Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone

Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone

Lithops - Au Cactus Francophone


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✱<strong>Lithops</strong> Eberlanzii. Corpuscula 2–4 cm. alta, 1 1 – 2 –3 1 – 2 cm. lata, obconica, apice<br />

plus minus orbicularia vel lunata, fissura transversa 5–10 mm. alta, apice lo<br />

bis subplanis vel levissime convexis, griseo ochracea vel griseo violacea, lineis<br />

ramosis notata. Flores ignoti. Capsula quinquelocularis, expansa ca 1 cm. lata.<br />

South West Africa: Kuckaus Pockenbank Fläche; Kovisbergen.<br />


<strong>Lithops</strong> Erniana. (Plate 10.) Growths forming a clump of two or more; top<br />

of lobe subconvex; lower part of sides coloured a pale grey; near top of lobe<br />

a dark grey hand as border; top of lobe light fawn grey, rugulose with a<br />

few brown dots from which radiate 3–4 yellow brown lines and many broad<br />

brown lines not interconnected with one another; these lines with a few side<br />

branches are placed more or less at right angles to the main depressions; the<br />

lines end in 3–4 dendritic branches, side branches and dendritic markings<br />

coloured a light yellow brown; on top surface a few blue green miniature<br />

windows; window opaque. Flowers white. (Fig. 36).<br />

South West Africa; near Wittpütz; near Pockenbank; 50 miles south<br />

of <strong>Au</strong>s in granite.<br />

The slightly rugulose appearance with the interconnected brown lines<br />

ending in the fine yellow brown dendritic lines characterises this species.<br />

<strong>Lithops</strong> Erniana. (Plaat 10.) Planteliggaam vorm ’n klomp van 2 of meer;<br />

boonste vlak subkonveks; onderste gedeelte van die mantel liggrys; naby die<br />

top en aan die boeinde van die mantel is daar ’n donkergrys band; boon<br />

ste vlak liggrys, effens gerimpeld, met ’n paar bruin punte, waarvandaan 3–4<br />

geelbruin lyne uitstraal en daar is nog baie breë lyne wat nie met mekaar<br />

verbond is nie; aan hierdie lyne is daar ’n paar taklyne wat mm of meer met<br />

’n reghoek op die hoofinsinkinge(klowe) staan; hierdie taklyne eindig in 3–4<br />

dendritiese takke; die taklyne en dendritiese merke is lig geelbuin gekleurd;<br />

’n paar blou groen miniatuur venstertjies. Blomme wit.<br />

Suidwes Afrika: naby Wittputz; by Pockenbank; 50 myl suid van<br />

<strong>Au</strong>s in graniet.<br />

Die effens gerimpelde voorkome van die top met die met mekaar<br />

verbonde bruingeel lyne wat in die fyn geel bruin dendritiese lyne eindig<br />

kenmerk hierdie soort.<br />

✱<strong>Lithops</strong> Erniana. Corpuscula ad 2–4 cm. alta, 2–3 mm. lata obconica apice<br />

plana vel levissima convexa, rugosa, griseo vel griseo violacea, rugae excavatae,<br />

violacea. Fissura transversa, 3–4 mm. alta. Sepala 5, petala 33, 2–3 mm. lata,<br />

ad 1.5 cm. longa, obtusa, alba. Filamcnta alba, antheris luteis. Stigmata 5,<br />

lutea.<br />


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