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Niœ la<br />

O ur Coun- lors<br />

An exceptional 'thank 'E )2/7 you' to aI our dedicated and<br />

=. Ilors, without whom , 1 4-21<br />

inspirational counse<br />

would not be<br />

it is today<br />

.<br />

v *<br />

the fantastic success story that<br />

O ur briliant team<br />

Judith, Graham ,<br />

of counse lors for 2008-09 were:<br />

Joanna, Sarah, Sala, Kaukab, M ark,<br />

Roz, Sue, Jan, M arie, Paula, Pauline, Tam my, Carole, Sue, M oira,<br />

W endy, Tim & Jacqui.<br />

The Management Commi/ee (Board of Trustees)<br />

A big 'thank you' to the work and com m itm ent of the M anagement<br />

Commitee and Trustees, namely: Denise Buchan (Chair), Tony<br />

W ithers, Hilary Cole, Denise Gaines, Karen Garley, Elizabeth O 'Keeffe,<br />

Steve Parsons, M aureen Philips, Em m a W ebster and Judith.<br />

If you would Iike to Iearn more about becom ing a Trustee on the<br />

M anagem ent Board for 14-21 then please do not hesitate in<br />

contacting the office on: 01635 581421 or e-mail: adm inl4-<br />

21 @ btconnect.com.<br />

O ur Friends and Suppoders<br />

O ur most grateful 'thanks' to aI those organisations, trusts and<br />

individuals who have financialy assisted us over the Iast year:<br />

(in no specific orderl: Greenham Common Trust, West Berkshire District Council,<br />

The Vodafone Foundation, The Yapp Charitable Trust, Newbury & District Cancer<br />

Care Trust, Lam bourn PC, Theale PC, Chaddleworth PC, Dyer's of London, W BDC<br />

Thatcham Area youth Team , Com m unity Plus Fund, W est Berkshire Nightstop,<br />

W aitrose, The Peter Baker Foundation and client donations.<br />

j Ik IjE:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:'<br />

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x y j<br />

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(LQJ 3. 't hotigh't s arl:l vb'i t i-l Al ex & Jacqui<br />

www.14-21 tilmetotalk.btikxcom/'adlminl 4-21 @ btconnect.com<br />

1 8

o u n se I I o r s ' a e<br />

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'J- .-'<br />

:.pl<br />

m<br />

*<br />

I would Iike to express my gratitude in being o fered a<br />

placem ent & put on record how im pressed I am at the professional<br />

m anagem ent of the service & how rewarding & refreshing it is being part of an<br />

organisation w hich values the counselors.<br />

I feel very proud to represent 14:21 & have done my best to encourage other<br />

students to join the team. This has proved difficult due to the current policy of not<br />

a low ing the taping of sessions with any clients. I w ould Iike to express concern that<br />

as this assessment procedure is now part of many BAcp-approved diplom a<br />

courses, it w il becom e increasingly difficult to atract placement counse lors & 14:21<br />

wil potentia ly sufer in the Iong term .<br />

I would Iike to advocate a re-think on this policy for clients over the age of 18. Any<br />

client aged 18+ stil has the right to w ithhold consent & can choose to give their<br />

inform ed consent on alowing taping for assessm ent purposes. A I counse lors<br />

engaging in this wil sign a disclaim er ensuring a I data protection ethics are<br />

com plied with.<br />

Tim<br />

Tim is aware that a review of the policy on non-rx nrding of client œ e ons has taken p/aœ .<br />

œan+ s to the m scy are beinp conidered, & from Pptember 2009 14:21 will be promoting<br />

the chan+ s to cotlnœ sfllg tralning ekabs# llenls<br />

M z has requeM ed that 14:21 give condderation to online cotlnœ sfng. WhilM O e is very<br />

aware of the f- les involved in online work (Iimit, knowledT of the permn oeking<br />

cotlnœsfng, Iack of non-verbal Wgna/s/be y IanguaT), there Is conœrn that for m lpe client%<br />

expre% ng them* lves verbally can be very challenglng.<br />

Young qxp/e are very at eaœ in œmmunicating with each other through technology -texting<br />

on moblle phone% e-nuiling & .chatting' through well publici* d chatrx ms Part of the<br />

development of 14:21 is to take X tlnœ sfllg & Kpm rl * rviœ s to the clients where they are,<br />

rather than expecting them to reach out to us<br />

G e will need to give a Iot of thought & dfm tle on tim e to online cotlnœ sfng, but l'm grateful<br />

that e z has rafœ d thisas a point of intereM .<br />


M<br />

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Statement of financial Activities for Year ended 31 March 209 - ) - .- - q:!,'!,)#ë-. - ',<br />

. - ) - -, ) '- ) , ) , - , - , - , - . - . - g '-. - -'-:t. - ; r @ g ,-.-1)1:)-1)1:)- - . :!. .!. !. ! @ , à -. - -.<br />

