MEN October 2011.indd - Midrand Estates

MEN October 2011.indd - Midrand Estates

MEN October 2011.indd - Midrand Estates


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You‛ve got mail<br />

The fi lm “You’ve got mail” introduced many to e-mail in the late 1990’s when Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks as<br />

two message-writing lovers shared e-mails whilst completely unaware that their mail-sweetheart is in fact<br />

the person with whom they share a certain degree of animosity in person. Today most receive a multitude<br />

of messages through a variety of devices and beg the question – “do we really communicate better?” How<br />

often does one not see people busy communicating through a device whilst people around them are left<br />

without someone to talk to?<br />

That electronic devices have opened up new ways of communication no one can deny, but only time will tell<br />

what the best way of communicating through the new devices will be. And while one ponders on this it is<br />

always gratifying to hold printed media in one’s hands – enjoy this bumper edition of our local newsletter.<br />

You’ve got mail.<br />

Dit is voorjaar – dit is lente.<br />

Daar word elke jaar met groot afwagting uitgesien na die Lente<br />

wanneer die jaar se koue jas verruil word vir helder groen blare<br />

en pragtige blomme. Die woord “Lente” is ontleen van Nederlands<br />

en dui op die tyd van die jaar waar die lengte van die dae<br />

en die nagte presies dieselfde tydsduur is. Die werklike datum<br />

is inderwaarheid meer rondom 22 of 23 September, maar ons<br />

warmer weer laat toe dat die datum tradisioneel vervroeg is na<br />

1 September.<br />

In die Lente val die eerste groot druppels reën met die groot<br />

reëns en die Jakaranda’s wat blom in Oktober net om die draai<br />

en begin die matrieks en ander studente stil-stil met voorbereidings<br />

vir die jaareind eksamens. Ons vertrou dat hierdie Lente<br />

‘n vreugdevolle voorjaar vir elkeen van ons lesers sal inlei en<br />

bring ons graag die nuutste nuus van die dorp na elkeen.<br />

-Content-<br />

-Inhoud-<br />

-Die Uitgawe-<br />

-Kontak ons-<br />

-Mede<br />

-This Edition-<br />

3<br />

If you didn’t receive<br />

the June edition<br />

please mail us.<br />

Previous Edition<br />

Vorige Uitgawe<br />

Voorblad – Lenteblomme kom in vele kleure<br />

en fatsoene – ons voorbladnooi is pragtige<br />

Cheri.<br />

Foto deur Tyrone Zerf<br />

-Contact us-<br />

Lizelle Green<br />

Tel: 012 661 1177<br />

E-mail: editor@midrand-estates.co.za<br />

E-mail: lizelleg@midrand-estates.co.za<br />

werkers - Produced by-<br />

Liesl, Manfred, Traute, Frik, Corne,<br />

Willem, Dirk, Hester, Adri, Christa,<br />

Louise, Chris, Lizelle.<br />


Shopping<br />

Maybe it’s just me. After all, I am a woman and I’m talking<br />

from personal experience. There are very few things in life<br />

that beat the feeling of an intense shopping spree and swiping<br />

a credit card! Plastic is patient. And I’m not referring to the<br />

shopping bags. These normally have brand names printed on<br />

them and have proper handles.<br />

Many of my friends have told me that I’m a bad influence when<br />

it comes to shopping. They usually walk away from the mall<br />

or market with loads of pretty goodies and an uneasy bank<br />

balance. But shopping is good for the soul; and they<br />

always walk away with a smile. Maybe it’s a worried<br />

smile? How long will the shopping bags need to be<br />

hidden in the back of the car? How will she explain to<br />

hubby that these items were actually “much needed”;<br />

or that she bought “for the kids”?<br />

Those (brave) men who want to understand the<br />

reasons behind our love for shopping, can Google all<br />

the endless views on the topic. But I have to quote<br />

(and translate) from a write-up done by brilliant and<br />

hilariously funny Afrikaans writer, André le Roux:<br />

“She goes out to buy trousers, shoes and other things<br />

and comes home with the trousers, shoes and other<br />

things - and a smile. Her hips hop, skip and jump<br />

by themselves. She feels better, even if she didn’t<br />

really feel bad to begin with. That’s what hormones<br />

do. “Shopping just does something to a woman”, she admits. “You<br />

have to try it”.<br />

It is said that women are emotional shoppers, while men have<br />

come up with their<br />

own terminology<br />

to justify their<br />

purchases. They<br />

don’t buy, they<br />

“collect” (wine,<br />

sport motors),<br />

they “upgrade” (computers, cell phones) or they break<br />

down the braai area and build a bigger one and justify it<br />

with an excuse that it is “value appreciation”.<br />

Square@Midstream (see our centerfold – you don’t<br />

even have to ask for directions) is the ideal place<br />

to visit if the happy hormones need to dust off<br />

those feelings of emotional neglect. Go choose a<br />

delectable piece of biltong, have that much needed<br />

getaway planned for the family, spoil yourself<br />

with an irresistible perfume or add to your wine<br />

collection. Then sit back and relax – with a glass<br />

of wine – and see how good you feel. “You have<br />

to try it!”<br />


Inkopies<br />

Miskien is dit net ek… Ek is immers ‘n vrou. En ek<br />

praat uit ondervinding. Daar is bitter min dinge wat die<br />

gevoel klop van ‘n intense inkopietog en die “swipe” van<br />

‘n kredietkaart! Plastiek is mos geduldig. En ek praat<br />

nie van die inkopiesakkies nie - dié is gewoonlik deftiger<br />

sakke met handelsname op en behoorlike handvatsels.<br />

Menige vriendin het al vir my gesê ek is ‘n swak invloed<br />

wanneer dit by inkopies kom. Hulle stap altyd by die<br />

mark of winkelsentrum weg met ‘n wavrag mooi goed<br />

en ‘n baie benoude bankbalans. Maar dit is mos goed<br />

vir die siel; en hulle glimlag altyd daarna! Of miskien is<br />

die glimlag eerder benoudheid, terwyl sy wonder hoe lank<br />

die pakkies in die kattebak<br />

weggesteek moet word, hoe<br />

om vir manlief te verduidelik<br />

dat die items eintlik “nodig”<br />

was, dat sy eintlik “vir die<br />

kinders” gekoop het…<br />

Dié (manne) wat beter wil<br />

verstaan kan gerus die<br />

briljante en skreeusnaakse<br />

André le Roux se verwante<br />

rubrieke oor vroue se<br />

koopgewoontes gaan lees.<br />

Ek haal uit een van hulle aan:<br />

“Sy gaan koop ‘n langbroek,<br />

skoene of iets en kom by die<br />

huis aan met die langbroek, skoene of iets - én ‘n<br />

glimlag. Haar heupe huppel vanself. Sy voel beter al<br />

het sy nie sleg gevoel om mee te begin nie. Dis soos<br />

hormone werk. “Inkopies doen net iets aan ‘n vrou,<br />

erken sy. “Jy moet dit ‘n slag probeer.”<br />

Vroue koop mos “emosioneel”, terwyl mans hulle<br />

eie terminologie ontwikkel het om hul aankope te<br />

regverdig. Hulle koop nie, hulle “versamel” (wyn,<br />

sportmotors), hulle “gradeer op” (rekenaars,<br />

selfone); of die afbreek van die braaivleisplek en<br />

die bou van ‘n groter een word verwerdig deur<br />

“waardevermeerdering” as verskoning te gebruik.<br />

Square@Midstream (sien ons middelblad - jy hoef<br />

nie eers vir aanwysings te vra nie) is die ideale<br />

plek om te besoek as jy nodig het vir daardie<br />

goedvoel-hormone om die gestel te oorrompel.<br />

Kies ‘n onweerstaanbare stuk biltong uit, reël<br />

daardie broodnodige wegbreek, bederf jouself met<br />

‘n lekkerruik-dingetjie of vul jou wynversameling<br />

aan. Dan sit jy terug en ontspan – met ‘n glas wyn<br />

in die hand – en sien hoe goed jy voel. “Jy moet<br />

dit ‘n slag probeer!”<br />


Bringing Healthcare to the Community in Need<br />

Cure Day Clinics has shown dedication and awareness to those in need of healthcare but who are unable<br />

to afford it. Cure Day Clinics feel a strong responsibility towards the community and have introduced a<br />

policy of offering free expertise to underprivileged patients on a regular basis.<br />

