MKS Implementer 2006 Administration Guide

MKS Implementer 2006 Administration Guide

MKS Implementer 2006 Administration Guide


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Field Name Description<br />

<strong>Implementer</strong> Server Setup Field Descriptions<br />

Current Status Current status of <strong>Implementer</strong> Server.<br />

Use <strong>Implementer</strong><br />

Server<br />

<strong>Implementer</strong> and <strong>MKS</strong> Integrity Integration<br />

Started: Communications between <strong>Implementer</strong> Server and <strong>Implementer</strong><br />

are active.<br />

Starting: Communications between <strong>Implementer</strong> Server and <strong>Implementer</strong><br />

are in the process of being activated.<br />

Stopped: Communications between <strong>Implementer</strong> Server and<br />

<strong>Implementer</strong> are currently not active.<br />

Suspended: Communications between <strong>Implementer</strong> Server and<br />

<strong>Implementer</strong> are on stand-by.<br />

Specify whether <strong>Implementer</strong> Server is configured to perform specific<br />

functionality within <strong>Implementer</strong>.<br />

Y: <strong>Implementer</strong> Server is configured.<br />

N: <strong>Implementer</strong> Server is not configured.<br />

Host address Specify the IP address or host name of the system running <strong>Implementer</strong><br />

Server. This address is used for all communications between <strong>Implementer</strong><br />

and <strong>Implementer</strong> Server.<br />

Valid characters are A–Z, a–z, 0–9, dash (-), underscore (_), and period (.).<br />

The default value is localhost. Case usage is not significant. The host<br />

address is not validated.<br />

Do not enclose the IP address in quotes. For example, 192.168.10 is a<br />

valid address; "192.168.10" is an invalid address. Do not specify a URL<br />

that begins with HTTP:// or HTTPS://.<br />

Server port Specify a unique number between 1 and 65535 for the HTTP port<br />

<strong>Implementer</strong> Server listens on. <strong>MKS</strong> recommends you use a number higher<br />

than 1024. The default value is 8080.<br />

Adapter port Specify a unique number between 1 and 65535 for the port <strong>Implementer</strong><br />

uses to communicate with <strong>Implementer</strong> Server. <strong>MKS</strong> recommends you use<br />

a number higher than 1024. The default value is 54545.<br />

Logging level Specify the level of detail for <strong>Implementer</strong> Server to log.<br />

*INFO logs all informational and warning messages. This is the default<br />

value.<br />

*WARN logs warning messages only.<br />

*DEBUG logs all messages. This level should be used only when<br />

instructed by <strong>MKS</strong> Customer Care.<br />

Startup delay Specify the number of seconds <strong>Implementer</strong> waits between communication<br />

attempts once the start command is issued to start <strong>Implementer</strong> Server.<br />

The default value is 30.<br />

Startup retry count Specify the number of times to retry communications before ending the job<br />

with a communication failure. The default value is 5.<br />

Log files to retain Specify the number of days worth of log files to retain in the <strong>Implementer</strong><br />

Server logs directory. The cleanup task runs every six (6) hours to remove<br />

old files. Specify zero (0) to retain all log files. The default value is 30 (days).<br />


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