Delta State University Annual Fund Donor Report July 1, 2008 ...

Delta State University Annual Fund Donor Report July 1, 2008 ... Delta State University Annual Fund Donor Report July 1, 2008 ...
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Mr. John Lafayette Pearson Dr. and Mrs. Charles Small Ms. Melissa S. Vaughan Mrs. Sue Pearson Mr. A. B. Smith, Jr. Wachovia Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Plitt Mr. Frank E. Smith Dr. Michael W. Waldrop Dr. and Mrs. Michael Portner Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Smith Mr. James Gary Walker Lt. Col. Timothy Lee Prater Dr. and Mrs. James H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Walker, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Garry C. Randall Mrs. Milton Smith Mr. and Mrs. Keith Walker Mr. Bob Reed Mr. Ray K. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Ward Regions Financial Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith Mrs. Marie Campbell H. Watson Foundation Mr. Larry Dale Sorgen Dr. Graham Oliver Weaver Mrs. Joan Davis Robertson Mr. Harvey Van Springer Mr. G. Matt Weissinger Rogers Entomological Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Stanford, Jr. Rev. Kenneth Wayne West Dr. James T. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stanford Mr. Clyde C. Weston Mr. Fred J. Rossi State Farm Companies Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Whatley Ms. Diana P. Rotenberry Dr. Claudine S. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Nott Wheeler Mr. Glover “Trey” Russell, III Mr. Russell R. Stewart Mr. Charles White Mr. and Mrs. David R. Russum Mr. F. Marshall Sutphen Ms. Ida M. White Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ruth Mrs. Elizabeth P. Sutton Mrs. Kristy White Mrs. Nancy F. Sackheim Dr. and Mrs. Eddie Tanous, Jr. Mr. James G. Wilbourn Mr. Herbert C. Sanford Mrs. Sarah E. Tapley Mr. H. E. (Peck) Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Willard R. Samuels, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tarsi Mr. and Mrs. C. Newt Willis Mr. James Troy Sanders, Jr. The Fluor Foundation Mr. James P. Wilson Mr. Ralph Sanders Dr. Jacquelyn Carter Thigpen Dr. Evelyn B. Wofford Dr. Ben Moore Seelbinder Ms. Bobbie Jean Thompson Mrs. Linda E. Womack Dr. Regina Miller Selva Mrs. Vickie W. Thompson Mr. Walter Wood, Jr. Ms. Mary Sue Serio Mr. Vince Thompson Mr. James Edward Woodard, III Mr. Christopher Ashley Shivers Mr. Richard V. Tillotson Mrs. Dierdre Barnes Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Short Rev. Joe Joseph Tonos, II Mr. Jared Nathan Yates Ms. Sammye M. Short Dr. Allen Towery Ms. Jane B. Youell Short Line Manufacturing Company Mr. and Mrs. Jay Turner Mr. and Mrs. James W. Young Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Sissell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Turner Ms. Alice M. Skelton Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Van Vulpen Dr. Don Allen Skelton Dr. Lynn Walton Varner Heritage Club $25 - $99 Named in recognition of the University’s academic, political, economic and social contributions to the Delta, the state of Mississippi and the nation. (Annual members from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009) Mrs. Mollie Hinton Abadie Mrs. Susan Pratt Berryhill Mrs. Jeanette Burt Ms. Jo Ann Adams Mr. Sydney Wade Bell Mr. and Mrs. Earl E Burton Mr. Larry Tim Agostinelli Mr. and Dr. Charles A. Bingham Ms. Jane Ellen Busby Mrs. Mary Catherine Aguzzi Ms. Debbie Bissett Mrs. Barbara F. Cabaniss Mr. Phil O Ajayi Mrs. Lesca K. Black Ms. Montresia N. Cain Mr. Lee Baker Aldridge Ms. Betty C. Blackwell Mr. Gary Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Alexander Mr. John Mosby Blanks Mrs. Susan Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen Mrs. Ruth W. Bobo Mrs. Betty Canestrari Mr. and Mrs. James Anders Mr. Michael Booker Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Carr Ms. Brenda R. Anderson Ms. Sandy Jo Boone Mr. Marvin L. Carraway Dr. Patricia J. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Reno M. Borgognoni Ms. Ann Chatham Carter Mr. Troy Neil Armstrong Rev. and Mrs. John L. Bowie Ms. Johnnie B. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Aycock Mr. Frank E. Bradford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Carter Ms. Patricia Bailey Dr. Milton and Dr. Janie Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Phil Carter Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Baird Ms. Rosemary Brame Mrs. Tyan Wesley Carter Mr. James Moss Baird Mrs. Kelli Buchanan Branton Ms. Joan K. Casseri Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Breeland Mrs. Nellie W. Childress Ms. Regina Baptiste Mrs. Pauline H. Brewster Mr. Kim D. Chrestman Mrs. Thelma E. Barland Mrs. Vivian F. Brinson Ms. Peggy Cid Ms. Martha E. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Billy Britt Mrs. Jo Ann Clark Mrs. Mary Frances Hagan Barnes Mrs. Jeanna H. Brockway Mr. Joseph H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Baronich Mr. James Robert Brown, Jr. Mr. Sonny Clay Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown Mr. John Clifton Mrs. Katherine Keller Batenhorst Mrs. Annette Mills Bryson Mrs. Shirley B. Clinkscales Ms. Frain Bayas Ms. Jeanie Marie Burch Mrs. Mary Eunice T. Cole Col. Ernest B. Beall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Burge Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cole Mrs. Kathy Manning Beard Mrs. Mavis Burgess Ms. Lois Colson Mr. Vernon Beard Mr. James Albert Burkley Mrs. Janet H. Colvin Mr. Neil O. Beddingfield Mrs. Audrey W. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Compston Mr. and Mrs. Sammie E. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burrell Mrs. Jack T. Cook

