October 2008 - City of uMhlathuze

October 2008 - City of uMhlathuze October 2008 - City of uMhlathuze

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Lines of communication opened with Amakhosi “We are proud to be the first municipality in the uThungulu District to be signing a Memorandum of Understanding with our Amakhosi.” Speaking at the signing of the MOU for the Synergistic Partnership Programme between the local Traditional Leaders and the uMhlathuze Municipality, Mayor Zakhele Mnqayi said that when they came into office, that he and the Council took the initiative to open the lines of communication with the five Traditional Leaders within the City and is pleased that there is now a formal agreement in place. “Officials of uMhlathuze will now take and follow this agreement by informing the relevant Inkhosi of decisions taken by the Council on developments that are planned for their respective areas. There have been mistakes made in the past because of a lack of communication with the local Amakhosi, but it is hoped that through this partnership with the Amakhozi we will no longer make that mistake,” said Mayor Mnqayi. Nominated to represent the five local Amakhosi, Inkosi John Mkwanazi from the KwaMkhwanazi Traditional Council agreed that it had been “hurtful to see municipal vehicles in our areas without being informed of what is happening. We do want services and development, the only thing is that we must be informed.” The other four Amakhosi within the City of uMhlathuze are Inkosi ZK Zungu – KwaMadlebe Traditional Council; Inkosi MP Khoza – KwaBhejane Traditional Council, Inkosi M Mthiyane – eMambka Traditional Council, and Inkosi MS Dube – KwaDube Traditional Council. Outlining the basis of the Synergistic Partnership Programme between Municipalities and Traditional Leaders and the Protocol Policy Framework, Assistant Manager Urban and Rural Development: Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs Dumisani Bukhosini said that this programme would strengthen the functioning structures of the two parties. “In terms of the programme, a Joint Co-ordinating Committee (JCC) is to be established with equal representation from both parties. The JCC would have on its agenda development issues within the City of uMhlathuze in terms of all challenges faced and discuss how they can jointly come up with strategies to deal with these challenges. These issues cannot be dealt with by one party without input from the other. “The department has provided an operating budget of R350 000 to cover expenses in establishing the JCC as well as capacity building where we will go through and workshop all the relevant legislation to ensure that both parties understand their respective roles and responsibilities.” He added that he appreciates the spirit of co-operation that already exists between this municipality and its Amakhosi. “The commitment has been made and it is now up to the department to ensure that it is a success by providing the support required.” This is the seventh Memorandum of Understanding between Traditional Leaders and their respective Municipalities in KZN. The six municipalities who have signed their memoranda of understanding and who have established their respective JCCs are the municipalities of Ndwedwe, Phongolo, Jozini, uMgeni, Ladysmith and Nquthu. 6 Having signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the local Traditional Leaders and the Muncipality, Inkosi John Mkhwanazi (left) and uMhlathuze Mayor Zakhele Mnqayi (right) shake hands. Overseeing the signing of the agreement was Dumisani Bukhosini, Assistant Manager Urban and Rural Development: Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs. Further commitment to skills development The uMhlathuze Fire Brigade is to apply for South African Emergency Services Institute and Local Government Sector Education Authority (LGSETA) accreditation to provide Fire Fighter 1 & 2, Hazmat Awareness and Hazmat Operational courses. The accreditation would benefit not only this municipality but also neighbouring municipalities as well as private industry and individuals who can make use of the training provided by the municipality. The courses are presently provided by Rustenburg, Boksburg, and eThekwini Fire Brigades as well as private service providers. However, they are often fully booked which means that uMhlathuze Fire Brigade personnel have to wait a long time before they can attend these courses. The uMhlathuze Fire Brigade has appointed a Divisional Officer: Training who is a qualified Fire Fighter 1 & 2, Hazmat Awareness and Hazmat Operational instructor and who was part of the working committee involved in the accreditation of the Rustenburg Fire Brigade as a Fire Training Academy. Accreditation of the uMhlathuze Fire Brigade as a training provider will save the municipality close on R14 000 per person in training and accommodation costs as well as providing income from the training of fire fighting personnel from other municipalities and private individuals.