Incom ing Resources<br />

Unrestricted Restricted<br />

Funds Funds<br />

2 2<br />

Grants and donations 260.00<br />

Interest 930.26<br />

The Vodafone Foundation UK 27,744.00<br />

Greenham Comm on Trust 10,562.00<br />

W est Berkshire Council 7000,00<br />

W est Berkshire Nightstop 700.00<br />

Peter Baker Foundation 1 ,000.00<br />

Comm unity Plus Fund 4,000.00<br />

Yapp Trust 2,000.00<br />

NCCT 6,365.00<br />

Lam bourn Parish Council 190.00<br />

Dyers' of London 1 ,000.00<br />

W BDC Thatcham Area YT 150.00<br />

Theale Parish Council 100.00<br />

Chaddleworth Parish Council 100.00<br />

Pantom ime tickets 135.00<br />

4,430.26 57,806.00<br />

Resources Expended<br />

Rent and rates 248.00 4,000.00<br />

Supervision 55.00 2,508.00<br />

Traveling 689.24 4,224.30<br />

Insurance 655.28<br />

Office & stationery expenses 1 97.36 1 94.31<br />

Office equipment 81 .96<br />

Office computer/printer 482.70<br />

Telephone/Broadband charges 387.46 316.10<br />

Training 1 ,675.00<br />

Petty cash 541 .27 37.90<br />

Books 216.89<br />

Accountancy 176.25<br />

CRB checks 243.00<br />

Pantom ine tickets 148.50<br />

Room hire 632.00<br />

Subscriptions 259.00<br />

Promotional expenses 2,285.26<br />

Outreach W orker salary 1 ,452.50 2,341 .25<br />

Salaries & NIC 1 .812.00 12.280.00<br />

7.163.71 40.976.82<br />

Net incoming resources -2,733.45 1 6,829.1 8<br />

Balances brought forward 13.271 .38 12.638.61<br />

Balances carried forward f 1 0,537.93 f29,467.79<br />



The diagram gives an m proxim ate indication of the age of cl ients w ho access 14:21<br />

counx lling.<br />

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Issues statistics<br />

n Illyinq<br />

powerleAness<br />

low > If<br />

esteem<br />

> If Feeem cont roI = 3q . .t'4 Anxietv<br />

Iack of f ears &<br />

conf idence phobias<br />

mist rust pani c attacks<br />

unable to streD<br />

m ove o n = '1 23't. = 1 sîA.t'<br />

œ nre- 'on R hœ l<br />

low mood<br />

despai r<br />

suicidal<br />

OnunM linc<br />

prem ure<br />

exams<br />

work<br />

self harmi ng =<br />

.<br />

%. wy g kl.j' .<br />

teachers = 29rb'<br />

Drue and Loœ<br />

alcohol deat h/ dying<br />

Using to excem<br />

to dull f eeI i ngs<br />

,k.,<br />

= Ci .<br />

> lf Harm<br />

& tt i<br />

ng<br />

bruisi ng<br />

att em pt i ng<br />

sui ci de ='1 è)k?.1'k<br />

O dneœ<br />

Io% of D If =<br />

.j tl.y,. .'<br />

. t ,<br />


Quick summary'. 380 clients (1 18 male, 227 female) accepted a total of 1025 sessions.<br />

Facinq Bereavem ent Statistics<br />

These statistics are taken from office & school statistics indicated on previous pages.<br />

'<br />

V ? /'afafafz/zYafz/'eeer Month /' New z/' /' z/' /' z/' /' z/' /' z/' //;' Onœ ./' ./' ./' ./' .( lng ./' ./' ./' ./' ./,/.* / Z / Ie Z / Z / Z / Z v,J;SvJ/VJ/VJ/Vk7Vk7Vk7Vk7Vk7Vk7Vk7 Female Z'JF,JF,JF,JFaCZaC,JF,JF,JF,JFa/'<br />

Tot . œ % 1<br />

1 ro8<br />

/<br />

y08<br />

Jun08 *<br />

@.<br />

* *<br />

**<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3 1<br />

3<br />

7<br />

12<br />

)- )<br />

f$<br />

,<br />

JuIO8<br />

...<br />

..' AugO8<br />

œ ptO8<br />

œ to8<br />

' Novo8 .<br />

*<br />

@<br />

**<br />

@ .@.<br />

* *<br />

..<br />

.<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

12<br />

16<br />

8<br />

10<br />

10<br />

');l<br />

y<br />

7<br />

/<br />

z<br />

7<br />

,;<br />

# Y><br />

co8 . . 2 1 1 2 'L ,q<br />

JanO9<br />

7 FebO9<br />

* *. *<br />

@@<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

13<br />

10<br />

)<br />

1<br />

) zz<br />

rO9<br />

rO9<br />

# f Y o9<br />

** 2 1 12 L<br />

$<br />

7)<br />

q Totals 3 27 24 17 125 f<br />

$ ' zf' zF' zf' zF' zf' zF' zf' zF' zf' zF' zf' af af af af af af af af af af af z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z/' vf z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' v/l<br />