Over the last two years Cure Day Clinics has been compassionate toward the community by bringing<br />

healthcare to those in need with projects like dental care for children<br />

of the Abraham Kriel Childrens’ Home, Jakaranda Childrens’ Home<br />

and the Louis Botha Orphanage. The children from Smile of Joy<br />

and House Tjale’s were also educated on oral care and dental<br />

treatments were performed. More than 100 children were given<br />

dental care and treatments free of charge in 2010.<br />

The Cure Day Clinic Medkin located in Louis Pasteur Building in<br />

Pretoria will, together with committed healthcare professionals<br />

and staff members, performed dental procedures on 21 children<br />

from the Jakaranda, Bramley and Louis Botha Childrens’ Homes on<br />

the 29 th of August this year. All free of charge.<br />

Making our children smile brighter for a brighter future!<br />

Mevrou Suid-Afrika<br />

‘n Groot eer het een van<br />

ons inwoners, Sunelle Purell<br />

(26) te beurt geval. Sy is<br />

gedurende die eerste naweek<br />

van September aangewys as<br />

een van die vyftien fi naliste<br />

wat gaan deelneem aan die<br />

jaarlikse Mevrou Suid-Afrika<br />

kompetisie. Sunelle beskryf<br />

haarself as iemand wat<br />

gefokus is om sukses te behaal<br />

en wat vertroue het in haar<br />

vermoëns. Ons wens haar alle<br />

voorspoed toe met die kroning<br />

wat plaasvind tydens ‘n Gala<br />

Aand op 12 November 2011 by<br />

die Fancourt Hotel in George.<br />

Bass gevang op Midfield<br />

6<br />

Rudi en Ruben-Hein (3) het dié bass<br />

gevang by die Midfi eld dam op 7<br />

September!<br />

“Dit is dinge soos dié wat hierdie<br />

estate die beste plek maak om te bly!”<br />

~ Rudi

Grey-Hooded Gulls GYMNAST<br />

When a seagull comes to mind, one can’t help but<br />

think of sandy beaches and blue waves. Soon<br />

everyone will be in full fl are of the Silly Season and<br />

ready for the holidays!<br />

Most residents might not have noticed, but we [us,<br />

the residents of <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong>] have our own<br />

gulls roaming around at Midfi eld. The Grey-hooded<br />

Gull a.k.a. Grey-headed Gull is a small gull which<br />

breeds patchily in South America and Africa, South<br />

of the Sahara.<br />

It is not truly migratory, but is more widespread in<br />

Winter.<br />

This locally abundant gull breeds in large colonies<br />

in reed beds and marshes, and lays two or three<br />

eggs in a nest that can be on the ground or fl oating.<br />

The Grey-headed Gull feeds on the ground and in<br />

or around water and mainly invertebrates aquatic<br />

life forms. This is the only inland gull and very<br />

common in Gauteng. They have also been spotted<br />

in the Kruger National Park.<br />

The call is a raucous crow and characteristic of this<br />

noisy species, especially at colonies. So look out<br />

for them if you hear a “caw-caw” sound from the<br />

Midfi eld Dam. It’s defi nitely not Trevor Noah hiding<br />

in the bushes.<br />


Die Tennis@Midstream tennisklub is baie trots op hulle tennislede wat<br />

Gauteng Noord verteenwoordig het tydens die Interprovinsiale Veterane<br />

Tennistoernooi wat onlangs in Pretoria gespeel is. Hulle het hul baie goed<br />

van hul taak gekwyt. Die mans en dames tennisligas het ook pas tot ‘n<br />

einde gekom en twee van die vier Midstream spanne het as wenners uit die<br />

stryd getree in hul onderskeie ligas. Daar gaan vir die res van die jaar meer<br />

op sosiale tennis gekonsentreer word. Sosiale tennis vind op Saterdagmiddae<br />

om 14:00 plaas en alle belangstellendes is welkom.<br />

Agter vlnr: Jannie Putter, John Harding, Jeanrè Botha, Severus Smuts<br />

Middel vlnr: Marie-Louise Kleynhans, Petty van Wyk (Gauteng Noord Sekretaresse), Yolande Beneke<br />

Voor vlnr: Tersia Putter, Roelf van der Laan, Marissa van der Laan<br />

Tayler Brown, a ten year old resident<br />

on the estate received her Northern<br />

Gauteng Colours for Acrobati c<br />

Gymnasti cs. She received a gold medal<br />

in the Novice competi ti on, and was<br />

invited to represent Northern Gauteng<br />

at the South African Gymnasti cs Zone<br />

competi ti on where she ended 3 rd<br />

overall winner on the fl oor routi ne.<br />

Ek wil net graag die<br />

volgende, wonderlike storie<br />

onder almal se aandag<br />

bring. Ons gesinnetjie het<br />

op die 2de September, die<br />

Midstream Familie Kerk se<br />

Lentefees bygewoon. Ons<br />

10-maande oue dogtertjie, Lindi, het in haar<br />

stootwaentjie geslaap toe ek skielik agterkom<br />

dat sy iets soortgelyk aan ‘n aanval kry. Sy<br />

het nie asemgehaal nie, het nie reageer<br />

op enige iets nie en was blou in die gesig.<br />

Binne minute was Dokters Kobus en Sanet<br />

Venter daar om te help met mond-tot-mond<br />

asemhaling. Iemand anders het intussentyd<br />

die Midstream Paramedici geskakel, wat kort<br />

daarna gearriveer en suurstof toegedien het.<br />

Drs Venter het ook Lindi se pediater gekontak,<br />

wat gereël het dat sy gehospitaliseer word.<br />

Die paramedikus het selfs sy suurstoftenk<br />

aan ons geleen om saam te neem hospitaal<br />

toe. Bystanders het gehelp om ons 2-jarige<br />

dogtertjie kalm te hou. Almal het gehelp!<br />

Ek wil graag al die wonderlike mense bedank<br />

wat ons gehelp het!<br />

Lindi is opgeneem by Kloof Hospitaal as<br />

gevolg van koorsstuipe en mangelontsteking.<br />

Sy is nou piekfyn en gesond.<br />

~ Suzanne Stander<br />


Die kleuters van Midstream Pre-Primêr<br />

het hul ondersteuning tot die huide<br />

Rugby Wêreldbeker gewys deur vlae<br />

van deelnemende lande te verf. Die<br />

klein mensies was baie trots op die<br />

eindproduk en het hul Springbok truie<br />

aangetrek om met hul vlae te spog.<br />

Volg hul vlae op die “vlagboom” vanaf<br />

8 Oktober tot die wenspan se vlag<br />

weer tradisioneel heel bo aan die<br />

vlagboom sal hang.<br />

Get your braai for the fi nal<br />

SPONSORED by ...................<br />

E-mail us your best RUGBY WORLD CUP photos and stand<br />

a chance to win MEAT and DRINKS for a braai. The photo<br />

will also be published.<br />

send your photo and a short write-up before 17 <strong>October</strong><br />

2011 to editor@midrand-estates.co.za<br />

Kl ut rs r s nders rs r teun wê w re r ldb db d eker<br />



In Suid-Afrika word in die algemeen aanvaar, dat die vier seisoene - somer, herfs, winter en lente - respektiewelik<br />

op Desember- Januarie- Februarie, op Maart- April- Mei, op Junie- Julie-en Augustus en op<br />

September- Oktober- November betrekking het. Die seisoene kan astronomies of klimaties beskryf word.<br />

