Knowing Soil Science for Sales KYNOCH NEWSLETTER

Knowing Soil Science for Sales KYNOCH NEWSLETTER Knowing Soil Science for Sales KYNOCH NEWSLETTER


KYNOCHNEWSLETTER INDEX Knowing Soil Science 1 for Sales “So it’s a win-win situation: the agents need the training, and the customers want well-trained agents. At the end of the day, everyone benefits.” – Dr. Johan Van Biljon, Projects Director: Africa, of Farmsecure Technologies Knowing Soil Science for Sales 15JULY2011 Written by David Capel Edited by Chantal Yazbek Designed by Dieter Strümpher Kynoch agents in the central, northern and eastern regions are benefitting significantly from the Introductory Training Course on Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers being conducted by Dr. Johan van Biljon, Projects Director: Africa, of Farmsecure Technologies. Dr. Van Biljon has been deeply involved in the fertilizer industry for more than 20 years. He was also a field agronomist, lecturer and acting head of the Department of Agronomy at the University of the Free State. The course provides the agents with a vital cutting edge when it comes to selling, as it arms them with essential product and plant nutrition knowledge they need in order to be successful. Dr. Van Biljon explains that around 1998, the Fertilizer Society of South Africa (FSSA) decreed that you must have had at least some basic training on plant nutrition and products before you can sell fertilizer. As a result, FACTS (Fertilizer Advisory Certification Training Scheme) was established in conjunction with the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), and is responsible for both setting and maintaining the standards of the training. FACTS is better known by its Afrikaans abbreviation, BASOS (Bemestings Adviseurs Sertifisering Opleiding Skema). “It’s a very basic training programme, and from a Kynoch point of view, the aim of the exercise is to create value for the customer. It’s a very competitive market out there, so it’s vital that the customer experiences better value, if he buys from you,” says Johan. You cannot add value to your customer’s business if you do not understand the environment and the products being used, he adds. “If you are informed in this regard, you can make the correct product proposal and thereby increase your customer’s profitability. If you can achieve that, you create lasting value for him.” Although the courses so far have involved only agents (or sales representatives), there are many other people in the organisation who have expressed an interest in attending the course, in order to obtain a better understanding of the fertilizer industry, Kynoch’s products and how they work. “Even administration people, or someone involved in orders, for example, would find that this course provides really comprehensive basic training. Fertilizer is, of course, an input. We are obliged to use it responsibly and look at it not only from a financial point of view but also from an environmental point of view. “For example, it’s important to know that you will lose money if you under-fertilize, just as you would if you over-fertilize. It’s a question of optimizing the whole system, and this course gives people a solid understanding of this important issue,” says Dr. Van Biljon. Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department. © KYNOCHNEWSLETTER 1

<strong>KYNOCH</strong><strong>NEWSLETTER</strong><br />

INDEX<br />

<strong>Knowing</strong> <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Science</strong> 1<br />

<strong>for</strong> <strong>Sales</strong><br />

“So it’s a win-win situation: the<br />

agents need the training, and<br />

the customers want well-trained<br />

agents. At the end of the day,<br />

everyone benefits.”<br />

– Dr. Johan Van Biljon,<br />

Projects Director: Africa, of<br />

Farmsecure Technologies<br />

<strong>Knowing</strong> <strong>Soil</strong><br />

<strong>Science</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Sales</strong><br />

15JULY2011<br />

Written by David Capel<br />

Edited by Chantal Yazbek<br />

Designed by Dieter Strümpher<br />

Kynoch agents in the central, northern and eastern regions are benefitting significantly from the<br />

Introductory Training Course on Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers being conducted by Dr. Johan van Biljon,<br />

Projects Director: Africa, of Farmsecure Technologies.<br />

Dr. Van Biljon has been deeply involved in the fertilizer industry <strong>for</strong> more than 20 years. He was also a field<br />

agronomist, lecturer and acting head of the Department of Agronomy at the University of the Free State.<br />

