MEN April B.indd - Midrand Estates

MEN April B.indd - Midrand Estates

MEN April B.indd - Midrand Estates


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Be inspired...<br />

In our previous issue, we quoted the words “It makes<br />

me feel inspired...” from the song by the Parlotones.<br />

Long may this feeling of inspiration continue.<br />

In this issue we lead with inspring words by well<br />

known soccer player (and local resident) Marks Maponyane.<br />

Following the long awaited price increase<br />

for electricity by ESKOM and NERSA, we learn in this<br />

issue what the future holds for our local residents<br />

along with sound advice on installing solar water<br />

heating equipment. This issue also heralds in the<br />

publishing of photos depicting our local environment<br />

by our residents. In closing we have a new section<br />

providing the “bits and pieces” of life in <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong><br />

and a report from the churches in our community<br />

with their special focus on Easter.<br />

May you be inspired and enjoy a meaningful Easter.<br />

Vorentoe...<br />

Afrikaans het ‘n hele aantal woorde wat op hul eie ‘n<br />

storie vertel – so is dit met die woord – “vorentoe”.<br />

Dit spreek van vasberadenheid, visie, vasbyt en vele<br />

meer – en sonder twyfel, die rigting waarin jy gaan.<br />

Met hierdie uitgawe gaan ons saam met die leser<br />

“vorentoe”. Ons vat hande met Marks Maponyane<br />

oor die komende wêreldbeker, die nuutste tariewe<br />

vir elektrisiteit word bekend gemaak en die alternatief<br />

van water verwarming deur sonenergie word<br />

uitgestip. Twee nuwe rubrieke word begin in die uitgawe<br />

– eers word die foto’s vanaf ons lesers vertoon<br />

wat hul lewe hier met ons deel en dan word<br />

nuusbrokkies uitgedeel. Van die kerke kry ons ook<br />

inligting van hoe hulle die Paastyd benader.<br />

Met die wens dat die Paastyd vir elke leser besonders<br />

sal wees en dat jou wel en weë net een rigting sal<br />

ken – vorentoe!<br />

E-mail: editor@midrand-estates.co.za<br />

Content:<br />

Page 5 : Marks Maponyane<br />

Page 9 : Kyknet was hier<br />

Page 11 : Readers Photos<br />

Page 14 : New Electricity Prices<br />

Page 15 : Solar<br />

Page 22 : Brokkies<br />

Page 25 : Mid Brief Classifi eds<br />

Page 26 : Contact numbers<br />

Front Page / Voorblad<br />

Marks at Midlands Pre-Primary,<br />

read more on page 4. Photo taken<br />

by Tyrone Zerf<br />

To advertise in the Newsletter, contact<br />

Lizelle Green<br />

Tel: 012 661 1177<br />

Cell: 079 435 0839<br />

E-mail: lizelleg@midrand-estates.co.za<br />

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<strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> News

Marks is ‘n bok vir sports!<br />

Marks Maponyane is nie net ‘n bekende oud-sokker speler en ‘n<br />

tro tse inwoner in ons dorp – hy is ook ‘n “bok vir sports”!<br />

Hierby aangeheg ‘n paar foto’s van ons oggend oggend saam saam met Marks<br />

by die Midlands voorskool waar hy saam met die jongeres grappies<br />

gemaak het en sokker gespeel het. As As ervare doelskieter<br />

(“striker”) het Marks gesukkel om om die bal uit uit die doel te hou teen<br />

die jonger garde, maar nogtans het almal hulself gate uit geniet.<br />

Marks gaan ons behulpsaam wees oor die volgende paar maande<br />

om die naderende sokker wêreldbeker<br />

se intriges beter te verstaan<br />

en hy sal optree as ons plaaslike<br />

“sokker ambassadeur”. Ons hou<br />

saam met Marks duim vas dat die<br />

Bafana-spelers wel sal deurdring na<br />

die tweede rondte van 16 spanne<br />

en nooi een-en-elk om benewens<br />

die Suid Afrikaanse span ook ‘n ander<br />

span te kies om te ondersteun.<br />

Kom ons maak ook die gebeurtenis<br />

iets van om te onthou.<br />


Dear <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> residents,<br />

allow me to introduce<br />

myself:- I am MARKS<br />

MAPONYANE former Kaizer<br />

Chiefs, Orlando Pirates and<br />

Bafana Bafana striker and<br />

3 times SA footballer of the<br />

year and in 1984 the South<br />

African Sports Hero of the<br />

year. Other than being a <strong>Midrand</strong><br />

<strong>Estates</strong> resident, I am<br />

now a SABC and Radio 702<br />

soccer analyst. My wish is<br />

that we join hands and enjoy<br />

the once-in-a-lifetime chance<br />

of hosting the Soccer World<br />

Cup this year.<br />

When the name “South Africa”<br />

was pulled out of that<br />

famous envelope on the 15<br />

Marks Maponyane<br />

th<br />

of May ’04 the year 2010<br />

seemed far away. The fi rst<br />

round draw that took place<br />

in Cape Town on the 4th December<br />

2009 brought things<br />

much closer – and now we<br />

are a few days away! We are<br />

privileged to have all 10 of<br />

the current top 10 countries<br />

qualifying for this, the biggest<br />

sporting spectacle. The<br />

teams according to their ranking being: Spain, Brazil, Netherlands, Italy World Cup holders, Germany,<br />

Portugal, France, England, Argentina and Greece. In addition - no World Cup has had so many FIFA<br />

footballers of the year present – we are awaiting... the current champ LIONEL MESSI from Argentina,<br />

also KAKA from Brazil and RONALDO from Portugal and depending on fi tness, the captain of Italy, FA-<br />


My take is that South Africa will do us proud by beating both Mexico and Uruguay and then draw against<br />

France to qualify for the next round but they need our support to achieve this. For Bafana Bafana to<br />

progress to the last 8 will be tough and we may see their campaign ending in the last 16. The big question<br />

has always been whether an African team will win the World Cup on African soil? – I would like<br />

to see it happening, but say: “Not this time”. The teams from Africa that may spring a surprise being<br />

Ghana, Ivory Coast or Cameroon. Pay special attention to Cote d’Ivore that is in a tough group with<br />

favourites like Brazil and Portugal. Imagine Drogba sending both Ronaldo and Kaka packing!<br />

Realistic winners? Brazil is 5 times world champions and getting stronger by the day with a galaxy of<br />

star players. I tip them to meet Spain or Netherlands in the fi nal BUT the Samba Boys will win it ...<br />

again!<br />

Interesting times, a chance in a life time! Go out there support the World Cup, be behind Bafana Bafana,<br />

let’s do Africa and South Africa proud. As residents of <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> we should parade the fl ags<br />

of all 32 countries and take part. The <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> News will keep you updated with everything to<br />

do with the World Cup from now on.<br />

Best wishes,<br />

Marks<br />


From the Weather Vane<br />

The weather is forever a topic of discussion.<br />

• What was the hottest day this year?<br />

• How much did it rain this year?<br />

• What was the rainfall intensity yesterday?<br />

• How does the solar energy vary from summer<br />

to winter in <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong>?<br />

A “Vantage Pro” weather station from Davis Instruments<br />

was installed in <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> in<br />

