Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone

Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone

Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone


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is. Hierdie drie plante was deel van die plante van L. marmorata soos deur<br />

hom oorspronklik beskrywe.<br />

✱<strong>Lithops</strong> marmorata. Growths solitary or few in a clump, increasing very<br />

slowly, up to 11 – 3 in. high, 11 – 4 in. broad, and 3 – 4 in. thick, with the top of the<br />

lobes slightly convex, grey green, mottled with pale grey or creamy grey. Ca<br />

lyx 6 lobed, lobes 2–3 lines long, and about 2 lines broad, ovate or oblong,<br />

obtuse. Corolla about 11 – 4 in. in diam., expanding after midday in full sunshine<br />

and closing at dusk, scented. Petals about 40, of about 2 closely overlapping<br />

series, 6–7 lines long and 1–11 – 2 lines broad, obtuse, pure white on both sides,<br />

very shining. Column of stamens + in. long, white with yellow anthers. Top<br />

of ovary flat; style very short; stigmas 6, finally about 5 lines long, at first<br />

erect, but when the petals fade they spread widely from the base, pushing the<br />

stamens away so that the latter form a sort of ring around them, and they<br />

are revolute at the tips.<br />

Journ ‑> Journ.<br />

M. marmoratum N. E. Br. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot., V. 45, p. 68.<br />

South Africa: locality unknown (Pillans).<br />


<strong>Lithops</strong> Marthae. (Plate 26.) Growths solitary forming a lump of 4–6; top of<br />

lobe very slightly convex; sides grey with a purplish tint; upper surface with<br />

figure 71 . lithops marmorata n.e. br.<br />


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