Issues broucht to counsellinc<br />

The statistics (page 1 1) indicate the issues brought to counseling during the year.<br />

Counseling seeks to facilitate & enable, rather than to provide solutions to problems.<br />

Clients are therefore encouraged to explore & work through their issues & find a way<br />

forward for them selves, w ith firm support.<br />


Kennet School<br />

/ t N ON ING St<br />

Vzmonth m ale female m ale female tot m m ,<br />

'v<br />

z<br />

r?<br />

z J u n- 08 0 0 2 1 8 ',<br />

/j Jul -08 0 0 2 1 7 Zz<br />

'V<br />

z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' vf VLZVLZVLZVLZVLZVLZVLZVLZ z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' ./ z;Z z;Z z;Z z;Z z;Z z;Z z;Z z;Z zlçzaçzaçzaçzaçzaçzaçzaçzaf zF' zF' zF' zF' zF' zF' zF' zF' zf z;Z z;Z z;Z z;Z z;Z z;Z z;Z zf/l'<br />

Lim ited counselling has taken place due to the Iack of an available counsellor. However<br />

they have had access to a bereavem ent specialist though 14:21 , who has provided support<br />

when needed.<br />

Youth ntre z ati< ics June 2008- v 2009<br />

Theale Green<br />

;#sf #' #' #' #' #' #' #' #' #' #' #' #' #' #' #' #' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zF zFy<br />

/ N oN j NG / 'r<br />

/ '.z<br />

'<br />

z Male Fem ale le Fem ale tot-œ œ ',y-<br />

r,t ' .z<br />

'<br />

'<br />

t. J u n - 0 8 1 0 1 2 1 5 , -<br />

) ,<br />

? 4 JuI -08 0 0 1 2 10<br />

t<br />

t ') p-08 0 1 1 2 1 6 t$<br />

t t - 08 O 0 O 3 6 )<br />

/' sz<br />

, Nov-08 O 0 O 3 7 )<br />

/<br />

/ .f<br />

z c-08 O 0 O 3 2 z<br />

z .z'<br />

'<br />

, Jan-09 O 0 O 3 7<br />

z. bf<br />

'), Feb- 09 O 0 O 3 3 S<br />

z ' , r<br />

t . %' r - 0 9 O 0 O 3 1 3 >) ;<br />

r-09 O 0 O 3 3<br />

z J'<br />

'<br />

z y - 0 9 o 1 O 3 4 j<br />

/ '<br />

z Totals 1 2 3 30 86<br />

? z ' z ' z ' z ' z ' z ' z ' z ' z ' z ' .;?L/.%/.%z'.%z'.%z'.%z'.%/ .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .J' z' z' z' z' z' z' .;' zsf' .;' zsf' .;' zsf' .;' zsf' .%z' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .,/.i1<br />

Client Contacts<br />

W illink<br />

/<br />

z' z,<br />

/<br />

j Jun-O8 3male sfemale<br />

z' /<br />

j JuI-O8 2 male 3f emale ;<br />

)<br />

;4<br />

: Y<br />

/<br />

z<br />

/<br />

z<br />

72 ,<br />

z<br />

p-O8 Omale<br />

t-O8 3 male<br />

Nov-08 3 male<br />

c-08 0 male<br />

Jan-09 1 male<br />

F eb-O9<br />

zmale<br />

r-o9<br />

' 7f emale ' ,<br />

3 f em<br />

8f em<br />

3f emale<br />

t<br />

)<br />

5 f emale<br />

( 't.<br />

1 f emale '.,'<br />

t.<br />

4 female yz/ 7 Apr-09<br />

z y-O9<br />

;<br />

y4 ot aIs<br />

1 male 6 f emale<br />

(<br />

fd<br />

z<br />

'/'1A up/' .âfV' .u#/' .âfV' .u#/' .âfV' .u#/' . '.z ' , '.' ' . '.' ' . '.' ' . '.' ' . '.' ' . '.' ' . '.' ' . '.' ' . ' .âfV' .u#/' .âfV' .u#/' .âfV' .u#/' .âfV' .u#/' IJS<br />

.tC<br />


Park House School<br />

f N ON ING s,,<br />

/ z<br />

,( '<br />

>.<br />

z<br />

Ie Female Ie Female tot m m<br />

';'<br />

/<br />

; zz<br />

z<br />

;,<br />

> /<br />

Jan-og<br />

Feb-09<br />

r-O9<br />

1 2<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

o o<br />

0 1<br />

0 1<br />

sc<br />

rz'<br />

1<br />

r<br />

1, /<br />

z 2<br />

)1,<br />

> /<br />

Apr-09<br />

y-O9<br />

0<br />

O<br />

O<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

O<br />

1/ Jz<br />

t '<br />

.<br />

0/ /<br />

z'<br />

z totals 1 2 0 3 8: p<br />

There have been changes to the counselors attending Park House, & the dem and for counseling<br />

has not been as h'Igh in recent years.<br />

Trinitv School<br />

z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' ./ ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze z<br />