2005, and has been collecting data on an hourly<br />

basis since. Records from the weather station<br />

are then relayed to the <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> web<br />

site from where it can be accessed across the<br />

world-wide-web – follow the link www.midrandestates.co.za<br />

and thereafter the button “Today’s<br />

weather”.<br />

To provide some answers:<br />

• The highest temperature recorded the past<br />

year was at 3 pm on 13 February 2010 when a<br />

temperature of 33.8°C was recorded.<br />

• The rainfall since 1 Sept 2009 has been as follows:<br />

o Sept 09 - 61mm<br />

o Oct 09 - 69mm<br />

o Nov 09 - 97mm<br />

o Dec 09 - 129mm<br />

o Jan 10 - 153mm<br />

o Feb 10 - 139mm<br />

Picture of the Vantage Pro 2 weather station<br />

• The maximum rainfall for a day in the past<br />

year was the 55mm recorded on 28 September<br />

2009 during a 2 hour rain storm when the<br />

rainfall intensity peaked at 130mm per hour!<br />

• The solar energy is recorded every 30 minutes<br />

and displayed in Watt per square meter.<br />

During the summer, solar energy peaks above<br />

1000W/m² (at 2pm) and in winter the daily<br />

energy peaks achieved is just above 550W/<br />

m².<br />

The weather station accuracy is compared from<br />

time to time with the SA Weather Service’s bulletins<br />

for the Irene weather offi ce – for instance,<br />

the rainfall recorded in December 09 and January<br />

10, with the <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> information<br />

in {brackets}, was 131mm {129} and 166mm<br />

{153}– a close correlation.<br />

New Number plates<br />

In terms of the Gauteng Provincial Gazette of 10 December<br />

2009, new number plates will be phased in from 31 January<br />

2010. The existing number plate in format BBB999-GP<br />

will be replaced by a number in the format BB99BB-GP and<br />

will require a new “intelligent” number plate. The number plate will only remain valid for 5 years.<br />

The fi rst numbers of the old format to be phased out will be those starting with B (end Jan 2010)<br />

and C (end March 2010) with the fi nal conversion for plates starting with V and W by May 2012.<br />

Personalised or special numbers must be replaced by 1 January 2011.<br />


Tuin nuus....<br />

van Chris by Gardening Concepts @ Midstream.<br />


The gardening centre opposite Midstream College is<br />

under new management and will open their doors<br />

during <strong>April</strong>’10 as “Gardening Concepts @ Midstream”.<br />

The two owners Carel van Heerden and<br />

Chris Kruger said that they will aim to provide in all<br />

the gardening needs of the residents and make it<br />

their aim to become “Your Favourite Nursery”.<br />

With Carel a qualifi ed an experienced horticulturist<br />

and landscaper and Chris in charge of the management<br />

of the business they will be on attendance to<br />

assist customers with planning and planting advice.<br />

They plan to stock top quality plants with the emphasis<br />

on indigenous trees and shrubs. As an introductory<br />

offer they will plant a tree for you at no<br />

extra charge, on condition that two or more trees of<br />

100 liter size are purchased – give them a try and<br />

let us see how green our village can be.<br />

Plant jou bolplante betyds en wees verseker van ‘n kleurspel in jou tuin.<br />

Die regte tyd om winterbolle te plant is vanaf laat Maart tot vroeg Junie<br />

om dan blomme te kry in die winter en vroeg lente.<br />

Beddings moet losgemaak word tot ‘n diepte van 150mm en vir die<br />

beste resultate moet heelwat kompos by die grond gemeng word. Plant<br />

die bolle twee keer die bolgrootte diep. Benat die grond voordat jy plant<br />

sodat die grond koel en klam is omdat hoë temperature die bolle sal<br />

beskadig. Gooi hierna die beddings drie keer per week nat.<br />

Die volgende bolle is vanaf einde Maart by tuinsentrums beskikbaar:<br />

Anemone, Cyrtanthus, Affodille, Freesia, Ixias, Ranonkel en Sparaxis.<br />

Tulpe moet eers in laat <strong>April</strong> en Mei geplant word.<br />


Pamperlang jou<br />

tuin met winterkleur.<br />

Plant winter-<br />

en lenteblommende<br />

jaarplante<br />

in <strong>April</strong>, Mei en<br />

vroeg Junie. Plant<br />

Primula malacoides<br />

en Cineraria in skadu<br />

of halfskadu. Vir volson beddings kan<br />

Calendula, Petunias, Pronk-ertjies, Papawers,<br />

Leeubekkies en Namakwalandse madeliefi<br />

es baie plesier gee. Hulle groei van<br />

saad en is dus goedkoop om te vestig en<br />

bied heelwat plesier!<br />


Report from the Home Owners Associations<br />

<strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> News received the following news from the desks of the various estate managers<br />

within <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong>:<br />


Die liedtjie sê: “Daar is ‘n hele spul brakke in<br />

Turffontein – daar is mooies – daar is rooies en<br />

daar is bontes. Daar is al wat ‘n hond is.” Deesdae<br />

kan mens ook noem, dat daar is ‘n hele spul<br />

brakke en honde naby Brakfontein.<br />

‘n Hond is normaalweg ‘n mens se beste vriend,<br />

maar as jy toelaat dat hy ‘n las vir ander mense<br />

word, is die hond niemand se vriend nie. Losloper<br />

honde word ‘n al groter probleem en die HEV<br />

Focus on HOA rule – Installation of air conditioning<br />

units<br />

One of the spoils of life to be considered<br />

in modern houses is the inclusion<br />

of an air conditioning system.<br />

It adds to our comfort and then also<br />

the enjoyment of our houses. Unfortunately<br />

it means that a rather large,<br />

unsightly and (sometimes) noisy<br />

compressor unit must be installed<br />

externally. The HOA rules requires<br />

the compressor unit to be placed unobtrusively.<br />

It is preferred therefore that an air<br />

conditioning unit be planned with the<br />

design of the house considering inside<br />

unit location, electricity supply,<br />

condenser pipe position and drainage<br />

discharge all in relation to the position<br />

of the outside unit. Even for units installed afterwards,<br />

proper planning is required prior to instal-<br />

sal aksie moet neem teen die honde omrede<br />

hulle mense en kinders bestorm en die hase en<br />

klein wild in ons parke verwilder.<br />

Die Huisreëls rondom die aanhou van troeteldiere<br />

is baie duidelik. Die meeste inwoners kom die<br />

reëls getrou na, maar daar is ook ongelukkig’n<br />

aantal inwoners wat tans nie ag slaan op die<br />

reëls nie. Alle honde-eienaars word vriendelik<br />

versoek om sorg te dra dat hul honde te alle tye<br />

binne hul erf bly en nie ‘n oorlas vir ander eienaars<br />

word nie.<br />

Feedback on security for January/February<br />

2010:<br />

A security meeting takes place on a monthly<br />

basis between the three HOAs – Midstream,<br />

Midfi eld and Midlands – and is attended by<br />

the security personnel of all the estates as<br />

well as representatives from the HOA boards<br />

and residents. (Note: Whilst attendance of<br />

the security meeting is open to all residents,<br />

it is compulsory to complete a 2 hour study<br />

of the systems/controls before attending a<br />

meeting)<br />

The meeting reported the following:<br />

• No crime was reported in any of the estates<br />

for the past 2 months;<br />

• Plans for the intended upgrade of the entrance<br />

to the area (past the towers) are almost<br />

complete and will be implemented<br />

shortly;<br />

• Inspections of the systems are ongoing to<br />

ensure a high level of security be maintained.<br />

lation. The best way of hiding the compressor unit is by placing it at a low level behind a screen or a<br />

