Volume II - The Northern Cape Provincial Spatial Development ...

Volume II - The Northern Cape Provincial Spatial Development ... Volume II - The Northern Cape Provincial Spatial Development ...

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Northern Cape PSDF Volume 2 Office of the Premier & Department of Rural Development & Land Reform December 2011 internationally recognised within the framework of the UNESCO's MAB Programme. Each biosphere reserve is intended to fulfil three basic functions, which are complementary and mutually reinforcing: 1. a conservation function ‐ to contribute to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic variation; 2. a development function ‐ to foster economic and human development which is socio‐culturally and ecologically sustainable; 3. a logistic function ‐ to provide support for research, monitoring, education and information exchange related to local, national and global issues of conservation and development. CASP Comprehensive Agriculture Support Program. Catchment or catchment area The entire drainage area from which water flows into a river or other water body. Generally consisting of various smaller ‘quaternary’ catchments, or ‘sub‐catchments’. CMA Catchment Management Agency Conservancy A group of farms, or natural areas, on which the landowners have pooled some, or all, of their resources for the purpose of conserving natural and cultural resources on the combined properties. These resources include wildlife and their habitats, indigenous vegetation, forests, catchments, sites of geological and archaeological importance, and generally undisturbed natural and scenic landscapes. Conservation The management of human use of the biosphere to yield the greatest benefit to present generations while maintaining the potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations. Conservation thus includes sustainable use, protection, maintenance, rehabilitation, restoration, and enhancement of the natural and cultural environment. Constitution Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996. CPPP Community Public Private Partnerships are defined as a contract between a public sector institution/municipality and a private party, in which the private party assumes substantial financial, technical and operational risk in the design, financing, building and operation of a project. CRDP Comprehensive Rural Development Program. Critical Regionalism Critical regionalism constitutes a sensory understanding and appreciation of the environment and its component ‘things’. Critical regionalism recognises the quality and attributes of regional characteristics and builds upon the development of regional idiosyncrasies and variations. It is based on five basic principles or senses that should guide the planning, design and management of development, namely sense of place, sense of history, sense of craft, sense of nature and sense of limits. CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. CSP Concentrating Solar Power. DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa. DEAT Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. Developmental State A development state tries to balance economic growth and social development. It uses State resources and State influence to attack poverty and expand economic opportunities. xv Dennis Moss Partnership

Northern Cape PSDF Volume 2 DTI Department of Trade and Industry. DWA Department of Water Affairs. DWAF Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Office of the Premier & Department of Rural Development & Land Reform xvi December 2011 Ecosystem A dynamic system of plant, animal and micro‐organism communities and their non‐ living environment interacting as a functional unit. EMP Environmental Management Plan. EMPR Environmental Management Programme Report. EMS Environmental Management System. Endemic species Any plant or animal species confined to, or exclusive to, a particular, specified area. Environment The surroundings within which humans exist and that are made up of: a) the land, water and atmosphere of the earth; b) micro‐organisms, plant and animal life; c) any part or combination of (a) and (b) and the interrelationships among and between them; and d) the physical, chemical, aesthetic and cultural properties and conditions of the foregoing that influence human health and well‐being. Eskom Eskom is a South African electricity public utility, and is the largest producer of electricity in Africa, and is among the top seven utilities in the world in terms of generation capacity and among the top nine in terms of sale. GDP Gross Domestic Product refers to the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country’s standard of living. GEF Global Environmental Facility. GGP The Gross Geographic Product of a particular area amounts to the total income or payment received by the production factors (i.e. land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship) for their participation in the production within that area. GIS Geographical Information System or ‘a system that captures, stores, analyses, manages and presents data with reference to geographic location data – it is a system of hardware and software used for storage, retrieval, mapping, and analysis of geographic data’’. GIWA Global International Waters Assessment. HIV Human Immunodeficiency virus that causes the condition in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life‐threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. I&AP Interested and Affected Party. IDC Industrial Development Corporation. IDP Integrated Development Plan. IEM Integrated Environmental Management. Dennis Moss Partnership

<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Cape</strong> PSDF<br />

<strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

DTI Department of Trade and Industry.<br />

DWA Department of Water Affairs.<br />

DWAF Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.<br />

Office of the Premier &<br />

Department of Rural <strong>Development</strong> & Land Reform<br />

xvi<br />

December 2011<br />

Ecosystem A dynamic system of plant, animal and micro‐organism communities and their non‐<br />

living environment interacting as a functional unit.<br />

EMP Environmental Management Plan.<br />

EMPR Environmental Management Programme Report.<br />

EMS Environmental Management System.<br />

Endemic species Any plant or animal species confined to, or exclusive to, a particular, specified area.<br />

Environment <strong>The</strong> surroundings within which humans exist and that are made up of:<br />

a) the land, water and atmosphere of the earth;<br />

b) micro‐organisms, plant and animal life;<br />

c) any part or combination of (a) and (b) and the interrelationships among and<br />

between them; and<br />

d) the physical, chemical, aesthetic and cultural properties and conditions of the<br />

foregoing that influence human health and well‐being.<br />

Eskom Eskom is a South African electricity public utility, and is the largest producer of<br />

electricity in Africa, and is among the top seven utilities in the world in terms of<br />

generation capacity and among the top nine in terms of sale.<br />

GDP Gross Domestic Product refers to the market value of all final goods and services<br />

produced within a country in a given period. GDP per capita is often considered an<br />

indicator of a country’s standard of living.<br />

GEF Global Environmental Facility.<br />

GGP <strong>The</strong> Gross Geographic Product of a particular area amounts to the total income or<br />

payment received by the production factors (i.e. land, labour, capital and<br />

entrepreneurship) for their participation in the production within that area.<br />

GIS Geographical Information System or ‘a system that captures, stores, analyses,<br />

manages and presents data with reference to geographic location data – it is a<br />

system of hardware and software used for storage, retrieval, mapping, and analysis<br />

of geographic data’’.<br />

GIWA Global International Waters Assessment.<br />

HIV Human Immunodeficiency virus that causes the condition in which progressive<br />

failure of the immune system allows life‐threatening opportunistic infections and<br />

cancers to thrive.<br />

I&AP<br />

Interested and Affected Party.<br />

IDC Industrial <strong>Development</strong> Corporation.<br />

IDP<br />

Integrated <strong>Development</strong> Plan.<br />

IEM Integrated Environmental Management.<br />

Dennis Moss Partnership

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