Marloth Park Management Plan. - Nkomazi Local Municipality

Marloth Park Management Plan. - Nkomazi Local Municipality Marloth Park Management Plan. - Nkomazi Local Municipality
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However, if only the parkland and road reserves are considered as suitable habitat for animal species, only 3 GAU (Table 8) can be sustained without further degradation of the environment. Browsing capacity The long-term browsing capacities for Marloth Park is based on available habitat, with due consideration of environmental restrictions and future development implications. The browsing capacity of Marloth Park, if considered that all open areas are considered suitable habitat for game is 113 BAU. However, if the landscaped gardens are excluded from this calculation, only 92 BAU can be sustained. Worst-case scenario is where only the parkland and road reserves are considered suitable habitat for wildlife; in which case only 48 BAU can be sustained. It is apparent from the woody vegetation analysis that tree density is not the limiting factor in available leaf biomass production, but rather tree height. As much of the woody vegetation is mature trees it can only be deduced that the leaf biomass produced are now out of reach of the browsing animal species. © Ecological Associates/ Marloth Park 53

INTRODUCTION ESTIMATION OF HERBACEOUS BIOMASS PRODUCTION The herbaceous biomass of an area refers to the total leaf production of herbaceous vegetation such as grasses and forbs. To better compare values from different areas, the biomass is usually measured as dry mass per unit area. The extent of total biomass production is highly dependent on various environmental factors, of which climate and especially rainfall is considered as the most important factor in the arid regions of southern Africa. Estimations of leaf dry mass production can also be used to calculate grazing potential of an area. A further application of biomass data is found in the field of range management, where biomass is used to determine veld condition using the herbaceous phytomass method. However, the most important aspect for the measurement of biomass production is the determination of fuel load. This information is important to determine the necessity or possibility for veld burning as well as the risk for natural fires. Sufficient fuel load to carry a fire is a prerequisite for the implementation of a burning regime. The use of fire is considered an important management tool on any wildlife area. Firstly, it is useful to remove moribund material and improve the palatability of the veld, or keep the veld in a desired stage of succession. Secondly, fire is considered a means of bush control, even though its´ use in combating bush encroachment is limited. Thirdly, fire is implemented to actively influence animal movement to rest degraded veld. Species such as blue wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus, impala Aepyceros melampus melampus, kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros, white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum and zebra Equus burchelli are attracted to recently burned areas. The new growth provides a palatable food source that is rich in protein. Most methods to determine phytomass production such as the Quadrat Method or Strip Mowing Method are based on harvesting a predetermined area at ground level, drying the clippings and weighing them. However, these methods are time consuming and labour intensive. The Disc-pasture Meter Method is considered a better alternative due to the ease of implementation and non-destructive nature. With this method the biomass under a standardised area, the disc of the pasture meter, is measured and related to the settling height of the disc above ground. OBJECTIVES The objective of this study is to: • Determine the biomass production in the various homogenous units. © Ecological Associates/ Marloth Park 54

However, if only the parkland and road reserves are considered as suitable habitat for animal<br />

species, only 3 GAU (Table 8) can be sustained without further degradation of the<br />

environment.<br />

Browsing capacity<br />

The long-term browsing capacities for <strong>Marloth</strong> <strong>Park</strong> is based on available habitat, with due<br />

consideration of environmental restrictions and future development implications. The<br />

browsing capacity of <strong>Marloth</strong> <strong>Park</strong>, if considered that all open areas are considered suitable<br />

habitat for game is 113 BAU. However, if the landscaped gardens are excluded from this<br />

calculation, only 92 BAU can be sustained. Worst-case scenario is where only the parkland<br />

and road reserves are considered suitable habitat for wildlife; in which case only 48 BAU can<br />

be sustained.<br />

It is apparent from the woody vegetation analysis that tree density is not the limiting factor in<br />

available leaf biomass production, but rather tree height. As much of the woody vegetation is<br />

mature trees it can only be deduced that the leaf biomass produced are now out of reach of the<br />

browsing animal species.<br />

© Ecological Associates/ <strong>Marloth</strong> <strong>Park</strong> 53

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