yard wall. With the pipes tucked into a colour co-ordinated duct few will even realise a unit has been<br />

installed. The worst option is the back-to-back placement of a compressor behind the internal unit –<br />

this is not allowed (see picture)<br />

If in doubt, contact the Aesthetics Committee at your local HOA offi ce to assist in planning an acceptable<br />

position for your air conditioning unit.<br />


KykNET was hier!<br />

Vir almal was die ervaring van KYKNET se kameraspan in ons dorp groot nuus, maar by die skool was<br />

dit díe nuus. Die kameraspan was by die rugbyoefening, by die saalopening, by die netbal en selfs<br />

by die hoërskool se gees-vang sessie in die auditorium. Met al die aksie voor die kamera afgehandel,<br />

moes almal geduldig wag vir die beeld op die TV-skerm. Op Saterdagoggend, 13 Maart ’10 breek die<br />

groot dag aan en kon almal sien wie het die fi nale snit gemaak – wie is op en wie is nie. Wie kan vir<br />

almal bel en sê “ Kyk weer volgende week, want<br />

ek is op TV!”<br />

Die groot opwinding was natuurlik oor die dokumentêre<br />

artikel wat Ontbytsake gemaak het oor<br />

<strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> en vir 4 dae herhaal is op KYKNET.<br />

Afskrifte van die uitsending sal gratis vanaf die<br />

Midlands HEV verkry kan word vanaf Dinsdag, 6<br />

<strong>April</strong> ’10. (Slegs die eerste afskrif per huis sal gratis<br />

wees – vandaar moet die nuwe “celebs” hulle<br />

eie afskrifte maak vir al hul vriende en familie!)<br />

Aftreeoord vorder fluks.<br />

Konstruksiewerk by die deeltitelgedeelte van die aftreeoord - skuins agter die kerke - vorder fl uks en<br />

voltooiing word verwag teen einde Mei ’10 met die eerste inwoners wat sal intrek nog voor die sokker<br />

wêreldbeker begin. Die eerste fase bestaan uit 45 eenhede wat wissel van enkel slaapkamer- tot<br />

drie slaapkamereenhede. Terselfdertyd is die tweede en derde fase van konstruksie ook geloods sodat<br />

daar teen die einde van 2010, 83 eenhede<br />

voltooi sal wees. Met al die eenhede reeds<br />

verkoop kan daar met vertroue gesê word<br />

dat <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> sy vere moet regskud<br />

om teen jaareinde ‘n hele aantal nuwe families<br />

te verwelkom.<br />

Verder kontrakte rondom die administratiewe<br />

gebou en ingangshek is ook reeds<br />

onderweg en voltooiing word verwag voor<br />

Julie ’10 sodat die ontwikkeling as volwaardige<br />

nuwe HEV in die groter <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong><br />

sal kan begin funksioneer. Die sentrale gebou<br />

se fi nale konstruksiefases sal afskop na<br />

die einde van die jaar en behoort vroeg in 2011 voltooi te word, waarna <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> oor uitgebreide<br />

mediese fasiliteite sal beskik. Eerstens sal die bestaande mediese praktyk van die winkelsentrum<br />

verhuis na vergrote kamers in die nuwe gebou, dan volg ‘n addisionele apteek, plus die toevoeging van<br />

kamers vir spesialiste, twee dagteaters vir prosedures met 20 beddens en dan laastens ‘n 30 bed hoë<br />

sorg fasiliteit vir die aftreeoord.<br />


Feedback from the local tennis club on their Club championships that<br />

took place on Saturday, 13 March ‘10.<br />

More than 34 players entered the club-champs for each to fi nd their spot on the ranking<br />

of the club. After all the matches were played in great spirit, the club-champions for 2010<br />

raised to the occasion. The ladies club champion for 2010 is Marie-Louise Kleynhans and<br />

the Men’s club champion for 2010 is John Harding. The active members of the club numbers<br />

53 players at the moment. (from novice to advanced players – and gratefully a lot of<br />

youngsters as well!)<br />

The mixed doubles and doubles matches fi nished off a very successful club-championship<br />

after which the champions were crowned and we all celebrated the great tennis, our health and great<br />

friendships over a “braai & kuier” at the club.<br />

Now we are looking forward to the tennis-leagues as well as the fun of playing social tennis and sharing<br />

