Europass CV

Europass CV

Europass CV


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<strong>Europass</strong><br />

Curriculum Vitae<br />

Personal information<br />

First name(s) / Surname(s) Thomas Verbeek<br />

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Thomas Verbeek<br />

Address Ghent University<br />

Center for Mobility and Spatial Planning<br />

Vrijdagmarkt 10/301<br />

9000 Gent (Belgium)<br />

Telephone(s) 09/3313260 Mobile 0495/147686<br />

E-mail(s) thomas.verbeek@ugent.be<br />

Nationality Belgian<br />

Date of birth 24/09/1985<br />

Gender Male<br />

Desired employment /<br />

Occupational field<br />

Work experience<br />

Spatial Planning - Geography<br />

Dates 01/03/2008 - 30/09/2010<br />

Occupation or position held Researcher<br />

Main activities and responsibilities Policy Research Centre for Spatial Planning and Housing (Flemish Region): research on urbanization<br />

of Flemish open space<br />

‘Onderzoek Omschrijving Platteland’: towards a new definition of the Flemish rural area, on the<br />

authority of Vlaamse Landmaatschappij (Flemish Land Agency)<br />

Name and address of employer Ghent University - Center for Mobility and Spatial Planning<br />

Type of business or sector<br />

Research<br />

Dates 01/04/2010 - 30/09/2010<br />

Occupation or position held Researcher<br />

Main activities and responsibilities GIS analysis for the INTERREG project LIV (Landschap in Verandering, EN: Landscape in Transition),<br />

supporting a landscape analysis and the preparation of a regional vision for the Kemmelberg region in<br />

the province of West-Flanders<br />

Name and address of employer Ghent University – Department of Architecture and Urban Planning – Laboratory Urban Design<br />

Type of business or sector Research<br />

Dates<br />

01/10/2010 →<br />

Occupation or position held Assistant<br />

Main activities and responsibilities PhD research on 'spatial planning and health/well-being'<br />

Coordination of planning research activities of Center for Mobility and Spatial Planning<br />

Assistance of master students for master theses<br />

Teaching assignments<br />

Name and address of employer Ghent University - Center for Mobility and Spatial Planning<br />

Type of business or sector Education and Research<br />

For more information on <strong>Europass</strong> go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu<br />

© European Union, 2002-2010 24082010

Education and training<br />

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Thomas Verbeek<br />

Dates 2003 - 2007<br />

Title of qualification awarded Master of Geography<br />

Principal subjects / occupational skills<br />

covered<br />

Name and type of organisation<br />

providing education and training<br />

Level in national or international<br />

classification<br />

Dates<br />

Socio-Economic Geography<br />

Spatial Dynamics and Spatial Planning<br />

Ghent University<br />

Master of Science<br />

2007 - 2009<br />

Title of qualification awarded Master of Urbanism and Spatial Planning<br />

Principal subjects / occupational skills<br />

covered<br />

Name and type of organisation<br />

providing education and training<br />

Level in national or international<br />

classification<br />

Dates 2009<br />

Urbanism<br />

Spatial Planning<br />

Ghent University<br />

Master of Science<br />

Title of qualification awarded Practical English Level 6<br />

Principal subjects / occupational skills<br />

covered<br />

Name and type of organisation<br />

providing education and training<br />

English<br />

Dates 2011<br />

University Language Centre (UGent)<br />

Title of qualification awarded Academic English - Writing Skills<br />

Name and type of organisation<br />

providing education and training<br />

Dates 2011<br />

University Language Centre (UGent)<br />

Title of qualification awarded Introductory Statistics - Basics of Statistical Inference<br />

Name and type of organisation<br />

providing education and training<br />

Dates 2012<br />

Institute for Continuing Education in Science (UGent)<br />

Title of qualification awarded Academic English - Conference Skills<br />

Name and type of organisation<br />

providing education and training<br />

Dates 2012<br />

University Language Centre (UGent)<br />

Title of qualification awarded Multivariate Statistics<br />

Name and type of organisation<br />

providing education and training<br />

Dates 2012<br />

Title of qualification awarded Applied Linear Regression<br />

Name and type of organisation<br />

providing education and training<br />

Institute for Continuing Education in Science (UGent)<br />

Institute for Continuing Education in Science (UGent)<br />

For more information on <strong>Europass</strong> go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu<br />

