiling van Wally Stay aangekoop<br />

het. Sy pa is CEF 03-419 (Zinabos <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) wat sterk deur wyle Wally in sy kudde gebruik is.<br />

WCS 04-036 se OEK is 36 mnde, TKP oor 4 kalwers is 380 dae, met speenindeks van 107, RI van 102 en sy speen haar<br />

kalwers teen 51,4% van haar massa. Sy het baie goed aangepas op Hartebeestloop en haar kalf aan voet is weereens<br />

baie sterk.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-232 is ‘n groter raamtipe (3.5) donker, rooi bul met goeie kwaliteite. Alhoewel sy raam effe goter is, is hy<br />

nog steeds in baie goeie balans. Daar is goeie breedte, baie goeie lengte (hoogte/lengte verhouding is 1: 27) sterk<br />

en mooi spierdefinisie met goeie kapasiteit. Vleiseienskappe is ook baie goed, met goeie agterkwart en genoeg vleis<br />

oor die kruis, lende en bladareas. Hy wys ‘n baie mooi kruishelling, sterk bene, mooi onderlyn en goeie kloue. Hierdie<br />

eienskappe is almal belangrik vir aanpasbaarheid – maklike kalwingseienskappe, goeie loopvermoë, skoon onder vir<br />

die duinsteekriet, driedorings en swarthaak en kloue wat hou in die sand en klip. Sy vel en haar is ook van baie goeie<br />

kwaliteit. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-232 vertoon baie goeie manlikheid met sterk kop, goeie oogbanke en mooi verdonkering en goed<br />

gevormde skrotum. Daar is werklik min wat mens kan kritiseer in die bul.<br />

Sy teelwaardes is ook goed gebalanseerd. Effens swaarder op geboortedirek – ek sal voorstel dat hy net op koeie<br />

gebruik word. Sy voor- en naspeense groeiteelwaardes is baie goed, met aanvaarbare voerdoeltreffenheid en reproduksie<br />

teelwaardes. Hy is ‘n Top Presteerder tydens prestasietoetsing met indekse van 111 speen, 117 GDT, Kleiber 103,<br />

Veldbul en pelvis beide 1<strong>09</strong>. Oor-en-oor en deur-en-deur ‘n bul wat uitstekende groei onder ekstensiewe toestande in jou<br />

kudde sal bring.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-232 kan ‘n groot aanwins wees in enige produksiestelsel – osproduksie is soos ek hom aangeteken het<br />

maar, hy sal ook uitstekend doen in ‘n speenkalf stelsel. Sy raamtipe is definitief nie so groot dat hy nie vir die teel van<br />

kwaliteit vervangingsverse gebruik kan word nie.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 44 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 118<br />

LOT 44 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 118<br />

He is bred from KHB 04-168 which is presently at Tollie van Tonder (Komaweer <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s). We have a strong team<br />

of calves bred from KHB 04-168 and the bull calves have just completed the growth tests. Quite a few of his heifers have<br />

already calved and we are very satisfied with what we see. His mother is HJB 04-015 (Benchmark <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) with AFC<br />

of 30 months, ICP 354 days for 6 calves and BI of 115. She weans 5 calves at 45% of her body mass. She is certainly<br />

one of the most fertile cows in the herd.<br />

The masculinity traits of the bull immediately strike one. His head is very strong, very good eyebrow-ridges, wide<br />

between the eyes, strong neck and forequarter with good darkening. His head presents very nice black pigmentation.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-118 shows excellent length with height/length ratio of 1:28, which is very good. His topline is very strong<br />

notwithstanding his length and the rib eye surface is a few times greater than the breeding average. He presents good<br />

musculature, sufficient width throughout, very nice depth and enough capacity. His hide and hair are slightly coarser than<br />

what we like to breed, but it does not appear to be an adaptation problem for him. He is a Top Performer with Veld bull<br />

economic index of 113, ADG index of 117 and Kleiber index of 115. This data shows excellent performance in the veld<br />

and if the hide and hair was a problem, then the data would not have been so good.<br />

Look closely at the excellent meat traits of this bull. His hindquarter is of very high quality and the meat stretches low<br />

down to the hocks. He is full of meat behind the shoulders and the slope of rump is well filled with plenty of meat. The<br />

bull’s scrotum is slightly turned, but still totally within the breeding standards. That is about the only critique I can find<br />

against him.<br />

His breeding values are good with birth weight-direct lower than the breeding average and his growth- and milk figures<br />

are acceptable.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-118 is a medium frame “All Rounder” broad spectrum bull which can be used anywhere. His pelvis index is<br />

102 and he should carry it over to substitute heifers which are bred from him. He is a tough bull which will pull his weight<br />

anywhere and in any production system. His breeding value for early fat deposition is also very good and whether one<br />

is breeding his oxen or weaning his calves, the quality will be good. One can also use him with great confidence in a<br />

crossbreeding program.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 45 : WCS 08 - 110<br />

LOT 45 : WCS 08 - 110<br />

He is pure South African bred from the late Wally Stay’s stud in the cold Eastern Cape. He arrived here as small<br />

calf with his mother and had to try very hard to keep up. His mother WCS 01-110 is however, an outstanding cow and<br />

weaned him on 102. Her AFC is 35 months, ICP 372 days for 8 calves, with BI 1<strong>09</strong> and 80% stud approval. She is still in<br />

the herd – her teeth are still fine and her last ICP was 353 days! I can farm with such cows and they are the foundation<br />

whereupon the success of the <strong>Bonsmara</strong> is built. I often see such cows belonging to <strong>Bonsmara</strong> breeders and we all feel<br />

the same about them and their value in the herd and to the breed.<br />

WCS 08-110 is a medium frame type bull which can be comfortably used on heifers and cows. He is probably one of<br />

the bulls with the best capacity which I have seen in a long time. His height/length ratio is excellent at 1:23, he has good<br />

width throughout, shows good depth and has sufficient musculature. He is loaded with meat – observe the appearance<br />

of his back. The bull demonstrates good secondary masculinity traits with acceptable head, good darkening and good<br />

scrotum which is well-formed and hangs nicely. His sheath looks good and he presents a slight navel flap which is still<br />

quite acceptable. When an assessment of bulls is done, as in the case of WCS 08-110, the total picture is so good that<br />

the mention of a slight navel flap should not even be necessary. Farmers are however, sometimes very particular about<br />

what it written and what they see in the kraal. Better therefore, to mention that which might be hindersome.<br />

We are impressed with the bull’s very good legs and claws. Notwithstanding his weight, he moves very comfortably<br />

over the dunes and his pasterns and claws are very good. In general we are also impressed with his adaptability – hide<br />

and hair are good, tail is long, hump is well-developed and skin is thick (16 mm). He will perform well on any farm, district<br />

or country that he finds himself in.<br />

The breeding values of WCS 08-110 are in line with what we consider acceptable at Hartebeestloop: Lower than<br />

breeding average on birth weight-direct, enough milk; good growth with excellent feeding efficiency values and acceptable<br />

on reproduction.<br />

WCS 08-110 is a typical Hartebeestloop broad spectrum “All Rounder” bull that can be used with great confidence in<br />

any production system. His heifers will have good milk, his soup-bone calves will most likely wean with difficulty, but his<br />

greatest value is probably in ox production or crossbreeding programs.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 46 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 012<br />

LOT 46 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 012<br />

He is bred from KHB 05-172 from Roland and Thomas Horn of Terraro Zucht <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. He fared very well at<br />

Hartebeestloop and we believe that he will give the Khomas Hochland <strong>Bonsmara</strong> community a boost. His mother is<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 07-033 with AFC of 22 months, ICP of 363 days for 4 calves, weans 3 at 106 weaning index with BI of 123.<br />

She weans 3 calves at 44.7% of her body weight of 516 kg. At Hartebeestloop we classify this type of cow as the<br />

“contemporary type <strong>Bonsmara</strong> cows”. Our female personnel talk about the “modern type <strong>Bonsmara</strong> cows”. <strong>HART</strong> 07-033<br />

is bred from BHE 02-074 and I refer to the catalogue for his early sexual maturity and fertile female progeny.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-012 is a medium frame bull with excellent meat traits. He presents good length with height/length ratio of<br />

1:20, which is better than the breeding average. Notwithstanding his length, his topline is very strong, there is good<br />

width throughout the bull with sufficient depth in his forequarter. His capacity is very good, as well as his spring of rib. He<br />

shows very good musculature with the rib eye surface much larger than the breeding average. One can also clearly see<br />

the good musculature of the bull at the forearm and<br />

tortoise muscle. The bull’s head is strong with good eyebrow-ridges and strong, thick neck. His lower jaw could have<br />

been stronger. The scrotum is well-formed, hangs nicely and measured 35.3 cm. His adaptability is really tops. Hide and<br />

hair is 100%, legs and feet are excellent and there is good hump development. The bull stands out on this carcass traits<br />

– his hindquarter is as the picture shown by Meatco to farmers as the ideal. His leg muscles are long and attach low<br />

downwards. He is meaty all round – loins, over the hips and full behind the shoulders.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-012 presents good breeding values. He is heavier than breeding average on birth weight-direct, plenty of<br />

milk, growth is outstanding and so is feeding efficiency and reproduction breeding values. His weaning index (111), ADG<br />

index (100), Veld Bull economic index (102) and pelvis index of 104 make him a bull to be considered.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-012 should rather only be used on cows. His width over his brisket, good musculature and slightly thicker<br />

bones are not suitable for heifers. He will fare excellently in any weaning calf or ox production system. I will be very<br />

interested to see how he does in a crossbreeding program. That which is important in a well-planned crossbreeding<br />

system, he has in abundance. Commercial breeders who wish to bring a little zest into their herd, must seriously consider<br />



<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 48 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 026<br />

LOT 48 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 026<br />

He is bred from WAT 04-339 (Frikkie Kruger, Waterpaslaagte <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) and HJB 01-582. Her AFC is 36 months, ICP 379 days<br />

for 8 calves and 80% stud approval for her calves. Only 1 bull calf developed arthrosis and was rejected. HJB 05-208, her son, was<br />

the top seller on the 2008 auction and is now being used by Hochland <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s and Terraro Zucht <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s as stud sire. A very<br />

beautiful stud heifer of hers was also sold to Jomar <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s (Johan van Rooyen). She is still in the herd and there are another 3<br />

of her bull calves in the pipeline.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-026 is a medium frame “All Rounder” bull which can be used on both heifers and cows. He presents good length with<br />

height/length ratio of 1:18 and his capacity is sufficient. His musculature is also sufficient, topline is strong, wide over the back,<br />

slope of rump is very good and there is enough depth through the forequarter. His adaptability traits are excellent – hide and coat<br />

are glossy, shiny and smooth. Hump development is good, tail is long enough for bothersome flies; legs and claws are strong and<br />

his underline is nice and clean. Secondary masculinity is also very well developed – head is strong, eyes are indeed slightly open,<br />

darkening is present in the neck area and scrotum is well formed and hangs perfectly. Scrotum measures 36.5 cm and breeding<br />

value is a massive 18.2!<br />

His breeding values are outstanding with low birth weight-direct, very good growth and high efficiency and top reproduction<br />

breeding values. Of course, one does not look for anything more in the breeding values than what he has to offer. Besides the fact<br />

that most of the breeding values are good on their own, the combinations are also very well balanced.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-026 is a typical example of a Hartebeestloop “broad spectrum” bull. That means that he can be applied on a broad basis<br />

