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GRADE 10 LIFE SCIENCES Photosynthesis and Respiration Fotosintese en Respirasie Total / Totaal: 60 marks Time / Tyd: 1 h INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions. 1. Answer ALL the questions / Beantwoord al die vrae 2. Number the answers correctly / Nommer al die vrae korrek 3. All drawings should be done in pencil and labeled in blue or black ink. / Alle sketse moet in potlood wees en die byskrifte in blou of swart ink. 4. The diagrams in this question paper may NOT necessarily be drawn to scale. / Diagramme in die vraestel is nie noodwendig volgens skaal nie. Section / Afdeling A QUESTION / Vraag 1 1.1 Various possible answers are provided as to the following questions. Choose the best answer and write only the letter (A – D) next to the question. For example 1.1.5 D. / Verskeie antwoorde word by elke vraag voorsien. Kies die beste antwoord en skryf slegs die letter (A – D) langs die vraag, bv. 1.1.5 D. 1.1.1 Organisms that can produce their own food are … / Organismes wat hul eie kos kan produseer is ... A. heterotrophic / heterotrofies B. consumers / verbruikers C. autotrophic / outotrofies D. automatic / outomaties 1.1.2 The following is needed for photosynthesis: / Die volgende word vir fotosintese benodig: A. O2, CO2 and light / en lig B. H2O, CO2 and light / en lig C. CO2 and light / en lig D. H2O and light / en lig


