MKS Implementer 2006 Administration Guide

MKS Implementer 2006 Administration Guide

MKS Implementer 2006 Administration Guide


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Chapter 7: Administrative Utilities<br />

386<br />

The Capability Wizard is delivered with <strong>Implementer</strong>. In addition to the requirements for<br />

<strong>Implementer</strong>, this feature requires:<br />

Windows<br />

Java Virtual Machine 1.1 (provided)<br />

TCP/IP connection to the iSeries<br />

Installing on Windows<br />

The Capability Wizard requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.1.5, or later. This is<br />

included with the installation program. The installation process searches for the existing JRE<br />

on the target PC and if it is not located, installation of the JRE is performed before the<br />

Capability Wizard installation. The installation requires you:<br />

Verify TCP/IP connectivity.<br />

Download the self-extracting executable capwiz.exe.<br />

Run the Capability Wizard install program capwiz.exe and follow the instructions that<br />

display in the setup procedure.<br />

Verify the user profile. The user profile you use must have *CHANGE rights to the<br />

<strong>Implementer</strong> file IMUSEN, and *USE rights to files MWIPF200 and MWIPF300. By<br />

default, only QSECOFR and MWIPROD profiles have these rights.<br />

Verifying TCP/IP Connectivity<br />

The Capability Wizard requires an active TCP/IP connection to the iSeries system where the<br />

<strong>Implementer</strong> database is located. If you cannot communicate with the OS/400 server<br />

successfully, the Capability Wizard cannot properly connect to the iSeries to perform the<br />

database updates.<br />

Ping is an MS-DOS program that allows you to verify that a particular Internet Protocol (IP)<br />

address exists and can accept requests. Ping is used diagnostically to verify that the host<br />

computer you are trying to reach has communications enabled and is operating. To verify<br />

your TCP/IP connection, you can either ping the system or ping the iSeries servers (requires<br />

ClientAccess installed on the local PC) as described next. If ping is unsuccessful, contact your<br />

system administrator.<br />

To ping the OS/400 servers<br />

1 From a command prompt, type cd.. and press ENTER to display the root directory c:/.

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