© European Union, 2002-2010 24082010

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Thomas Verbeek<br />

Dates 2012<br />

Title of qualification awarded Basisassistententraining<br />

Name and type of organisation<br />

providing education and training<br />

Personal skills and<br />

competences<br />

Mother tongue(s) Dutch<br />

Other language(s)<br />

Ghent University<br />

Self-assessment Understanding Speaking W r i t i n g<br />

European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production<br />

English C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user<br />

French B1 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user<br />

German A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User<br />

(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level<br />

Computer skills and competences Good command of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)<br />

Publications<br />

B2 – Book Chapter<br />

Driving licence(s) B<br />

Very good knowledge of ArcGis 9.3 (GIS)<br />

Basic knowledge of Autocad (Autodesk), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, SPSS, R<br />

Verbeek, T., Pisman, A., Leinfelder, H. & Allaert, G. (2011). For every house a garden... a morphological assessment of residential development<br />

in Flanders' rural areas. In: Dewaelheyns, V., Bomans, K. & Gulinck, H. eds. The powerful garden : emerging views on the garden<br />

complex. Garant.<br />

C1 – Conference Paper<br />

Tempels, B., Verbeek, T., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2012). Open ruimte in verstedelijkt Vlaanderen : een vergelijkende studie naar vier<br />

onderschatte ruimtegebruiken. In: PlanDag 2012 : Meer... met minder...?!, Den Haag, Nederland, 2012-05-24. Bouma, G., Filius, F. &<br />

Vanempten, E. eds. Stichting Planologische Discussiedagen. 470-481.<br />

Terryn, E., Pisman, A., Verbeek, T., Geens, S. & Allaert, G. (2012). Slim ruimtegebruik : hoe kunnen we meer doen met minder<br />

ruimte?. In: PlanDag 2012 : Meer... met minder...?!, Den Haag, Nederland, 2012-05-25. Bouma, G., Filius, F. & Vanempten, E. eds. Stichting<br />

Planologische Discussiedagen. 387-397.<br />

Verbeek, T., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2012). Zoveel platteland : van harde afbakening naar flexibele criteria. In: PlanDag 2012 : Meer... met<br />

minder...?!, Den Haag, Nederland, 2012-05-25. Bouma, G., Filius, F. & Vanempten, E. eds. Stichting Planologische Discussiedagen. 495-506.<br />

Verbeek, T., Leinfelder, H., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2010). Vlaamse ruimtelijke ordening en/door het lint. In: Plandag 2010 : Ruimtelijke ordening<br />

in crisis, Amsterdam, Nederland, 2010-05-27. Bouma, G., Filius, F., Leinfelder, H. & Waterhout, B. eds. Stichting Planologische Discussiedagen.<br />

49-60.<br />

Verbeek, T., Leinfelder, H., Pisman, A., Hanegreefs, G. & Allaert, G. (2010). Public and private use of open space in a densely urbanized<br />

context. In: 24th AESOP annual conference : Space is luxury, Espoo, Finland, 2010-07-07. Ache, P. & Ilmonen, M. eds. Aalto University, School<br />

of Science and Technology, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. 271-287.<br />

For more information on <strong>Europass</strong> go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu<br />

© European Union, 2002-2010 24082010

Pisman, A., Verbeek, T. & Allaert, G. (2009). Lifestyles and patterns of housing environments in peri-urban areas in Flanders. In: 2009 SCUPAD<br />

Congress : !Lifestyle? versus life patterns : planning for new urban and rural interdependence, Salzburg, Austria, 2009-05-14.<br />

C3 – Meeting Abstract<br />

Tempels, B., Verbeek, T., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2012). Open space in urbanized regions : a comparative study on spatial transformations in<br />

Flanders. In: Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society : International Conference on Multifunctional Agriculture and Urban-Rural Relations,<br />