– on heifers and cows, for weaning calf or ox production and also for breeding substitute heifers. Up till now we have only received<br />

positive feedback on these wide spectrum type bulls. We have all been in the position of urgently needing a bull for our heifers<br />

because the other bulls in the herd cannot be used on heifers. In Namibia it is a reality that farmers regard the <strong>Bonsmara</strong> as an easy<br />

all-in-one cattle-farming package. Bulls such as <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-026 contribute to this view by adapting to any area across the country and<br />

by performing well. The farmer can then also use him as the production system(s) and markets determine at any given time.<br />



<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 49 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 051<br />

LOT 49 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 051<br />

Hy is geteel uit KHB 05-172 (Johan Myburgh, Kings Heath <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s, Vrystaat) en <strong>HART</strong> 07-043. KHB 05-172 is nou<br />

by Terraro Zucht <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s (Thomas en Roland Horn) en hy is ‘n robuuste, breë bul met uitstekende lengte, bespiering,<br />

kapasiteit en diepte. <strong>HART</strong> 07-043 is ‘n mooi koei met OEK van 23 mnde, TKP van 404 dae en RI van 123. As daar nou<br />

‘n bewys is dat pelvismetings werk , is dit die geval hier. Sy het van die grootste pelvismates gehad van die mediumraam<br />

verse en kalf gemaklik sonder toesig in die veld op 23 mnde vanaf KHB 05-172. Hy is alles behalwe ‘n versbul!<br />

Namibië is ‘n land waar speenkalwers sowel as osse bemark word. Ons is almal bewus van hoe die mark swaai na aanleiding<br />

van pryse wat betaal word deur die voerkrale en Meatco. <strong>Bonsmara</strong> telers moet ook bulle teel wat goed sal doen<br />

met osproduksie en wat in beplande kruisteel programme gebruik kan word. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-051 is so ‘n tipe bul.<br />

Hierdie is ‘n harde bul met goeie lengte, bespiering en genoegsame breedte. Sy toplyn is baie sterk, sy oogspieroppervlakte<br />

is bo die rasgemiddeld, daar is diepte deur die voorlyf, en ‘n sterk agterkwart. Sekondêre manlikheidseienskappe<br />

is baie goed met sterk kop, goeie oogbanke, mooi verdonkering en ‘n baie goed gevormde en geposisioneerde skrotum.<br />

Sy skrotum meet 37,7 cm. Sy aanpasbaarheidseienskappe is ook baie goed en ons is baie beïndruk met sy sterk bene<br />

en kloue. Hy dra sy gewig gemaklik, het goeie balans en uitstekende loopvermoë. Die wit vlek op sy voorkwart is ‘n<br />

geboortevlek maar die wit op die onderlyn kom van sy pa.<br />

Sy teelwaardes is baie goed. Geboortedirek is ongeveer 1 kg bo rasgemiddeld, groei en melkeienskappe is baie goed,<br />

volwasse gewig is basies op rasgemiddeld en voerdoeltreffendheid is uitstekend. Liggaam mates is goed gebalanseerd<br />

en reproduksie teelwaardes is baie goed.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-051 moet liefs net op koeie gebruik word en hy sal uitstekend doen in ’n osproduksie stelsel – hetsy in suiwer<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong> osproduksie of in ‘n kruisteel program met ander rasse. Onthou jou resultaat van kruisteel is direk eweredig<br />

aan hoe goed die bul en koei is. Gebruik ‘n top <strong>Bonsmara</strong> osproduksie bul en kyk wat jy op die veld sien in die toekoms!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 50 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 060<br />

LOT 50 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 060<br />

Die bul is geteel uit AG 04-175 en BHE 04-150. Sy is ‘n baie goeie koei met OEK 28 mnde, TKP van 366 dae oor 6<br />

kalwers, 5 gespeen teen 46,5% van haar massa, RI van 116 en 100% stoetgoedkeuring van haar kalwers. Haar ma<br />

BHE 01-022 is ook nog in die kudde met TKP van 10 kalwers oor 378 dae. Hierdie is ‘n besondere goeie koeifamilie wat<br />

uitstekende bulle teel. BHE 04-150 se 1ste 2 bulkalwers is beide verkoop teen bogemiddelde pryse. Sy het nog net een<br />

vers geteel – sy produseer bulle! AG 04-175 het ‘n baie groot rol gespeel in die Hartebeestloop kudde en sy nageslag<br />

loop wyd in Namibië<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-060 is ‘n groter raam bul wat verkieslik net op koeie gebruik moet word. Hy het baie manlikheid in hom met<br />

‘n sterk kop, goeie oogbanke, mooi verdonkering en ‘n skrotum wat baie mooi hang. Sy skrotumomtrek is 36,9 cm met<br />

‘n teelwaarde van 15,9 wat baie beter as rasgemiddeld is. Hart <strong>09</strong> -060 wys ‘n sterk toplyn, mooi lengte, goeie balans<br />

vir ‘n groter raam bul, genoeg bespiering, genoeg diepte deur die voorlyf en ook genoegsame kapasiteit. Hy het baie<br />

goeie aanpasbaarheidseienskappe met blink vel en haar en genoeg skofontwikkeling. Sy stertkwas is deur die bosluise<br />

afgevreet en behoort in tyd weer terug te groei. Ek was beïndruk deur die aanpasbaarheid en gehardheid van die bul wat<br />

op Dassiesfontein in baie moeilike omstandighede tog baie goed presteer het. Sy bene en kloue is van sy sterkste punte<br />

en nieteenstaande sy groter raam en swaarder gewig het hy baie maklik beweeg in die klip sonder probleme.<br />

Sy teelwaardes is tipies dit van ‘n bul wat uitstekend sal doen in ‘n speenkalf en veral osproduksiestelsels. Hy is ‘n effe<br />

later ryp tipe wat baie goeie osse van die veld sal produseer. Sy geboortedirek is swaarder as rasgemiddeld en dit is<br />

een van die redes hoekom hy net op koeie gebruik moet word. Daar is genoegsame voor- en naspeense groei met goeie<br />

voerdoeltreffendheidsyfers en uitstekende reproduksie teelwaardes.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-060 moet primêr aangewend word vir die teel van osse. Hy het al die kwaliteite en ekonomiese belangrike<br />

eienskappe om sy merk te maak in enige kruisteel of suiwer osproduksie teling.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 51 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 066<br />

LOT 51 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 066<br />

Hy is geteel uit AG 03-359 en CEF 99-004. Beide word nog steeds in die kudde gebruik. AG 03-359 teel baie sterk op<br />

Hartebeestloop – hy teel die tipe diere wat die mark soek en goed aanpas in die ekstensiewe toestande.<br />

CEF 99-004 (Zinabos <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) se OEK is 31 mnde, TKP is 378 dae oor 11 kalwers, RI is 112 en sy speen 10 kalwers<br />

teen 47,3% van haar massa. Een van haar seuns (<strong>HART</strong> 05-022) is aan Pieter Scholtz (Guperas <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) verkoop<br />

waar hy uitstekend teel.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-066 is ‘n mediumraam “All Rounder” bul wat op beide koeie en verse gebruik kan word. Hy vertoon goeie<br />

breedte en diepte met genoegsame kapasiteit. Sy bespiering is genoeg en so ook sy vleiseienskappe. Die toplyn is<br />

sterk, kruishelling is goed en die agterkwart is goed gevorm. Hy vertoon ‘n baie sterk voorkwart. Die sekondêre manlikheidseienskappe<br />

is ook goed ontwikkel met sterk kop en aanvaarbare oogbank ontwikkeling, mooi verdonkering in die<br />

nekgedeelte en groot, welgevormde skrotum wat baie mooi hang. Die skrotumomtrek is 40,4 cm. Sy onderlyn is ook<br />

goed met aanvaarbare skede/naelvel kombinasie. Die bul dra genoeg vleis maar sy binne en buite dye kan seker beter<br />

gevul gewees het.<br />

Sy aanpasbaarheid is baie goed ontwikkel. Sy vel en haar is goed, skofontwikkeling is daar en die vel is lekker los en<br />

beweeglik – kyk veral na die dik velvoue in die nek. Sy bene en kloue is ook sterk en hy beweeg gemaklik.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-066 het baie goeie teelwaardes – tipies wat ons verwag van ‘n mediumraam, “All Rounder” Hartebeestloop<br />

breë spektrum bul. Geboortedirek is laer as rasgemiddeld, daar is genoegsame groei en melk met aanvaarbare doeltreffenheid<br />

en reproduksie teelwaardes.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-066 kan goed gebruik word in enige produksiestelsel – as jy speenkalwers, osse of vervangingsverse wil<br />

teel, is hy ‘n bul om te oorweeg. Een van Hartebeestloop se belangrike teeldoelwitte is om ‘n “totale-pakket-maklike-<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong> boerbees” te teel. Dit beteken om ‘n dier te teel wat in alle produksiestelsels kan werk, op koeie en verse<br />

gebruik kan word, gehard is, aangepas is in ons omstandighede en soveel aanpasbaarheid het dat dit in enige ander<br />

omgewing kan gaan produseer en presteer. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-066 voldoen aan bogenoemde vereistes.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 52: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - <strong>09</strong>6<br />

LOT 52 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - <strong>09</strong>6<br />

Hy is geteel uit BHE 04-035 en GBS 07-001. BHE 04-035 is vanaf Fortress <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s aangekoop en GBS 07-001 is<br />

tydens die Hakplaas <strong>Bonsmara</strong> uitverkoping aangeskaf. Dit was altyd Hartebeestloop beleid om die beste jong vroulike<br />

diere op die totale uitverkopingveilings aan te koop. Ek en Dr Johannes Smith het die vroulike diere gaan uitsoek voor<br />

die veiling.<br />

Ons het baie goeie nageslag aangekry van BHE 04-035 en Arthur de Villiers was nie verkeerd toe hy die bul aanbeveel<br />

het nie. GBS 07-001 se OEK is 25mnde, TKP 404 dae met gemiddelde speenindeks van 107 en RI van 118.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-<strong>09</strong>6 is ‘n mediumraam “All Rounder” bul wat op verse en koeie gebruik kan word. Hy is tipies ook ‘n breë spektrum<br />

bul wat vele aanwendings oor alle produksiestelsels sal hê. Ons het herhaalde kere gesien dat die boer wat primêr<br />

met skaap of wild boer, baie goed doen met bulle wat suksesvol vir verskillende produksiestelsels gebruik kan word. Die<br />

boer besluit dan self watter stelsel hy volg na aanleiding van die hoeveelheid reën, weiding beskibaar en pryse van osse<br />

(Meatco/slagters) en speenkalwers (voerkrale).<br />

Die bul wys goeie lengte, diepte en genoegsame kapasiteit. Daar is genoeg bespiering met die oogspieroppervlakte wat<br />

bo rasgemiddeld meet. Die toplyn is sterk, kruishelling is baie goed en hy het ‘n lang stert wat wys op goeie aanpassing.<br />

