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242 PART 2 / <strong>Evolution</strong>ary Genetics<br />

Look at the bimodal response in the<br />

figure opposite!<br />

Relations between genotype and<br />

phenotype can be linear or nonlinear<br />

measure of the amount of variation that is independent of the units used to do the<br />

measuring. The equation R = h 2 S works with standardized selection differentials too,<br />

and gives the response as a fraction of the standard deviation of the population.)<br />

Figure 9.10 shows that standardized selection differentials are mainly in the range<br />

–0.25 to +0.25. Kingsolver et al. (2001) and Hoekstra et al. (2001) use the results of<br />

their survey to make some tentative further deductions, but for our purposes their<br />

survey shows that we have a large amount of evidence, in which quantitative genetic<br />

techniques have been used to study directional selection in nature. It also shows the<br />

general range of results of those studies.<br />

9.9 Relations between genotype and phenotype may<br />

be non-linear, producing remarkable responses<br />

to selection<br />

Figure 9.11 illustrates a remarkable artificial selection experiment. Scharloo selected<br />

a population of fruitflies for increased relative length of the fourth wing vein<br />

(Figure 9.11a). The figure shows the frequency distribution of vein lengths in the population<br />

for 10 generations. A length of 60–80 has been reached by about generation 5.<br />

At this stage the frequency distribution (amid the scatter that is often seen in real<br />

experiments) starts to show a consistent bimodality: it is clearest in generations 5–7,<br />

with only the high peak being maintained in generations 8–10. The experiment<br />

suggests that more complicated things can occur in artificial selection experiments<br />

than we have seen so far. What is going on?<br />

The key to understanding the shape of the response is the relation between genotype<br />

and phenotype. A simple response, such as that for oil content in Figure 9.7 or bristle<br />

number in Figure 9.8, results when there is an approximately linear relation between<br />

genotype and phenotype (Figure 9.12a). Genotype here is expressed as a metrical variable.<br />

The easiest way to think of this is to imagine that the character is controlled by<br />

many loci; at each, some alleles (+) cause the phenotypic character to increase, and<br />

others (−) to decrease. The more positive genes an individual has, the higher its genotypic<br />

value (Figure 9.12a). Then when we select for an increase in the character, we pick<br />

the individuals with more positive genes, and the value of the character will increase<br />

smoothly between generations in the manner of the Illinois corn oil experiment.<br />

The approximately linear form of Figure 9.12a is not the only possible relation<br />

between genotype and phenotype (cf. Figure 9.12b and c). The bimodal response in<br />

Figure 9.11 is thought to result from a threshold relation between genotype and phenotype<br />

(Figures 9.12c and 9.13). In Figure 9.13, the graph has been rotated through 180°<br />

relative to the form in Figure 9.12; the x-axis (genotype) is drawn down the page on the<br />

left. The genotype is thought to control the amount of some vein-inducing substance.<br />

Vein length is shown across the top of the graph. The relation between substance and<br />

vein length is hypothesized to contain a jump at vein length 60–80 (where the artificial<br />

selection response goes bimodal).<br />

Imagine the course of selection for longer wing veins with this threshold relation<br />

between genotype and phenotype. The population starts at the top left of the graph with<br />


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