Kugqugquzelwa Inhlanzeko Ukwethulwa kwesigaba sesibili somsebenzi wokwakhiwa kwezindlu zangasese endaweni eseNingizimu yesizwe sakwaMkhwanazi kanye nakwaDube bekuseHholo eHlanganani eSikhaleni. Ekhuluma kulomcimbi iMeya uZakhele Mnqayi wathi uMkhandlu kumele “sithi ukushesha ukuze siqiniseke ukuba izindlu zangasese eziphephile zifinyelele kuzozonke izakhamizi zaleliDolobha” Lomsebenzi ubandakanya ukwakhiwa kwezindlu zangasese zohlobo lweVIP ezingama 5000 ezindaweni ezakhelene neSikhaleni. Ngenkathi kwakhiwa isigaba sokuqala salomsebenzi nakuso okwakhiwa izindlu zangasese ezingama5000, kwasala imizi eminingi eNyakatho kwendawo yakwaMkhwanazi, kepha uMkhandlu uvumile ukunweba isigaba sesibili ukuba sakhe izindlu zangasese ezingama 500 kulendawo. IMeya uMnqayi wengeza ngokuthi bangama 800 abantu abaqashwa ngesikhathi kwakhiwa isigaba sokuqala kanti imiphakathi yabuye yathola ukuqeqeshwa kwezimpilo. “Emakhulwini abantu abathole ukusizakala ngalomsebenzi, akusekho ukulibhada amabanga amade uma imvelo ifuna umuntu azikhulule kanti akusekho nokungcoliseka kwendawo. Sibuye sigqugquzele inhlanzeko ngokuba kuncishiswe ukuzikhulula ezigangeni nezinye izinto ezingeyona inhlanzeko. Yebo, senza impilo engcono yabobonke abantu bethu kanti sizoqhubeka senze njalo.” “Inxenye enkulu yabantu abahlala ezindaweni zasemakhaya baphila ngaphansi kwezinga lobuphofu obujwayelekile. Ubuphofu abantu bethu ababhekene nabo kuleliDolobha kusikhathaza kakhulu ikakhulukazi uMkhandlu” UMeya uMnqayi wengeza ngokuthi ukuzibandakanya kwabobonke abathintekayo abenze lemisebenzi ibe yimpumelelo kuyatuseka. Wabuye wabonga uMnyango weziNdaba zaManzi namaHlathi kanye nabaHoli boMdabu balezindawo ngendlela ababambisene ngayo noMasipala kulemisebenzi. Lomsebenzi unikwe abakwa ROCLA (Pty) Ltd kanti uzodla cishe imali engamaR40 wezigidi. Ukwakhiwa kwaleyonaleyondlu yangasese kubandakanya ukumba umgodi kanye nesisekelo, ukufaka ukhonkolo, ukufakwa kwezakhiwo zokulibamba lisendaweni nokubuyisela ukhonkolo wokuvala umgodi, nokufulela, ukufakwa kweminyango kanye nesitebhisi sezinyawo. Cishe ngama 33% wemali isiyonke eyochithelwa ukuqasha abantu bendawo kanye nezinkontileka ezincane. Indlu yangasese inemigodi emibili. Uma umgodi wokuqala usugcwele uyagqitshwa bese kusetshenziswa owesibili. Emva kwezinyanga eziyisithupha kuya onyakeni umthamo wokwakusemgodini wokuqala kobe sekungasetshenziswa njengevundela. E: The launch of Phase 2 of the sanitation project in the Mkhwanazi South and Dube Traditional areas in the City was hosted at the Hlanganani Hall in eSikhaleni. The works include the construction of 5 000 VIP toilets in the areas adjoining eSikhaleni with another 500 toilets to be constructed in the Mkhwanazi North area. Emcimbini wokuphendulwa kwesoyi lomsebenzi wokwakhiwa kwezindluu zangasese kwakungo LeRoux Fourie (wakwa DMV Consulting Engineering) uKhansela uGET Mbanjwa, iSekela Meya uCeliwe Madlopha, iMeya uZakhele Mnqayi, u-Andre Rajoo kanye no-Andre Labuschagne (bakwaROCLA) kanye noPromise. Straatlamp vandalisme in die soeklig Die Stad se Elektriese Ingeneursdepartement het verslag gedoen dat daar ‘n verhoging in die getal van straatlamp vandalisme is en hulle doen ‘n beroep op inwoners om te help om die skuldiges te identifiseer en die skade tot ‘n einde te bring. Stads Elektriese Ingeneur, Dwayne Baker het gesê behalwe dat dit die raad en uiteindelik die belastingbetalers duur kos, is die vandalisering van ligte ook ‘n saak van openbare veiligheid aangesien dit ligte is wat paaie en kruisings in die aand verlig. Die Raad kan straadlampvandalisme op twee maniere aanspreek: • Indien die oortreders geïdentifisser word kan die Raad die skuldiges aankla en hulle sal verantwoordelik wees vir alle koste om de beksadigde lampe te herstel, soos voorgeskryf in die Stad se wette. • Indien die problem voortduur kan die Raad die aangeleentheid na die polisie verwys, ‘n formele klag lê en die oortreder aankla. “Ons wil graag hê mense moet na vore kom indien hulle die skuldige/s wie hierdie skade doen kan identifiseer. Die Raad kan nie sodanie gedrag goedkeur nie en oortreders moet die implikasies en moontlike gevolge van hul dade besef”, het Mnr Baker gesê. E: The City Electrical Engineer’s Department has reported an increase in the incidents of streetlight vandalism and is calling on residents to help identify the culprits and put an end to the damage. 7

Lines <strong>of</strong> communication<br />

opened with Amakhosi<br />

“We are proud to be the first municipality in the uThungulu District to<br />

be signing a Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding with our Amakhosi.”<br />

Speaking at the signing <strong>of</strong> the MOU for the Synergistic Partnership<br />

Programme between the local Traditional Leaders and the <strong>uMhlathuze</strong><br />