Die kwaliteit van sy vel en haar, skofontwikkeling, “happy lines”, sterk bene en kloue wys alles op baie goeie aanpasbaarheid.<br />

Hy vertoon ook baie goeie manlikheid met sterk kop, goeie oogbanke, mooi verdonkering in die voorkwart<br />

gedeelte en ‘n baie goeie skrotum van 37 cm in omtrek.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-<strong>09</strong>6 het baie goeie teelwaardes - effens swaarder as rasgemiddeld op geboortedirek, uitstekende groeivermoë<br />

en baie goeie voerdoeltreffendheidsyfers en uitstaande reproduksie teelwaardes. Hy was deurgaans ‘n Top Presteerder<br />

met ‘n Veldbul ekonomiese indeks van 1<strong>09</strong>, speenindeks 107, GDT indeks 119, Kleiber indeks 118 en pelvis<br />

indeks <strong>105</strong>. As jy groei soek in jou kudde, hoef jy nie eers na die ander bulle te kyk nie – veral as jy groei soek onder<br />

ekstensiewe toestande met goeie aanpasbaarheid.<br />

Hier is ‘n bul wat bewys het dat hy onder ekstensiewe toestande kan aanpas en presteer. Ek kan <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-<strong>09</strong>6 aanbeveel<br />

om groei en aanpasbaarheid in kuddes te verbeter.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 53 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 126<br />

LOT 53: <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 126<br />

He is pure South African bred from Badeveen <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s of Dok and Dirk Badenhorst (HOT 06-037) with a Vaalbos<br />

heifer (VBB 06-225). She is a fantastic animal which calved in the Kalahari at 30 months and now has an ICP of 362<br />

days for 3 calves. Her average weaning index is 99 over 3; she weans at an average of 49.4% of her body weight with a<br />

BI of 111. These performances are excellent for a heifer which had to adapt and had to calf for the first time in the harsh<br />

Kalahari. Her 1st heifer calf at Hartebeestloop calved at 21 months. This is an exceptionally fertile breeding strain and<br />

HOT 06-037 is known for breeding exceptional heifers. This can be clearly seen in his calf tempo breeding value of 67<br />

which is far above the breeding average. <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-126 is genetically unrelated to most Namibian herds.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-126 is a medium frame “All Rounder” bull which can be used on heifers and cows. His musculature is more<br />

supple - not the hard, defined musculature that sometimes contributes to calving problems. He has sufficient width, depth<br />

in the forequarter and capacity. The topline is strong with a good slope of rump. Striking is the length of the bull and his<br />

height/length ratio of 1:23, which is far better than the breeding average. His adaptability traits are well developed with<br />

good hide and hair, nice hump and acceptable legs and toes. He presents good darkening in the neck, good scrotum of<br />

35.3 cm, but the head could have been stronger.<br />

The breeding values of <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-126 fit very well with the standard at Hartebeestloop: Low on birth weight-direct, sufficient<br />

milk and thereafter very good growth and efficiency. The lengthiness increases the amount of meat and weight and<br />

the scrotum breeding value is also better than the breeding average. His large scrotum breeding value (11) and pelvis<br />

index (113) will result in breeding fertile and “large pelvis” substitute heifers. His performances equalled herd average<br />

during extensive growth testing and Veld bull test.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-126 is a typical “no problem” bull without any unpleasant surprises. He will not give calving problems, will<br />

bring much good growth and ADG into your herd and should breed very nice substitute heifers. His weaning calves and<br />

oxen (2 years) will definitely not take a back seat to any other - at any auction or at Meatco. The success of the <strong>Bonsmara</strong><br />

under the extensive farming conditions of Namibia is built on this type of bull.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 54 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 175<br />

LOT 54 : <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> - 175<br />

He is bred from AG 04-175, which is in turn bred from AG 99-104. In 2012 Arthur from Arcadia News referred to the role<br />

that AG 99-104 played in their herd. We already have more than 100 progeny from AG 04-175 with average birth weight<br />

of 35 kg. He was frequently used to pair with 14 month old first-time heifers and <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> -175 can also be used for<br />

precisely this function. The mother is HJB 04-071 which was bought on the Benchmark sale. She calves at 29 months,<br />

ICP is 416 days for 3 calves, RI 108 and 100% approval of all her calves. Unfortunately we had to slaughter her after an<br />

injury on the farm.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-175 has very good qualities. He is a lengthy bull with height/length ratio of 1:20 which is above breeding<br />

average. Topline is strong, rib eye stretches nicely through to the hump; there is good width, sufficient musculature and<br />

good capacity. We prefer to use these smooth (supple musculature) bull-types on our female animals, which already<br />

show enough musculature. We are very successful with this practice. He is very masculine with strong head, good darkening<br />

and excellent scrotum. It measures 37.6 cm, is as slippery as an eel, well-formed and hangs perfectly. His father<br />

AG 04-175 was specifically bought for his scrotum contribution to our herd. He constantly breeds very good and large<br />

scrotums.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-175 has very good breeding values. We have marked him as specialist heifer bull which will do just as well<br />

on cows. His breeding values are low on birth weight-direct, sufficient milk, good growth and efficiency with outstanding<br />

calf tempo. He performed very well during the performance testing with Veld bull economic index, ADG index, Kleiber<br />

index and pelvis index all above the average of 100. His pelvis measurement of 24.6 cm2 and pelvis index of 126 is of<br />

the largest in the herd. AG 04-175 bred large pelvises constantly in his female progeny and we had almost no calving<br />

problems with his heifers being paired early at 14 months. We expect the same from <strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-175.<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong>-175 is a “Hartebeestloop broad spectrum bull”. The term comes from my professional background and is<br />

based on broad spectrum antibiotics which work for almost anything. He can be used on heifers and cows – for weaning<br />

calf or ox production and also to breed very good substitute heifers. He will fit in with any production system and is<br />

typically a bull that in times of bull emergency (bull injury, temporarily infertile, etc.) can be moved to any herd of female<br />

animals without causing the farmer loss of quality. There are many farmers who are specifically looking for this type of<br />



<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 55 : WCS 08 - 123<br />

LOT 55 : WCS 08 - 123<br />

He is bred from a Fortress bull BHE 00-085 which David Cock, Cecil van der Merwe and the late Wally Stay bought<br />

together. We bought outstanding animals on the estate auction of Wally Stay, one of which was the mother WCS 03-145.<br />

Her AFC is 34 months, ICP 375 days for 6 calves with average weaning index of 104 and BI 108. She weans 5 calves at<br />

49.6% of her body weight (488 kg). I am very impressed with the cow because she came from the ice-cold Eastern Cape<br />

to the Kalahari and adapted excellently. Her last ICP at Hartebeestloop is 338 days. Better cows than herself are difficult<br />

to come by.<br />

WCS 08-123 is genetically unrelated to the rest of the Hartebeestloop herd and also all other Namibian herds: He is a<br />

robust medium frame bull which presents excellent length. His height/length ratio is 1:24. His very large rib eye surface<br />

ensures a strong topline, notwithstanding his good length. He is wide throughout and his forequarters are deep, with very<br />

good capacity. His meat traits are unsurpassable – full behind the shoulders and loin areas are full of meat. Observe<br />

especially the fullness where the chine joins the spine. Outer- and inner thighs are full and leg muscles attach low down<br />

on the hocks.<br />

His secondary masculinity traits are well-developed with strong head, good eyebrow-ridges and very nice darkening<br />

in the neck area. His adaptability traits are also of very high quality – hide and hair are glossy and shiny, hump development<br />

is good. Slope of rump is nicely formed and tail is long. He is broad across the hocks and if I need to mention<br />

something then it is the hocks that tend towards being slightly too straight, but it is minimal and does not influence the<br />

bull’s walking ability or function.<br />

WCS 08-123 has very good breeding values – lower than breeding average on birth weight-direct, enough milk, good<br />

growth and excellent feeding efficiency values. He arrived with his mother in the Kalahari when he was a young calf, but<br />

nevertheless did well during the rest of the performance testing measurements.<br />

WCS 08-123 falls into the category of broad spectrum “All Rounder” bulls. He can be used on cows and heifers and<br />

will produce very good weaning calves and oxen. His breeding value for milk is also good and his heifer progeny should<br />

show good milk traits. The bull’s greatest value lies in the increased carcass production and dressing percentage which<br />

he will bring into the herd in which he finds himself. Commercial farmers are in need of this type of bull.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 58: WAGB <strong>09</strong> - 135<br />

LOT 58: WAGB <strong>09</strong> - 135<br />

Die bul is ’n puik klipharde mediumraam bul. Hy toon goeie bespiering, diepte en kapasiteit. Hy het<br />

baie breedte oor die rug en toon baie vleis in sy agterkwart en voorkwart.<br />

WAGB <strong>09</strong> - 135 het sterk bene en kloue en sal gemaklik in enige terein kan funksioneer. Die bul se<br />

wagb ontwikkeling is baie goed. Kyk maar na sy sterk skof, mooi verdonkering op sy nek, voorkwart<br />

en agterkwart. Die bul het ook ’n baie goeie sprong van rib wat toon dat hy voldoende kapasiteit<br />

vir sy eie onderhoud het. Wagb <strong>09</strong>-135 se ma is uit die Kavango beesboerdery gekoop. Die<br />

ma doen nogsteeds baie goed by ons. Sy is tans 14 jaar oud en het ’n gemiddelde speenindeks<br />

van 1<strong>09</strong> oor haar kalwers en ’n reproduksieindeks van 99. Haar interkalf periode is 428 dae en<br />

toon bie goeie vrugbaarheid.<br />

Die bul se pa is as stoetbul aan Christo Strydom verkoop. Die bul doen puik by hom en hou sy<br />

kondisie puik in die verskillende seisoene. Hierdie bul se teelwaardes toon dat hy met gemak op<br />

verse gebruik kan word. Hy gaan baie goed doen in die meeste dele in die land. Die bul toon tipiese<br />

mediumraam teelwaardes met goeie groei en vrugbaarheid. Kyk weer mooi na hierdie bul. Hy<br />

sal baie goed doen in enige kudde.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 59 : ERH <strong>09</strong> - 054<br />