time with every Saturday! For more information call 078 472 4616<br />

Pierre retired from playing Cricket<br />

The No Boundaries Youth<br />

Cricket (NBYC) is a well established<br />

cricket coaching<br />

facility at Midstream College,<br />

with experienced professional<br />

cricket players,<br />

Pierre de Bruyn and Paul<br />

Harris at the helm. Pierre<br />

recently retired from playing<br />

cricket and joined the University of Pretoria as<br />

their Director of Cricket whilst Paul was recently<br />

on duty in India as a bowler in the national Protea<br />

team.<br />

Pierre will remain in charge of the Midstream College<br />

NBYC facility and is assisted by a number of<br />

assistants whom can coach at various levels of<br />

profi ciency, utilizing the latest technology in video<br />

analysis and bowling machines. Visit their website<br />

at www.nbyc.co.za for more details. Pierre de<br />

Bruyn 083 399 1800. Carine White 082 788 4277<br />


A big thank you to our<br />

readers that did send in<br />

photos. The aim is to<br />

compile a selection of photos<br />

for a calendar for 2011<br />

- with the selected photos<br />

receiving prices. Visit our<br />

website for the applicable<br />

rules.<br />

Keep them coming.....<br />

11<br />

R EA<br />

D ERS<br />

P<br />

H<br />

O T<br />


Dr Gerhard van die Midstream Familie Kerk skryf oor die weduwee en<br />

haar fl es met olie..<br />

“Toe sê Elisa vir haar: Wat kan ek vir jou doen?<br />

Gee my te kenne wat jy in die huis het. En sy<br />

antwoord: U dienares het glad niks in die huis<br />

nie, behalwe ‘n fl essie met olie.” Ken ons nie<br />

almal die verhaal van dié wonderwerk van die<br />

vermenigvuldiging van die olie nie? Dis wat ons<br />

die heel tyd ervaar in ons Midstream Familie Kerk<br />

gemeente. Die olie hou aan vloei…….<br />

Dr. Gerhard en Karien Lindeque het met die spreekwoordelike<br />

vuur en vlam weg-gespring in alle<br />

ywer na hulle bevestiging op 10 Januarie. Koppe<br />

is bymekaar gesit en die kleuterkerk het in volle<br />

swang op 17 Januarie begin. Dis lekker om te<br />

kan sê dat die kleuterbediening ‘n sukses is.<br />

Ons nooi almal weer hartlik uit om by ons Familiekerk<br />

in te skakel. Kom ervaar God se seën<br />

saam met ons en ook hoe die olie aanhou vloei<br />

vir ander mense, deur ‘n verskil te maak in die<br />

gemeenskap tydens die volgende geleenthede:<br />

• Op paasnaweek 2 <strong>April</strong> - Goeie Vrydag<br />

nagmaal (08:30);<br />

• 4 <strong>April</strong> - Opstandingsondag sonsopkoms<br />

‘n Groot lekker was die uitkamp op die kerkterrein tydens die Loofhutte<br />

fees op 19 Februarie.<br />

By Doxa Deo in Midstream vier ons fees dié Paasfees.<br />

In Romeine 5:17 staan daar dat die Here se<br />

droom oor jou lewe veel meer is as wat jy ooit<br />

kan verwag en omdat Hy jou so liefhet , het hy<br />

jou onvoorwaardelik aanvaar en nooi Hy jou uit<br />

om in ‘n verhouding met Hom te staan waar jy<br />

Hom kan beleef as jou beste vriend. Maar Hy het<br />

nog meer as dit vir jou in stoor. In hierdie verhouding<br />

met Hom kan jy elke begeerte van jou<br />

in Hom vervul, ‘n begeerte van sekuriteit, ‘n begeerte<br />

van intimiteit en jy kan vertrou en weet<br />

Hy sal jou deurdra.<br />

Met Paasfees om die draai “celebrate” ons hierdie<br />

verhouding wat tot elkeen van ons beskikbaar<br />

is en ons dank God vir daardie onvoorwaarde-<br />

12<br />

diens om 06h00;<br />

• Die 20 ste <strong>April</strong> – ‘n jeug byeenkoms<br />

• Sondae oggende diens met kleuterbediening<br />

om 08:30 en Sondae aande aktuele<br />

besprekings en dienste om 18:00.<br />

Skakel gerus Dr Gerhard by 078 283 5205,<br />

vir verdere navrae.<br />

like liefde waardeur Hy Sy enigste seun aan ‘n<br />

kruis laat sterf het vir elkeen van ons. Gedurende<br />

Paasnaweek bied Doxa Deo vir elkeen wat in so<br />

‘n verhouding met Hom wil staan die geleentheid<br />

om Christus te kom ontmoet tydens ons feesdienste<br />

op Sondag 04 <strong>April</strong> om 08:15, 10:00 &<br />

18:00 asook gedurende ons spesiale Goeie Vrydag<br />

diens om 08:15 op Vrydag 02 <strong>April</strong>.<br />

As jy meer wil uitvind van kursusse wat ons aanbied,<br />

ons dienstye, of as jy met iemand wil gesels,<br />

of dalk wil hê jou tiener moet met iemand<br />

in aanraking kom, skakel ons gerus by 082 775<br />

2217 tydens ons kantoor ure 08:00 – 16:30 of<br />

besoek ons website by www.doxadeo.co.za.

Easter at Midstream Methodist Church<br />

The journey towards Easter in the Methodist<br />

Church already started with Ash Wednesday, 40<br />

days before Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday derives<br />

its name from the ministry of ashes upon<br />

the foreheads of the worshippers during the service.<br />

Accompanying this ministry of ashes is a<br />

verbal proclamation which is either a reminder of<br />

our human mortality or an exhortation to gospel<br />

faithfulness. After Ash Wednesday the Methodist<br />

people embark on a journey of Lent, remembering<br />

Jesus’ 40 days in the desert. During this time<br />

the people are encouraged to search their hearts<br />

through fasting and prayer, seeking an answer<br />

to the question, “Where am I in my relationship<br />

with Jesus Christ?” Usually there will be a specifi<br />

c preaching series. The theme for 2010 was:<br />

“Journey to Wholeness”.<br />

The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday, when<br />

the congregation walks with waving palm branches<br />

into the church, singing “Hosanna in the Highest”.<br />

This is in memory of Jesus’ triumphal entry<br />

into Jerusalem, as He turned His face towards<br />

the cross. After Easter these dry palm branches<br />

will be burned and the ashes saved for next<br />

year’s Ash Wednesday.<br />

The week prior to Easter Sunday is “Holy Week”.<br />

During Holy Week, the Methodist people focus<br />

intensely on the Easter events. The program for<br />

“Holy Week 2010” is:<br />

• Monday, 29 March at 19h30 – Evening of Contemplative<br />

Prayer, focused on Jesus and those<br />

around Him during His last days before the<br />

crucifi xion.<br />

• Tuesday, 30 March at 19h30 – Healing Service:<br />

the end of our “Journey to Wholeness”.<br />

• Wednesday, 31 March at 19h30 – Traditional<br />

Jewish Passover (Seder) Meal. For more details,<br />

please contact Nellie Hunter on 082 886-<br />

1034<br />

• Thursday, 1 <strong>April</strong> at 19h30 – Tenebrae Service:<br />

The Service of the approaching darkness<br />

in the life of Jesus. Everybody is welcome to<br />

13<br />

come and experience this moving service with<br />

us.<br />

• Friday, 2 <strong>April</strong> at 8h00 – Good Friday Service<br />

• Sunday, 4 <strong>April</strong> at 6h00 – Easter Sunrise Service:<br />

an open air service, commemorating the<br />

resurrection of our Lord.<br />

The people of Midstream Methodist Church wish<br />

every reader an abundantly blessed Easter. May<br />

we all get a clearer glimpse of the loving heart of<br />

our Father-God during this special time.<br />

- * -<br />

G K vi Midse wr<br />

wa 2010.<br />

Oor menige maande is daar reeds gedroom oor’n<br />

NG kerk binne die grense van <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong>.<br />

Alle aanduidings is daar dat die droom in 2010<br />

waar gaan word en dat konstruksie van die beplande<br />

gemeenskapsentrum in Julie 2010 kan<br />

begin. Tesame met die beplanning van konstruksiewerk<br />

wat gaan afskop, gaan daar ook<br />

voorsiening gemaak word vir ’n tydelike fasiliteit<br />

vanwaar daar vanaf Julie 2010 weeklikse eredienste<br />

aangebied gaan word.<br />

Beplanning van die gemeenskapsentrum geskied<br />

met die hulp van ksn (KSM) nadat<br />

die Lyttelton Sinode goedkeuring verleen het<br />

tot KSM se betrokkendheid – daar word voorsien<br />

dat die bedryfsmodel met KSM se bestaande<br />

model sal ooreenstem.<br />

Dus, met ’n bouperseel in plek en ’n beplanningspan<br />

vol aan die werk, sien ons daarna uit om<br />

betrokke te raak by die groter gemeenskap in<br />

<strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> – tydens ’n feesdiens op Sondag,<br />

9 Mei 2010 sal meer inligting beskikbaar gemaak<br />

word – teken asb die datum aan! Sou u intussen<br />

meer wil uitvind, rig gerus ’n e-pos aan info@<br />


Electricity in <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong><br />

MES is the electrical supply utility for the <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> supply area<br />

and provided the following statement on the price for electricity in <strong>Midrand</strong><br />