Municipality, Mayor Zakhele Mnqayi said that when they came into<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice, that he and the Council took the initiative to open the lines <strong>of</strong><br />

communication with the five Traditional Leaders within the <strong>City</strong> and<br />

is pleased that there is now a formal agreement in place.<br />

“Officials <strong>of</strong> <strong>uMhlathuze</strong> will now take and follow this agreement<br />

by informing the relevant Inkhosi <strong>of</strong> decisions taken by the Council on<br />

developments that are planned for their respective areas. There have<br />

been mistakes made in the past because <strong>of</strong> a lack <strong>of</strong> communication<br />

with the local Amakhosi, but it is hoped that through this partnership<br />

with the Amakhozi we will no longer make that mistake,” said Mayor<br />

Mnqayi.<br />

Nominated to represent the five local Amakhosi, Inkosi John<br />

Mkwanazi from the KwaMkhwanazi Traditional Council agreed that it<br />

had been “hurtful to see municipal vehicles in our areas without being<br />

informed <strong>of</strong> what is happening. We do want services and development,<br />

the only thing is that we must be informed.”<br />

The other four Amakhosi within the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>uMhlathuze</strong> are Inkosi<br />

ZK Zungu – KwaMadlebe Traditional Council; Inkosi MP Khoza –<br />

KwaBhejane Traditional Council, Inkosi M Mthiyane – eMambka<br />

Traditional Council, and Inkosi MS Dube – KwaDube Traditional Council.<br />

Outlining the basis <strong>of</strong> the Synergistic Partnership Programme<br />

between Municipalities and Traditional Leaders and the Protocol Policy<br />

Framework, Assistant Manager Urban and Rural Development:<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Local Government and Traditional Affairs Dumisani<br />

Bukhosini said that this programme would strengthen the functioning<br />

structures <strong>of</strong> the two parties.<br />

“In terms <strong>of</strong> the programme, a Joint Co-ordinating Committee<br />

(JCC) is to be established with equal representation from both parties.<br />

The JCC would have on its agenda development issues within the<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>uMhlathuze</strong> in terms <strong>of</strong> all challenges faced and discuss how<br />

they can jointly come up with strategies to deal with these challenges.<br />

These issues cannot be dealt with by one party without input from the<br />

other.<br />

“The department has provided an operating budget <strong>of</strong> R350 000<br />

to cover expenses in establishing the JCC as well as capacity building<br />

where we will go through and workshop all the relevant legislation to<br />

ensure that both parties understand their respective roles and<br />

responsibilities.”<br />

He added that he appreciates the spirit <strong>of</strong> co-operation that already<br />

exists between this municipality and its Amakhosi. “The commitment<br />

has been made and it is now up to the department to ensure that it<br />

is a success by providing the support required.”<br />

This is the seventh Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding between<br />

Traditional Leaders and their respective Municipalities in KZN. The<br />

six municipalities who have signed their memoranda <strong>of</strong> understanding<br />

and who have established their respective JCCs are the municipalities<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ndwedwe, Phongolo, Jozini, uMgeni, Ladysmith and Nquthu.<br />

6<br />

Having signed the Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding<br />

between the local Traditional Leaders and the Muncipality,<br />

Inkosi John Mkhwanazi (left) and <strong>uMhlathuze</strong> Mayor<br />

Zakhele Mnqayi (right) shake hands. Overseeing the<br />

signing <strong>of</strong> the agreement was Dumisani Bukhosini,<br />

Assistant Manager Urban and Rural Development:<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Local Government and Traditional Affairs.<br />

Further commitment to<br />

skills development<br />

The <strong>uMhlathuze</strong> Fire Brigade is to apply for South<br />

African Emergency Services Institute and Local<br />

Government Sector Education Authority (LGSETA)<br />

accreditation to provide Fire Fighter 1 & 2, Hazmat<br />

Awareness and Hazmat Operational courses.<br />

The accreditation would benefit not only this<br />

municipality but also neighbouring municipalities as<br />

well as private industry and individuals who can make<br />

use <strong>of</strong> the training provided by the municipality.<br />

The courses are presently provided by Rustenburg,<br />

Boksburg, and eThekwini Fire Brigades as well as<br />

private service providers. However, they are <strong>of</strong>ten fully<br />

booked which means that <strong>uMhlathuze</strong> Fire Brigade<br />

personnel have to wait a long time before they can<br />

attend these courses.<br />

The <strong>uMhlathuze</strong> Fire Brigade has appointed a<br />

Divisional Officer: Training who is a qualified Fire Fighter<br />

1 & 2, Hazmat Awareness and Hazmat Operational<br />

instructor and who was part <strong>of</strong> the working committee<br />

involved in the accreditation <strong>of</strong> the Rustenburg Fire<br />

Brigade as a Fire Training Academy.<br />

Accreditation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>uMhlathuze</strong> Fire Brigade as a<br />

training provider will save the municipality close on<br />

R14 000 per person in training and accommodation<br />

costs as well as providing income from the training <strong>of</strong><br />

fire fighting personnel from other municipalities and<br />

private individuals.

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