LOT 59 : ERH <strong>09</strong> - 054<br />

Hy is geteel uit ERH 05-<strong>09</strong>1 (AG 01-051 seun) wat in die EMOK kudde gebruik is en moer ERH 00-029. ERH 00-029<br />

is een van die ouer koeie in kudde met uitstekende reproduksiesyfers en het 8 uit 9 kalwers gespeen teen 99 en het ‘n<br />

uitsonderlike TKP van 368 dae met ‘n reproduksie-indeks van 114.<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-054 is ‘n effe groter raam bul met goeie balans, goeie breedte, sterk toplyn en oorgenoeg bespiering. Hy<br />

vertoon ‘n goeie kruishelling en sterk agterkwart. Oor die algemeen is die vleiseienskappe van hom baie sterk. Sy<br />

aanpasbaarheid is goed ontwikkel met baie goeie vel en haar, sterk bene en kloue, goeie skofontwikkeling en baie mooi<br />

pigment. Dit is opvallend hoe gemaklik die bul beweeg vir sy effe groter raam. Hy sal werklik nie ‘n probleem hê met<br />

aanpassing enige plek in Namibië nie. Sy manlikheidseienskappe is ook goed – kop is sterk met breë bek, goeie oogbankontwikkeling<br />

en mooi skrotum wat 36,9cm in omtrek meet.<br />

Hy het baie goed gegroei tydens Fase D groeitoets met ‘n 113 GDT en 107 Kleiberindeks. Hy sal goeie groeieienskappe<br />

in enige kudde bring. Sy teelwaardes is baie goed en weerspieël sy goeie groei. Dit is veral die melk maternale<br />

en skrotum teelwaardes wat bo die rasgemiddeld is. Die teelwaarde vir kalftempo van 56 is ook uitstekend.<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-054 kan op goed uitgegroeide verse gebruik word en natuurlik op koeie ook. EMOK <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s is bekend vir<br />

die hoë kwaliteit bulle wat hulle teel en vir streng seleksie – ERH <strong>09</strong>-054 is ‘n voorbeeld daarvan. Hy kom uit ‘n beproefde<br />

stamboom, sy moeder is baie goed, sy teelwaardes is reg en hy het baie goeie groei en reproduksie eienskappe.<br />

Hy is definitief ‘n kyk-weer bul!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 60 : TON <strong>09</strong> - 044<br />

LOT 60 : TON <strong>09</strong> - 044<br />

Hierdie is die jongste van die bulle wat deur Komaweer <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s aangebied word op veiling<br />

en moet definitief nie onderskat word nie. Die bul het van jongs af baie potensiaal getoon en sal<br />

ongeveer 3 jaar oud wees by veiling. Sy vaar is BHE 02-074 (Fortress <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) wat baie goed<br />

presteer het op Hartebeestloop <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. Sy seuns doen goed op die Hartebeestloop veilings<br />

oor die afgelope paar jaar. TON <strong>09</strong>-044 is sekerlik van die beste seuns en sy moeder, TON 99-039<br />

het oor haar leeftyd van 11 jaar, 8 kalwers geproduseer waarvan almal gespeen is teen ‘n gemiddelde<br />

speenindeks van 102. Nie altyd maklik vir koeie om in die droër ekstensiewe toestande hierdie<br />

tipe prestasies te behaal nie.<br />

Die foto laat nie reg aan die bul geskied nie. Hy lyk opgetrek en dit wys nie sy goeie kwaliteite<br />

nie. Hy sal heeltemal anders vertoon op die veiling wanneer julle hom sien in lewende lywe. Hy<br />

het uitstekende lengte, goeie diepte deur die voorlyf, en genoegsame kapasiteit. Daar is goeie<br />

bespiering, goeie agterkwart en baie sterk toplyn. Sy kruishelling is lank met regte helling, stert is<br />

lank en onderlyn is mooi skoon. Hy vertoon baie goeie skede/naelvel kombinasie. Sy vel en haar is<br />

ideaal vir aanpasbaarheid in die warmer gedeeltes.<br />

Hy is baie manlik vir ‘n jong bul. Sy kop is sterk, verdonkering is aanwesig en skrotum is absoluut<br />

ideaal. Dit hang perfek en is simmetries. TON <strong>09</strong>-044 sal nog baie ontwikkel en die koper sal hom<br />

in 6 maande nie meer ken nie. Hy kan op koeie en verse gebruik word en sal in enige produksiestelsel<br />

baie goed doen. Vir die ernstige kommersiële boer wat graag sy kudde wil opgradeer, is hy<br />

die regte bul!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 61 : ERH <strong>09</strong> - 135<br />

LOT 61 : ERH <strong>09</strong> - 135<br />

Nog ‘n LMR 05-<strong>09</strong>2 seun wat EMOK <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s aanbied op die veiling. LMR 05-<strong>09</strong>2 word ook op Hartebeestloop<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong>s gebruik en sy teling is daar ook baie goed. Die moer ERH 02-086 het uitstekende reproduksiesyfers met<br />

‘n TKP van 396 dae, 6 uit 7 kalwers gespeen teen 101 en reproduksie-indeks van 110. Sy teel konstant baie goed by<br />

EMOK <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. Hierdie is weer ‘n geval waar daar baie goeie nageslag verkry is deur onverwante RSA en Namibiese<br />

genetika te kombineer.<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-135 is ‘n effe groter raam bul met baie goeie balans, goeie lengte, goeie sprong van rib en genoegsame<br />

breedte. Daar is ‘n sterk toplyn, goeie kruishelling, sterk oogspier en genoegsame bespiering. Die bul is vol vleis met<br />

goeie agterkwart en mooi vol agter die blaaie. Hy vertoon goeie sekondêre manlikheidseienskappe met sterk kop, breë<br />

bek, sterk ontwikkelde nek en mooi verdonkering. Sy skrotum is goed gevorm, glad en hang mooi met omtrek van<br />

40.1cm en teelwaarde van 20 wat ver bo die rasgemiddeld is. Daar is ook goeie aanpasbaarheid in die bul – vel en haar<br />

is glad, skofontwikkeling is daar en sy bene en donker kloue is baie goed.<br />

Sy teelwaardes is ook goed – swaarder as rasgemiddeld op geboortedirek, goeie melk met goeie voorspeense en<br />

naspeense groeivermoë, aanvaarbare voerdoeltreffendheid en baie goeie reproduksie teelwaardes. Hy het goed gedoen<br />

tydens die groeitoets met GDT indeks van 106 en Kleiber indeks van 102. Hy sal definitief goeie groei in enige kudde<br />

inbring. Sy voerdoeltreffendheidsyfers sal ook verbeter met die volgende BLUP teelwaarde lopie.<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-135 is ‘n sterk bul met goeie kwaliteite. Hy sal uitstekend doen in beide speenkalf en osproduksie stelsels.<br />

Daar is genoeg melk met goeie groei om top speenkalwers en osse te produseer vanaf die veld. Hy sal ook uitstekend<br />

doen in enige kruisteel program – hy bring die beste van die <strong>Bonsmara</strong> ras na die kruisteel stelsel.


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 62 : TON 08 - 158<br />

LOT 62 : TON 08 - 158<br />

TON 08-158 is geteel deur CSW 99-074 van Towton <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s en TON 04-070 met ‘n TKP van 371 dae oor 5 en 4<br />

kalwers gespeen teen ‘n gemiddeld van 108 indeks wat aanduiding gee dat sy goeie speenkalwers produseer. Sy het<br />

ook ‘n goeie reproduksie indeks van 107.<br />

TON 08-158 moet verkieslik net op koeie gebruik word. Sy geboortegewig, bouvorm en groeivermoë is van so ‘n<br />

aard dat daar heel moontlik kalfprobleme op jong verse sal wees. Hy wys goeie diepte deur die voorlyf, genoegsame<br />

bespiering en breedte en aanvaarbare kapasiteit. Sy toplyn is sterk met goeie oogspierontwikkeling, kruishelling is<br />

goed en eindig in sterk agterkwart. TON 08-158 het goeie vleiseienskappe en sal baie goed doen in enige speenkalf<br />

of osproduksie stelsel. Sy manlikheid is goed ontwikkel met redelike kop, goeie oogbanke en mooi verdonkering in die<br />

nekgedeelte. Sy skrotum is goed gevorm, hang mooi en is simmetries met teelwaarde van 6,2. Daar is ook baie goeie<br />

aanpasbaarheid in die bul. Sy vel en haar is mooi, daar is goeie ontwikkeling van die skof en sterk bene en kloue. Sy<br />

onderlyn is ook goed en sy skede/naelvel kombinasie is net reg.<br />

Sy teelwaardes is tipies van ‘n bul wat net op koeie gebruik behoort te word. Hy is swaarder as rasgemiddeld op<br />

geboortedirek, vertoon uitstaande voor- en naspeense groeisyfers, met baie goeie voerdoeltreffenheid en aanvaarbare<br />

reproduksie teelwaardes. TON 08-158 se speengewig (246 kg) , speen (125), 12 maande (119) en 18 maande (111)<br />

indekse gekombineer met teelwaardes van bo die rasgemiddeld dui op goeie voor en naspeense groei en die bul kan<br />

definitief aanbeveel word vir speenkalf sowel as osproduksiestelsels.<br />

As jy groei soek onder ekstensiewe toestande, kyk gerus weer na hierdie bul!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 63: ERH <strong>09</strong> - 152<br />

LOT 63 : ERH <strong>09</strong> - 152<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-135 kom uit LMR 05-<strong>09</strong>2 (Limerick <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s, Paul Mare)<br />

en die moer is ERH 04-085. Haar OEK is 31 mnde, TKP van 389 dae oor 5 kalwers met RI van 1<strong>09</strong>. LMR 05-<strong>09</strong>2 is ‘n<br />

goue meriete Fase C bul wat uitstekende groeivermoë het. Oor die algemeen kan die Namibiese <strong>Bonsmara</strong> kudde doen<br />

met meer diere wat getoets is vir groei. Nageslag van LMR 05-<strong>09</strong>2 sal bydrae tot “beter” groeivermoë van die Namibiese<br />

<strong>Bonsmara</strong>.<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-152 is ‘n mediumraam, breë spektrum bul wat op beide verse en koeie gebruik kan word. Hy vertoon goeie<br />

balans, sterk toplyn, genoegsame breedte, goeie middelstuk en sprong van rib met aanvaarbare bespiering. Daar is<br />

goeie aanpasbaarheidseienskappe met goeie vel en haar, skofontwikkeling is aanwesig, bene is sterk, loopvermoë is<br />

baie goed en kloue lyk baie mooi. Hy sal op enige plek in Namibië aanpas en jy hoef glad nie bekommerd te wees oor<br />

waarheen hy gaan nie.<br />

Sy sekondêre manlikheidseienskappe is ook baie goed met aanvaarbare kop, goeie oogbanke en mooi verdonkering<br />

in die nekgedeelte. Sy skrotum is baie netjies , hang perfek en meet 37,3 cm met teelwaarde van 7.2.<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong>-152 se teelwaardes is goed gebalanseerd - swaarder as rasgemiddeld op geboortegewig met tipiese versbul<br />

groeisyfers en voerdoeltreffenheidsyfers en aanvaarbare reproduksie teelwaardes.<br />

Hy sal baie goed gebruik word om verse oop te maak. Alhoewel hy effe swaarder is as die rasgemiddeld op geboortedirekte<br />

teelwaarde, pla dit glad nie. Sy bouvorn, skouerknoppe, skouerhoogte, effe fyner been en meer gladde<br />

bespiering behoort nie enige kalfprobleme te veroorsaak nie. Probeer hom gerus en jy sal baie tevrede wees!