<strong>Estates</strong> for 2010/2011<br />

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA), in a press release on 24<br />

February 2010, reported that at a meeting held on the day, an increase in ES-<br />

KOM’s revenue was approved for the next few years. To achieve the increase in<br />

revenue an increase of 24.8% on the average standard tariff will take place from 1 <strong>April</strong> 2010 followed<br />

by another average increase of 25.8 % from 1 <strong>April</strong> 2011 and a further price increase of 25.9 % from<br />

1 <strong>April</strong> 2012.<br />

The press release also included a table describing<br />

the introduction of an “inclining block tariff for<br />

residential customers”<br />

ESKOM advised MES that the tariffs will be introduced<br />

on 1 <strong>April</strong> 2010. The positive news, with<br />

the new tariff structure, is that fi xed monthly<br />

charges for consumers will fall away (note: applies<br />

only to consumers – not vacant stands)<br />

Future for MES consumers:<br />

MES is obliged to introduce these tariffs from 1<br />

<strong>April</strong> 2010. The changes that will take effect on 1<br />

<strong>April</strong> 2010 for MES customers in <strong>Midrand</strong> <strong>Estates</strong> will be:<br />

• New rates, with the fi rst 50kWh per month consumed by every household priced at 54.70 c/kWh<br />

(VAT excl) and the next 300kWh at 58.48c/kWh and so forth, with every kWh above 600kWh for the<br />

month priced at 83.74c/kWh (VAT and the environmental levy to be added to the unit price);<br />

• No fi xed monthly charges on developed stands, other than a charge for public lighting – (Note: undeveloped<br />

stands will still be charged a service availability charge);<br />

The expected net effect for consumers will be as follows:<br />

• For a consumer using 600kWh in summer and 1000kWh in winter – between 0% and 10% increase<br />

from 2009/10 tariffs;<br />

• For a consumer using 1200kWh in summer and 2000kWh in winter – between 10% and 20% increase<br />

from 2009/10 tariffs;<br />

• For a consumer using 1800kWh in summer and 4000kWh in winter – between 20% and 30% increase<br />

from 2009/10 tariffs.<br />

(Note: the spread in increase above is due to the variance in “credited amount” for previous<br />

monthly fi xed charges which varied between R107 for 60A to R292 for 3 phase)<br />



What is solar energy?<br />

Solar energy represents the energy derived from the Sun’s radiation and is, in general<br />

utilised in one of two ways - solar electric energy which use photovoltaic cells to convert<br />

solar radiation into electricity; and solar thermal energy where the sun’s energy<br />

is used to heat a substance – usually water.<br />

By converting the energy of the sun into heat your solar water heating system can provide<br />

a typical home with approximately a third of the required hot water over a year.<br />

How does a solar water<br />

heating system work?<br />

Solar water heating systems use<br />

solar panels, called collectors, fi tted<br />

to your roof. These collect heat<br />

from the sun and use it to warm<br />

water which is stored in a hot water<br />

cylinder (geyser).<br />

There are two types of solar water<br />

heating panels, being evacuated<br />

tubes and fl at plate collectors. Flat<br />

plate collectors can be fi xed on the<br />

roof tiles or integrated into the roof.<br />

The benefi ts of solar water heating<br />

Hot water throughout the year - the system works all<br />

year round with no fuss, though you may need to heat<br />

the water further with an electrical element during the<br />

winter months.<br />

Cut your electricity bills - sunlight is renewable and<br />

free, so once you’ve paid for the initial installation<br />

your hot water costs will be reduced.<br />

Cut your carbon footprint - solar hot water is a green,<br />

renewable heating system and doesn’t release any<br />

harmful carbon dioxide or other pollutants<br />

An electrical element (as normally used in a geyser) can be used as a backup. (With<br />

the geyser thermostat set at 50 degrees centigrade, you are ensured of a minimum<br />

temperature, with the sun providing the boost to heat water to 70 and 80 degrees<br />

centigrade).<br />


The ESKOM rebate for solar water heating systems<br />

ESKOM introduced a rebate for the installation of solar water heating systems during<br />

2008 to make the installation of the units more attractive to consumers. The rebate is<br />

paid directly to consumers. Only systems installed by an approved Eskom suppliers/installer<br />

qualify for the rebate. The claim for the rebate is submitted to Eskom’s auditors<br />

who are facilitating and monitoring the process, with a stipulated maximum turnaround<br />

time of 8 weeks from submission to pay out. The rebates were dramatically increased during January<br />

2010. Consumers can check a supplier’s credentials as an accredited supplier/installer on ESKOM website<br />

under www.eskomdsm.co.za.<br />

For a supplier to be on ESKOM’s accredited<br />

list, a system must comply<br />

with the following:<br />

o Offer a guarantee;<br />

o Submit documents, including<br />

public liability and company details;<br />

o Have system tested AND passed<br />

at the SABS for the following;<br />

Safety<br />

Mechanical ( amongst others,<br />

a hail resistance test)<br />

Thermal<br />

The tests are performed every 2 years<br />

with the value of the ESKOM rebate<br />

being determined in accordance with<br />

the solar effi ciency of the system proposed.<br />

Finally, ESKOM undertakes inspections<br />

at random to confi rm compliance<br />

with their standards.<br />

What is the HOA rules on solar<br />

water heaters?<br />

16<br />

Prior to March 2008, solar water heaters were prohibited.<br />

However, the HOAs amended their rules on<br />

4 March 2008 when the following statement was released:<br />

“The general shortage in electrical supply in South Africa,<br />

as announced by Eskom in January 2008, has necessitated<br />

a review of the abovementioned HOA’s rules<br />

and regulations on solar units for the heating of water.<br />

The HOA’s support the drive towards the installation of<br />

solar units, to the following amended rules:<br />

• Item 7.4.5 in the Architectural and Aesthetical Rules<br />

of all the HOA’s is replaced with:<br />

7.4.5 (New) “The use of solar panels for the heating<br />

of water is encouraged. Only the solar panels (either<br />

the vacuum tube-type or fl at panel-type) may be<br />

visible – no external geyser, header tanks or coiled<br />

pipes may be visible. The solar panels must be incorporated<br />

into the adjoining structure and may not<br />

– where visible – be placed on an elevated structure.<br />

• Item 7.4.15 remains as is –<br />

o 7.4.15 All geysers fi tted outside on fl at roofs are<br />

to be enclosed in an aesthetical pleasing enclosure.”