The course provides the agents with a vital cutting edge when it comes to selling, as it arms them with<br />

essential product and plant nutrition knowledge they need in order to be successful.<br />

Dr. Van Biljon explains that around 1998, the Fertilizer Society of South Africa (FSSA) decreed that you<br />

must have had at least some basic training on plant nutrition and products be<strong>for</strong>e you can sell fertilizer.<br />

As a result, FACTS (Fertilizer Advisory Certification Training Scheme) was established in conjunction<br />

with the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), and is responsible <strong>for</strong> both setting and maintaining<br />

the standards of the training. FACTS is better known by its Afrikaans abbreviation, BASOS (Bemestings<br />

Adviseurs Sertifisering Opleiding Skema).<br />

“It’s a very basic training programme, and from a Kynoch point of view, the aim of the exercise is to<br />

create value <strong>for</strong> the customer. It’s a very competitive market out there, so it’s vital that the customer<br />

experiences better value, if he buys from you,” says Johan.<br />

You cannot add value to your customer’s business if you do not understand the environment and the<br />

products being used, he adds. “If you are in<strong>for</strong>med in this regard, you can make the correct product<br />

proposal and thereby increase your customer’s profitability. If you can achieve that, you create lasting<br />

value <strong>for</strong> him.”<br />

Although the courses so far have involved only agents (or sales representatives), there are many other<br />

people in the organisation who have expressed an interest in attending the course, in order to obtain a<br />

better understanding of the fertilizer industry, Kynoch’s products and how they work.<br />

“Even administration people, or someone involved in orders, <strong>for</strong> example, would find that this course<br />

provides really comprehensive basic training. Fertilizer is, of course, an input. We are obliged to use<br />

it responsibly and look at it not only from a financial point of view but also from an environmental point<br />

of view.<br />

“For example, it’s important to know that you will lose money if you under-fertilize, just as you would if<br />

you over-fertilize. It’s a question of optimizing the whole system, and this course gives people a solid<br />

understanding of this important issue,” says Dr. Van Biljon.<br />

Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department. ©<br />

<strong>KYNOCH</strong><strong>NEWSLETTER</strong><br />


Die dae van slegs stikstof as topbemesting<br />

is verby. Nuwe gewasbehoeftes en hoër<br />

opbrengste om te oorleef, noodsaak ‘n<br />

nuwe benadering.<br />

Punte van belang by kalsium<br />

Punte van belang<br />

Indien jy groen (die plant) in goud (graan)<br />

• Genoegsame wateroplosbare kalsium is<br />

• Kalsium saam met ureum en ammonium<br />

wil verander, is dit nodig om stikstof (N),<br />

nodig en die kalsium in GreenGold is<br />

bewerkstellig dat meer koolhidrate na<br />

kalsium (Ca) en boor (B) saam in een produk<br />

hoogs wateroplosbaar.<br />

die graan in plaas van na die plant self<br />

soos GreenGold toe te dien.<br />

en vanaf die blare na die graan (of ander<br />

• Die beskikbaarheid van kalsium word<br />

stoororgaan) vervoer word.<br />

deur die Ca-inhoud van die grond, pH<br />

(grondreaksie), katioon uitruil kapasiteit<br />

• Kalsium saam met ureum verlaag<br />

Die kenmerkende effek van stikstof is die<br />

(KUK) en kalsium as ‘n persentasie van die<br />

potensiële vervlugtiging van ureum en<br />

groen kleur en die vegetatiewe groei van<br />

KUK (%Ca) beïnvloed.<br />

saam met Amiplus soos in GreenGold<br />

plante wat die grootte en effektiwiteit van<br />

raak potensiële vervlugtiging irrelevant.<br />

die “fabriek” bepaal. In GreenGold is die<br />

• Kalsiumopname word deur nitraat bevorder<br />

Dit gebeur nie aldag dat stikstof- stikstofbron Amiplus wat sekere<br />

en om hierdie rede kom nitraat en kalsium • Kalsium saam met boor verhoog<br />

bemesting en winsgewindheid, dieselfde kenmerke het.<br />

saam in GreenGold voor.<br />

selintegriteit, verbeter wortelontwikkeling<br />

oplossing het nie.<br />

en verbeter die vervoer van kalsium.<br />

Kenmerke van Amiplus<br />

Suid-Afrikaanse gronde is oor die algemeen • Is met Agrotain, ‘n urease inhibeerder<br />