Astronomies beteken dat die tye tussen die sonstilstande (21 Junie en 21 Desember) en die dag-en-nageweninge<br />

(23 September en 21 Maart) as gevolg van die omwenteling van die aarde om die son, afgebakende<br />

tye (seisoene) met spesifi eke kenmerke verteenwoordig.<br />

Klimaties word die seisoene in die eerste opsig onderskei deur temperatuur, dagligure, vogtigheid, plantegroei,<br />

die migrasie van diere, ens. waarvan die temperatuur die belangrikste indikator van seisoene is. Hoe<br />

die seisoene in <strong>Midrand</strong> Landgoed ervaar word, word gedemonstreer van temperatuur- en windrigting-<br />

metings.<br />

Met die drastiese temperatuurstyging vind ook gelyktydig ʼn<br />

windpatroon verandering plaas.<br />

In Fig. 2 word die windrose vir Julie, Augustus, September<br />

en Oktober getoon, wat die oorgang van winter na lente<br />

(somer) demonstreer. In Julie is die windvoorkeurrigting<br />

NNO. In Augustus is ʼn geleidelike toename van wind uit SSW<br />

gemeet en in September en Oktober bly dit die dominerende<br />

windrigting. Die windstiltes is onderskeidelik vir Julie,<br />

Augustus. September en Oktober 16 %, 32%, 46% en 16%.<br />

Windsnelhede is in die winter laag en hoër in die voorsomer.<br />

Die Augustuswind waarvan dikwels gepraat word, dui dus<br />

eintlik op die aanvang van die winderige somerseisoen.<br />

11<br />

In Fig. 1 word die nag- en dag- temperature van Desember<br />

2006 tot November 2007 getoon. Dit wys duidelik, dat die<br />

gemiddelde somertemperatuur deurgaans vir die nag 15 C°<br />

en die dag 28 C° is. In die herfs daal die gemiddelde nagtemperatuur<br />

gelydelik van 15 C° na onder 5 C° en gedurende<br />

die dag van 28 C° na 20 C°. In die winter is die gemiddelde<br />

nag temperatuur 3 C° en die dag 18 C°. Die oorgang van<br />

winter na lente (somer) is redelik drasties. Die temperatuur<br />

verander binne een week van ʼn koue winter- na ʼn behaaglike<br />

lente- (somer-) temperatuur.<br />

Alhoewel lentedag op 1 September gehou word, die swembaddens open, winter- vir somerklere verruil<br />

word, vere- en elektriese komberse en verwarmers gebêre word ensovoorts, dui die hoë dag- en nag- temperatuur<br />

vanaf einde Augustus begin September, in werklikheid op die begin van die somer. Dus begin die<br />

somer, as net temperatuur in aanmerking geneem word, in September en word die lente seisoen oorgeslaan,<br />

maar wat die plantegroei en die migrasie van diere aanbetref begin die lente wel in September.

Christian Parenting<br />

Last week Avril,<br />

my wife, lost her<br />

dad. Michael, her<br />

brother, and Del,<br />

her mom, deserve<br />

our love, support<br />

and prayers. In<br />

accordance with his<br />

wishes he was buried. It never fails to make an<br />

impact on me as I walk past the old gravestones<br />

seeing what folks have written of their loved ones.<br />

I know for myself what should be written on my<br />

own mom’s gravestone. “Jesus said: let the little<br />

children come to me.” (Mark, Ch10). And she did…<br />

It’s the way she has always led her life. There were<br />

many dark times when we were growing up, but<br />

her faith never wavered. She taught little children<br />

just beginning their journey of school and fi nally<br />

stopped remedial teaching last year at the age of<br />

83. She cared for my Dad who sits in a wheelchair<br />

all day and all night, he can’t lie down. She never<br />

complained. When she was told that she needed to<br />

undergo surgery to remove Cancer from her chest,<br />

her fi rst question was: “But who will look after<br />

Daddy?” Later, after the operation, I asked her if<br />

a Mother’s role………<br />

12<br />

she was afraid. She replied “for Daddy yes, but<br />

you know, we Christians have a different attitude<br />

towards death.”<br />

I know the point of this article is not to just tell<br />

you how important she was, but it is the example<br />

I know best. I would probably never have arrived<br />

at a Christian Faith without her constant, faithful<br />

infl uence. All through my rebellious student life<br />

she lovingly prayed for me - allowing me to make<br />

stupid mistakes and take stupid decisions, taking<br />

longer than average for my fi rst degree, dating a<br />

whole lot of girls who would never be my wife…<br />

Through it all a mother who faithfully prayed for<br />

her family, lived a righteous life and never gave up,<br />

believed and trusted that her family would come to<br />

know the Lord who had so powerfully impacted her<br />

life so many decades before.<br />

What life lessons are our Christian moms teaching<br />

our children today?<br />

Philip Sharpe<br />

Services held at 09h00 every Sunday<br />

Offi ce 012 940 9153 / Secretary 082 886 1034<br />

Email: admin@midstream.org.za<br />

Website: www.midstream.org.za

Top musiek in ons dorp!<br />

‘n Spesiale middag van musiek was beplan vir<br />

Sondag, 25 September toe die Pretoria Simfonie<br />

Orkes ‘n uitvoering gelewer het by die saal<br />

van die aftreeoord. Die musiek het gewissel<br />

van moderne stukke vanuit James Bond fi lms<br />

en “Grease” tot meer tradisionele klassieke<br />

musiek en is deur ‘n vol saal van ons inwoners<br />

waardeer.<br />

Pretoria<br />

Symphony<br />

Orchestra<br />

presents<br />

Musical Allsorts<br />

. . . a feast of classical and contemporary goodies<br />

Venue: Retire@Midstream Hall<br />

Date: Sunday 25 September<br />

Time: 15:00<br />

Cost: R90 (R75 Retire@Midstream residents)<br />

R175 - including dinner<br />

14<br />

Booking essential at<br />

Retire@Midstream office:<br />

Elmarie / Mariette, Tel: 012 940 9555

15<br />

Midstream College<br />

Matric M atric<br />

farewell arewell

Dr Kriek is the team leader at<br />

the High School at Midstream<br />

College and hails from a family<br />

of teachers. He was taught English<br />

in his matric year by his mother<br />

and mathematics by the headmaster<br />

– his father – at Sybrand<br />

van Niekerk High School in Sabie.<br />

Dr Kriek sees the role of the teaching<br />

team at Midstream College as creating an environment where<br />

learners of the new South Africa can be prepared to lead the country<br />

into the future. To achieve this he believes one must try new<br />

things, embrace diversity and learn to adapt, while maintaining<br />

keen focus and discipline.<br />

Introducing the headmaster of Midstream College<br />

Dr Kriek’s focus in his pursuit towards excellence in education is exemplifi ed in the PhD he obtained in the<br />

subject development of mathematics for the senior secondary phase of schools. He has been an external<br />

moderator in mathematics for the national educational body, Umalusi, since 2002. Dr Kriek was the deputy<br />

principal at Affi es for 10 years before moving to Midstream College in 2006 to accept the challenge of establishing<br />

a school from scratch. At Affi es he was the coach of the fi rst rugby team with Sakkie van der Walt,<br />

achieving the incredible record of winning the Beeld Trophy (formally known as the Administrator’s Trophy)<br />

9 out of 11 years. In those golden years of Affi es he coached, amongst others Pierre Spies, Fourie du Preez,<br />

Faf du Plessis and AB de Villiers - current Springbok or Protea players.<br />

In the end, Dr Kriek’s personal motivation in education is neither rugby nor maths, but rather seeing the<br />

learners at Midstream College enjoy their time at school and develop their talents to the full. He believes the<br />

wide range of facilities at Midstream College provides an amazing scope from academic and cultural activities<br />

to physical and social well being.<br />

His soft spot is his family; Anneke and children Christian (14) and Mia (12). His best known quotes provide<br />

an accurate summary of the man who has been a true pioneer and who has made his mark in a short time<br />

at Midstream College – “Soli Deo Gloria” and “do not forget to do your maths homework!”<br />