What is the Solar-payback period?<br />

With all assuming responsibility for a greener, cleaner future world, it seems as though<br />

the fi nal question to be answered remains a monetary one – what will it cost and what<br />

will I save monthly?<br />

The cost of a system:<br />

A complete 200 litre system installed in a new house will cost between R12 000 and<br />

R20 000 – which includes a 200 litre geyser (approximate cost of a geyser is R3 000). The rebate paid<br />

by ESKOM varies from one installer to the next and depends on the SABS test report of the system<br />

submitted by the installer for testing at the SABS – the rebate varies between R5 000 and R7 000 for<br />

a 200 l system. The fi nal additional cost due to solar for a new 200 litre solar geyser system– after<br />

subtracting the cost of the geyser - is between R5 000 and R10 000. To convert an existing system to<br />

solar will cost between R10 000 and R20 000 and depends largely whether the existing geyser is retained<br />

and whether you will qualify for an ESKOM rebate. It is a condition of the rebate calculation that<br />

the SABS test report be prepared for a specifi c geyser type – should you thus choose an installer with<br />

a SABS test report that matches your existing geyser, you will qualify for the rebate – alternatively you<br />

will have to absorb the total cost. The fi nal cost for converting an existing 200liter geyser to solar<br />

will be between R5 000 and R20 000.<br />

Influences on monthly savings:<br />

Items that infl uence the cost of heating water are the volume of warm water used and the thermodynamic<br />

nature of the house. For this exercise it is estimated that on average 100 litres of warm water<br />

is consumed at 60˚C per family member per day (varies in practise between 50 litres and 200 litres per<br />

person per day) It is impossible to propose a gauge for the energy “lost” through poor insulation of the<br />

geyser and water pipes – a system with an exposed geyser and pipe system where pipes are built into<br />

walls and concrete slabs will require a lot more heat (energy) than a system where the geyser has a<br />

geyser blanket and is positioned directly above a kitchen and bathroom with short and insulated pipes.<br />

Furthermore one should consider the management of your solar geyser when an electrical back-up element<br />

remains in place (for the solar/electric combination the thermostat for the electrical element is<br />

typically set at 40˚C) It is possible, for instance, to switch the electrical element off completely during<br />

summer and obtain maximum benefi t from the sun. This may imply that the water will not be as hot<br />

on very overcast days.<br />

Savings and payback:<br />

It is estimated that the savings from a solar geyser will be between R75 and R150<br />

per household member per month. The payback period is estimated at 3 to 5 years<br />

for a new 200l system (at the current price of electricity) and 3 to 7 years on an<br />

existing system converted to solar.<br />


Kleuterskool Maak ‘n verskil<br />

By Midstream College<br />

en Midlands Pre-<br />

Primêr is dit vir ons<br />

belangrik dat ons<br />

kleuters van kleins<br />

af sal leer dat hulle<br />

‘n verskil kan maak.<br />

Nie net in hul onmiddellike<br />

omgewing nie,<br />

maar ook daar buite.<br />

Albert Schwitzer het<br />

opgemerk:<br />

“Constant kindness can accomplish<br />

much. As the Sun makes ice<br />

melt, kindness causes misunderstanding,<br />

mistrust, and hostility<br />

to evaporate.”<br />

As a school with a Christian Ethos we take 2 Cor. be-<br />

9:10-11 to heart. It states:<br />

soek en<br />

“now He who supplies seed to the sower and<br />

bread for food will supply and increase your<br />

store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of<br />

your righteousness. You will be made rich<br />

in every way so that you can be generous on<br />

every occasion, and through us your generosity<br />

will result in thanksgiving to God.”<br />

met die<br />

kleuters gepraat.<br />

Selfs die skrikkeriges<br />

het later<br />

nader gestaan<br />

om te luister.<br />

By Midstream<br />

College P.P. het<br />

Dis dan waarom ons kleuterskole, as deel van ons<br />

lewensvaardigheidsporgram deur die jaar uitreikprojekte<br />

het. Met Liefi edag (Valentynsdag) het<br />

Midlands P.P ‘n muntlegging gehad ten bate van die<br />

paraplegiese vereniging. Van hulle lede het die skool<br />

hulle blikkieskos<br />

en toiletware ingesamel<br />

vir die<br />

minderbevoorregte<br />

bejaardes van Danville. Die bejaardes het<br />

die skool besoek om die vrag in ontvangs te neem.<br />

Hoofde-seminaar<br />

Die hoofde-seminaar wat deur die Midstream &<br />

Midlands PP aangebied is, was ‘n groot sukses<br />

en is deur ongeveer 114 persone bygewoon.<br />

Dr’s Reda Davies,<br />

Corninne Meier en<br />

Petro Marais was<br />

dit eens dat die<br />

dag ‘n groot sukses<br />

was en daar<br />

is gevra of die ‘n<br />

jaarlikse instelling<br />

kan word. So<br />

help ons ook ander<br />

skole groei!<br />

Midlands<br />

PP vier hulle<br />

1 jaar verjaarsdag met<br />

roomyskoek op 14 Februarie.<br />


On your marks, get set. Go!!! …the words athletes love<br />

to hear.<br />

Following trials early in the season and an event at Loius Leipoldt cancelled due<br />

to bad weather, a number of events took place building up to “big one” – the cluster<br />

event. Midstream’s learners took 50 medals home and 23<br />

athletes were chosen to take part in the district championships<br />

at Pilditch where Midstream athletes competing successfully<br />

again. Thriteen medals were won and Five athletes<br />

were chosen to represent our district at the Provincial Championships.The<br />

fi ve athletes being:<br />

• Zeltuan Damon: 60m - o/7<br />

• Handre Scheepers: 80m, 100m - o/10<br />

• Nicola du Bruyn: 80m, 100m, long jump - o/11<br />

• Heinrich Botha: 70mH - o/11<br />

• Michelle Wilbers: 75mH - o/13<br />

At the provincial meeting Nicola de Bruyn from Midstream<br />

excelled by coming fi rst in three events, breaking the long<br />

jump record and be awarded the Victrix Laudorum trophy<br />

for best female athlete. Excellentia!<br />

Kelly Schoeman has<br />

been selected to represent<br />

South African in<br />

Trampoline in a competition<br />

against France and<br />

Brazil in March.<br />

Jean-Louis Brand, gr. 5,<br />

is part of the La Bohéme<br />

Production which takes<br />

place at the State Theatre<br />

and the Civic Theatre during<br />

March and <strong>April</strong> 2010.<br />

Inge Swanepoel, ’n<br />

graad 7 leerling, het<br />

die oudisie geslaag vir<br />

Juvente Simfonia wat<br />

‘n Nasionale jeugorkes<br />

is - en sy speel viool.<br />

Midstream College pupils are world leaders in maths!<br />

Seventy pupils from Midstream College competed in March ’10 against pupils from more than 56 thousand<br />

schools from 235 countries world wide. The competion lasted for 48 hours non-stop and takes<br />

place across the internet with all completing the same mathematical games. We are pleased to announce<br />

that the 20 Grade 7 pupils from Midstream College attained the 38th position world wide from<br />