),' 7 N F z/F z/F z/F z/F z/F z/F z/F z/F ./' ze ze ze ze ze ze ze I NG ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' eF ze ze ze ze ze ze ze z's ? #<br />

7 /<br />

#<br />

z m ale female m ale female tot. Y m y<br />

7t /r<br />

7t Jun-08 0 0 1 2 8 /r<br />

7t #<br />

/ y<br />

z JuI-O8 O 0 0 1 1 y<br />

/ /<br />

yr p-08 0 2 0 1 8 v<br />

/ #<br />

7, $' t - 0 8 0 1 0 2 6 '?<br />

''<br />

:.4<br />

2<br />

#<br />

, Nov-O8 O 2 0 4 1 2 z<br />

/ / z<br />

/ C-08<br />

f '<br />

z' z<br />

, J an- 09 0 O 0 3 1 z<br />

7:<br />

/<br />

Feb-og<br />

o O o 2 2<br />

/<br />

, V<br />

>' r-09 z<br />

/<br />

0 O 0 2 6 z<br />

7 # A p r-O9 O 2 O 2 2 Z/<br />

#<br />

/ '<br />

y<br />

, y- 09 O 1 0 2 9 /<br />

/<br />

'dotals /<br />

0 8 1 21 65 Sy<br />

fV/.V/.V/.V/.V/.V/.V/.V/./A./A./A./A./A./A./A./A./A./.V/.V/.V/.V/.V/.V/.V/.V/ z- z- z- z- z- z- z- z- A.fA.fA.fA.fA.fA.fA.fA.fA.fA.'A.'A.'A.'A.'A.'A.'A.'A.'Z z- z- z- z- z- z- z- zrl ' Downs School<br />

z;tf 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f , ' . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' Z/VZFVZFVZFVZFVZJVZ/FZ,/XXX ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f 'J/f s'f ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '<br />

r /<br />

N ON ING z<br />

/ z'<br />

: m ale female m ale female tot.m m contacts :<br />

7, z$, J u n - O 8 'z<br />

/ .z'<br />

?; JuI-09 ,'<br />

/ #<br />

/<br />

/ p-08 0 1 1 1 7 z<br />

/<br />

z<br />

z t-O8 O 0 1 2 10 zZ r,/ y Nov-08 1 1 1 1 8 / z<br />

>' /<br />

z c-08 1 1 1 0 5 , z'<br />

r,/ y Jan-O9 2 1 1 O 9 z<br />

>' /<br />

z Feb-O9 O 2 1 1 4 /y<br />

7t /r<br />

7 r-O9 O 1 0 3 9 1 m, 3f /r<br />

,$î #<br />

2 r A p r-O9 O O 0 3 3 'z<br />

/ y-09 0 0 0 3 3 / v<br />

/<br />

#<br />

,4 y o t a I s 3 7 6 1 4 5 8 '<br />

y<br />

z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z' ,z' z' ,z' z' ,z' z' ,z' z' sza;F z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z/i' z'î' z/i' z'î' z/i' z'î' z/i' z'î' ,z' z' ,z' z' ,z' z' ,z' z' ,z' z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z'z z/i' z'î' z/i' z'î' z/i' z'î' z/i' Af;.f<br />