Photosynthesis and Respiration<br />

Fotosintese en Respirasie<br />

Total / Totaal: 60 marks Time / Tyd: 1 h<br />


Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.<br />

1. Answer ALL the questions / Beantwoord al die vrae<br />

2. Number the answers correctly / Nommer al die vrae korrek<br />

3. All drawings should be done in pencil and labeled in blue or<br />

black ink. / Alle sketse moet in potlood wees en die byskrifte in<br />

blou of swart ink.<br />

4. The diagrams in this question paper may NOT necessarily be<br />

drawn to scale. / Diagramme in die vraestel is nie noodwendig<br />

volgens skaal nie.<br />

Section / Afdeling A<br />

QUESTION / Vraag 1<br />

1.1 Various possible answers are provided as to the following<br />

questions. Choose the best answer and write only the letter (A –<br />

D) next to the question. For example 1.1.5 D. / Verskeie<br />

antwoorde word by elke vraag voorsien. Kies die beste antwoord<br />

en skryf slegs die letter (A – D) langs die vraag, bv. 1.1.5 D.<br />

1.1.1 Organisms that can produce their own food are … / Organismes wat<br />

hul eie kos kan produseer is ...<br />

A. heterotrophic / heterotrofies<br />

B. consumers / verbruikers<br />

C. autotrophic / outotrofies<br />

D. automatic / outomaties<br />

1.1.2 The following is needed for photosynthesis: / Die volgende word vir<br />

fotosintese benodig:<br />

A. O2, CO2 and light / en lig<br />

B. H2O, CO2 and light / en lig<br />

C. CO2 and light / en lig<br />

D. H2O and light / en lig

1.1.3 The stomata control the supply of the following raw material that is<br />

necessary for photosynthesis / Die huidmondjies beheer die<br />

beskikbaarheid van die volgende grondstof wat vir fotosintese<br />

benodig word:<br />

A. Enzymes / Ensieme<br />

B. Carbon dioxide / Koolstofdioksied<br />

C. Oxygen / Suurstof<br />

D. Mineral salts / Mineraal soute<br />

1.1.4 Air that has been exhaled contains…/ Lug wat uitgeasem word, bevat ..<br />

A. more carbon dioxide, less oxygen and a small quantity of water<br />

vapour. / meer koolstofdioksied, minder suurstof en 'n bietjie<br />

waterdamp<br />

B. more oxygen, less carbon dioxide and no water vapour. / meer<br />

suurstof, minder koolstofdioksied en geen waterdamp nie.<br />

C. more carbon dioxide, less oxygen and no water vapour. / meer<br />

koolstofdioksied, minder suurstof en geen waterdamp nie.<br />

D. the same amount of carbon dioxide, oxygen and water vapour. /<br />

Dieselfde hoeveelheid koolstofdioksied, suurstof en waterdamp.<br />

1.1.5 How many ATP molecules are formed during alcoholic fermentation<br />

from one glucose molecule? / Hoeveel ATP molekules word tydens<br />

alkoholiese fermentasie van een glukose molekule gevorm?<br />

A. 2<br />

B. 20<br />

C. 36<br />

D. 44 (2 x 5) (10)<br />

1.2 Each of the following statements can be replaced by a biological<br />

term. Write only the term next to the appropriate number. / Elkeen<br />

van die volgende stellings kan vervang word deur 'n biologiese<br />

term. Skryf die korrekte term neer langs die gepaste<br />


1.2.1 The green pigment in plants. / Die groen pigment in plante.<br />

1.2.2. The transparent type of tissue in a leaf that allows sunlight to<br />

penetrate.<br />

1.2.3. The form in which plants save glucose. / Die vorm waarin plante<br />

glukose stoor.<br />

1.2.4 The process that takes place in the mitochondria that produce 2 ATP<br />

molecules and CO2. / Die proses wat in die mitochondria plaasvind<br />

waartydens 2 ATP molukes en CO2 gevorm word.<br />

1.2.5 The respiration that takes place in yeast cells. / Die fermentasie wat in<br />

gisselle plaasvind.<br />

(1 x 5)<br />

(5)<br />

1.3 Choose an item from COLUMN A that matches a description in<br />

COLUMN B. Write only the letter (A – P) next to the question<br />

number<br />

(1.3.1 –1.3.10), for example 1.3.6 J.<br />


1.3.1 Cuticle A – Stiffness in muscles / Stywe spiere<br />

1.3.2 Light dependent B – Formed during a type of respiration /<br />

phase<br />

Gevorm tydens 'n tipe respirasie<br />

1.3.3 NAD C – Liquid content of a chloroplast.<br />

1.3.4 Iodine / Jodium D – Transparent / Deurskynend<br />

1.3.5 O2 shortage / O2<br />

tekort<br />

E – Takes place in the grana of the chloroplast.<br />

F – Used in test for starch / Gebruikj in die<br />

stysel toets<br />

G – Takes place outside the chloroplast.<br />

(1 x 5) (5)<br />


SECTION / Afdeling B<br />

QUESTION / Vraag 2<br />

An investigation was conducted to show the effects of increasing light<br />

intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of a plant. The plant was tested in two<br />

situations with two different concentrations of carbon dioxide. The results are<br />

recorded in the table below. / 'n Ondersoek was gedoen om die effek van<br />

toenemende ligintensiteit op die fotosintese tempo van 'n plant te ondersoek.<br />

Die plant was getoets in twee situasies met verskillende konsetrasies CO2.<br />

Die tabel gee die resultate.<br />

Light Intensity /<br />

Ligintensiteit<br />

(arbitrêre eenhede)<br />

(arbitrary units)<br />

Production rate of carbohydrates<br />

during photosynthesis / Produksie<br />

tempo van koolhidraat vorming<br />

tydens fotosintese (mg.hour -1 )<br />

In 0,05% CO2 In 0,15% CO2<br />

1 0,9 1,5<br />

2 1,5 2,3<br />

3 2,0 3,1<br />

4 2,3 3,9<br />

5 2,4 4,3<br />

6 2,4 4,3<br />

7 2,4 4,3<br />

2.1 Construct a line-graph of the production rate of carbohydrates<br />

(mg.hour -1 ), plotting both lines (in 0,05% and 0,15% CO2) on the same set of<br />

axes. / Teken 'n lyngrafiek van die produksie tempo van die koolhidrate<br />

(mg.uur -1 ). Teken beide lyne (in 0,05% and 0,15% CO2) op een assestelsel.<br />

(5)<br />

2.2 At what light intensity does the plant reach its maximum rate of<br />

photosynthesis? / By watter ligintensiteit bereik die plant sy maksimum<br />

fotosintese tempo? (1)<br />

2.3 At what light intensity was the production rate at it’s lowest? / By watter<br />

ligintensiteit was die produksie die laagste? (1)<br />

2.4 The rate of carbohydrate production, in both concentrations of CO2<br />

(0,05% and 0,15%) remained constant at light intensities of 5, 6 and 7<br />

arbitrary units. Suggest ONE possible explanation for this phenomenon. /<br />

Gee een moontlike rede waarom die koolhidraat produksie in biede CO2<br />

konsentrasies konstant gebly het by ligintensiteite 5, 6, en 7.(2)<br />

2.5 What is the advantage to a plant of a higher carbon dioxide<br />

concentration? / Wat is die voordeel vir die plant van 'n hoër<br />

koolstofdioksied konsentrasie? (2)

