SEC Form 20-IS - iRemit Global Remittance

SEC Form 20-IS - iRemit Global Remittance SEC Form 20-IS - iRemit Global Remittance


- 31 - Change in nominal 2010 Change in nominal foreign currency Effect on foreign currency Effect on Currency exchange rate equity exchange rate equity HKD +0.41 P=14,638,271 -0.08 (P=2,856,248) CAD +1.75 855,520 -2.09 (1,021,735) EUR +8.87 (299,049) -3.04 102,493 NZD +1.03 (189,295) -3.09 567,885 AUD +0.13 25,632 -7.05 (738,995) GBP +8.01 355,672 -3.57 (158,520) Cash Flow Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in interest rates will affect future cash flows of financial instruments. As of December 31, 2011 and 2010, the Group’s exposure to cash flow interest rate risk is minimal. The Group’s policy is to manage its interest cost by entering only into fixed rate shortterm loans from banks. Fair Value Interest Rate Risk Fair value interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. The Group accounts for its debt investments at fair value. Thus, changes in the benchmark interest rate will cause changes in the fair value of quoted debt instruments. The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to a reasonably possible change in interest rates, with all other variables held constant, of the Group’s profit before tax as of December 31, 2011 and 2010. There is no impact on the Group’s equity other than those already affecting the profit or loss. 2011 2010 Increase in Sensitivity of Increase in Sensitivity of basis points trading gains basis points trading gains USD Interest Rate +50bps (2,016,773) +50bps (1,495,140) USD Interest Rate -50bps 2,099,428 -50bps 1,226,880 Equity Price Risk Equity price risk is the risk to earnings or capital arising from changes in stock exchange indices relating to its quoted equity securities. The Group’s exposure to equity price risk relates primarily to its investments in equity securities. The Group’s policy is to maintain the risk to an acceptable level. Movement of share price is monitored regularly to determine impact on its consolidated balance sheet. Based on the historical movement of the stock exchange index, management’s assessment of reasonable possible change was determined to be an increase (decrease) of 5.00% in 2011, resulting to a possible effect of increase (decrease) of P=0.63 million in the 2011consolidated statement of income. Liquidity Risk Liquidity or funding risk is the risk that an entity will encounter difficulty in raising funds to meet commitments associated with financial instruments. *SGVMC116502*

- 32 - The Group’s objective is to maintain a balance between continuity of funding and flexibility through the use of short-term debts. In addition, the Group maintains credit facilities with local banks. As of December 31, 2011 and 2010, the Parent Company has unused credit facilities amounting to P=1.48 billion and P=1.02 billion, respectively (see Note 16). Financial assets Maturity profile of financial assets held for liquidity purposes is shown below. Analysis of debt securities at FVPL into maturity groupings is based on the expected date on which these assets will be realized. For other assets, the analysis is based on the remaining period from the end of the reporting period to the contractual maturity date, or if earlier, the expected date the assets will be realized. Financial liabilities The maturity grouping is based on the remaining period from the end of the reporting period to the contractual maturity date. When a counterparty has a choice of when the amount is paid, the liability is allocated to the earliest period in which the Group can be required to pay. The tables below summarize the maturity profile of the Group’s financial instruments based on undiscounted contractual payments. 2011 Less than 5 days 5 to 30 days 30 to 60 days Over 60 days but less than one year Total Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Financial assets at fair value through P=853,999,031 P=37,236,592 P=– P=– P=891,235,623 profit or loss – – 125,226,264 – 125,226,264 Accounts receivable 921,249,158 – 3,523,052 8,773,779 933,545,989 P=1,775,248,189 P=37,236,592 P=128,749,316 P=8,773,779 P=1,950,007,876 Financial liabilities Beneficiaries and other payables: Beneficiaries P=155,140,304 P=– P=– P=– P=155,140,304 Agents, couriers and trading clients 65,550,071 – – – 65,550,071 Accrued expenses – – 14,801,411 – 14,801,411 Advances from related parties – – – – – Payable to suppliers – – 1,391,836 – 1,391,836 Others – – − – − Interest-bearing loans 95,050,139 571,866,010 – – 666,916,149 P=315,740,514 P=571,866,010 P=16,193,247 P=– P=903,799,771 2010 Less than 5 days 5 to 30 days 30 to 60 days Over 60 days but less than one year Total Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Financial assets at fair value through P=873,637,916 P=10,180,031 P=– P=– P=883,817,947 profit or loss – – 102,905,294 – 102,905,294 Accounts receivable 1,025,016,072 – 34,283,201 – 1,059,299,273 P=1,898,653,988 P=10,180,031 P=137,188,495 P=– P=2,046,022,514 Financial liabilities Beneficiaries and other payables: Beneficiaries P=144,960,550 P=– P=– P=– P=144,960,550 Agents, couriers and trading clients 44,773,236 – – – 44,773,236 Payable to suppliers – – 2,958,634 – 2,958,634 Accrued expenses – – 2,701,805 – 2,701,805 Advances from related parties – – 1,431,156 – 1,431,156 Others – – 5,165 – 5,165 Interest-bearing loans 395,273,055 483,077,528 – – 878,350,583 P=585,006,841 P=483,077,528 P=7,096,760 P=– P=1,075,181,129 *SGVMC116502*