Mrs. Linda H. Cook Mr. James D. Gerald Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kattawar, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Travis E. Cooper, Jr. Mr. Joseph C. Gibbs, Jr. Mrs. Julie Eastburn Katz Mrs. Stephanie Walker Corley Mr. James E. Gillespie Mr. John T. Keeton, Jr. Dr. William L. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gist Mr. Charles Ted Kelly Ms. Claire G. Craig Mrs. Marlene Golby Mrs. Diane Kelly Ms. Mona Pittman Creel Ms. Marsha Moody Goodwin Mrs. Joyce Holaday Kennedy Mr. John W. Crisler Mrs. Lillian Love Gordy Mr. Moody Kennedy Mrs. Suzanne A. Croft Mr. Clifford P. Goudelock Mr. Daniel King Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Crosby Mrs. Jannie H. Graham Mr. Ralph David Kollar Ms. Roberta A. Cross Sen. Walter Graham Mr. Phillip J. Koon Mr. Brian Dean Cuffle Mrs. Nita Grantham Mr. Albert J. Kossman, Jr. Ms. Gail B. Cummins Mrs. Linda B. Griffin Ms. Sharon Marie Krugler Mr. Joel B. Cunningham, Jr. Ms. Gloria Smith Griffith Ms. Terry Krutz Mr. Robert B. Curry Griffith Real Estate and Griffith Appraisal Dr. Herbert Kussman, Jr. Mrs. Patricia Curtis Services, Inc. Mrs. Paula Lambert Mrs. Frank Davis Mr. and Mrs. Trey E. Grisham Mr. Byrce Landess Mrs. Lera L. Davis Mr. John Grittman Land Lord Rentals Mrs. Miriam Thompson Davis Ms. Aimee E. Guido Dr. Debra Smith Larson Mr. Scott Day Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hackney Mrs. Celia C. Lavender Mrs. Martha C. Dean Mr. Danny B. Hall Mrs. Tara Elizabeth Laver Ms. Sarah Rebecca Deason Ms. Nancy Hamilton Mr. Barry Lawrence Mrs. Lynn Holloway Delas Mr. Albert S. Hammons, Jr. Mrs. Mary Kathryn Meek Lawrence Mr. Quitman Deloach Mr. Bobby Hancock Mrs. Betty Jo Crenshaw Leahy Mr. and Mrs. R. Wyatt Dendy Mr. Ralph T. Hand, Jr. Ms. Cynthia J. Leonard Mrs. Jane S. Dickerson Mrs. Linda Britt Haney Mr. and Mrs. Henry LeRosen Dill Engineering, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harbin Mrs. Lauren Hansen Lewis Mrs. Beverly Dixon Mrs. Martha Harden Ms. Patricia C. Linko Mr. and Mrs. James R. Donald Ms. Mary S. Hardy Ms. Bobbie Little Mrs. Martha J. Dowdle Ms. Ruth Harland Mr. and Mrs. David P. Livingston Mrs. Arlene F. Dreher Mr. Ben I. Harper Mr. Carlos Adidas Lloyd DSU Courtesy Committee Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lee Havens, Jr. Mr. William E. Lloyd Dubard Entomological Services, Inc. Ms. Rhonda Havens Ms. Jeannine A. Logan Ms. Rebecca S. Dubuisson Ms. Valencia Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Logan Mr. Andy J. Dufrene Mr. Stan Hayes Lost Forty Plantation Mr. Robert L. Eiland, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Hazzard Mrs. Frances Love Mr. George B. Elder Mrs. Jewel B. Henderson Ms. Sarah Wofford Love Mr. and Mrs. David Ellington Ms. Jane Heslep Mr. Steven Deveer Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ellis Mrs. R. D. (Laverne) Heslep Ms. Beverly R. Lucas Mrs. Ruth W. Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Elbert R. Hilliard Mrs. Katie Oakman Malatesta Mr. Michael B. Englehart Mr. and Mrs. John Hines Mrs. Belinda D. Mallery Mrs. Jacqueline A. Erwin Ms. Lucy Hite Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Malone Mrs. Vicki H. Everett Mr. Robert Lawson Holladay, Sr. Mrs. Holli P. Malouf Mrs. Diane Tyler Ezell Holloway Air Service, Inc. Mrs. Lula Maness Mr. Greg Martin Fahey Mrs. Martha Renee Holm Mr. Donald Mangrum Ms. Valerie Ward Fairley Ms. Evelyn L. Homan Ms. Lee Ann Martin Mrs. Merideth Aldridge Fancher Mr. E. M. Hood, Jr. Mr. Leroy B. Matheny Ms. Frances M. Farmer Mr. B. Mark Houston Mr. and Mrs. Don A. McAfee, Jr. Mrs. Candace D. Farrior Dr. and Mrs. Bobby Howell Mr. George McCaleb Mr. Jeffrey King Farris Mr. Philip D. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. McClain Mrs. Susan Martin Feather Mrs. Paty Sue Huff Mrs. Bobbie McClelland Dr. Beth McArthur Felder Mr. Steven Humphreys Mrs. Cynthia B. McCool Mr. Kennon Ferguson Mrs. Sue W. Hunt Mrs. Jill Jones McCracken Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ferguson Mrs. Vanalee D. Hurst Mrs. Louise Nelson McGee Mr. Larry J. Ferreri Mr. Paul Lee Irvin, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Govan McGhee Ferretti Building Materials, Inc. Mrs. Cora Sims Jackson Mrs. Julie T. McGregor Mrs. Phyllis Findley Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Jackson Ms. Sharon McGregor Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fioranelli Mr. and Mrs. Greg Jackson Mrs. Barbara McMaster Mrs. Georgia T. Fisher Mr. Noel David Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey C. Meador Mr. George L. Fletcher Jamie Reynolds Insurance Agency Mr. James M. Medders Mr. Leslie Fletcher Dr. and Mrs. James D. Jee Mr. and Mrs. Dillard D. Melton Dr. J.B. Flowers Mr. Ernest O. Jeffery Mr. R. Christopher Menhard Mrs. Evelyn B. Fondren Ms. Cherie Darden Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Meredith Mrs. Nellie M. Foreman Mr. Gayden Johnson Dr. Joseph S. Messina Mrs. Gail Bass Fortenberry Mr. Jack C. Johnson Mrs. Rosalind M. Messing Mrs. Wanda H. Fowler Mr. Johnnie Lee Johnson Mr. James T. Milam Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Frazier Mrs. Elizabeth C. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Rev. Percy M. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Harvey D. Johnston Ms. Lillian H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dumont S. Freeman, III Mrs. Lexie Nelson Jones Mr. Steven Asbury Miller Ms. Louise Garrett Mrs. Ruby C. Jones Dr. Tim Mills Ms. Margaret Garrick Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Jordan, Jr. Mr. Richard Minor Mrs. Jennifer Newton Gatling Ms. Pamela Lyer Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minyard Mr. and Mrs. Justin George Mr. J. Barthell Joseph, Jr. Dr. Ben Larkin Mitchell

