Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 25 April 2013 (alphabetically)

Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 25 April 2013 (alphabetically)

Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 25 April 2013 (alphabetically)


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Aristea fimbriata (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Evergreen rhizomatous plant to 30cm, narrow sword-shaped lvs, blue fl with rusty brown bracts Su. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea inaequalis (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

Perenn to 1.5m, narrow stiff greyish lvs with red margins, deep blue fl in tall panicles Sp, very beautiful. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea juncifolia (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

12-30cm, green bracts, blue fl Su, coastal. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea macrocarpa (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

1-1.5m, evergreen, blue fl Su, very attractive. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea monticola (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

1m, blue fl Sp, bracts become dry, dry areas. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea palustris (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Perenn to 1m, rounded stems, sword-shaped lvs, blue fl Su, coastal areas. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea pauciflora (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Evergreen rhizomatous tufted plant to 40cm, linear lvs, deep blue fl Sp-Su. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea pusilla ssp pusilla (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

Evergreen bulb to 20cm, flattened stem, soft lvs, blue fl Sp. Sow Au/Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea schizolaena (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

30-90cm, basal leathery leaves, blue to deep purple fl Su. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea simplex (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

To 50cm, linear lvs, pale blue star-like fl Sp. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea singularis (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Evergreen rhizomatous plants to 40cm, flattened stems, sword-shaped lvs, blue nodding fl Wi-Sp, near streams & in shade. Sow Au. Zone 9.<br />

Aristea spiralis (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

20-50cm, evergreen, large white to pale blue fl Sp-Su, very attractive. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristea zeyheri (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

To 30cm, terete grasslike lvs, blue fl Su, 3 winged seed capsules. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aristida congesta (Poaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Ann/perenn tufted grass, inflorescence in dense panicles, spikelets twisted like a corkscrew, hardy & palatable when young. Sow Au/Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Artabotrys monteiroae (Annonaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Red Hook Berry", scrambling shrub/liane, climbs using curling fl stalks, ovate leathery lvs, yellowish 2cm fl Sp, purplish black fig-like fruits. Sow Sp.<br />

Zone 9.<br />

Artemesia afra (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

"Wormwood", 30-60cm perenn, very aromatic attractive silvery leaves, yellowish fl Au, damp areas, med. Sow Sp. Zone 7.<br />

Asclepias cancellata (Apocynaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

See Gomphocarpus<br />

Asclepias fruticosa (Apocynaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

See Gomphocarpus<br />

Asclepias sp (Apocynaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

30cm perenn, flowers not seen, so ID impossible, 35mm spindle shaped bristly capsules. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Askidiosperma andreaeanum (Restionaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Perenn to 1m, large bracts around flower spikes, attractive seed spikes. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aspalathus argyrella (Fabaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Prostrate mat-forming shrublet, 3-foliate lvs, pale mauve fl in terminal heads Sp. Sow Au. Zone 9.<br />

Aspalathus cinerascens (Fabaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Shrub to 1.5m, 3-foliate silvery silky lvs, pale yellow fl with silky calyx Su-Au. Sow Au. Zone 9.<br />

Aspalathus crenata (Fabaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Erect/sprawling shrub to 1m, heart-shaped spiny lvs, beautiful yellow pea fl fading to red Sp-Su. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Aspalathus nivea (Fabaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

To 3m shrub, silvery leaves, pale yellow pea-fl Au-Sp. Sow Au. Zone 8.

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