tl.l.:w E? :E:!:i:X.:.:x .<br />

!:2<br />

. a<br />

r yëyëviëië i<br />

%tjl:i .:<br />

tlEli E5 : .:. :.:. : riri jr jtj<br />

. :lEjlt.jw xrijrjrvr. rijijijrvrvrvr.<br />

j<br />

lEt!i! EJC.N. . iëi!i> .;.y.y.;.; . j<br />

ihlt! Eilili<br />

il/jEtv. :iEëyiyiyiyig: . rj. y j<br />

r. ! ! ilrvv.v.r ql .ë.è ë! ji<br />

. . i iji. i: ..ri.i. j ky t.y. zj! j j<br />

.:.<br />

i ' (: i ' .:qE. 2 j ëizi i j!<br />

r ij' j :.'.' yj îkéîké jyj iij gEZE iji<br />

i i. ij r<br />

ië ëy <strong>yy</strong>r<br />

y y : r '.<br />

i iliëi iëyëyiy ë <strong>yy</strong><br />

rjyiëiëià<br />

iqi.i iElEi ëiëyëyj i q .g s.ç jëyiëiëyj iëiëyr.ë.ë<br />

ëëyëy r j y jyjyjyjyjy yjyjyjyjyj y j yjy<br />

j . j<br />

i!:E!E!E!E:E! : . . : :.:..<br />

iq.Cq.C kti r. ëyiyëyëyëyëyë ëyëyëyëyëyi y jë y rg<br />

. x.<br />

. r. i.r . .ri r vri r .<br />

f ' I c e zati nth male female male female tot. mm j<br />

z Jun-08 2 1 7 8 61 z,<br />

itz r;<br />

k<br />

y J u I - O 8 3 1 6 8 70 ;<br />

/ )' /<br />

j Aug-O8 1 4 4 4 34 y<br />

j p-O8 1 6 2 2 51 /<br />

/ y<br />

z / t-O8 4 2 4 7 59 y<br />

'<br />

y<br />

; Nov-O8 4 9 2 7 66 :<br />

/ /<br />

j. c - O 8 4 2 5 8 4 3 Zz<br />

y z<br />

z Jan-O9 8 6 4 4 68 z<br />

/ Zz<br />

/ Feb-09 1 5 7 8 44 z<br />

/<br />

z<br />

z < r-09 3 6 6 8 58 , '<br />

'y Apr - 09 2 7 6 7 55 'z<br />

>' /<br />

z y-09 0 5 4 7 48 , z'<br />

7t #<br />

yotals 33 54 57 78 657 #<br />

ûV ze ze ze ze ze ze ze .%1 zFt .%1 zFt .%1 zFt .%1 zFt z ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ,' z z z z z z z zn'j/? zFt .%1 zFt .%1 zFt .%1 zFt zF z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z<br />

School Statistics June 2008-Mav 2009-05-26<br />

ilink School<br />

(Student Sunnort Unit)<br />

..<br />

jf' y . F' .#' .F' .#' .F' .#' .F' .V' z' .%f' .fF' .%f' .fF' .%f' .fF' .%f' .fF' .'k' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' . .F' . .F' . .F' . .F' . .F' . .F' . .F' . .F' zy' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' zrz s$ .<br />

/<br />

4<br />

/<br />

N<br />

Ie Female<br />

ON ING<br />

Ie Female tot m m<br />

z<br />

Z<br />

zy<br />

#<br />

>' ,<br />

k<br />

'<br />

,<br />

/ f<br />

J u n- 08<br />

JuI -O8<br />

p- 08<br />

O<br />

O<br />

1<br />

0<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

4<br />

4<br />

8<br />

20<br />

1 4<br />

1 2<br />

r?<br />

/y<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Sy<br />

é.<br />

>.<br />

z$,<br />

z<br />

/<br />

, fz<br />

z<br />

Cz<br />

> /<br />

z'<br />

j<br />

t - 0 8<br />

Nov- 08<br />

c-08<br />

J an- 09<br />

Feb-09<br />

r- 09<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

4<br />

9<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1 5<br />

1 5<br />

1 7<br />

22<br />

3<br />

1 O<br />

r.e<br />

z<br />

:.4<br />

',<br />

Z<br />

zz'<br />

',<br />

r;<br />

;<br />

><br />

z,<br />

,#<br />

j / Apr-O9 O O 0 2 2 /<br />

z y-O9 O 1 2 6 <strong>yy</strong>,<br />

/ y<br />

fv z'F z'F z'F z'F z'F z'F z'F .%1 zFt .%1 zFt .%1 zFt .%1 zFt z' z'F z'F z'F z'F z'F z'F z'F z'F ,' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' zn'j/'l zFt .%1 zFt .%1 zFt .%1 zFt zsF' z z z z z z z z z' z' z' z' z' z' z' z' zl<br />

) ot a 1 s 4 9 5 52 1 36 /<br />


events, young people and professionals are becom ing m ore aware of what counselling is<br />

and w hat very special services 14:21 offers.<br />

Fina ly, as always I would Iike to take this opportunity to persona ly thank aII the school<br />

nurses, teachers, family Iiaison oficers, and in particular, W est Berkshire Youth Service<br />

team . W ithout their co-operation and involvement in supporting m y work, none of w hat has<br />

been achieved so far would have been possible.<br />

I would also Iike to add my thanks to Nicola and Alex. Their support and practical assistance<br />

m ake m y work so m uch sim pler than it would otherwise be.<br />

M ark Bees<br />

14:21 Outreach W orker<br />


wil refer clients to the counse lor. At present there is a w aiting Iist of clients needing to be<br />

Seen.<br />

Student Sunnort Unit, W ilink School<br />

W ithin the Student Support Unit, 14:21 surgeries are held. These have been very successful<br />