baie laag in organiese materiaal, met behandel ‘n wat die produk se<br />

Boor speel ‘n belangrike rol in koolhidraat-<br />

gevolglike baie lae stikstofleweringsvermoë. effektiwiteit verhoog.<br />

vorming, fotosintese, proteïenvorming en Die dae om net stikstof alleen as<br />

Die organiese materiaal, asook sekere<br />

selwandstabiliteit. Die rol wat boor in spesifiek byvoorbeeld topbemesting toe te dien is<br />

bemestingstowwe moet eers verder • Hoër afgeeffektiwiteit<br />

kan graanopbrengs<br />

die mieliekop speel • is Buiten krities. die moontlike hoër opbrengs, verby. het Dien stikstof, kalsium en boor in<br />

breek word voordat dit deur plante benut verhoog soos wat regoor die wêreld<br />

Amiplus ook ‘n laer vervoerkoste weens een produk die soos GreenGold toe en sien<br />

kan word. Gedurende hierdie omskakeling bewys is. Buiten die verhoging van die effektiwiteit Punte van<br />

belang by hoë boor N-inhoud.<br />

self: Drie is beter as een.<br />

kan verliese van stikstof deur vervlugtiging<br />

bemesting, behoort daar ook aandag •aan Is baie die belangrik in bestuiwing asook<br />

en loging voorkom.<br />

• Het ‘n hoë konsentrasie “wenakker en daarom prys” is van kunsmis gegee te word. bevrugting en gevolglik by blomvervoerkoste<br />

minder.<br />

en vrugvorming.<br />

Punte van belang by stikstof<br />

• Kyk nie net na die prys per ton kunsmis nie, Amiplus kan ‘n bydra tot die omgewing, laer<br />

• Die hoë verwydering van N plus lae • Bogenoemde punte bring maarmee na die dat prys dit per kilogram stikstof • Isop ook dieby<br />

die vervoer bemestingskoste van koolhidrate en winsgewindheid na die<br />

maak.<br />

stikstofleweringsvermoë bring mee dat die produsent se winsgewendheid<br />

wenakker.<br />

mieliekop betrokke.<br />

daar veel meer stikstof per hektaar as kan verhoog.<br />

enige ander voedingstof toegedien word.<br />

• Vervoerkoste en gevolglik die konsentrasie • Opname word deur faktore soos tekstuur,<br />

2 Dae<br />

voedingstowwe van die produk, speel pH ‘n (grondreaksie), baie organiese materiaal en<br />

• Vanuit‘n finansiële en omgewingsoogpunt<br />

belangrike rol.<br />

grondwater beïnvloed.<br />

is dit uiters belangrik dat die effektiwiteit Kalsium is deel van die selwande en is ook<br />

van kunsmis verhoog moet word. betrokke by seldeling •asook Hoër–verlenging. konsentrasie produkte kan selfs • Gewasse meer verskil ten opsigte van<br />

Indien kalsium-tekorte voorkom as 50% op begin vervoerkoste spaar. Amiplus gevoeligheid se vir tekorte en toksisiteite.<br />

