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<strong>KCE</strong> reports vol. 6A Prenatale zorg 263<br />

58. Carroli G, Villar J, Piaggio G, et al. WHO systematic review of<br />

randomised controlled trials of routine antenatal care. Lancet 2001;<br />

357(9268): 1565-1570.<br />

59. Petrou S, Kupek E, Vause S, et al. Antenatal visits and adverse perinatal<br />

outcomes: results from a British population-based study. Eur J Obstet<br />

Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003; 106(1): 40-49.<br />

60. Hildingsson I, Waldenstrom U, Radestad I. Women's expectations on<br />

antenatal care as assessed in early pregnancy: number of visits, continuity<br />

of caregiver and general content. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2002;<br />

81(2):118-125.<br />

61. World Health Organization (WHO). Antenatal Care: report of a<br />

Technical Working Group. WHO: Geneva, Switzerland. 1996.<br />

62. Rosenberg TJ, Garbers S, Chavkin W, et al. Prepregnancy weight and<br />

adverse perinatal outcomes in an ethnically diverse population. Obstet<br />

Gynecol 2003; 102(5): 1022-1027.<br />

63. Jensen DM, Damm P, Sorensen B, et al. Pregnancy outcome and<br />

prepregnancy body mass index in 2459 glucose-tolerant Danish women.<br />

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 189: 239-44.<br />

64. Gulbis B, Tshilolo L, Cotton F, et al. Newborn screening for<br />

haemoglobinopathies: the Brussels experience. J Med Screen 1999; 6(1):<br />

11-5.<br />

65. Donders GG. Surveillance of infection during pregnancy: the boundary<br />

between routine screening and symptom-driven diagnosis. Thesis<br />

Doctor in de Medische Wetenschappen . Katholieke Universiteit<br />

Leuven 1997.<br />

66. Honest H, Bachmann LM, Knox EM, et al. The accuracy of various tests<br />

for bacterial vaginosis in predicting preterm birth: a systematic review.<br />

BJOG 2004; 111(5): 409-22.<br />

67. Guaschino S, Ricci E, Franchi M, et al. Treatment of asymptomatic<br />

bacterial vaginosis to prevent pre-term delivery: a randomised trial. Eur J<br />

Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003; 110: 149-152.<br />

68. Ugwumadu A, Manyonda I, Reid F, et al. Effect of early clindamycin on<br />

late miscarriage and preterm delivery in asymptomatic women with<br />

abnormal vaginal flora and bacterial vaginosis: a randomised controlled<br />

trial. Lancet 2003; 361: 983-88.<br />

69. Klebanoff M, Hauth J, MacPherson C, et al. Time course of the regression<br />

of asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy with and without<br />

treatment. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 190: 363-70.<br />

70. Kekki M, Kurki T, Kotomäki T, et al. Cost-effectiveness of screening and<br />

treatment for bacterial vaginosis in early pregnancy among women at low<br />

risk for preterm birth. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2004; 83: 27-36.<br />

71. Defraye A, Sasse A. SOA surveillancesysteem via een peilnetwerk van<br />

clinici in België. Resultaten van de derde registratie periode oktober 2002<br />

januari 2003. (http://www.iph.fgov.be/epidemio/epinl/aidsnl/mst03-nl.pdf)<br />

72. Watson E, Templeton A, Russell I, et al. The accuracy and efficacy of<br />

screening tests for chlamydia trachomatis: a systematic review. J Med<br />

Microbiol 2002; 51: 1021-1031.<br />

73. Moore M, Schrag J, Schuchat A. Effects of intrapartum antimicrobial<br />

prophylaxis for prevention of group-B-streptococcal disease on the<br />

incidence and ecology of early-onset neonatal sepsis. Lancet Infect Dis<br />

2003; 3: 201-13.

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