& accessed by young people of aII ages - some requiring sim ple advice and inform ation and<br />

others needing one to one counse ling. At present the m anager of the unit holds a Iist of<br />

clients requiring counse ling and the surgery w hich is held on a regular basis is very busyregular<br />

clients and young people dropping in.<br />

Hunnerford, Thatcham and New burv<br />

Currently these youth centres have 14:21 rooms available at various times during the week,<br />

so counse lors can see clients. At present we do not have dedicated counse lors for these<br />

sites but the room s are used when required.<br />

Em ernencv annointm ents<br />

I offer an em ergency service at a I sites w here I try to attend to a young person's needs<br />

within 48hours of receiving a cal (often within 24hrs).<br />

14 : 21 Prom otions<br />

Youth clubs<br />

Over the past year I have ca ried out promotional work in the evenings within youth clubs<br />

across W est Berkshire. This service consists of talking to young people and answering any<br />

questions they m ay have, as we l as handing out Ieaflets about 14:21 .<br />

Also during the year I have atended Iunchtime health clinics run by W BC Youth Service and<br />

the school nurse service. Though prim arily used to advertise/prom ote our service, som e<br />

valuable engagem ent w ith young people has occurred.<br />

Schools, colenes, other events<br />

Further prom otional work has been carried out in the form of Pow erpoint presentations<br />

within school assem blies. To date I have delivered assem blies at Park House and at W ilink<br />

School. These have been very wel received. Other schools are also keen for us to come<br />

and prom ote the service.<br />

14:21 has atended two events at Newbury Colege. Our stand atracts much interest from<br />

students and teachers alike, and I have had m any enquires about our service.<br />

It is m y intention to continue to carry out prom otional work w ith teachers and other<br />

professionals to heighten their awareness of our service and to explain w hat counse ling is<br />

about/how it can be accessed.<br />

Promotional m aterial has been distributed to schools, doctors' surgeries & other<br />

organisations around west Berkshire at regular interval through out the year<br />

Sum marv<br />

2008/2009 year has been very successful for 14:21 outreach work, as we l as continued<br />

good w ork within youth clubs & schools, dealing directly with the needs of young people.<br />

The prom otional work has started to pay dividends, not only w ithin schools but through<br />

other organisations. Through use of Powerpoint presentations, assem blies and other<br />


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Mark Bees<br />

14:21 's Outreach work consists of various activities including'.<br />

4* Direct therapeutic one to one contact with young people<br />

4* Direct therapeutic work w ith groups of young people<br />

4* A rapid response service for young people with urgent needs<br />

4* Support for 14-21 counselors undertaking outreach counseling<br />

4* Direct contact w ith other professionals in an advisory and referral capacity<br />

I also carry out activities to prom ote 14:21 's counselling service'.<br />

4* Presentations/prom otional work to professionals such as teachers & youth w orkers<br />

etc<br />

4* Presentations/prom otional work to young people in schools, youth clubs, colleges<br />

and other settings.<br />

4* Presentation/prom otional work to parents and m em bers of the general public.<br />

Outreach work is regularly ca ried out at the folowing Iocations'.<br />

4* Three of W est Berkshire's youth and community centres, John o'Gaunt.<br />

(Hungerford), Moorside (Thatcham), & Theale Green (Theale)<br />

4* A Student support unit at Burghfield (atached to the W ilink school)<br />

4* Students' health surgeries (in conjunction with the youth service and school nurses)<br />

at Compton, Hungerford, and Theale<br />

4* Other schools, coleges and Iocations when required.<br />

At the above sites 14:21 offers tw o types of service for young people'.<br />

4* One of therapeutic interventions (helping young people with urgent/ advice (direct<br />

interventions or signposting and refering young people to other organisations).<br />

4. Promotional w ork is carried out giving information to young people about our service<br />

and explaining the benefits of counselling & how it works<br />

4* One to One counseling carried out by specific counselors based at Theale youth<br />

club and Burghfield student support unit<br />

Counse linc services<br />

Theale<br />

Currently we have one counselor working at Theale youth centre doing one to one work<br />

with young people. Clients are self- refe ring, or Theale Green school family Iiaison oficer<br />


The developm ent of s'trategic vision has been a thought-provoking procem : challenging<br />

existing beliefs & visions of w hat 14:21 has achieved, & the direction w e should be taking<br />

to ensure im m ediate & f uture viability.<br />

The agency is f acing a period of change & it is elm ntial to em brace new vision & goals to<br />

ensure that 14:21 keeps pace w ith the changing needs of cl ients, attains f inancial<br />

viability, & s'trives to im prove upon K rvice proviéon.<br />

'Change has a crnàderab/e psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is<br />

threatening becatpœ it m eans that things m ay get etyœ . To the hopeful it is enk uraging<br />

becatpm things m ay get better. To the confident it is in+ iring becatpœ the challenge<br />

ex// s to m ake things better'.<br />

(Kng Y itney Jr, President, Perx nnel Oboratories Inc. œ oted in a Oles meeting, cited<br />

WaI I zreet Journal , June 1967)<br />

œ pporters<br />

Gratef ul thanks to al I who have supported 14:21 f inancial Iy during this year:<br />