17<br />

Dr Carel Kriek

www.chigo.co.za<br />

0861 742 5224<br />





R3150.00*<br />



S E R V I C E Y O U R A I R - C O N D I T I O N E R<br />

N O W F O R O N L Y R 4 8 0 . 0 0<br />

Centurion/ <strong>Midrand</strong><br />

NC Technologies<br />

Claude/Sarita 082 469 4094 • Tel: 012 651 1447<br />

claude@nctech.co.za<br />

Montana / Sinoville / Pretoria North<br />

Eeze Breeze Air-conditioning<br />

Stephan 082 855 3413 • Tel: 012 548 1294<br />

dros@worldonline.co.za<br />

Pretoria East<br />

Moracon Air-Conditioning<br />

083 782 5805 • Tel: 012 661 6922<br />

sales@moracon.co.za<br />

Hartbeespoort/Brits<br />

Mooinooi Refrigeration<br />

Flip 083 296 6959 • Tel: 014 574 3019<br />

janine@graphx.co.za<br />


“Your most professional partner in Heating & Cooling”<br />

18<br />

9000 BTU - 30 000 R22<br />

9000 BTU - 22 000 BTU<br />





Foto deur: F & D van Wyk<br />

Baie van ons inwoners het seker al die pragtige Groenkopeend mannetjie,<br />

wat tans in sy spoggerige broeikleure pronk , op ons dammetjies<br />

by die gholfbaan in Midfields waargeneem. Die kop en nek is ʼn helder<br />

metaalgroen, die bors rooibruin en die snawel oranje geel. Die middelste<br />

swart omgekrulde stertvere is uniek en dit onderskei hom van alle<br />

ander eendspesies . Behalwe die pers spekulum, wat by beide geslagte<br />

voorkom, vertoon die wyfie met haar bruin gevlekte vere en grys-groen<br />

snawel, eerder onopvallend. In sy eklips veredrag, lyk die mannetjie amper<br />

soos die wyfie.<br />

Nadat die mannetjie die broeiplek gekies het, berei die wyfie die nes<br />

voor, meestal in ʼn holte op die grond maar soms ook in struike of boomstompe<br />

of selfs in ou kraaineste. Sy lê 7 tot 12 eiers, wat met uitgeplukte<br />

donsvere beskerm word. Die kuikens lyk soos swartbruin donsballetjies<br />

met geel gesigte en is dadelik gereed vir hulle eerste swemles.<br />

Die Groenkopeend teel maklik en pas by verskillende lewens- en omgewingstoestande<br />