<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

LOT 64 : TON 08 - 075<br />

LOT 64 : TON 08 - 075<br />

Hy is geteel uit TON 02-028 wat uit NGO 99-045 (Woestyn <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s) kom. Nageslag van NGO 99-045 en TON 02-<br />

028 is die hele Namibië vol maar is veral baie sterk aanwesig in die suide van Namibië. Beide is donker, goed bespierde<br />

mediumraam <strong>Bonsmara</strong> bulle met goeie kloue. Dit is presies wat die boere gesoek het in hulle <strong>Bonsmara</strong>s. Sy moeder<br />

TON 99-004 se TKP is 436 dae oor 9 kalwers en sy speen 7 teen 102 indeks.<br />

TON 08-075 se vel en haar is opvallend goed en so ook sy ander aanpasbaarheidseienskappe. Sy bene en kloue is<br />

goed, hy beweeg baie gemaklik, goeie skofontwikkeling, skoon onderlyn en lang stert wat tot amper op grond hang. Bogenoemde<br />

bly baie belangrike eienskappe vir diere om onder die warm, ekstensiewe toestande te produseer en reproduseer.<br />

Daar is oorgenoeg manlikheid in die bul – kop is sterk, oogbanke is goed ontwikkel, bek is breed en daar is goeie<br />

verdonkering in die nekarea. Sy skrotum is mooi gevorm, hang goed met groot teelwaarde van 13.3.<br />

Sy teelwaardes is ook goed met geen uitskieterwaardes nie. Goeie, in die middel van die pad, waardes met laag op<br />

geboortedirek, genoeg melk, goeie voor- en naspeense groei en aanvaarbare voerdoeltreffendheid en reproduksie<br />

waardes.<br />

TON 08-075 kan op verse en koeie gebruik word en sal presteer in enige produksiestelsel. Jy kan verse oopmaak met<br />

hom, vervangingsverse teel, speenkalwers produseer en daar is genoeg naspeense groei om goeie osse te produseer.





Posbus 80003 - Windhoek, Namibië - Tel/Faks: 061 -222753<br />


Veilingsdatum: 24/05/2012<br />

Data soos op 30/03/2012 10:32:08<br />

Birth details BIRTH GEBOORTE Geboorte Besonderhede<br />

Growth traits GROWTH RATE GROEIVERMOë Groei Eienskappe<br />

Efficiency traits EFFICIENCY DOELTREFF Doeltreffendheids eienskappe<br />

Body measurements MEASURE MATES Liggaamsmates<br />

Reproduction traits REPROD REPROD Reproduksie eienskappe<br />

Detail of parents PARENTS OUERS Inligting van ouers<br />

Lot number Lot<br />

Lot Lotnommer<br />

Seller Seller<br />

Verkoper Verkoper<br />

Identification number ID ID Identifikasienommer<br />

Generation/Section of Herdbook Gen<br />

Gen Generasie/Afdeling van kuddeboek<br />

Award received Aw/Award<br />

Toek Toekenning ontvang<br />

Phase tested Phase<br />

Fase Fase getoets<br />

Contemporaries in test Cont<br />

Tydg Tydgenote in toets<br />

Weight in kilogram Wgt<br />

Gew Gewig in kilogram<br />

Index Ind<br />

Ind Indeks<br />

Accuracy of breeding value Acc<br />

Akk Akkuraatheid van teelwaarde<br />



Birth direct (kg) Birth Dir<br />

Geb Dir Geboorte direk (kg)<br />

Birth maternal (kg) Birth Mat Geb Mat<br />

Geboorte maternaal (kg)<br />

Wean direct (kg) Wean Dir Speen Dir Speen direk (kg)<br />

Wean maternal (kg) Wean Mat Speen Mat Speen maternaal (kg)<br />

12 Months (kg) 12M<br />

12M<br />

12 Maande (kg)<br />

18 Months (kg) 18M<br />

18M<br />

18 Maande (kg)<br />

Average daily gain (g/day) ADG<br />

GDT<br />

Gemiddelde daaglikse toename (g/dag)<br />

Mature weight (kg) Matur Wgt Volw Gew Volwasse gewig (kg)<br />

Feed conversion ratio FCR<br />

VOV<br />

Voeromsetverhouding<br />

Average daily feed intake DFI<br />

GDI<br />

Gemiddelde daaglikse voer inname<br />

Feedlot profit (Rands and cents) Feed Prof Voer Wins Voerkraalwins (Rande en sente)<br />

Height (mm) Hgt<br />

Hgt<br />

Hoogte (mm)<br />

Length (mm) Lgt<br />

Lgt<br />

Lengte (mm)<br />

Calving tempo (calves) Calf Temp Kalf Temp Kalftempo (kalwers)<br />

Scrotal circumference (mm) SC SO<br />

Skrotum omvang (mm)<br />

Skin thickness in millimetres Skin Vel Veldikte in millimeter<br />

Length: Height ratio L:H L:H Lengte: Hoogteverhouding<br />

Age at 1st calving in months AFC (m)<br />

OEK (m) Ouderdom 1ste kalf in maande<br />

Average Inter-calving period in days ICP<br />

TKP Gemiddelde Tussenkalfperiode in dae<br />

Age in years and months Age<br />

Oud Ouderdom in jare en maande<br />

Number of calvings Calv<br />

Kalw Aantal kalwings<br />

Average Wean index Ave WI<br />

Gem SI Gemiddelde Speenindeks<br />

Number of calves Calf Kalf Aantal kalwers<br />

Bladsy 1<br />

Days open since last calving<br />

Reproduction index<br />

Days Open<br />

R.I.<br />

Dae Oop<br />

R.I.<br />

Dae oop sedert laaste kalwing<br />

Reproduksie Indeks<br />

Version 1.075 - Generated by logix<br />

Calf infomation Calf<br />

Kalf Kalf informasie



Waiting for new breeding values<br />

LOT 1 :<br />

LOT 2 :<br />

LOT 3 :<br />

LOT 4 :<br />

LOT 5 :<br />

LOT 6 :<br />

LOT 7 :<br />

LOT 8 :


LOT 1 :<br />

LOT 3 :<br />

LOT 5 :<br />

LOT 7 :<br />

Lot 1<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0235<br />

Lot 3<br />

AG 04 0175<br />

Lot 5<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0053<br />

Lot 7<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0131<br />


KHB 05 0172<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 06 0<strong>105</strong><br />

AG 990104<br />

AG 950146<br />

AG 020027<br />

NGO 02 0008<br />

AG 03 0029<br />

BHE 050035<br />


P.O. BoX 80003 - Windhoek, Namibia - Tel/Fax: 061 -222753<br />

KHB 010012<br />

KHB 99 0054<br />

AG 020027<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 02 0023<br />

AG 950023<br />

AG 970036<br />

DOAR B 0055<br />

AG 920212<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

AG 99 0115<br />

NGO 970004<br />

NGO 970078<br />

AG 990142<br />

AG 97 01<strong>09</strong><br />

BHE 020002<br />

BHE 010<strong>09</strong>6<br />

AG 960149<br />

KHB 930036<br />

AG 940282<br />

KHB 940137<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

AG 99 0115<br />

TSU 9803<strong>09</strong><br />

NGO 990104<br />

HJL N 0132<br />

AG 920253<br />

AG 9301<strong>09</strong><br />

AG 940132<br />

BON M1024C<br />

BON F6627C<br />

EI L 0077<br />

AG K 0148<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

AG 92 0046<br />

AG 900<strong>105</strong><br />

NGO 920072<br />

NGO N 0046<br />

NGO L 0011<br />

LEL 910031<br />

JRB N 0234<br />

AG 950103<br />

TBR 910704<br />

AG 95 0038<br />

NPT 910022<br />

BHE 990083<br />

RGR 970055<br />

BHE 94 0120<br />

Lot 2<br />

AEJ 05 0112<br />

Lot 4<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0082<br />

Lot 6<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0237<br />

Lot 8<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0007<br />

RAI 990054<br />

AEJ 00 0148<br />

HJS 03 0016<br />

NGO 00 0069<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

NGO 990088<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

NGO 03 0<strong>09</strong>3<br />

VV 950353<br />

RAI 950040<br />

AEJ 960120<br />

AEJ 900026<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

HJS 000068<br />

NGO 920072<br />

NGO 960028<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

NGO 940211<br />

OP L 0005<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

NGO 940211<br />

NGO 970027<br />

Auction Date: 24/05/2012<br />

Data as on 30/03/2012 16:45:29<br />

VV 930016<br />

VV 920319<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RAI 920026 LOT 2 :<br />

AG 900196<br />

AEJ N 0047<br />

AEJ L 0012<br />

AEJ D 0064<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

GOT 920010<br />

HJS 940130<br />

JRB Y 0445<br />

JH K 0025<br />

DOAR N 0048<br />

NGO 920023<br />

AG C 0016<br />

AG X 0072<br />

AG J 0008<br />

AG D 0244<br />

SAS J 0031<br />

NGO 900048<br />

HA D 0055<br />

OP H 0014<br />

AG C 0016<br />

AG X 0072<br />

AG J 0008<br />

AG D 0244<br />

SAS J 0031<br />

NGO 900048<br />

JH N 0241<br />

NGO 920023<br />

LOT 4 :<br />

LOT 6 :<br />

LOT 8 :<br />

Page 2 Version 1.075 - Generated by logix



Waiting for new breeding values<br />

LOT 9 :<br />

LOT 10:<br />

LOT 11:<br />

LOT 12:<br />

LOT 13:<br />

LOT 14:<br />

LOT 15:<br />

LOT 16:


LOT 9 :<br />

LOT 11:<br />

LOT 13:<br />

LOT 15:<br />

Lot 9<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0010<br />

Lot 11<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0214<br />

Lot 13<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0058<br />

Lot 15<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0063<br />


AG 020027<br />

BHE 04 0211<br />

AG 03 0029<br />

BHE 05 0061<br />

WAT 04 0339<br />

JMP 04 0236<br />

BHE 040035<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 070<strong>09</strong>8<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

AG 99 0115<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

LDW 900052<br />

AG 990142<br />

AG 97 01<strong>09</strong><br />

BHE 020002<br />

RCO 01 0064<br />

WAT 020054<br />

WAT 00 0072<br />

BEI 950141<br />

JMP 020075<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

RCO 000014<br />

AG 03 0353<br />

BHE 05 0006<br />


Posbus 80003 - Windhoek, Namibië - Tel/Faks: 061 -222753<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

AG 92 0046<br />

AG 900<strong>105</strong><br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

LDW H 00<strong>09</strong><br />

LDW E 0130<br />

JRB N 0234<br />

AG 950103<br />

TBR 910704<br />

AG 95 0038<br />

NPT 910022<br />

BHE 990083<br />

BEI 950141<br />

RCO 980029<br />

JRB 980236<br />

WAT 980257<br />

RCO 970236<br />

WAT 970004<br />

TBR 910704<br />

BEI 920016<br />

JMP 980<strong>09</strong>7<br />

HOT 970131<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

AG J 0008<br />

RCO N 0118<br />

AG 000010<br />

AG 010204<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

BHE 94 0120<br />

Lot 10<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0025<br />

Lot 12<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0122<br />

Lot 14<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0203<br />

Lot 16<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0215<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