Peter O rker Foundation<br />

Newbury & Dstrict Cancer Care Trus't<br />

The W ers' Company<br />

Chaddleworth Parish Council<br />

Community PI us Fund<br />

Greenham Common Trus't<br />

O mbourn Parish Council<br />

Theale Parish Council<br />

Wait ro> (Newbury)<br />

Wes't Y rkshire Dstrict Council<br />

W es't Y rkshi re Nightstop<br />

W es't Y rkshire Thatcham Area Youth Team<br />

Yapp Trus't<br />

Acknow ledœ m ents<br />

The provision of counx lling wouldn't be pom ible w ithout the dedication & com m itm ent<br />

of the counx lling team & I thank them for aII their efforts.<br />

A ex has provided a great deal of support profem ionally & perx nally, to the m anagem ent<br />

& counx lling team s & w e' re aII very appreciative -thank you!<br />

The success of the community œ treach proj ect is due to Kark' s commitment & drive, &<br />

he has m ade excellent in-roads this year -thank you for moving things forw ard & for your<br />

support.<br />

A huge vote of thanks mus't go to œ orge O ncnnter, counx ling supervix r. He has done<br />

m uch to support the counx llors w ith profem ional guidance & w i om & w e are very<br />

gratef ul f or his expertix & support .<br />


Facinq œ reavement proiect<br />

W e provided bereavem ent training for the counx llors this year, the f irs't K ssion focusing<br />

on childhood bereavement. 14:21 counx llors explored the im portance of how children &<br />

young people grieve, w ith em pha is placed on the vaI ue of that know ledge, in<br />

understanding how to provide the bes't possible œ pport to grieving clients. D fferent<br />

m odels of Ioss, the tasks of grieving, & a review of existing bereavem ent counx l I ing skills<br />

were alK explored.<br />

œ ssion 2 provided an opportunity for the counx llors to reflect upon their perm nal<br />

experiences of Ioss, to understand how perx nal experience can contribute to their w ork<br />

with bereaved young people. There was a variety of creative & ref Iective exercix s<br />

available for the counx lors to try. 2 me of the ideas are valuable tools for working with<br />

clients w ho f ind it hard to express their needs & concerns verbally, but m ay feel Ie%<br />

inhibited if using creative methods (drawing, painting, using s'tones, & > nd play) to<br />

explore how they feel .<br />

The f inal training K ssion f ocux d on pre & pos't bereavem ent needs, & p ecial is't<br />

bereavem ent w ork, & inform ation concerning w hen bereavem ent is protracted & needs<br />

additional support of agencies such as the com m unity m ental health team s.<br />

Feedback f rom the counx llors about the training w as extrem ely positive. A I found it<br />

benef icial & m preciated the K nsitive way in which the issues w ere prex nted. Key vaI ue<br />

is that the training wiI I go on being uK f ul & supportive as work w ith cl ients evolves.<br />

z aff Y velopment<br />

The Co-ordinator & M ministrator achieved Ievel 3 œ rtif icates in Kanagement with the<br />

Chartered Institute of Kanagement . The training explored various ap ects of businem, the<br />

resulting vaI ue giving an increnm d Ievel of conf idence in business adm inistration & the<br />

m otivation to review agency vision & poI icies.<br />

Onunœ l Iors<br />

14:21 counx llors w ork extremely hard to provide very high profem ional s'tandards of<br />

counx lling care for the young people of our com m unity. This is achieved w hils't<br />

continuing their training/ developm ent, & balancing hom e & w orking Iives. The w ork 14:21<br />

has achieved over the year is a tribute to their eff orts.<br />

W e w elcom ed Jacqui & Tim to 14:21 this year, both keen to develop their experiences &<br />

build on their training.<br />

The im pact of Iack of counx lling training provision on the num ber of trainees com ing<br />

forw ard for placem ents rem ains an issue that we are w orking to overcome through<br />

contact w ith training establ ishm ents & Pow erpoint prex ntations designed to att ract<br />

voI unteer counx llors. Num bers of trainees m proaching the agency is very éow ly<br />

beginning to pick up, & w e are planning w ays on how K rvice provision can change to<br />

adapt to the Iim itations w hich are outside of the agency' s control .<br />

z rateqic Vilon<br />

A Iot of preparation went into the developm ent of 14:21' s strategic vision -im m ediate &<br />

Iong term plans for the agency's f uture. The Kanagement Committee & s'taff met to<br />

explore m anagem ent & governance needs, s'taff ing & f unding needs, agency developm ent<br />

& proj ect development .<br />


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-- wti, curent unpredictability of the economic climate , aIl voluntary agencies<br />

%- ' 'i '&4.k%'? Thi s has been an interesting year of chalenges & developments, with key focus<br />

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cons ideration needs to f ocus on developm ent f or im m ediate & f uture K curity.<br />