aan. Die eende is omnivore en vreet omtrent alles<br />

wat voorkom en is dag- en nagaktief. Hulle is kultuurvolgers en vestig<br />

hulle graag naby menslike nedersettings. Hierdie eienskappe het die<br />

Groenkopeende een van die belangrikste stamouers van die Europese<br />

huiseend gemaak.<br />

In Figure 1 en 2 word ʼn mannetjie en ʼn wyfie van ʼn opregte Groenkopeend<br />

getoon. In Figure 3, 4 en 5 word die baster Groenkopeende gewys,<br />

wat tans op ons dammetjies by die gholfbaan tuis is. Die wit baster eend<br />

word aan sy oranje snawel uitgeken en is ʼn kruisteling met huiseende.<br />

Die Groenkopeend is in die 1940s van Europa ingevoer en vrygelaat en<br />

het baie gou aangepas en vinnig versprei. In die Suid-Afrika streek, deel<br />

die Groenkopeend hoofsaaklik ʼn nis met ons inheemse Geelbekeend .<br />

Hy is ook die naaste verwante aan hierdie spesie en het gou met hom,<br />

maar soms ook met die Swart- en Kaapse Slopeend, begin kruisteel,<br />

wat vinnig tot verbastering lei. Die basters is vrugbaar en bring nuwe<br />

basters voort, wat uiteindelik die suiwerheid van ons inheemse eende<br />

se geenpoel kan vernietig. So is die Groenkopeende op ons damme ook<br />

al uitgebaster en verskil van<br />

die oorspronklike suiwer Europese<br />

ras.<br />

Foto deur: F & D van Wyk<br />

DIE<br />



Alhoewel die verbastering<br />

groot bekommernis vir natuurbewaring<br />

veroorsaak, is<br />

die Groenkopeend in ons<br />

nuwe voëlboeke en literatuur<br />

as ʼn volwaardige nuwe<br />

eendspesie opgeneem.<br />


Greenfi elds (Shop no 3)<br />

Greenfi elds is an up-market restaurant, offering<br />

wholesome value for money meals, prepared with a touch<br />

of tradition and served with fl air in a warm atmosphere<br />

– the ideal venue for business breakfasts, lunch, family<br />

dinners or a quick in-between snack.<br />

Video Den (Shop no 4)<br />

We offer over 2,000 DVD titles and huge savings on DVD<br />

rentals on contract. The Video Den Group will soon be<br />

entering the retail market in the very near future and<br />

customers will be able to order DVD’s from our website.<br />

Steers (Shop no 5)<br />

There is a new hero in town and he is ready to save the lives<br />

of millions! He faces hunger and recovers lost treasures.<br />

Steers Midstream brings you – Project Superhero!<br />

We now have the new hero roll range on offer. It is a<br />

strong, intelligent and handsome combination of fl amegrilled<br />

steak or chicken topped with all the trimmings<br />

you can expect from Steers.<br />

He wants to save you! Rush<br />

off and visit us for a lifechanging<br />

experience.<br />

Scooters Pizza (Shop no<br />

6)<br />

Tantalize your taste buds. For<br />

perfect pizzas, scrumptious<br />

subs and delectably delicious<br />

desserts visit Scooters<br />

Pizza; or place your order<br />

telephonically. “Captain S” will deliver it to your doorstep<br />

within 39 minutes! If not, your pizza is free!<br />

Classique Cleaners (Shop no 7)<br />

Taking care of your laundry and dry cleaning requirements.<br />

Midpharm Pharmacy (Shop no 8)<br />

All your pharmaceutical, health and gifting solutions<br />

under one roof. Our friendly staff will eagerly assist with<br />

your medication prescriptions and assist with advice<br />

regarding medication, vitamins, etc.<br />

Midstream Electrical Supplies (Shop no 9)<br />

Supplying you with light and warmth!<br />

Computers@Midstream (Shop no 9a)<br />

For all your PC, laptop, netbook or printer requirements,<br />

visit Computers@Midstream.<br />

Eyecare@Midstream (Shop no 10)<br />

We offer offer a wide range of fashion<br />

and branded branded frames as as well as as<br />

sunglasses. Repeat contact lenses<br />

can be ordered ordered telephonically or by<br />

email. Book your appointment for<br />

your annual eye<br />

examination.<br />

SEE you soon!<br />

20<br />

Square Square@M<br />

PostNet (Shop no 11)<br />

Our staff offers clients all the business services<br />

one ever imagined under one roof. Design,<br />

copying, document fi nishing, convenience<br />

stationery, packaging materials, Internet café,<br />

secretarial services, fax services, domestic and<br />

international courier, Passport and ID photos,<br />

PostNet mailbox services and much more!<br />

The Biltong Shop (Shop no 12)<br />

Vir die LEKKERSTE biltong, droëwors, cabanossi<br />

en beskuit in die dorp. Peusel-mandjies word<br />

gemaak op versoek.<br />

Mica (Shop no 13)<br />

There are a thousand reasons to shop at Mica<br />

Hardware. We offer incredible deals on all DIY<br />

and Hardware supplies, and much more! We stock over<br />

12,000 items.<br />

Barber SA (Shop no 14)<br />

Gents only! Visit our professional “barbers” for a<br />

trimmed, clean look.<br />

Amourique Jewellers (Shop no 15)<br />

Visit our showroom for exquisite and timeless jewelry.<br />

We also do alterations, cleaning of jewelry as well as<br />

design.<br />

Midfi x (Shop no 16)<br />

Visit us to assist with<br />

realizing your dream<br />

home. Our services<br />

include architectural<br />

design, building and<br />

project management.<br />

Whether you’re<br />

building a new home<br />

or remodeling, the latest products, decorating ideas and<br />

more can be viewed at Midfi x.<br />

You’re Framed (Shop no 17)<br />

Apart from catering for your framing needs, we strive to<br />

expose as much as possible local artists. Our services<br />

include large format picture, canvas printing, canvas<br />

stretching, block mounting, box frames, fl oat frames,<br />

mirrors and professional picture hanging. You’re Framed<br />

– we frame anything, even memories!<br />

Classique<br />

Cleaners<br />

Layout plan of Square@Midstream

idstream<br />

Posies – Flowers in Midstream (Shop no<br />

18)<br />

Book us now for your year-end function. We<br />

also specialize in fl owers for all occasions,<br />

including weddings, stork teas and birthdays.<br />

We offer a full hiring service. Gifts and<br />

gift boxes also available. Free delivery in<br />

Midstream.<br />

Chatz Data – Vodacom (Shop no 21)<br />

We specialize in all Vodacom related products<br />

and services. We are a small, but professional<br />

and passionate team. For friendly service,<br />

advice and outstanding products, please visit<br />

us.<br />

Midstream Pools (Shop no 22)<br />

Stockists of the Zodiac [Baracuda] and Pentair [Kreepy<br />

Krauly] range of automatic pool cleaners, salt chlorinators,<br />

pool pumps, fi lters, Bioguard range of pool and spa<br />

chemicals, PCOL heat pumps, etc. A weekly maintenance<br />

service is also available.<br />

Henry E Salon (Shop<br />

no 25)<br />

The Henry E Hair<br />

Design Salon offers<br />

an extraordinary<br />

customer experience<br />

for men and women.<br />

Clients are offered<br />

creative colouring and<br />

styling trends on an<br />

international level.<br />

ABSA ATM (Shop no 22a)<br />

Midteam Real Estate<br />

(Shop no 23)<br />

Midteam focuses specifi -<br />

cally on providing a professional<br />

service to all buyers<br />

and sellers of property in<br />

<strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong>. Qualifi ed<br />

agents at Midteam can assist<br />

with buying a stand, a<br />

house, building package or<br />

a home in the Retirement<br />

Village. Open seven days a<br />

week.<br />

The Boyz Travel Merchants (Shop no 24)<br />

At The Boyz Travel Merchants one can expect a pleasant<br />

and personalized travel agent experience. The Boyz is<br />

an independent travel agency which is linked to a large<br />

travel consortium and also offers the added benefi t of<br />

great deals. Making holiday dreams a reality!<br />

The Uniform Shop<br />

(Shop no 28)<br />

Your one-stop supplier supplier<br />

of Midstream Colleges’<br />

uniform/s<br />

gear.<br />

and sport sport<br />

Aula (Shop no 29)<br />

We are a well well known,<br />

stable and and professional<br />

Rental and Managing Managing<br />

Agency in, among others,<br />

Midstream, Midstream, Retire@Midstream<br />

Retire@Midstream<br />

and Heritage Heritage Hill.<br />

21<br />

Petstream Veterinary Clinic (Shop no 26)<br />

Passionate about Pets! We are a fully equipped<br />

Veterinary Clinic with an operating theatre with<br />

oxygen and anaesthetic machine, digital x-ray<br />

system, ultrasonic dental equipment and in-house<br />

blood testing machine. Our front shop area is well<br />

stocked with a range of vet specifi c dog and cat<br />

foods as well as a wide range of pet toys, treats<br />

and accessories. Open<br />

weekdays between<br />

07:30am and 19:00pm<br />

and weekends from<br />

8am to 11am and<br />

4pm to 5pm as well<br />

as Sundays between<br />

10am and 11am.<br />

Tops (Shop no 2)<br />

A liquor store with a difference!<br />

At Tops, you can expect a spirit of<br />

celebration. We want you to have<br />

fun and enjoy life – and that’s why,<br />

from the moment you walk in the<br />

door, you’ll be captivated by the Tops<br />

experience. Now with an extended<br />

wine and whisky boutique.<br />

SuperSpar (Shop no 1)<br />

For one-stop, competitively priced shopping, pop by<br />

Midstream SuperSpar for your daily, weekly or monthly<br />

grocery shopping. Be on the lookout for our increasing<br />

variety of fresh and exciting products. Spar. Good for you!

Boom van die jaar vir 2011 – die Doppruim - Pappea capensis (433)<br />

Die boom se rooi vrug is<br />

’n lekkernytjie vir mense<br />

en ’n groot gunsteling<br />

onder voëls en ander diere.<br />

Die sade lewer ’n puik<br />

olie. Die doppruim is verwant<br />

aan die lietsjie en<br />

is ’n natuurlike keuse om<br />

voëls en ander natuurlewe na ’n tuin<br />

te lok. Dit word maklik gekweek,<br />

hoewel dit in ’n kouer klimaat stadiger<br />

groei.<br />

Die doppruim is ’n langlewende, geharde, immergroen,<br />

klein tot middelslag boom wat 2-8 m hoog<br />

word. Die boom is bestand teen koue én hitte en<br />

kan langdurige droogtes weerstaan. Dit kan orna-<br />

23<br />

menteel of as ’n fokuspunt gebruik word. Dit is ’n<br />

nuttige boom om in strate of vir skaduwee in parkeerterreine<br />

aan te plant, want dit het nie ’n aggressiewe<br />

wortelstelsel nie.<br />

Die blomseisoen is van September tot Mei, terwyl<br />

die vrug van Desember tot Julie voorkom.<br />

Pappea capensis kom wydverspreid in Suider-Afrika<br />

voor, van die Noord-Kaap tot in die droër Karoo,<br />

die Oos-Kaap en KwaZulu-Natal, tot in die noordelike<br />

provinsies en Mosambiek, Zimbabwe en verder<br />

noordwaarts tot in die oostelike en suidelike dele<br />

van tropiese Afrika. Dit kom natuurlik in bosveld,<br />

ruie rivieroewers, beboste grasveld en klipperige<br />

uitsteeksels sowel as in bossieveld voor en groei<br />

dikwels op termiethope.<br />

Tree of the year for 2011 - The amazing Pappea capensis (Jacket Plum)<br />

The leaves of Pappea capensis are browsed by game,<br />

birds, livestock and butterfl ies and there are numerous<br />

medicinal uses for the roots, bark and leaves.<br />

Fruit from the Pappea capensis is fi t for human consumption<br />

and may be used for jam, jelly and vinegar<br />

production. The tree is from the litchi family.<br />

It is an excellent tree for attracting birds as it is popular<br />

with nesting birds (provides a concealed and<br />

sheltered nesting sites), as well as fruit eating and<br />

insect eating birds.<br />

The jacket plum is a frost hardy, evergreen, small<br />

1 - 7 September 2001<br />

to medium tree with a height of 2-8 m. Under ideal<br />

conditions it can grow at a moderate rate but can be<br />

slow-growing under dry and/or cold conditions.<br />

Pappea capensis is indigenous<br />

to and widespread in southern<br />

Africa from the Northern<br />

Cape through the drier Karoo,<br />

Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal,<br />

to the northern provinces,<br />

as well as Mozambique, Zimbabwe<br />

and northwards into<br />

eastern and southern tropical<br />

Africa.<br />

What is in the name? The generic name Pappea is named after a German physician and plant collector<br />