• Verhoging in kunsmispryse het veroorsaak wortelgroei onmiddelik afneem. konsentrasie is van die hoogste met gevolglik<br />

dat produsente se winsgewindheid onder<br />

van die laagste vervoerkoste per hektaar. • Boor is ook belangrik gedurende die<br />

groter druk is.<br />

graanvulstadium en om hierdie rede kan<br />

Voordele soos ‘n beter opbrengs en laerboor<br />

toedienings met GreenGold tydens<br />

• Bemesting maak tipies 25% tot 30% en<br />

insetkoste wat hoër winsgewindheid gee, topbemesting kan gedoen word.<br />

selfs so hoog as 35% van die insetkoste<br />

behaal word indien die regte stikstofkunsmis,<br />

van graangewasse uit, terwyl stikstof weer<br />

soos byvoorbeeld Amiplus gekies word.<br />

tipies 55% tot 65% van bemestingskoste<br />

uitmaak.<br />

Die drie voedingstowwe wat bespreek is het ‘n<br />

positiewe invloed op mekaar.<br />

Indien die effektiwiteit van stikstofbemesting<br />

Die oplossing is ‘n stikstofkunsmis waarvan beide<br />

verhoog kan word, sal dit kostebesparings en<br />

die effektiwiteit en konsentrasie plantvoedsel<br />

oter winsgewindheid meebring.<br />

hoog is:<br />

4 Dae<br />

ogde wins word bewerkstellig<br />

• So ‘n produk is Amiplus.<br />

opbrengs met dieselfde<br />

• Amiplus is met Agrotain, ‘n gesofistikeerde<br />

id kunsmis behaal word, of<br />

urease inhibeerder behandel.<br />

pbrengs met minder<br />

• Amiplus se vervlugtigings potensiaal is<br />

word of nog beter,<br />

drasties laer as ureum. Die vervlugtiging<br />

(blou kleur) vanaf ureum teenoor Amiplus<br />

et minder kunsmis<br />

onderskeidelik 2 en 4 dae na toediening kan in<br />

die fotos gesien word.<br />

• Hierdie tegnologie bring mee dat Amiplus<br />

goed met ander stikstofkunsmis ten opsigte<br />

van vervlugtiging vergelyk. Hierdie verhoogde<br />

effektiwiteit het wêreldwyd ‘n verhoging in<br />

opbrengs bewerkstellig.<br />

plant<br />

vattende<br />

in staat stel<br />

.<br />

In vennootskap met<br />

Stikstofbemesting<br />

en winsgewendheid<br />

Kalsium<br />

Interaksie<br />

Stikstof<br />

Stikstofkoste<br />

Drie is beter as een<br />

Yara, die produk leier in plant<br />

voedingstowwe, het ‘n omvattende<br />

portefeulje wat produsente in staat stel<br />

om hoër opbrengste te lewer.<br /><br />

Kynoch Kynoch Kunsmis, Fertilizer ‘n (Edms) divisie Bpk van Reg Farmisco no: 2009/0092541/07 (Edms) Bpk Reg no: 2009/0092541/07 Fourways Golf Park Fourways • Selborne GolfBuilding Park • Selborne • 1st floor Gebou • 1016• 1ste RoosVloer street • 1016 • Fourways Roos Straat • Fourways<br />

Oplossings<br />

GreenGold.indd 1 2011/05/11 4:13 PM<br />

/07 Reg no: 2009/0092541/07 Fourways Golf Park Fourways • Selborne GolfBuilding Park • Selborne • 1st floor Gebou • 1016• 1ste RoosVloer street • 1016 • Fourways Roos Straat • Fourways<br />

Amiplus TM<br />

2011/05/11 4:12 PM<br />

Amiplus TM<br />

Ureum behandel met Agrotain<br />

The training course is held over three days. The first day involves<br />

lectures and presentations on the soil, plant and climate components<br />

involved in fertilizers, while day two concentrates on the actual products<br />

sold by Kynoch and their various uses and applications. This involves at<br />

least 30 different products from the Kynoch range.<br />

Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department. ©<br />

Boor<br />

Gevolgtrekking<br />

Hoë konsentrasie pasmaak produk<br />

Gevolgtrekking<br />

“I discuss the properties contained in the different products, their use<br />

and their benefits. But in order to understand the products, you must<br />

have the basic knowledge provided on day one, regarding soil, plant and<br />

climate,” says Dr. Van Biljon.<br />

Day two concentrates on the application, handling and storage of<br />

fertilizer and the regulatory environment in which the company operates.<br />

This includes some in<strong>for</strong>mation about the Fertilizer Act.<br />

Day three culminates in participants being given “case studies”, based<br />

on what they have learnt on days one and two. It involves providing<br />

fertilizer proposals <strong>for</strong> specific crops. With this approach the different<br />