2.6 Food shortages are a major problem in many parts of the world today.<br />

How can the above experimental information be applied in practice, as<br />

a solution to the problem of food shortages? / Voedsel tekorte is<br />

globaal 'n groot probleem. Hoe kan die bogenoemde eksperiment se<br />

resultate en inligting toegepas word in die praktyk as 'n oplossing vir<br />

hierdie voedsel tekorte? (2)<br />

2.7 List the independent and the dependent variables for this experiment. /<br />

Gee die onafhanklike en die afhanklike veranderlikes vir hierdie<br />

eksperiment. (2)<br />

QUESTION 3<br />

3.1 Study the following diagram and answer the following questions. /<br />

Bestudeer die volgende diagram en beantwoord die volgende vrae.<br />

B<br />

E F<br />

3.1.1 Give the labels A to E / Gee A tot E se byskrifte. (5)<br />

3.1.2 Supply 4 adaptations of leafs (visible in the diagram) that helps with<br />

photosynthesis. / Gee 4 aanpassings (wysigings) van 'n blaar (sigbaar<br />

in die diagram) wat fotosintese bevorder. (4)<br />

3.2 Which part of the leaf ….... ? / Watter deel van die blaar …..... ?<br />

3.2.1 Contains the most chloroplasts. / Bevat die meeste chloroplaste?<br />

3.2.2 Is important for gaseous exchange? / Is belangrik vir gaswisseling?<br />

3.2.3 Transports carbohydrates? / Vervoer koohidrate? (3)<br />

[12]<br />

C<br />

A<br />

D<br />


Question / Vraag 4<br />

B<br />

C<br />

A<br />

4.1 What process takes place at A? / Watter proses vind by A plaas?<br />

(1)<br />

4.2 Name two products are formed during the process at indicated as C? /<br />

Noem twee wat gevorm word in die proses wat as C aangedui word?<br />

(2)<br />

4.3 Where does processes B and C take place respectively? / Waar vind<br />

prosesse B en C onderskeidelik plaas? (2)<br />

4.4 What is the name of the complete process represented by the diagram<br />

above? / Wat is die naam vir die volledige proses wat deur die<br />

bostaande diagram uitgebeeld word? (1)<br />

4.5.1 What step(s) in this overall process will not take place if there is no<br />

oxygen available? / Watter stap(pe) in die algehele proses sal nie<br />

plassvind as daar nie suurstof is nie? (2)<br />

4.5.2 What process will replace these missing step(s) in mammals? / Watter<br />

proses sal die vermiste stap(pe) vervang in soogdiere? (1)<br />

D<br />


4.5.3 What product is then formed that causes stiffness? / Watter produk,<br />

wat styfheid veroorsaak, word dan gevorm? (1)<br />

4.6 Give three reasons why one can say that the process represented<br />

by the diagram above is the opposite of photosynthesis. / Gee drie<br />

redes waarom 'n mens kan sê dat die proses wat deur die<br />

bostaande diagram uitgebeeld word die teenoorgestelde is van<br />

fotosintese. (3)<br />

[13]<br />


Question 1.1<br />

1.1.1 C√<br />

1.1.2 B√<br />

1.1.3 B√<br />

1.1.4 A√<br />

1.1.5 A√<br />

Question 1.2<br />

1.2.1 chlorofil√<br />

1.2.2 Epidermal√<br />

1.2.3 stysel√<br />

1.2.4 Crebs cycle√<br />

1.2.5 alcoholic√<br />

Question 1.3<br />

1.3.1 D√<br />

1.3.2 E√<br />

1.3.3 B√<br />

1.3.4 F√<br />

1.3.5 A√<br />

(2 X 5 = 10)<br />

(1 X 5 = 5)<br />

<strong>CONTROL</strong> <strong>TEST</strong> 2<br />

GRADE 10<br />

Total: 60 marks<br />

Time: 1 Hour<br />

MEMO<br />

(1 X 15 = 10)<br />



Question 2<br />

2.1<br />

√ Heading in capitals containing both variables.<br />

√ X-axis correct label and unit.<br />

√ Y-axis correct label and unit.<br />

√ Correct plotting of data lines.<br />

√ Legend (key) correct or label each line.<br />

2.2 At a light intensity of 5 (arbitrary units). √ (1)<br />

2.3 At a light intensity of 1 (arbitrary units). √ (1)<br />

2.4 The optimal level for photosynthesis had been reached. √<br />

Further increases in light intensity no longer increase the rate of<br />

photosynthesis. √ (2)<br />

2.5 It results in an increase in rate of photosynthesis√ and therefore<br />

increases the rate and quantity of carbohydrates (food) made. √<br />

(2)<br />

2.6 By growing plants in the correct CO2 concentration, optimal<br />

photosynthesis levels will result in the best crop yields. √<br />

Thus, an artificial environment (greenhouse) with greater CO2<br />

concentrations will results in greater crop yields. √ (2)<br />

2.7 independent: light intensity√<br />

dependent: rate of carbohydrate production. √ (2)<br />

[15]<br />

3.1.1 A = palisade B = chloroplast C = cuticle<br />

D = mesophyl E = stoma (5)<br />


3.1.2 flat / stoma on bottom of leaf / arrangement of palisade / many<br />

chloroplasts in palisade / air spaces etc. (any 4) (4)<br />

3.2.1 palisade<br />

3.2.2 stoma<br />

3.2.3 phloem (3)<br />

4.1 Glycolysis (1)<br />

4.2 ATP and water (2)<br />

4.3 Both in mitochondria (2)<br />

4.4 cellular respiration (1)<br />

4.5.1 B and C (2)<br />

4.5.2 anaerobic respiration (1)<br />

4.5.3 lactic acid (1)<br />

4.6 Uses oxygen while photosynthesis produces oxygen<br />

gives off carbon dioxide while photosynthesis gives off oxygen<br />

make energy available while photosynthesis bonds energy<br />

uses carbohydrates while photosynthesis produces carbohydrates<br />

etc. any 3 (3)<br />


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