Carl Pappe, while the specifi c name capensis refers to southern Africa. – the generic name for the grass<br />

owl is Tyto capensis also indicating its relationship to southern Africa

Op 2 September verras Midstream Kleuterskool<br />

personeel by die Skool, winkel sentrum en kantoor<br />

geboue met<br />

lenteblomme.<br />

Kollekapoen<br />

Tannie Suset Maakal het vir die Graad Rgroep<br />

stories kom lees uit haar pryswenner<br />

Kollekapoen storieboek. Dié boekie, wat op<br />

2 tot 7-jariges gemik is, bevat nege kortverhale<br />

met waterverf illustrasies, wat elk ‘n<br />

storie vertel van haar kleinkinders se interaksie<br />

met die Kollekapoen - ‘n klein dwergmannetjie<br />

wat in Tuinland woon. Die kleuters<br />

het met groot belangstelling geluister en met<br />

baie opwinding daarna na die Kollekapoen in<br />

die skool se tuine gaan soek<br />


Lentedag en lente<br />

in die lug bring lekker sonskyn<br />

en speelgeleenthede oral op die<br />

speelgrond.<br />

Ons hou lentedag / Teddiebeerpiekniek<br />

waar ons kleuters soos Pappa<br />

en Mamma aantrek<br />

25<br />

Ons Gr R klasse<br />

neem op<br />

2 September lenteblomme vir ons oupas en oumas by<br />

Retire@Midstream<br />

Lente bring ook ‘n<br />

nuwe aankomeling in die<br />

diere geledere<br />

Gebeurlikhede by Midlands Pre-Primer<br />

se instappie oor insekte en spesifi ek oor<br />

bye en die byeboerdery.

Spreekkoor<br />

Ons het baie hard<br />

geoefen aan die “Apie<br />

se Bruilof”. Die gaste<br />

was uitgevat in hulle<br />

beste bruilofklere en<br />

het elke oomblik geniet.<br />

Die Spreekkoor het<br />

Saterdag, 27 Augustus<br />

aan die Centurion<br />

kunstefees deelgeneem.<br />

Midstream het stof in al<br />

die ander skole se oë<br />

geskop en is as wenners<br />

van die Afdeling<br />

Gedramatiseerde<br />

Spreekkoor van Gr<br />

3 – 7 aangewys met<br />

92%. Dis voorwaar ‘n<br />

wonderlike prestasie.<br />

Ons groep bestaan uit Gr 1- tot 4 -leerlinge, Ons<br />

is regtig baie trots op elke leerling wat deel is van<br />

die Spreekkoor. Julle is ware staatmakers en het<br />

Midstream College se naam hoog gehou.<br />

Swimming record<br />

Samantha Randle broke the SA<br />

age group record for 12 year olds<br />

in the 200m backstroke. She now<br />

holds the South African 12 year<br />

old record for this event with a<br />

time of 2.26.64.<br />

Clothes Collection<br />

26<br />

Midstream has once again opened its heart<br />

and collected 1157 bags of clothing for the<br />

underprivileged. It was Mr. Harmse’s wish to<br />

support “Clothing for children” as part of his 50 th<br />

birthday celebration. On his birthday the bags<br />

were placed in the format of a 50. “It is in giving<br />

that we are blessed”.<br />

Midstream College Senior Choir<br />

Since the start of Term 2 of 2011, the choir<br />

has been training under the very competent<br />

hand of Mr Gert Pottas, a B.Mus<br />

student at the University of Pretoria. Using<br />

his vast experience in choral training<br />

and singing, the choir is now reaching the<br />

heights it has strived for. We participated<br />

in the Centurion Cultural Festival and attained<br />

a B+ (75%) certifi cate. For such<br />

a young choir to achieve these results is<br />

indeed a remarkable accomplishment and<br />

we look forward to a steady climb of musical<br />

progress as the choir grows in confi -<br />

dence and excellence.

“Groot-kuier-op-die-kalender”<br />

Krieketseuns gaan GROOT !<br />

Midstream College Primêr se ouers en kinders het op ‘n sonnige<br />

Saterdag, 20 Augustus, hul “groot-kuier- op-die- jaarkalender”<br />

terdeë geniet. Die dag was propvol pret met hope speletjies vir<br />

die kinders en ‘n watertand skaapbraai vir die ouers.<br />

Midstream College Primêre Skool se krieketspelers bult omtrent spiere<br />

in 2011 ! Vier seuns vorm deel van Distrik, Suid – Wes, se onderskeie<br />

krieketspanne. Dit is ‘n rekord getal vir die skool in een jaar ! Die seuns<br />

is Merrick Brett en Caskin White wat gekies is vir die 0 / 11- span, Braam<br />

Grobler vir die 0 / 12 -span en Reynhard Grobler vir die 0 / 13- span. Baie<br />

sterkte manne, ons is trots op julle !<br />

27<br />

Die vermaaklikheidskunstenaars Karen<br />

Ferreira en Kobus Muller het bygedra tot<br />

die ontspanne atmosfeer. Almal het die<br />

dag lui-lekker deurgebring en kon heeldag<br />

die verskeidenheid peuselhappies, wat by<br />

die kosstalletjies beskikbaar was, geniet.<br />

Die skaapbraai was vyf-ster gehalte en<br />

vingerleklekker!<br />

Ons sien uit na 2012 se Taste of Midstream!

An awesome deal from<br />

The Boyz Travel Merchants<br />

012 687 5034<br />



We are proud to announce that Greenfi elds Restaurant Midstream will be opening its doors at the local<br />

shopping centre Square@Midstream early in <strong>October</strong>.<br />

Greenfi elds was established as a francise in the food industry in 1994 and was recently sold to a new<br />

management team - Welma Long and Nico Visser. Greenfi elds Restaurant Midstream will be the fi rst of<br />

the new generation Greenfi elds, with a new exciting menu [with traditional tapas, deliciously prepared<br />

breakfast, lunch- and dinner meals] that offers wholesome food prepared with top quality ingredients and<br />

delectable new food presentation. A full range of alcoholic beverages will be offered as soon as a liquor<br />

license has been approved. The restaurant will also house a small bakery focusing on freshly baked bread<br />

and a petit deli.<br />

The interior design of the restaurant was done with reclaimed scaffolding wood and we believe it to be a fi rst<br />

in South Africa. Some of the items such as the wine racks, tables and butcher blocks will also be available<br />

for sale.<br />

Greenfi elds Midstream will be owned by Julius van der Walt [Snr] and Julius van der Walt [Jnr]. Both of<br />

them are experienced restauranteurs and extremely passionate about food and good client relationships.<br />

You can also look forward to some live music performances from time to time.<br />

We are looking forward to welcome you at Greenfi elds in Midstream!<br />


Midstream College-leerder praat die beste in die land<br />

Ruco Pretorius, ‘n matriekleerder verbonde aan Midstream College, wen op 12 Augustus<br />

die landswye ATKV-redenaarskompetisie. Tydens hierdie geleentheid by ATKV<br />

Goudini Spa stap Ruco met nie minder as drie toekennings weg: hy word as die algehele<br />

wenner in die Hoërskool Senior Afdeling, die beste seunspreker én die spreker<br />

met die beste taalgebruik aangewys.<br />

Ruco het al vier keer vantevore na die ATKV-redenaarsfi naal deurgedring: drie keer<br />

was hy die wenner. In 2005 het hy as die wenner in die Laerskool Seniorafdeling<br />

uit die stryd getree; in 2008 wen hy die Hoërskool Junior Afdeling en vanjaar die<br />

Hoërskool Senior Afdeling. Ruco beoog om volgende jaar B.Com Rekeningkundige<br />

