Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone

Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone

Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone


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deursigtig; boonste vlak wit grys bruin met baie fyn duike, waarin daar mer<br />

ke van donkerbruin tot purper kolle of lyne onreëlmatige voorkom. Blomme<br />

geel.<br />

Boesmanland: naby Pofadder.<br />

figure 116 . lithops verruculosa nel<br />

Hierdie mooi portret (Fig. 110) is geneem deur Mnr. C. L. Harders en<br />

goedgunstiglik aan my afgestaan. Hierdie portret toon a! die kenmerke van<br />

die soort.<br />

✱<strong>Lithops</strong> van Zylii. Folia parvis subaequalia, 2.5–4 cm. longa, vagina ad 25<br />

cm. longa, 2–4.4 cm. lata, ad 2.5 cm. diam., inferne roseate grisea, superne<br />

pallide glauca, fenestra nulla, cuticula apicali pergamentacea, punctis lineisque<br />

angustis lilacinis ornata; recept. ad 1.4 cm. diam., sepala 8, 9–12mm. longa,<br />

basi 7–9 mm. lata; petula lutea; capsula visa 10 loc., 1.4 cm., expansa 2 cm.,<br />

diam. alis tecti pro genere sat latis.<br />

Bushmanland prope Madder, Oct. 1931, G. H. van Zyl (Fuller, 139;<br />

N.B.G. 2197/31 Fl. Apr. 1932); Pella, Keimoes et Kakamas.<br />


<strong>Lithops</strong> Venteri. (Plate 42.) Growths up to many in a clump; top surface<br />

slightly convex, slightly rough to the touch or smooth; large transparent win<br />

dow, coloured light brownish red, and in which numerous small islands oc<br />

cur, and in these islands dark green miniature openings or windows, or the<br />

window is irregular in shape, light green, and sometimes with a light grey<br />


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