aspects like the soil, the crop, the climate, products, application methods,<br />

etc. are integrated in the final session.<br />

Johan says many new agents come from a background in the chemical<br />

industry, but have little knowledge of fertilizers. This is where the training<br />

course proves so invaluable.<br />

He says the course is also directly in line with the FFSA’s objective that all<br />

agents should have a sound understanding of fertilizer and its uses. “So it’s<br />

a win-win situation: the agents need the training, and the customers want<br />

well-trained agents. At the end of the day, everyone benefits,” he explains.<br />

“I believe that if people don’t understand the job they are doing, they will<br />

not be interested. It is vital <strong>for</strong> those involved in the business to understand<br />

the products the business produces and sells,” says Dr. Van Biljon.<br />

He says the industry is so competitive that it’s essential <strong>for</strong> agents to be<br />

able to show customers that they have a BASOS certificate. This could<br />

be the difference between selling and not selling.<br />

Johan says so far, more than 40 agents have been trained, in<br />

Viljoenskroon, Douglas, Polokwane, Middelburg, Howick and Bethlehem,<br />

and the feedback from participants has been “very positive”.<br />

The three-day course is spread over several months, but one final<br />

session will be held in August, <strong>for</strong> those agents who were unable to<br />

attend the previous sessions.<br />

“Although I try to keep it fairly simple, the course does have a definite<br />

technical aspect to it, and it certainly helps to have a basic knowledge of<br />

biology and chemistry in order to grasp things fully. For example, issues<br />

like soil reactions to specific products are discussed, so you need to<br />

know a bit about chemistry in order to understand,” says Johan.<br />

He says he also tries to make the course as interactive as possible, and<br />

often the questions asked by participants are in themselves instructive<br />

and interesting <strong>for</strong> all involved.<br />

“Even though I am the trainer, I also learn so much from the questions<br />

asked by the participants. These questions give me a good idea of what<br />

is actually happening in the field, and what the real training needs are,”<br />

he says.<br />

Examinations take place on the 12, 13 and 14 of September (prelimeminary<br />

dates), after which those candidates who pass will be<br />

awarded their highly coveted BASOS certificates.<br />

Robert Beer, Regional <strong>Sales</strong> Manager:<br />

Kynoch Central Region, says the courses<br />

are touching a chord with agents across<br />

the land.<br />

“The questions being asked by participants<br />

are really fascinating and enhance the<br />

whole training experience. The course<br />

also gives agents a sound understanding<br />

of the Kynoch product range, and it shows<br />

new agents that they are working <strong>for</strong> a<br />

company with vast expertise,” says Robert.<br />

Diddle Mahabir, a Kynoch agent from Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal, says<br />

he found the training “very in<strong>for</strong>mative and helpful indeed.<br />

“The way Dr. Van Biljon presents the in<strong>for</strong>mation makes it very accessible<br />

and easy to understand. No matter what question you might ask, he will<br />

always have the answer. In this field, there are always issues you need<br />

clarity on, and the training course provides this,” says Diddle.<br />

Johan Cloete, who is based in Douglas, in the Northern Cape, says<br />

he thought the lectures were “excellent” and he learnt a lot from the<br />

course. “Dr. Van Biljon knows how to make things understandable, and<br />

the course was very in<strong>for</strong>mative in terms of learning about the various<br />

products and their applications,” says Johan.<br />

There can be no doubt that the course offers agents an opportunity<br />

to learn more about the industry they work in and, more importantly,<br />

provide them with crucial, additional knowledge when it comes to selling<br />

Kynoch products.<br />

<strong>KYNOCH</strong><strong>NEWSLETTER</strong><br />


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