CEF 980<strong>09</strong>5<br />

AG 03 0353<br />

BHE 050033<br />

HJS 03 0016<br />

BHE 04 0201<br />

AG 04 0175<br />

BHE 040015<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

NPT 910020<br />

CEF N 0130<br />

AG 000010<br />

AG 010204<br />

BHE 020114<br />

RCO 010215<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

HJS 000068<br />

JDB 990028<br />

BHE 000258<br />

AG 990104<br />

AG 950146<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

BHE 00 0179<br />

Veilingsdatum: 24/05/2012<br />

Data soos op 30/03/2012 16:45:58<br />

AG C 0016<br />

AG X 0072<br />

AG J 0008<br />

AG D 0244<br />

NPT H 0069<br />

NPT L 0062<br />

JRB H 0<strong>09</strong>1<br />

CEF K 0028<br />

AG 960184<br />

AG 960062<br />

AG 990075<br />

AG 950<strong>09</strong>5<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

RCO 990107<br />

RCO 960223<br />

RCO 930138<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

GOT 920010<br />

HJS 940130<br />

AG 940016<br />

JIK L 0026<br />

AG 950023<br />

AG 970036<br />

DOAR B 0055<br />

AG 920212<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

AG J 0008<br />

BHE 920064<br />

LOT 10:<br />

LOT 12:<br />

LOT 14:<br />

LOT 16:<br />

Bladsy 4 Version 1.075 - Generated by logix




Waiting for new breeding values<br />

LOT 17:<br />

LOT 18:<br />

LOT 19:<br />

LOT 20:<br />

LOT 21:<br />

LOT 22<br />

LOT 23:<br />

LOT 24:


LOT 17:<br />

LOT 19:<br />

LOT 21:<br />

LOT 23:<br />

Lot 17<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0<strong>105</strong><br />

Lot 19<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0265<br />

Lot 21<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0123<br />

Lot 23<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0136<br />


WAT 04 0339<br />

AEJ 04 0192<br />

AG 04 0175<br />

BHE 990163<br />

KHB 04 0168<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 05 0044<br />

WAT 04 0339<br />

RCO 02 0049<br />


P.O. BoX 80003 - Windhoek, Namibia - Tel/Fax: 061 -222753<br />

WAT 020054<br />

WAT 00 0072<br />

BHE 990066<br />

AEJ 000067<br />

AG 990104<br />

AG 950146<br />

NFS 940<strong>09</strong>7<br />

BHE 970002<br />

KHB 000026<br />

KHB 960141<br />

GMS 990226<br />

NGO 990065<br />

WAT 020054<br />

WAT 00 0072<br />

LAR 980060<br />

RCO 97 0<strong>09</strong>0<br />

JRB 980236<br />

WAT 980257<br />

RCO 970236<br />

WAT 970004<br />

AG J 0008<br />

BHE 950072<br />

AEJ 960120<br />

AEJ 930058<br />

AG 950023<br />

AG 970036<br />

DOAR B 0055<br />

AG 920212<br />

AG 900088<br />

KDJ J 0048<br />

JRB K 0191<br />

BHE 940117<br />

AG 960149<br />

B 920102<br />

AG 900081<br />

KHB 900040<br />

GMS 950700<br />

GMS N 0076<br />

LEL 910014<br />

NGO 920002<br />

JRB 980236<br />

WAT 980257<br />

RCO 970236<br />

WAT 970004<br />

TBR 910704<br />

LAR 950148<br />

JRB H 0157<br />

RCO 940081<br />

Lot 18<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0240<br />

Lot 20<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0245<br />

Lot 22<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0256<br />

Lot 24<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0247<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

NGO 03 0070<br />

HJS 03 0016<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 06 0079<br />

HJS 03 0016<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 06 0052<br />

AG 020027<br />

BHE 02 0122<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

GMS 990226<br />

NGO 960045<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

HJS 000068<br />

JMP 040235<br />

JMP 04 0238<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

HJS 000068<br />

AG 020027<br />

NGO 02 0087<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

AG 99 0115<br />

AG 960059<br />

BHE 980177<br />

Auction Date: 24/05/2012<br />

Data as on 30/03/2012 16:46:10<br />

AG C 0016<br />

AG X 0072<br />

AG J 0008<br />

AG D 0244<br />

GMS 950700<br />

GMS N 0076<br />

LEL J 0056<br />

NGO 920076<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

GOT 920010<br />

HJS 940130<br />

MMJ 00 0174<br />

JMP 000163<br />

KAN 010078<br />

JMP 99 0045<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

GOT 920010<br />

HJS 940130<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

AG 99 0115<br />

NGO 990042<br />

NGO 990063<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

AG 92 0046<br />

AG 900<strong>105</strong><br />

GB N 0004<br />

AG 910220<br />

AG 950023<br />

AG K 0034<br />

LOT 18:<br />

LOT 20:<br />

LOT 22 :<br />

LOT 24:<br />

Page 6 Version 1.075 - Generated by logix



Waiting for new breeding values<br />

LOT 25:<br />

LOT 26:<br />

LOT 27:<br />

LOT 28:<br />

LOT 29:<br />

LOT 30:<br />

LOT 31:<br />

LOT 32:


LOT 25:<br />

LOT 27:<br />

LOT 29:<br />

LOT 31:<br />

Lot 25<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0160<br />

Lot 27<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0015<br />

Lot 29<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0082<br />

Lot 31<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0185<br />


AG 98 0338<br />

NGO 030205<br />

BHE 02 0074<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 070047<br />

AG 04 0175<br />

NGO 00 0052<br />

WAT 04 0339<br />

HJB 04 0027<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

GRT 000001<br />

NGO 010036<br />

BHE 980087<br />

BHE 000004<br />

BHE 02 0074<br />

NGO 980042<br />

AG 990104<br />

AG 950146<br />

BOK 950052<br />

NGO 900029<br />

WAT 020054<br />

WAT 00 0072<br />

LA 970277<br />

HJB 01 0559<br />


Posbus 80003 - Windhoek, Namibië - Tel/Faks: 061 -222753<br />

AG C 0016<br />

AG X 0072<br />

AG J 0008<br />

AG D 0244<br />

AG 960012<br />

GRT 970088<br />

B 910133<br />

NGO 920021<br />

NFS 940<strong>09</strong>7<br />

BHE 95 0032<br />

NPT 910022<br />

BHE 96 0<strong>09</strong>3<br />

BHE 980087<br />

BHE 000004<br />

B 910133<br />

NGO 930035<br />

AG 950023<br />

AG 970036<br />

DOAR B 0055<br />

AG 920212<br />

BOK 9300<strong>09</strong><br />

JRB D 0162<br />

V E 0075<br />

B J 0300<br />

JRB 980236<br />

WAT 980257<br />

RCO 970236<br />

WAT 970004<br />

AG 920153<br />

LA 940145<br />

TBR 910704<br />

SEP 920223<br />

Lot 26<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0016<br />

Lot 28<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0045<br />

Lot 30<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0162<br />

Lot 32<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 07 0037<br />

AG 020027<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 050040<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 06 0004<br />

WVZ 020072<br />

WVW 03 0188<br />

CEF 030322<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 040031<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

AG 99 0115<br />

BHE 03 0083<br />

BHE 03 0070<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

EFC 00 0192<br />

EFC 030079<br />

WVZ 980143<br />

WVZ 00 0025<br />

ROM 000<strong>09</strong>5<br />

WVW 940141<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

CEF 00 0177<br />

GMS 990212<br />

GRT 99 0118<br />

Veilingsdatum: 24/05/2012<br />

Data soos op 30/03/2012 16:46:19<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

AG 92 0046<br />

AG 900<strong>105</strong><br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

BHE 99 0076<br />

NPT 910022<br />

BHE 94 0066<br />

AG C 0016<br />

AG X 0072<br />

AG J 0008<br />

AG D 0244<br />

RB 970088<br />

EFC 970164<br />

EFC 980008<br />

EFC 970164<br />

AG 960059<br />

AG 940046<br />

SAS 950001<br />

WVZ 920<strong>09</strong>8<br />

AG 910175<br />

ROM 910125<br />

LAP J 0089<br />

WVW K 0008<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

RCO 950084<br />

CEF 950<strong>09</strong>2<br />

GMS 920275<br />

GMS N 0049<br />

GRT 940075<br />

GRT L 0006<br />

LOT 26:<br />

LOT 28:<br />

LOT 30:<br />

LOT 32:<br />

Bladsy 8 Version 1.075 - Generated by logix




Waiting for new breeding values<br />

LOT 33:<br />

LOT 34:<br />

LOT 35:<br />

LOT 36:<br />

LOT 37:<br />

LOT 38: scratched<br />

LOT 39:<br />

LOT 40:


LOT 33:<br />

LOT 35:<br />

LOT 37:<br />

LOT 39:<br />

Lot 33<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong> 0120<br />

Lot 35<br />

HMB <strong>09</strong> 0107<br />

Lot 37<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong> 0<strong>105</strong><br />

Lot 39<br />

WCS 08 0053<br />


LMR 05 0<strong>09</strong>2<br />

ERH 05 0082<br />

HA 980<strong>09</strong>0<br />

HMB 01 0054<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 07 0053<br />

ERH 07 0032<br />

CEF 030419<br />

WCS 01 0151<br />


P.O. BoX 80003 - Windhoek, Namibia - Tel/Fax: 061 -222753<br />

AG 970223<br />

LMR 970027<br />

AG 010051<br />

GRT 99 0080<br />

JRB H 0005<br />

HA 920104<br />

AG 960012<br />

HMB 980115<br />

BHE 02 0074<br />

NGO 00 0069<br />

AG 010051<br />

GRT 00 0012<br />

CEF 990259<br />

CEF 920<strong>09</strong>7<br />

AG 950304<br />

WCS 930029<br />

AG 92 0046<br />

AG 950001<br />

AG 910241<br />

LMR N 0038<br />

AG 960059<br />

AG 920184<br />

GRT 940075<br />

GRT 940007<br />

JRB Y 0503<br />

JRB X 0128<br />

EI L 0084<br />

HA Y 0004<br />

AG J 0008<br />

AG 930155<br />

BG 930087<br />

HMB N 0179<br />

BHE 980087<br />

BHE 000004<br />

NGO 920072<br />

NGO 960028<br />

AG 960059<br />

AG 920184<br />

AG 910026<br />

GRT K 0013<br />

NPT 910020<br />

CEF 930130<br />

HOT H 0108<br />

CEF L 0006<br />

AG 920031<br />

AG N 0173<br />

AMF L 0320<br />

WCS E 0038<br />

Lot 34<br />

WAGB <strong>09</strong> 0054<br />

Lot 36<br />

TON 08 0144<br />

Lot 38<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0246<br />

Lot 40<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0181<br />

WAGB 05 0021<br />

BEB 96 0028<br />

CSW 990074<br />

TON 03 0002<br />

HJS 03 0016<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 06 0077<br />

AG 03 0029<br />

BHE 05 0059<br />

HP 990021<br />

HA 01 0119<br />

HA 910171<br />

BEB 920008<br />

CSW 940045<br />

CSW 950152<br />

TON 990020<br />

TON 98 0084<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

HJS 000068<br />

BHE 02 0074<br />

NGO 990088<br />

AG 990142<br />

AG 97 01<strong>09</strong><br />

AG 000125<br />

BHE 02 0<strong>09</strong>2<br />

Auction Date: 24/05/2012<br />

Data as on 30/03/2012 16:46:29<br />

AG 930210<br />

GF N 0100<br />

AG 910026<br />

HA 970168<br />

HN B 0030<br />

HA X 0063<br />

EFC K 0324<br />

BEB B 0031<br />

HOT 900117<br />

CSW L 0015<br />

LEL H 0087<br />

CSW L 0130<br />

EI 9200<strong>09</strong><br />

TON 940118<br />

EI 9200<strong>09</strong><br />

TON 920084<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

GOT 920010<br />

HJS 940130<br />

BHE 980087<br />

BHE 000004<br />

NGO 940211<br />

OP L 0005<br />

JRB N 0234<br />

AG 950103<br />

TBR 910704<br />

AG 95 0038<br />

AG 960059<br />

AG 920017<br />

NPT 910022<br />

BHE 00 0026<br />

LOT 34:<br />

LOT 36:<br />

LOT 38:<br />

scratched<br />

LOT 40:<br />

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Waiting for new breeding values<br />