Mr. John Lafayette Pearson Dr. and Mrs. Charles Small Ms. Melissa S. Vaughan<br />

Mrs. Sue Pearson Mr. A. B. Smith, Jr. Wachovia<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Plitt Mr. Frank E. Smith Dr. Michael W. Waldrop<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Portner Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Smith Mr. James Gary Walker<br />

Lt. Col. Timothy Lee Prater Dr. and Mrs. James H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Walker, Sr.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Garry C. Randall Mrs. Milton Smith Mr. and Mrs. Keith Walker<br />

Mr. Bob Reed Mr. Ray K. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Ward<br />

Regions Financial Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith Mrs. Marie Campbell H. Watson<br />

Foundation Mr. Larry Dale Sorgen Dr. Graham Oliver Weaver<br />

Mrs. Joan Davis Robertson Mr. Harvey Van Springer Mr. G. Matt Weissinger<br />

Rogers Entomological Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Stanford, Jr. Rev. Kenneth Wayne West<br />

Dr. James T. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stanford Mr. Clyde C. Weston<br />

Mr. Fred J. Rossi <strong>State</strong> Farm Companies Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Whatley<br />

Ms. Diana P. Rotenberry Dr. Claudine S. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Nott Wheeler<br />

Mr. Glover “Trey” Russell, III Mr. Russell R. Stewart Mr. Charles White<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Russum Mr. F. Marshall Sutphen Ms. Ida M. White<br />

Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ruth Mrs. Elizabeth P. Sutton Mrs. Kristy White<br />

