Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone

Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone

Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone


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Transvaal: Vereeniging; naby Klerksdorp in ou klip; naby Pretoria;<br />

Bloemhof; Warrenton; Koster, TA.<br />

O.V.S.: Bethlehem, op verweerde ysterklip tussen gras saam met<br />

Euphorbia truncata; naby Senekal; Verkeerde Vlei.<br />

Kaap: Windsorton; naby Kimberley; Warrenton.<br />

Hierdie soort is maklik te herken deur (i) die roesbruin kleur op die<br />

groenerige venster, en (ii) die ronde openinge in die bedeksel van die venster.<br />

✱<strong>Lithops</strong> Lesliei. Growths solitary or 3–4 in a clump, up to 1 1 – 2 in. high; 1 3 – 4<br />

in. broad; 1 1 – 4 in. thick, flat on top, smooth or slightly harsh or irregular to the<br />

touch, but without an impressed reticulation, dark green or olive green, densely<br />

or sparsely covered with dull orange or rust coloured, irregular spots, or den<br />

dritic markings. Calyx 5–6 lobed; lobes 2 1 – 2 –4 lines long, 1 1 – 2 –2 lines broad, ob<br />

long or ovate, obtuse or green brownish tinted. Corolla 1–1 1 – 2 in. in diameter,<br />

expanding in the latter part of the afternoon (at Pretoria about 5 p.m. accor<br />

ding to Professor Pole Evans) in bright sunshine only, scentless. Petals 50–60,<br />

in about 3 series, rather lax., 5–7 lines long and nearly 1 line broad, linear,<br />

acute, obtuse or slightly notched at the apex; bright yellow, whitish or pinkish<br />

white on the back. Column of stamens about + in. long, whitish or pale yellow,<br />

anthers yellow. Style short; stigmas 4–5, about 4 1 – 2 –5 1 – 2 lines long, as long as<br />

the stamens, pale greenish yellow.<br />

M. Lesliei N.E. Br. in Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Afr., V. II, p. 369, with<br />

Fig. (1912).<br />

figure 65 . lithops kunjasensis dtr.<br />


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