the 56 082 participating teams.<br />

19<br />

Daar is twee<br />

Jungle Book<br />

akteurs in<br />

ons midde!<br />

Robynne Scheepers<br />

(Gr 5) en Sabrina<br />

Visser (Gr<br />

6), leerlinge aan<br />

Midstream College,<br />

is gekies om<br />

in die Jungle boek<br />

teater produksie<br />

op te tree. ‘n Totaal<br />

van 500 kinders<br />

het die oudisies<br />

bygewoon, waarvan<br />

14 uiteindelik<br />

gekies is vir Jungle<br />

Book. Jungle<br />

Book word vanaf 8<br />

Maart tot 17 <strong>April</strong><br />

in die Peoples Theatre<br />

in Johannesburg<br />


There are swimmers and<br />

then there are alternative<br />

swimmers…<br />

Danielle Naude, Carina de Wet, Karicke Piek, Erin<br />

Willcocks<br />

The fi rst Tuesday of the school year saw<br />

the inter-house gala taking place with Old<br />

Kent being the victors, followed by Windsor<br />

and Hutton. This was the fi rst sporting<br />

event for the new grade 8 learners<br />

and saw the matrics displaying their “alternative”<br />

swimming gear with fl ippers<br />

and boogie boards. At the gala Bianca<br />

Kapp and Gustav Gerber were appointed<br />

as Junior Victirx and Victor Ludorum with<br />

the Senior Victor Ludorum award going to<br />

Stephan Gerber. The Senior Victrix Ludorum<br />

was a tie between Kobie van Schalkwyk<br />

and Megan du Toit.<br />

Atlete laat rekords spat!<br />

20<br />

Na ‘n kort atletiekseisoen sluit Midstream College hul<br />

seisoen af op 26 Februarie op ‘n hoë noot deur derde<br />

te eindig in die B-bond Interhoër.<br />

Die seisoen het afgeskop met die interhuisbyeenkoms<br />

waar Old Kent met die louere wegstap, gevolg deur<br />

Hutton en dan Windsor. Deur die loop van die dag is<br />

verskeie rekords verbeter en word Emmanuel Dihangwane-Quartier<br />

en Kay-Leigh Wheeler onderskeidelik<br />

aangewys as die senior Victor en Victrix Ludorum van<br />

die dag en Chavon Anassis en Arné Engelbrecht as<br />

die junior Victor en Victrix Ludorum.<br />

Die eerste vriendskaplike byeenkoms was tuis teen<br />

Woodhill en Heuwelkruin College. Verskeie van die<br />

atlete het hulle persoonlike beste tye en afstande<br />

verbeter en Midstream wen met gemak. Verskeie ander<br />

byeenkomste volg wat die atlete dan slyp vir die<br />

groot Interhoër byeenkoms op 26 Februarie.<br />

The season ended with a second place at<br />

the D League Inter-High gala. Tennispelers droom groot na SA Ope<br />

Dirk Mostert,<br />

Jean Mostert<br />

Divan Kamoetie, Gustav Pretorius, Arné Engelbreght<br />

Midstream College se tennis-entoesiaste het die SA<br />

Ope- tenniskampioenskappe bygewoon te Montecasino.<br />

Wedstryde uit die boonste rakke in beide die<br />

enkel- en dubbelspelwedstryde is gesien. Me Riëtte<br />

Viljoen (onderwyser) en die leerders het met nuwe<br />

inspirasie en ook handtekeninge van Gaël Monfi ls en<br />

Juan Martin de Potro teruggekeer.<br />

Tydens die o/17 –Hoërskole Kampioenskappe te<br />

Groenkloof het Christiaan Hattingh ‘n sewende en Van<br />

Wyk Pretorius ‘n agste plek verower. Dit is ‘n uitmuntende<br />

prestasie, aangesien slegs die room van tennisspelers<br />

hier deelneem.<br />

Sewe spanne neem hierdie jaar aan die liga deel<br />

(4 seuns- en 3 dogterspanne).

Internal Orators speak with<br />

pride<br />

Ruco Pretorius – the winner<br />

of the English and Afrikaans<br />

Senior Orators, receives his<br />

awards from Dr Steyn de Bod<br />

Midstream College<br />

hosted its fourth annual<br />

Internal Orators’<br />

evenings in February.<br />

Both Afrikaans<br />

and English speaking<br />

learners had the opportunity to voice their<br />

opinions – and they did not only themselves, but<br />

also Midstream College very proud. The English<br />

evening was held on, February 3 and the Afrikaans<br />

evening on, February 4. The adjudicators<br />

were very impressed with the public speaking<br />

skills of our learners.<br />

The junior English winner was Marinette Pretorius,<br />

followed by Annerine Niemand and jointly<br />

in third place Jonty Matthys and Christine Verhoef.<br />

Ruco Pretorius was the senior English winner<br />

with Hannah du Toit and Janet Ramakoka<br />

second and Kheil Thorne third.<br />

The junior Afrikaans winner was Esmarie von<br />

Benecke with Annerine Niemand in the second<br />

and Dewald Uys and Gisela Conradie in the third<br />

place.<br />

Ruco Pretorius was the winner in the Afrikaans<br />

senior orators with Ané Horn and Danielle Minnie<br />

in the second and third place.<br />

21<br />

Valentine’s Ball was a night to<br />

remember<br />

Nico<br />

van Rooyen and<br />

Michelle Verster (left) and Jeanrich<br />

Coetzer and Lara-Monique Solms<br />

(right) at the Valentine’s Ball.<br />

A defi nite highlight on each year’s social calendar<br />

is the annual Valentine’s Ball. This year the event<br />

took the form of a masked ball, with 400 of our<br />

learners attending the function on 13 February.<br />

The boys and girls were dressed elegantly for the<br />

occasion and wore beautiful masks as part of the<br />

theme.<br />

The dance fl oor was opened with “I’ve got a feeling”<br />

by the Black Eyed Peas and the guests hardly<br />

left the dance fl oor for the rest of the evening. Our<br />

own rappers, Sping and Inga, provided us with<br />

some live entertainment.<br />

Kaylee van den Berg and Ruan van der Westhuizen (left) and<br />

Erin Willcocks and Schalk Ferreira (right).

Brokkies/Bits & Pieces<br />

Lydia (en Ben) skryf die volgende<br />

vir ons oor hulle ondervinding by die<br />

plaaslike veearts:<br />

My seun het my een middag gebel en<br />

gesê ek moet onmiddelik huis toe kom<br />

en kom help, want Gigi, ons minatuur<br />

windhond (whippet) het haar self êrens<br />

gesny en bloei verskriklik baie. By die<br />

huis aangekom het ek my doodgeskrik,<br />

want daar staan my seun van 12, Ben,<br />

met Gigi in 'n handoek toegedraai en<br />

wag met hom en die handdoek vol bloed.<br />

Ek het sommer na die naaste moontlike<br />

plek gejaag.....nl die nuwe veearts by<br />

die winkelsentrum. Ons veearts het Gigi<br />

by Ben oorgeneem en 'n half uur later<br />

was ons weer daar uit. Gigi se oor wat<br />

geskeur was is weer geheg en ons is baie<br />

dankbaar vir die veearts se vriendelikheid<br />

en bereidwilligheid om ons so mooi<br />

te help.<br />

Midstream Medical Center provided the<br />

following information on the newly introduced<br />

24 hour medical emergency<br />

service.<br />

The service started mid January 2010 and<br />

in the fi rst six weeks the personnel attended<br />

to 38 call outs – of these 8 patients had to<br />

be transported to hospital after treatment on<br />

site. The serious cases ranged from a stroke,<br />

mountain bike accident and assistance after a<br />

person was rescued from drowning.<br />

Make sure you have the emergency call out<br />

number always at hand - 072-728-3620<br />

Message received from Brendon, a Midstream<br />

resident:<br />

22<br />

We fi tted a solar geyser when the house was fi rst<br />

built in June 2008 in Midstream and selected a<br />

300lt solar geyser (cost of unit and installation was<br />

R14 300). At the insistence of the aesthetics committee<br />

we managed to install the tank in the roof.<br />

The geyser is still working well and has an electrical<br />

back-up if required. In summer time we switch<br />

off the electrical supply at the DB board and manage<br />

with solar power only. We are a family of 5 and<br />

the 300lt capacity suits us well. Probably one of<br />

the best investments we made.