Wetenskap by die Universiteit van Pretoria te studeer.<br />

Afrigter verruil blou vir Springbok-groen<br />

Mnr Bart Schoeman, graadhoof<br />

en vakbestuurder by<br />

Midstream College, is vir<br />

twee jaar as die hoofafrigter<br />

van die Blou Bulle O/19 Hoë<br />

Prestasie-groep aangestel.<br />

Hierdie jaar word hy as die SA<br />

O/18-Akademiespan afrigter<br />

aangewys. Hierdie span het<br />

die voorwedstryd in Durban (Springbokke teen teen<br />

Australië) teen ‘n O/18-Franse span gespeel.<br />

Midstream mathematicians<br />

race ahead!<br />

2011’s Maths Week challenge was to build a<br />

balloon powered car that would be tested at<br />

school on 23 August. The results were astounding<br />

– three and four wheeled cars raced away<br />

and reached lengths of over 18 meters. Speed<br />

was tested over a distance<br />

of 2 meters and,<br />

of course, the best<br />

looking cars were also<br />

chosen from each<br />

class. The fi nals took<br />

Midstream M<br />

checkmates opponents<br />

30<br />

The Midstream College u/15 chess team has excelled and defeated<br />

their opponents with their dexterity and skill. The chess team<br />

progressed to the fi nal of the league tournament and were placed<br />

runners up to Hoërskool Waterkloof.<br />

After this achievement the team went on to participate in the<br />

Gauteng Top School’s Competition held on 13 August, and won! This<br />

ensured that the Midstream chess players have earned a place at<br />

the National Chess Competition for Schools which will take place in<br />

Bloemfontein from 2 to 5 <strong>October</strong> 2011.<br />

We wish the team and Mrs Matthys who will be accompanying them,<br />

the best of luck and send them off with the knowledge that they<br />

have already made the College very proud.<br />

Front Row: Josh-<br />

Garreth Beukes,<br />

Bill Guo, Tony Guo<br />

Back Row:<br />

Lucien Magliolo,<br />

Markus van der<br />

Westhuizen,<br />

Storm Kruger, Mrs<br />

Madelaine Matthys<br />

(Team manager)<br />

place on the netball courts on Friday,<br />

25 August. The winners were: Hirnou<br />

Scott (Fastest Car), Stefan Bischoff<br />

(Car that travelled the furthest) and<br />

the prize for Prettiest car went to Naaila<br />

Gani. The winners received vouchers<br />

from Purple Cow Restaurant and<br />

in true Grand Prix fashion, a bottle of<br />

non-alcoholic Champagne!

Afrikaans is vir een week almal se<br />

taal<br />

Die Afrikaans-week (25 tot<br />

29 Julie) het die akademie ‘n<br />

suikersoet lagie gegee. Gedurende<br />

pouses het die hele<br />

skool ge-“boeresport”, blokkiesraaisels<br />

ingevul, nuwe<br />

idiome gevorm en heerlik<br />

aan melktert, bobotie en<br />

koeksisters tydens ‘n eg Afrikaanse<br />

piekniek gesmul.<br />

Pryse deur Spar, Chevrolet en<br />

Ster Kinekor is aan die wenners<br />

oorhandig.<br />

Lucien L<br />

masters maths<br />

Grade 8 learner, Lucien Magliolo,<br />

has qualifi ed to take part in the fi nal<br />

round of the Harmony South African<br />

Mathematics Olympiad of 2011<br />

which was held on 7 September. Lucien<br />

was also selected for the Gauteng<br />

North Mathematics Olympiad<br />

Team.<br />

Midstream College se eerste krieketspan<br />

het Saterdag, 27 Augustus, korte<br />

mette van Hoërskool Eldoraigne se<br />

tweede krieketspan gemaak.<br />

31<br />

Krieket-Dawid K<br />

vermorsel Goliat-Eldoraigne<br />

Midstream College het eerste gekolf<br />

en stapel 408 lopies vir die verlies van<br />

slegs een paaltjie op. Jason Liebenberg<br />

(die speler van die wedstryd) behaal<br />

225 en Hanlo Nel 154 lopies sonder<br />

om terug pawiljoen toe te stap. Hulle<br />

vennootskap om die tweede paaltjie<br />

het ‘n fenominale 357 lopies ingesluit.<br />

Eldoraigne behaal 314 lopies in hulle<br />

kolfbeurt. Ruan van der Westhuizen neem drie paaltjies in ses<br />

beurte en staan slegs 28 lopies af en Jason Liebenberg neem<br />

drie paaltjies in vyf boulbeurte vir slegs 22 lopies.<br />

Midstream College wen met 94 lopies.<br />

Bekendes besoek Midstream College<br />

Verskeie bekende sportpersoonlikhede het die afgelope ruk ‘n<br />

besoek aan Midstream College gebring. Derick Kuün, Bloubulrugbyspeler<br />

en kaptein, het tydens die rugby se prysuitdelingfunksie<br />

die rugbyspelers aangemoedig om nooit moed op te gee<br />

nie en dat harde werk beloon sal word. ‘n Soortgelyke praatjie<br />

is deur Lindsey Wright (neé Carlilse) voormalige Springbok-hokkiekaptein<br />

gelewer. Lindsey gaan voortaan ook betrokke wees<br />

by die afrigting van die College se spelers en het reeds op 29<br />

Augustus aan toekomstige Springbokke begin skaaf.<br />

Zola Budd-Pieterse tweemalige landloopwêreldkampioen,<br />

het Dinsdag saam met die landloopatlete geoefen. Zola, wat<br />

alombekend is vir haar<br />

kaalvoethardlopery en<br />

Olimpiese prestasies,<br />

het na afl oop van die<br />

oefening haar ervarings<br />

met die atlete en<br />

ouers gedeel. Zola was<br />

besonder beïndruk om<br />

te verneem dat een<br />

van die College se<br />

atlete, Anneri Greyling<br />

(Noord-Gauteng A),<br />

saam met haar vir die<br />

kampioenskappe gaan<br />



Active Scuba is offering a full open water course during<br />

November, at only R2500 (includes everything) right<br />

here in the estate.<br />

BOOK NOW: Zelda@activescuba.co.za or lynn@activescuba.co.za<br />


Happy endings start here....<br />

Spring is here and we can now prepare our summer gardens.<br />

MICRO-CHIPPING. It’s that simple. Pets that are micro chipped can be<br />

re-united with their families promptly. All too often strays are handed<br />

in at Veterinary Clinics by concerned members of the public. Most have<br />

no collars with tags or micro-chips in place. These animals may be kept<br />

for 48 hours by Veterinary Clinics and must then be handed over to the<br />

SPCA. This is a traumatic experience for both the animal and the individual<br />

who has to hand them over.<br />

Inserting the chip is a simple procedure. The Vet inserts the chip, which<br />

is the size of a grain of rice, between the shoulder blades of the animal,<br />

just below the skin. The chip has a code that can then be read by a<br />

hand-held scanner. The code is then looked up on the internet and the<br />

relevant owners details are provided. It’s that simple and really worth<br />

considering.<br />

Contact Petstream for more information on their Micro-chipping special<br />

For your garden plants and trees<br />

• Flower beds will need compost and organic fertilisers like “Bounce Back” or “Rapid Raiser” to<br />

maintain quality soil. Alternatively you can use slow release fertilisers (eg 3:1:5) for fl owering<br />

trees and shrubs.<br />

• Plant seedlings and sow summer fl owering annuals for colour in the garden.<br />

• Treat fruit trees against fruit fl y, codling moth, etc.<br />

• Plant seedlings or sow vegetable seeds for example asparagus, beetroot, brinjals, etc.<br />

For your lawn:<br />

• Established lawns will need approximately 30mm of water every week.<br />

• Watering could also be increased during very hot and windy days.<br />

• Where weeds are a problem it may be best to use an appropriate herbicide which should be<br />

applied before weeds have gone to seed.<br />

• Look out for crickets, harvester termites and lawn caterpillars and treat the lawn for these<br />

insects.<br />

• Use an organic fertiliser like “Blade Runner” every 8 weeks or treat the lawn each 6 to 8 weeks<br />

alternating with slow release 3:2:1 fertiliser and LAN.<br />



No building activity or construction work will be allowed on the estate<br />

after the 15 th of December. Please inform your contractor or builder in<br />

advance of this ruling and request him to do the necessary planning in<br />

this regard.<br />

Driving around Traffi c Circles / Roundabouts<br />

There seems to be some confusion on the estate with regard to the use of traffi c circles. Here is the correct<br />

way of using them. [Information from: www.arrivealive.co.za]. An interactive, descriptive example can also<br />

be viewed on the mentioned<br />

website.<br />

In South Africa we often refer to<br />

roundabouts as “traffi c circles”.<br />

A roundabout is a circular<br />

intersection that reduces<br />

potential confl icts between<br />

vehicles and improves the<br />

effi ciency of the intersection.<br />

The advantages of a<br />

roundabout are:<br />

• Traffi c calming<br />

• Reduction of angle and<br />

head-on crashes<br />

• Reduction of crash<br />

severity<br />

• Aesthetic improvements<br />

Approaching a roundabout:<br />

• Slow down as you approach the intersection - You’re typically not required to stop.<br />