Wageningen, the Netherlands, 2012-04-01. Wageningen UR.<br />

Pisman, A., Lombaerde, P., Verbeek, T., Tempels, B. & Allaert, G. (2011). Lifestyles in Flanders? : a study of the lifestyles of Flemish inhabitants<br />

in 2010. In: Spatial planning in Flanders/Belgium : challenges for policy, opportunities for society, Leuven, Belgium, 2011-12-15. Vlaanderen.<br />

Ruimte en Wonen. Steunpunt beleidsrelevant onderzoek 2007-2011. 17.<br />

Tempels, B., Verbeek, T., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2011). The urban entering Flanders' rural areas : a comparative study of underlying dynamics<br />

and spatial effects. In: Spatial planning in Flanders/Belgium : challenges for policy, opportunities for society, Leuven, Belgium, 2011-12-15.<br />

Vlaanderen. Ruimte en Wonen. Steunpunt beleidsrelevant onderzoek 2007-2011. 26.<br />

Tempels, B., Verbeek, T., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2011). Urban dynamics in the Flemish countryside : a comparative study on morphological<br />

patterns and local economy dynamics. In: International conference of the European Urban Research Association (EURA 2011) : Cities without<br />

limits, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011-06-23. European Urban Research Association (EURA). 167-168.<br />

Verbeek, T., Bomans, K., Tempels, B., Pisman, A., Gulinck, H. & Allaert, G. (2011). Open space cut into pieces : measuring fragmentation of<br />

open space in Flanders. In: Spatial planning in Flanders/Belgium : challenges for policy, opportunities for society, Leuven, Belgium, 2011-12-15.<br />

Vlaanderen. Ruimte en Wonen. Steunpunt beleidsrelevant onderzoek 2007-2011. 27.<br />

Verbeek, T., Leinfelder, H., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2010). Huisje, tuintje, beestje… een morfologische kijk op residentiële bebouwing in de<br />

Vlaamse open ruimte. In: De Machtige Tuin, Leuven, 2010-05-06. Vlaamse overheid. Steunpunt Ruimte en Wonen. 8-9.<br />

Verbeek, T., Leinfelder, H., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2010). Public and private use of open space in a densely urbanized context. In: 24th<br />

AESOP annual conference : Space is luxury, Aalto, Finland, 2010-07-07. Aalto University School of Science and Technology. 211-212.<br />

V - Report<br />

Lievois, E., Bomans, K., Boussauw, K., De Smedt, B., Engelen, G., Poelmans, L., Tempels, B., Vanden Abeele, P., Verbeek, T. & Uljee, I.<br />

(2012). Indicatorennota : een overzicht van ruimtelijke indicatoren ontwikkeld binnen het Steunpunt Ruimte en Wonen.. Misc.<br />

Tempels, B., Verbeek, T., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2012). Verstedelijking in de Vlaamse open ruimte : een vergelijkende studie naar vijf<br />

transformaties.. Misc.<br />

van Acker, B., Pisman, A., Terryn, E., Van Doorslaer, S., Verbeek, T., Van Acker, D., Jadoul, E. & Wauters, E. (2012). Slim ruimtegebruik door<br />

hergebruik en omkeerbaar ruimtegebruik : eindrapport.. Misc.<br />

Pisman, A., Verbeek, T., Hanegreefs, G., Leus, W. & Allaert, G. (2011). Eindrapport onderzoek omschrijving platteland : besteknummer<br />

APL/DGP/2010/1.. Misc.<br />

Pisman, A., Tempels, B. & Verbeek, T. (2011). Voortgangsrapport WP3 : case-onderzoek : transformaties.. Misc.<br />

Tempels, B., Verbeek, T., Pisman, A. & Allaert, G. (2011). Urban dynamics in the Flemish countryside : a comparative study on morphological<br />

patterns and local economy dynamics.. Misc.<br />

Leinfelder, H., Pisman, A. & Verbeek, T. (2009). Tussentijds rapport case-onderzoek : publiek en privaat gebruik van de Vlaamse open ruimte..<br />

Misc.<br />

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Thomas Verbeek<br />

For more information on <strong>Europass</strong> go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu<br />

© European Union, 2002-2010 24082010

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