Brokkies/Bits & Pieces<br />

Uit die oog van Tammy, ‘n 15 jaar oue, lig-bruin hond,<br />

“Die afgelope tien jaar word ek in die Ooste gesny<br />

en gewas deur Estelle en haar span.<br />

(Ek kry ook elke keer ‘n strik in my kuif wat my<br />

dae vat om uit te kry! – lyk my sy dink ek het<br />

oefening nodig –guh!)<br />

Toe trek ons na Midstream –<br />

Hygend hert! Wat ‘n gesukkel – dit vat nou<br />

iewat langer voor ek Estelle besoek, want die afstand<br />

is ver.<br />

Maar wat van my??? Die kar is warm –<br />

as ek sit en hyg van die hitte in die kar word ek<br />

aangespreek!<br />

Dan nog in ‘n klein hokkie vir my beurt sit<br />

en wag - in die somer is dit vreeslik warm en in<br />

die winter pyn my ou lyf weer van die koue.<br />

En dan die strik... Aggenee, is daar nie ‘n<br />

ander manier in die fancy, nuwe dorp?<br />

Toe, bel ons Joan van Mobile Pet Groomers –<br />

Wat ‘n fees – ek word nou gereeld gewas<br />

en gesny,<br />

Ek wag rustig in my bed en word uitgenooi<br />

vir my beurt,<br />

En beste van alles – my nooi kan alles sien<br />

en voorskryf – en dan ook – geen strik!<br />

Dis vir my ook lekker hier in die fancy, nuwe dorp!”<br />

Midstream Medical Center wat die nuwe<br />

24-uur mediese bystandsdiens bestuur<br />

het die volgende statistieke rondom die<br />

diens verskaf vir die periode 15/1/10<br />

tot 28/2/10.<br />

Ouderdom en aantal pasiënte bedien:<br />

• 0 tot 5 jaar oud – 8 gevalle waarvan<br />

1 ernstig (benodig afvoer na hospitaal);<br />

• 6 tot 18 jaar oud – 8 gevalle waarvan<br />

2 ernstig;<br />

• 18 tot 30 jaar oud – 2 gevalle waarvan<br />

1 ernstig met ‘n persoon wat na<br />

‘n amperse verdrinking gestabiliseer<br />

is en daarna vervoer is na die hospitaal;<br />

• 30 tot 50 jaar oud – 17 gevalle waarvan<br />

3 ernstig – in een geval het ‘n<br />

persoon met sy bergfi ets geval en<br />

veelvuldige beserings opgdoen – hy<br />

is gestabiliseer en afvervoer na die<br />

hospitaal;<br />

• 50 tot 90 jaar - 3 pasiënte waarvan 1<br />

ernstig met ‘n beroerte wat behandel<br />

is en na ‘n hospitaal vervoer is.<br />

Maak altyd seker dat u die bystandsdiens se<br />

nommer byderhand het - 072-728-3620<br />


DIY<br />

Stained Glass.Custom made to your specifications.<br />

Specialising in front doors, windows, lamps,<br />

side lights & fan lights. Morning and evenings lessons.<br />

Call: 0826750845 mwgailw@mweb.co.za<br />

Extra Classes<br />

Ekstra klasse Wiskunde gr. 1-12 & Fisiese Wetenskap<br />

gr. 10-12. Mathematics gr. 1-12, Physical Science<br />

gr. 10-12. Vir 3-6 jariges - SMART MATHS<br />

Engela 0823550211<br />

For sale<br />

Exclusive Baby and Children’s Linen and Accessories.<br />

Up to eight different ranges to choose from.<br />

Contact Karen 0836323833<br />

Extended Solutions – <strong>April</strong> special Super Fast Intel<br />

Core i5 3,20Ghz Desktop, RAM 4GB, 1TB Hard<br />

Drive, HD Graphics, DVD writer, Windows7 Home<br />

Premium, 2 year collect & return warranty, R6999<br />

installed in house 0823240755<br />

Seally matras & basis. Goeie toestand, R500 weggee<br />

prys – kom haal net. Eienaar verhuis & moet<br />

van huisinhoud ontslae raak. Tersia Rossouw<br />

0827761693<br />

8 Seater Patio set: Excellent condition. R5000.<br />

Owner relocating to Cape Town. Contack Tersia<br />

Rossouw 0827761693<br />

Baie betroubare bediende soek werk - voltyds, inslaap.<br />

Vorige werkgewer verhuis. Baie goed met<br />

kinders. Kontak Sanet 0833021062.<br />

Afrikaans sprekende huishulp beskikbaar Woensdae<br />

en Vrydae teen R150 per dag. Hardwerkend,<br />

betroubaar & vriendelik. Kontak Gladys<br />

0837593501<br />

Voltydse inslaap huishulp. Eerbaar, aangenaam,<br />

uitstekende huishoudster & kinder oppasser.<br />

Beskikbaar 1 Mei. Kontak Tersia Rossouw<br />

0827761693<br />

Seeks employment<br />

Admin Lady / PA living in Midstream seeks employment.<br />

MS Office, e-mail, filing etc. Available<br />

immediately, own car. Please call Gill 082 853<br />

2550.<br />

Services<br />

For all your plumbing needs, please don’t hesitate<br />

to phone Deon at 0836094356. Free quotes<br />

Beplan u ‘n nuwe woning, onderhoud of aanbouing?<br />

Skakel Buildpro vir planne, bouwerk, teëls,<br />

plaveisel, ens. Niks is te groot of te klein nie! NH-<br />

BRC, 20 jaar ondervinding. Carel 0824182878<br />

Holistic Garden Designs. High quality garden<br />

designs. Escape into your own little piece of nature,<br />

re-created right on your doorstep. For a free<br />

first consultation contact Anita Lewis 0845102119.<br />

The Boyz Travel Merchants. In Midstream gelee.<br />

Ons kom na jou toe op aanvraag. Vir julle volgende<br />

vakansie skakel ons gerus. Gerald & Jan<br />

012 687 8480<br />

Nail Technician. Diploma in Acrylic & Gel. French<br />

Toes & Overlay. For Beautiful & Professional Nail<br />

Therapy contact Loraine for appointment. Cell:<br />

0828621472<br />

Huishulp Beskikbaar Tuinier beskikbaar<br />

Registered Midstream gardener seeks work<br />

Wednesday, Saturday. Contact Machiel Chiwore -<br />

084 744 1175 or Monday employer, Catherine at<br />

082 472 1912<br />

To advertise<br />

please e-mail<br />

lizelleg@midrand-estates.co.za<br />


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