JAERI 1287 JNDC Nuclear Data Library of Fission Products Fir

JAERI 1287 JNDC Nuclear Data Library of Fission Products Fir

JAERI 1287 JNDC Nuclear Data Library of Fission Products Fir


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<strong>JAERI</strong> <strong>1287</strong> 3. Comparison <strong>of</strong> Calculated and Measured Decay Powers 135<br />

and the ENDF/B-IV library are compared with the measurement in Figs. 3.2.1 through 3.2.3<br />

for the thermal neutron fission <strong>of</strong> 235 U, 233 U and 239 Pu. The ratios <strong>of</strong> the calculated values<br />

to the measured results are also shown in the figures.<br />

It is seen in these figures that the improvement <strong>of</strong> accuracy by the present library is small<br />

at the short cooling times less than 100 s after the finite irradiation <strong>of</strong> 2 X 10 4 s (~5.6 h).<br />

At cooling times greater than 100 s, the calculations by the present library are greater<br />

than those by the other two libraries. This is because <strong>of</strong> the over prediction <strong>of</strong> gamma decay<br />

power for 10 3 to 10 4 s after burst fission as discussed in Section 3.1. The calculated decay<br />

powers by <strong>JNDC</strong> library agree with experimental results within the discrepancies <strong>of</strong>+ 10, —6%<br />

for 235 U, +6, -4% for 233 U, and +0, -10% for 239 Pu. The discrepancies between calculations<br />

and measurements are larger for 235 U and smaller for 239 Pu in the <strong>JNDC</strong> library than in the<br />

other two libraries. Accuracies <strong>of</strong> both calculations and measurements should be examined.<br />

For calculations the over-estimation <strong>of</strong> decay power at cooling time <strong>of</strong> 10 3 to 10 s s should<br />

be checked out, and for measurements the accuracies at short cooling times less than 100 s<br />

and the normalization factor for fission rate should be checked out.<br />

3.3 Comparison with UTT Experiment<br />

Akiyama et al. 12 " 14 ^ measured the decay power <strong>of</strong> fission products for fast neutron<br />

fission <strong>of</strong> 235 U. Samples <strong>of</strong> 1.6 mg were irradiated for 10 to 300 s in the core <strong>of</strong> the fast<br />

neutron source reactor YAYOI <strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Tokyo. The beta- and gamma-rays emitted<br />

from the sample were measured for times-after-fission <strong>of</strong> 11 to 26000 s. The data were obtained<br />

for beta- and gamma-rays separately as the spectral distributions. For beta ray, the<br />

spectra were obtained by using a plastic scintillation detector combined with a transmission<br />

type proportional counter to eliminate gamma-ray effects; and for the gamma-ray data, the<br />

spectra were obtained by using a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector. These spectra were integrated<br />

over beta and gamma energy to provide total yield and energy integrals as a function <strong>of</strong> time<br />

after fission pulse in the range <strong>of</strong> 19 to 24000 s. The uncertainties (Iff) are estimated to be 5%<br />

for both beta and gamma decay powers.<br />

The measured decay powers are compared with the computational results using the<br />

nuclear data libraries <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNDC</strong>, Tasaka and ENDF/B-IV in Figs. 3.3.1 through 3.3.3. The<br />

ratios <strong>of</strong> the calculated decay powers to the measured ones are also given in the figures.<br />

It is seen in the figures that the calculated decay powers, especially beta decay powers<br />

by the present <strong>JNDC</strong> library are in much better agreement with the measured ones than the<br />

calculation by the other two libraries <strong>of</strong> Tasaka and ENDF/B-IV at cooling times less than<br />

10 3 s.<br />

At cooling times greater than 4000 s calculation by the <strong>JNDC</strong> library underestimates<br />

the beta decay powers by about 9%, whereas the other two libraries do so by 5%. For cooling<br />

times greater than 10 3 s the <strong>JNDC</strong> library overestimates the gamma decay powers and the<br />

total decay powers by about 19% and 6%, respectively. This trend is the same as that <strong>of</strong> the<br />

discrepancies between the calculated decay powers and the experimental data <strong>of</strong> 23S U at<br />

ORNL described in Sec. 3.1. Thus, the present <strong>JNDC</strong> library overstimates the gamma decay<br />

power and underestimates the beta decay power compared with the measured data for cooling<br />

times greater than 10 3 s. These discrepancies should be resolved in future work.

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