LOT 41:<br />

LOT 42:<br />

LOT 43:<br />

LOT 44:<br />

LOT 45:<br />

LOT 46:<br />

LOT 47: scratched<br />

LOT 48:


LOT 41:<br />

LOT 43:<br />

LOT 45:<br />

LOT 47:<br />

scratched<br />

Lot 41<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0186<br />

Lot 43<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0232<br />

Lot 45<br />

WCS 08 0110<br />

Lot 47<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0020<br />

AG 03 0353<br />

VZF 05 0103<br />

CEF 030419<br />

WCS 04 0036<br />

GCD 050136<br />

WCS 01 0110<br />

AG 04 0175<br />


HJB 02 0289<br />

AG 000010<br />

AG 010204<br />

AG 010187<br />

VZF 98 0060<br />

CEF 990259<br />

CEF 920<strong>09</strong>7<br />

AG 960<strong>09</strong>7<br />

WCS 010101<br />

EI 940339<br />

GCD 97 0017<br />

BOK 9300<strong>09</strong><br />

WCS 940133<br />

AG 990104<br />

AG 950146<br />

AG 900241<br />

SEP N 0024<br />


Posbus 80003 - Windhoek, Namibië - Tel/Faks: 061 -222753<br />

AG 960184<br />

AG 960062<br />

AG 990075<br />

AG 950<strong>09</strong>5<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

AG 920227<br />

ASE 950057<br />

GV 940<strong>09</strong>9<br />

NPT 910020<br />

CEF 930130<br />

HOT H 0108<br />

CEF L 0006<br />

GB N 0004<br />

AG 920307<br />

VV 970277<br />

WCS 970<strong>09</strong>6<br />

EI 920079<br />

EI 920048<br />

AG K 0088<br />

GCD 9000<strong>09</strong><br />

JRB H 0063<br />

BOK N 0018<br />

ESB J 0625<br />

WCS 0003<br />

AG 950023<br />

AG 970036<br />

DOAR B 0055<br />

AG 920212<br />

AG J 0106<br />

AG J 0060<br />

PVH Y 0050<br />

SEP B 0045<br />

Lot 42<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0194<br />

Lot 44<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0118<br />

Lot 46<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0012<br />

Lot 48<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0026<br />

WAT 04 0339<br />

BHE 01 0029<br />

KHB 04 0168<br />

HJB 04 0015<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 07 0053<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 07 0033<br />

WAT 04 0339<br />

HJB 01 0582<br />


WAT 020054<br />

WAT 00 0072<br />

NPT 910022<br />

BHE 940<strong>09</strong>2<br />

KHB 000026<br />

KHB 960141<br />

AG 000110<br />

HJB 010789<br />

BHE 02 0074<br />

NGO 00 0069<br />

BHE 02 0074<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 04 0012<br />

WAT 020054<br />

WAT 00 0072<br />

LA 970205<br />

LA 98 0057<br />

Veilingsdatum: 24/05/2012<br />

Data soos op 30/03/2012 16:46:47<br />

JRB 980236<br />

WAT 980257<br />

RCO 970236<br />

WAT 970004 LOT 42:<br />

JVD E 0075<br />

NPT L 0129<br />

HDT L 0010<br />

LDW J 0017<br />

AG 960149<br />

B 920102<br />

AG 900081<br />

KHB 900040<br />

AG 960196<br />

AG J 0069<br />

AG 910035<br />

HJB 940<strong>09</strong>4<br />

BHE 980087<br />

BHE 000004<br />

NGO 920072<br />

NGO 960028<br />

BHE 980087<br />

BHE 000004<br />

NGO 990042<br />

NGO 950181<br />

JRB 980236<br />

WAT 980257<br />

RCO 970236<br />

WAT 970004<br />

GB 920056<br />

LA K 0016<br />

LA 900195<br />

GV 950007<br />

LOT 44:<br />

LOT 46:<br />

LOT 48:<br />

Bladsy 12 Version 1.075 - Generated by logix




Waiting for new breeding values<br />

LOT 49:<br />

LOT 50:<br />

LOT 51:<br />

LOT 52:<br />

LOT 53:<br />

LOT 54:<br />

LOT 55:<br />

LOT 56:scratched


LOT 49:<br />

LOT 51:<br />

LOT 53:<br />

LOT 55:<br />

Lot 49<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0051<br />

Lot 51<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0066<br />

Lot 53<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0126<br />

Lot 55<br />

WCS 08 0123<br />


KHB 05 0172<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 070043<br />

AG 03 0359<br />

CEF 99 0004<br />

HOT 060037<br />

VBB 06 0225<br />

BHE 04 0085<br />

WCS 03 0145<br />


P.O. BoX 80003 - Windhoek, Namibia - Tel/Fax: 061 -222753<br />

KHB 010012<br />

KHB 99 0054<br />

AG 01 0152<br />

BHE 04 0113<br />

AG 000010<br />

AG 01 0052<br />

COM 950010<br />

COM 960034<br />

DB 000045<br />

HOT 01 0152<br />

DBT 03 0036<br />

VV 010321<br />

BHE 980087<br />

BHE 010106<br />

AG 970194<br />

WCS 990<strong>09</strong>3<br />

AG 960149<br />

KHB 930036<br />

AG 940282<br />

KHB 940137<br />

AG 980200<br />

AG 99 0040<br />

BHE 970004<br />

BHE 98 0168<br />

AG 960184<br />

AG 960062<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

AG 98 0112<br />

AG 910130<br />

COM 920141<br />

JH K 0295<br />

COM N 0<strong>09</strong>1<br />

AG 960059<br />

HOT 920186<br />

HOT 970252<br />

HOT 990128<br />

HOT 980240<br />

ROC 00 0048<br />

VV 980271<br />

VV 970191<br />

NFS 940<strong>09</strong>7<br />

BHE 95 0032<br />

RGR 970055<br />

BHE 97 0070<br />

AG 920154<br />

MBZ 940130<br />

AG 920311<br />

WCS 940058<br />

Lot 50<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0060<br />

Lot 52<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0<strong>09</strong>6<br />

Lot 54<br />

<strong>HART</strong> <strong>09</strong> 0175<br />

Lot 56<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0262<br />

AG 04 0175<br />

BHE 04 0150<br />

BHE 040035<br />

GBS 070001<br />

AG 04 0175<br />

HJB 040071<br />

KHB 05 0172<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 06 0<strong>09</strong>8<br />

AG 990104<br />

AG 950146<br />

T 010014<br />

BHE 01 0022<br />

RCO 98 0037<br />

RCO 000014<br />

BEI 950141<br />

GBS 00 0012<br />

AG 990104<br />

AG 950146<br />

AG 98 0338<br />

HJB 00 0340<br />

KHB 010012<br />

KHB 99 0054<br />

VZF 030051<br />

VZF 04 0037<br />

Auction Date: 24/05/2012<br />

Data as on 30/03/2012 16:46:55<br />

AG 950023<br />

AG 970036<br />

DOAR B 0055<br />

AG 920212<br />

FCT 960024<br />

T 930027<br />

AG J 0008<br />

BHE 940031<br />

TBR 910704<br />

RCO 950238<br />

AG J 0008<br />

RCO N 0118<br />

TBR 910704<br />

BEI 920016<br />

IVY 930217<br />

GBS 920044<br />

AG 950023<br />

AG 970036<br />

DOAR B 0055<br />

AG 920212<br />

AG 930210<br />

AG 920184<br />

LAR 960024<br />

LA 920232<br />

AG 960149<br />

KHB 930036<br />

AG 940282<br />

KHB 940137<br />

JRB 990071<br />

MBZ 960<strong>09</strong>7<br />

JRB 990071<br />

VZF 010008<br />

LOT 50:<br />

LOT 52:<br />

LOT 54:<br />

LOT 56:<br />

scratched<br />

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Waiting for new breeding values<br />

LOT 57: scratched<br />

LOT 58:<br />

LOT 59:<br />

LOT 60:<br />

LOT 61:<br />

LOT 62:<br />

LOT 63:<br />

LOT 64:


LOT 57:<br />

scratched<br />

LOT 59:<br />

LOT 61:<br />

LOT 63:<br />

Lot 57<br />

<strong>HART</strong> 08 0264<br />

Lot 59<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong> 0054<br />

Lot 61<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong> 0135<br />

Lot 63<br />

ERH <strong>09</strong> 0152<br />

WAT 04 0339<br />

RCO 030011<br />

ERH 050<strong>09</strong>1<br />

ERH 00 0029<br />

LMR 05 0<strong>09</strong>2<br />

ERH 02 0086<br />

LMR 05 0<strong>09</strong>2<br />


ERH 04 0085<br />

WAT 020054<br />

WAT 00 0072<br />

BEI 950156<br />

RCO 970<strong>09</strong>3<br />

AG 010051<br />

GRT 960040<br />

HA 960041<br />

GRT 970049<br />

AG 970223<br />

LMR 970027<br />

EI 930112<br />

GRT 960040<br />

AG 970223<br />

LMR 970027<br />

EI 930112<br />

ERH 01 0070<br />


Posbus 80003 - Windhoek, Namibië - Tel/Faks: 061 -222753<br />

JRB 980236<br />

WAT 980257<br />

RCO 970236<br />

WAT 970004<br />

TBR 910704<br />

BEI 920023<br />

AG J 0008<br />

RCO 920<strong>09</strong>2<br />

AG 960059<br />

AG 920184<br />

HA 910134<br />

GRT 920032<br />

JH N 0317<br />

HA K 0119<br />

AG 910026<br />

GRT 920024<br />

AG 92 0046<br />

AG 950001<br />

AG 910241<br />

LMR N 0038<br />

EI 900081<br />

EI K 0<strong>09</strong>4<br />

HA 910134<br />

GRT 920032<br />

AG 92 0046<br />

AG 950001<br />

AG 910241<br />

LMR N 0038<br />

EI 900081<br />

EI K 0<strong>09</strong>4<br />

HMB 920138<br />

GRT 930068<br />

Lot 58<br />

WAGB <strong>09</strong> 0135<br />

Lot 60<br />

TON <strong>09</strong> 0044<br />

Lot 62<br />

TON 08 0158<br />

Lot 64<br />

TON 08 0075<br />

WAGB 06 0025<br />

NOK 98 0036<br />

BHE 02 0074<br />

TON 99 0039<br />

CSW 990074<br />

TON 04 0070<br />

TON 02 0028<br />

TON 99 0004<br />

GMS 010269<br />

WAGB 03 0034<br />

RAI 920030<br />

NOK K 0102<br />

BHE 980087<br />

BHE 000004<br />

SBS 900069<br />

TON 960051<br />

CSW 940045<br />

CSW 950152<br />

ERH 000022<br />

TON 990042<br />

NGO 99 0045<br />

TON 950004<br />

EI 9200<strong>09</strong><br />

TON 910056<br />

Veilingsdatum: 24/05/2012<br />

Data soos op 30/03/2012 16:47:05<br />

GMS 950700<br />

GMS 980064<br />

JRB 970079<br />

HA 00 0165<br />

HOT W 0136<br />

DIZ B 0022<br />

HA C 0015<br />

NOK Y 0140<br />

NFS 940<strong>09</strong>7<br />

BHE 95 0032<br />

NPT 910022<br />

BHE 96 0<strong>09</strong>3<br />

JRB E 0046<br />

SBS J 0021<br />

EI 900081<br />

TON 900075<br />

HOT 900117<br />

CSW L 0015<br />

LEL H 0087<br />

CSW L 0130<br />

HA 960041<br />

GRT 960040<br />

B 910133<br />

EB J 0034<br />

WR 900261<br />

TON N 0011<br />

EI N 0087<br />

EI N 0141<br />

LAP L 0027<br />

TON 0255<br />

LOT 58:<br />

LOT 60:<br />

LOT 62:<br />

LOT 64:<br />

Bladsy 16 Version 1.075 - Generated by logix


visit www.bonsmara.com.na for the auction catalogue<br />

<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

Joggie jbried@joggie.com.na<br />

Nico +264 811241168<br />


1. Siektevrye status<br />

Die dragtigheidstatus van die vroulike diere sal op die dag van die veiling beskikbaar wees. Dragtigheidsertifikate sal<br />

deur die veearts uitgereik word. Alle diere is geënt teen 3-dae-stywesiek, slenkdalkoors en knopvelsiekte en almal is<br />

Multiminerale en Vitamiene A, D en E gespuit. Bogenoemde gesondheidsprogram sluit die kommersiële diere in. Hierdie<br />

is tot jou voordeel aangesien jy by meeste kommersiële veilings nie dieselfde standaard van gesondheidsorg sal kry nie.<br />

Die bulle is almal getoets vir vrugbaarheid en het almal negatief getoets vir Vibriose en Trichomoniase. Die geslagsorgane<br />

van die veilingsbulle is fisies deur die veearts ondersoek. Ons sal jou voorsien van die gesondheidsprogram wat<br />

gevolg word op Hartebeestloop. Jy sal presies weet waar die betrokke dier op hierdie stadium is met betrekking tot die<br />

dip-, doseer- en inentingsprogram.<br />

2. Onvoorwaardelike Hartebeestloop waarborg van tevredenheid<br />

Die veilingsbulle kom almal deur ‘n uitgebreide proses van prestasietoetsing en noukeurige meting van ekonomiese belangrike<br />

eienskappe. Ons vertrou in die produk wat ons aanbied. Daarom gee ons ook die waarborg wat vir jou absolute<br />

gemoedsrus moet gee – Onvoorwaardelike Hartebeestloop Waarborg van Tevredenheid!<br />

3. Vroulike diere op die Veiling<br />

Kom vergewis jouself van die gehalte van die vroulike diere op die veiling. Hierdie vroulike diere behoort ‘n betekenisvolle<br />

bydrae te lewer tot die gehalte van jou kudde. Die koeie en verse kom uit die harde Kalahari, Swartrante en Hochfeld<br />

en behoort op enige ander plek net so goed, indien nie beter, te doen. Daar is groot aanvraag na goeie <strong>Bonsmara</strong><br />

vroulike diere – beide stoet en kommersieël. Daar is meer as 200 vroulike diere vir jou om uit te kies – dit sluit die vroulike<br />

diere van die gasverkopers in. Dit maak dit mos die moeite werd om die veiling by te woon! Kyk gerus na die kalwers<br />

wat almal van baie goed tot hoogstaande gehalte is.<br />

4. Vervoer<br />

Hartebeestloop <strong>Bonsmara</strong> Stoet bied die volgende aan as deel van u veilingsaankope:<br />

Gratis vervoer<br />

Ons gaan help met gratis vervoer van diere aangekoop tot op Windhoek, Okahandja, Keetmanshoop, Mariental en<br />

Gobabis. Diere word afgelaai by die Agra krale. As enige bestemming op die roete is na hierdie groter sentra, laai ons<br />

jou diere op die plaas af – mits die pad rybaar is! Ons sal enige redelike versoek oorweeg vir aflewering afhangende<br />

van die afstand asook die bedrag wat spandeer is op die veiling. Hierdie behoort ‘n wesenlike kostebesparing vir jou<br />

te wees aangesien jy ongeveer N$ 2700.00 vir elke 100 kilometer vervoerkoste gaan spaar. Jy word aangeraai om ten<br />

minste in transito versekering uit te neem aangesien die vervoer gratis, maar op eie risiko gedoen word. Versekeringsagente<br />

sal beskikbaar wees tydens die veiling. Diere sal afgelewer word binne tydperk van 2 weke of soos persoonlik<br />

met u gereël. Ons lewer ook diere gratis by die groter sentra in die RSA aangesien ons vragmotor moet gaan om diere<br />

te gaan haal nadat die bek-en-klou seer verbod opgehef is. Voornemende RSA kopers kan ons persoonlik hieroor<br />

kontak.<br />

Vir die persone wat self vir die vervoer en versekering van hulle diere wil reël, sal dit beskikbaar wees tydens die veiling.<br />

As die diere ‘n paar dae moet oorstaan, is dit in orde en Hartebeestloop personeel sal die diere versorg met goeie<br />

weiding. Die verblyf van die diere te Hartebeestloop is op die koper se risiko.


visit www.bonsmara.com.na for the auction catalogue<br />

<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

Joggie jbried@joggie.com.na<br />

Nico +264 811241168<br />


There are a number of guest houses, B&B’s, lodges and hotels in or close to Stampriet. We have<br />

listed some accommodation in the area, with contact details. Stampriet is about 20 km from the<br />

farm. Mariental is about 55 km from Stampriet.<br />

Our experience is that many people come for both the Farmers Day (23 May) as well as the Auction<br />

(24 May). Please ensure that you make an early booking to ensure accommodation.<br />

Stampriet Historical Guesthouse and Kalahari Farmhouse<br />

Please state that you are attending the auction as accommodation is reserved only for auction<br />

guests during this time of the year.<br />

Stampriet Historical Guesthouse:<br />

Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 260013, Fax: +264 (0) 63 - 260215 (stampriet@iway.na)<br />

Kalahari Farmhouse:<br />

Tel +264 (0) 63 - 230066, Fax +264 (0) 63 - 251863 (anib1@gondwana-collection.com)<br />

Private Accommodation from neighbouring farms<br />

Liesbet Snyman, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 260032 (Stampriet)<br />

Irene Zondagh, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 360100 (Close to Stampriet)<br />

Willem Kotze, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 260012. (Close to Stampriet)<br />

Boetie en Doreen Liebenberg,Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 260185 (Close to Stampriet)<br />

Lodges. Guest Houses and B & B’s<br />

Anib Lodge, Tel: +264(0)63 - 240529, Fax: +264(0)61 - 251863, info@gondwana-desert-collection.com<br />

Gretchen Nell, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 260202 (Stampriet)<br />

Auob Lodge, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 250101 (Gochas road)<br />

Villa Volla, Tel: 063-240762 (Mariental)<br />

Anandi, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 242220 (Mariental)<br />

River Chalets, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 240515 (Mariental)<br />

Guglupf, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 240718 (Mariental)<br />

Tahiti Guesthouse, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 240636 (Mariental)<br />

Hotels<br />

Gochas Hotel, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 250237<br />

Aranos Hotel, Tel: +264 (0) 63 - 272031<br />

For any further information, please contact:<br />

Nico Visser + 264 (0)81 124 1168 nvisser@joggie.com.na<br />

Nadia Brown + 264 (0)81 124 6797 NadiaBrown@joggie.com.na


visit www.bonsmara.com.na for the auction catalogue<br />

<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

Joggie jbried@joggie.com.na<br />

Nico +264 811241168<br />


There is a huge pan close the farm house, should anybody wish to come by small aircraft.<br />

Please contact us beforehand so that we can advise about the conditions (water in the pan etc)<br />

and also to arrange to fetch you.<br />

Pan - landing<br />

S 24º 22’ 35” E 18º 42’ 93”<br />

Farm House<br />

S 24º 22’ 198” E 18º 40’ 881”<br />


Transport is available from Windhoek to the auction for those who would like to attend the action<br />

on 24 May 2012. The bus will depart from Joggie’s practice (10 Dr AB May Street, Ausspannplatz,<br />

Windhoek) at 06H00 and will leave immediately after the auction for Windhoek. Guests should be<br />

back in Windhoek by 18H00.<br />

Departing at 6H00, it should give guests enough time to enjoy the breakfast served at the auction<br />

as well as to view the animals before the auction starts. We will arrange for security at the practice<br />

to look after the vehicles parked there.<br />

Should you be interested to make use of this transport, please contact<br />

Nadia Brown + 264 (0) 81 124 6797 NadiaBrown@joggie.com.na


visit www.bonsmara.com.na for the auction catalogue<br />

<strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP<br />

Joggie jbried@joggie.com.na<br />

Nico +264 811241168<br />



S & H Coetzee<br />

P O Box 9914<br />


00264 62 518079<br />

Cell: 00264 811298387<br />

coetzee@iseek.co.za<br />


Smith DR J.A.<br />

P O BOX 649<br />


00264 63 226155 / 00264 63 226157<br />

Cell: 00264 811249158<br />

mukarob@iway.na<br />


Hansen E.R.<br />

P O BOX 50127<br />


00264 61 238131<br />

Cell: 00264 811241657<br />

electact@mweb.com.na<br />


Mouton B.H. & C<br />

P O BOX 1945<br />

TSUMEB<br />

00264 67 221531<br />

Cell: 00264 811228503<br />

julman@iway.na<br />

HOEKOM <strong>HART</strong>EBEESTLOOP ?<br />


Van Tonder C.J.<br />

P O BOX 272<br />


00264 62-569328<br />

komaweer@iway.na<br />

gRATiS vERvOER<br />

TEvREdEnHEid gEwAARBORg<br />





vEiLingSvEREiSTES STREngSTE in nAMiBië<br />


BuLLE KOM uiT AL 4 HOOfSTREKE vAn nAMiBië<br />



vEiLingSvEREiSTES viR ALLE diERE STREngSTE in nAMiBië<br />


ALLE BuLLE SE gEnOMiESE PROfiELE ( igE niTy ) iS gEdOEn<br />


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