Mrs. Nancy F. Sackheim Dr. and Mrs. Eddie Tanous, Jr. Mr. James G. Wilbourn<br />

Mr. Herbert C. Sanford Mrs. Sarah E. Tapley Mr. H. E. (Peck) Wilkinson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Willard R. Samuels, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tarsi Mr. and Mrs. C. Newt Willis<br />

Mr. James Troy Sanders, Jr. The Fluor Foundation Mr. James P. Wilson<br />

Mr. Ralph Sanders Dr. Jacquelyn Carter Thigpen Dr. Evelyn B. Wofford<br />

Dr. Ben Moore Seelbinder Ms. Bobbie Jean Thompson Mrs. Linda E. Womack<br />

Dr. Regina Miller Selva Mrs. Vickie W. Thompson Mr. Walter Wood, Jr.<br />

Ms. Mary Sue Serio Mr. Vince Thompson Mr. James Edward Woodard, III<br />

Mr. Christopher Ashley Shivers Mr. Richard V. Tillotson Mrs. Dierdre Barnes Woodruff<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Short Rev. Joe Joseph Tonos, II Mr. Jared Nathan Yates<br />

Ms. Sammye M. Short Dr. Allen Towery Ms. Jane B. Youell<br />

Short Line Manufacturing Company Mr. and Mrs. Jay Turner Mr. and Mrs. James W. Young<br />

Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Sissell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Turner<br />

Ms. Alice M. Skelton Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Van Vulpen<br />

Dr. Don Allen Skelton Dr. Lynn Walton Varner<br />

Heritage Club<br />

$25 - $99<br />

Named in recognition of the <strong>University</strong>’s academic, political, economic and social contributions to the <strong>Delta</strong>, the state of<br />

Mississippi and the nation. (<strong>Annual</strong> members from <strong>July</strong> 1, <strong>2008</strong> through June 30, 2009)<br />

Mrs. Mollie Hinton Abadie Mrs. Susan Pratt Berryhill Mrs. Jeanette Burt<br />

Ms. Jo Ann Adams Mr. Sydney Wade Bell Mr. and Mrs. Earl E Burton<br />

Mr. Larry Tim Agostinelli Mr. and Dr. Charles A. Bingham Ms. Jane Ellen Busby<br />

Mrs. Mary Catherine Aguzzi Ms. Debbie Bissett Mrs. Barbara F. Cabaniss<br />

Mr. Phil O Ajayi Mrs. Lesca K. Black Ms. Montresia N. Cain<br />

Mr. Lee Baker Aldridge Ms. Betty C. Blackwell Mr. Gary Calhoun<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Alexander Mr. John Mosby Blanks Mrs. Susan Calhoun<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen Mrs. Ruth W. Bobo Mrs. Betty Canestrari<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Anders Mr. Michael Booker Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Carr<br />

Ms. Brenda R. Anderson Ms. Sandy Jo Boone Mr. Marvin L. Carraway<br />

Dr. Patricia J. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Reno M. Borgognoni Ms. Ann Chatham Carter<br />

Mr. Troy Neil Armstrong Rev. and Mrs. John L. Bowie Ms. Johnnie B. Carter<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Aycock Mr. Frank E. Bradford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Carter<br />

Ms. Patricia Bailey Dr. Milton and Dr. Janie Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Phil Carter<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Baird Ms. Rosemary Brame Mrs. Tyan Wesley Carter<br />

Mr. James Moss Baird Mrs. Kelli Buchanan Branton Ms. Joan K. Casseri<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Breeland Mrs. Nellie W. Childress<br />

Ms. Regina Baptiste Mrs. Pauline H. Brewster Mr. Kim D. Chrestman<br />

Mrs. Thelma E. Barland Mrs. Vivian F. Brinson Ms. Peggy Cid<br />

Ms. Martha E. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Billy Britt Mrs. Jo Ann Clark<br />

Mrs. Mary Frances Hagan Barnes Mrs. Jeanna H. Brockway Mr. Joseph H. Clark<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Baronich Mr. James Robert Brown, Jr. Mr. Sonny Clay<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown Mr. John Clifton<br />

Mrs. Katherine Keller Batenhorst Mrs. Annette Mills Bryson Mrs. Shirley B. Clinkscales<br />

Ms. Frain Bayas Ms. Jeanie Marie Burch Mrs. Mary Eunice T. Cole<br />

Col. Ernest B. Beall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Burge Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cole<br />

Mrs. Kathy Manning Beard Mrs. Mavis Burgess Ms. Lois Colson<br />

Mr. Vernon Beard Mr. James Albert Burkley Mrs. Janet H. Colvin<br />

Mr. Neil O. Beddingfield Mrs. Audrey W. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Compston<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Sammie E. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burrell Mrs. Jack T. Cook

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