- 31 -<br />

Change in nominal<br />

<strong>20</strong>10<br />

Change in nominal<br />

foreign currency<br />

Effect on foreign currency<br />

Effect on<br />

Currency<br />

exchange rate<br />

equity exchange rate<br />

equity<br />

HKD +0.41 P=14,638,271 -0.08 (P=2,856,248)<br />

CAD +1.75 855,5<strong>20</strong> -2.09 (1,021,735)<br />

EUR +8.87 (299,049) -3.04 102,493<br />

NZD +1.03 (189,295) -3.09 567,885<br />

AUD +0.13 25,632 -7.05 (738,995)<br />

GBP +8.01 355,672 -3.57 (158,5<strong>20</strong>)<br />

Cash Flow Interest Rate Risk<br />

Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in interest rates will affect future cash<br />

flows of financial instruments.<br />

As of December 31, <strong>20</strong>11 and <strong>20</strong>10, the Group’s exposure to cash flow interest rate risk is<br />

minimal. The Group’s policy is to manage its interest cost by entering only into fixed rate shortterm<br />

loans from banks.<br />

Fair Value Interest Rate Risk<br />

Fair value interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due<br />

to changes in market interest rates.<br />

The Group accounts for its debt investments at fair value. Thus, changes in the benchmark interest<br />

rate will cause changes in the fair value of quoted debt instruments.<br />

The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to a reasonably possible change in interest rates,<br />

with all other variables held constant, of the Group’s profit before tax as of December 31, <strong>20</strong>11<br />

and <strong>20</strong>10. There is no impact on the Group’s equity other than those already affecting the profit or<br />

loss.<br />

<strong>20</strong>11 <strong>20</strong>10<br />

Increase in Sensitivity of Increase in Sensitivity of<br />

basis points trading gains basis points trading gains<br />

USD Interest Rate +50bps (2,016,773) +50bps (1,495,140)<br />

USD Interest Rate -50bps 2,099,428 -50bps 1,226,880<br />

Equity Price Risk<br />

Equity price risk is the risk to earnings or capital arising from changes in stock exchange indices<br />

relating to its quoted equity securities. The Group’s exposure to equity price risk relates primarily<br />

to its investments in equity securities.<br />

The Group’s policy is to maintain the risk to an acceptable level. Movement of share price is<br />

monitored regularly to determine impact on its consolidated balance sheet.<br />

Based on the historical movement of the stock exchange index, management’s assessment of<br />

reasonable possible change was determined to be an increase (decrease) of 5.00% in <strong>20</strong>11,<br />

resulting to a possible effect of increase (decrease) of P=0.63 million in the <strong>20</strong>11consolidated<br />

statement of income.<br />

Liquidity Risk<br />

Liquidity or funding risk is the risk that an entity will encounter difficulty in raising funds to meet<br />

commitments associated with financial instruments.<br />


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