• A roundabout is designed to be driven at low speed.<br />

• As you enter the roundabout, traffi c coming from your right has right of way. This means that traffi c<br />

streaming into the roundabout from the entrance to your right will keep coming as long as no one is<br />

coming from their right.<br />

• These cars may not even slow down as they enter the roundabout, because they have the right of way.<br />

You must stop and wait until there is a break in traffi c. Watch out for other traffi c in the roundabout.<br />

• Watch out for vehicles already on the roundabout; be aware they may not be signaling correctly or<br />

signaling at all.<br />

• Always keep an eye on the vehicle in front as you’re about to emerge. Don’t assume the driver won’t<br />

have to stop while you’re still looking right. Many rear end collisions happen this way. Make sure the<br />

vehicle has actually moved away.<br />

• Keep in mind that buses or large trucks need extra room to make turns and might take up more than<br />

one lane in a traffi c circle.<br />

• Obey all traffi c signs and road markings.<br />


Dates of the<br />

Annual General Meetings<br />

Midstream AGM: 25 <strong>October</strong> at 19:00, Midstream<br />

College Auditorium<br />

Midfi eld AGM: 01 November at 18:00,<br />

Retire@Midstream all H<br />

Midlands AGM: 15 November at 18:00,<br />

Midstream ollege C Auditorium<br />

Make Reservations at the<br />

Kennels Now<br />

Many home/pet owners seem to leave their pets<br />

unattended during the December Holidays. Please<br />

ensure that you make the necessary arrangements<br />

or reserve a place at the kennels to ensure your<br />

pets are well looked after. Contact details for<br />

boarding kennels can be viewed at www.<br />

petsplace.co.za/Pta<br />

Security officer of the month<br />

Congratulations to our security offi cer of the month.<br />

Frans Lehungwane<br />

Thank you for your outstanding work<br />

Retire@Midstream AGM: 23 November at 18:00,<br />

Retire@Midstream all H<br />



35<br />

Home owners and tenants are advised<br />

to report changes in contact details via<br />

email (or personally) to the receptionist<br />

on duty at the HOA offi ce block. Please<br />

do not leave notes with the security<br />

staff. Should a home owner or tenant<br />

relocate, please inform the relevant HOA<br />

accordingly. If you will be going away<br />

on holiday or a long business trip and<br />

somebody else will be responsible for<br />

looking after your property and/or pets,<br />

please provide the name, ID number,<br />

address and telephone number of the<br />

responsible person in the same way<br />

as mentioned<br />

above. It is the<br />

home owner’s<br />

responsibility<br />

to ensure that<br />

their contact<br />

details are up<br />

to date.

--- BENODIG/WANTED ---<br />


moderne huis beskikbaar. Slaap Max 8. Ten<br />

volle toegerus. Spesiale aanbod tot 30 Nov.<br />

theron.janine@gmail.com.<br />

Opsoek na saamry geleentheid, Midstream<br />

Estate - Gautrain Cent. Stasie. Looking for<br />

lift club, Midstream - Gautrain Cent. Stati on.<br />

Andrio 0829033520<br />

--- DIENSTE/SERVICES ---<br />


(English/Afrikaans). Extensive experience.<br />

Reasonable rates. The correct use of the<br />

word remains our most powerful tool! Contact<br />

Elsabe on wordpower@vodamail.co.za<br />

BOOT CAMP TRAINING We provide a innovati<br />

ve new way to get you into shape before<br />

summer. All ages welcome to join the group<br />

sessions. Come join your friends out on the<br />

fi elds. Lardus 0793474886<br />

HOME-BASED TRAINING Here is the chance<br />

to lose weight, tone up & get fi t. All in the<br />

comfort of your own home – WE COME TO<br />

YOU!!! Our professional trainer will get you<br />

the best results. Call Mark - 0823460877<br />

Professional draft ing of resumes, assignments<br />

& PowerPoint presentati ons. Any admin,<br />

compilati on or typing. Deadlines & attenti<br />

on to detail is our priority. Ilana danie.<br />

ilana@mweb.co.za/0842409684<br />

Centurion Mobile Service. When you don't<br />

have the ti me to go to the service, the service<br />

will come to you!!! Services, Cam belt,<br />

Brakes, Repairs. All makes welcome. Julian<br />

Etchells 0825528468<br />

ACCOUNTING and TAX. Monthly accounti ng,<br />

tax returns, company registrati ons, PAYE,<br />

VAT, PAYROLL services (VIP), annual fi nancial<br />

statements (Caseware). Call 0833058705 or<br />

vanvuurenrek@mweb.co.za<br />

Vir Justi ne velsorg produkte & geskenke,<br />

skakel Arina Pretorius 0836318918 of kontak<br />

my op e-pos by arina.pretorius@mweb.<br />

co.za vir bestellings.<br />

Rochelle voltydse nanny, wonderlik met<br />

kinders. Sy is verantwoordelik, eerlik & baie<br />

betroubaar. 0733645056 vir ‘babysitti ng’<br />

weeksaande of naweke.<br />

--- TE KOOP/FOR SALE ---<br />

-- Huishulp/Domestic --<br />

37<br />

2 man infra red sauna, plugs into std plug,<br />

will install for free, 1.2 by 1.2m asking<br />

R6,000 contact stuart 0832663245<br />

Hyundai trajet 2.0crdi 7 seater, silver,<br />

135000km, excellent cond, FSH<br />

asking R95,000- stuart 0832663245<br />

Erf 3038 in Midlands te koop teen R560,000,<br />

600m2. Privaat verkoop. Chris Koen<br />

0824530104<br />

Boys blue racing car bed for sale, Standard<br />

single bed size, matt ress excluded, R1,850.<br />

Vanessa 0834155944<br />

Experienced domesti c worker who is looking<br />

for either sleep in or daily opportuniti es.<br />

Annikie 0736995180<br />

Domesti c worker looking for a full ti me job<br />

- sleep in. Good with children. Christi nah.<br />

0736161122<br />

Gugu looking for full ti me, sleep in. She is<br />

honest, reliable, ti mely, great with kids &<br />

babies, thorough cleaner. Good reference.<br />

0839790177<br />

Maria praat Afrikaans & Engels. Sy werk<br />

reeds Maandae – Vrydae in Midstream en<br />

het baie goeie verwysing. Sy soek werk vir<br />

Saterdae. 0722325589<br />

Miriam (62) dierbaar, eerlik & hardwerkend.<br />

Goed met kinders. Soek werk vir Maan,<br />

Dins & Donderdag. Goeie verwysing. Sanri<br />

0833217007/Miriam 0782193956<br />

Esther, baie betroubaar,deeglik, goed met<br />

kinders, soek inslaap werk van Jan 2012.<br />

Ons verhuis. Annelien 0712755439<br />

Grace looking for a permanent positi on.<br />

Loyal & honest. Great with children. Live in<br />

or out. Please contact Michelle 0834445667<br />

Prescilla, is looking for domesic work for<br />

Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sleep out. Mature<br />

lady, takes initi ati ve and is good with ironing.<br />

Phone 0729329958<br />

Reliable, hardworking and trustworthy<br />

Emily is looking for a job Monday & Thursday.<br />

Already living in the estate. Michelle<br />

0834445667<br />

Grace 0720242456<br />

Jebora 0829683918<br />

Maena 0769407828 only Tuesdays

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