For 14:21 there needs to be a willingness to em brace new m ethods of providing support<br />

without Iosing sight of key purpox & w ithout eroding the very high s'tandards of<br />

prof essional counx l I ing that the agency provides.<br />

œ r chalenge now is to build & improve upon what has gone before x) that the agency<br />

has a s'trong & viable f uture. Focus f or this evening how ever, is to ref Iect on the positive<br />

year that w e have had.<br />

œ hools & Youth œ ntres<br />

A great deal of publ icity & awarenem -raising ha been achieved in the œ hools & youth<br />

centres this year, a tribute to œ treach Worker * rk Y es' hard work. Asx mbl ies &<br />

tutorial groups have been addrelm d, Pow erpoint prex ntations about the benef its of<br />

counx l I ing & about 14:21 have been deI ivered, staff m eetings addreR* d & contacts w ith<br />

young people m aintained.<br />

Throughout this period, counx lling has continued to take place at œ hools & youth<br />

centres, dep ite the continued hardship the agency faces in term s of K urcing the<br />

appropriate f unding to m aintain the K rvice to the œ hools. Locating the f inance has pox d<br />

a considerable chal Ienge, since f unding organi> tions consider such a K rvice to be<br />

provided or at Ieas't supported, by the Local Authority. M ilt 14:21 occa ionally benef its<br />

f rom non-uniform days & other individual œ hool f und-raising efforts, it is not enough to<br />

sustain the K rvice each year.<br />

To that end we have had to consider the agency' s position Iong & hard. W e al I f eeI that to<br />

withdraw such a valuable & vital K rvice to the m hools is not the way forward. It isn't in<br />

the bes't interests of the young people w e K ek to support & above all, their needs are<br />

param ount . Theref ore we need an alternative approach.<br />

From œ ptember, 14:21 wil be merging both outreach proj ects. M ilt the plans for the<br />

m erger are in place & preparations for obtaining the f unding w ell underway, a succee ul<br />

f unding bid can' t be guaranteed. W e have to deal w ith uncertainty but nevertheless keep<br />

taking s'teps forw ard.<br />

' Viéon without action is merely a dream. Action without Wàon juf paq*s the time.<br />

Wàon with action changes the worldl'<br />

(JoeI A O rker) (Commentating on effective Ieadership & paradigms in the corporate<br />

world)<br />

e re detail about the w ork in the œ hools & youth centres appears in Kark's report.<br />


t a t e e n t s<br />

$ùW e have com plied w ith the duty in M ction 4 of the<br />

œ arities M t 2006, to have due reœ rd to public benefit<br />

guidance, publie ed by the œ arities On m m i- 'on''.<br />

Y niœ Buchan, Chai r<br />

& 1 behalf of 14:21 Ti m e To TaI k' s ht nagement O m m ittee<br />

Mie on z atem ent<br />

' The obj ect ives of 14-21 is to promote t he moral and K cial welf are and t he<br />

preK rvat ion of healt h of young perK ns, part icul arly 14-21 year olds, reédent or<br />

working i n W est Y rkshire by establ ishi ng, m ai ntaini ng and developi ng a K rvice<br />

f or giving œ ch perK ns individual counK l Iing' .<br />

Onre vaI ues<br />

A I young people have the right to support & inform ation to gain understanding & insight<br />

into their problem s & concerns, accep-* d through counx lling.<br />

The principle values:<br />

R hos<br />

4. 14:21 rep ects the dignity & K If w orth of every cl ient<br />

4* œ p ects & vaI ues individual diff erences & uniqueness (diversity)<br />

4* Prom otes each young perm n' s independence & autonom y<br />

4* Prom otes the client' s right to be a voluntary participant in the healing process<br />

4* œ cognix s & rep ects the potential of each young perm n<br />

Young people are key to the counK ling K rvice & 14:21 is comm itted to rep onding to<br />

their needs. Young people have the right to access & expect a high standard of<br />

prof essional counœ l Iing. The K rvice is w idely prom oted, inf orm ing young people how<br />

they can access the K rvice & how counK l ing can help them. The counK l Iing that 14:21<br />

provides, helps young people to empower themœ lves to develop skils for coping with<br />

prex nt & f uture problems. 14:21 alK takes renm nable steps to protect the O f ety &<br />

weI Ibeing of cl ients, volunteers & staff .<br />

14:21 prom otes equality of opportunity for aII , & equality of acceœ to counx l Iing for<br />

young people aged 1 1-25. The agency takes reaK nable steps to ensure that al I staff are<br />

competent to deliver the broad range & depth of skils neceRqqry for œ rvice provision, &<br />

is com m itted to staff developm ent , support & supervision. It is alK com m itted to<br />

maintaining eval uation & monitoring procelo s.<br />


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> ar Friends and W ell-w il ers,<br />

aenise Buchan<br />

Another year of reaching out to œ pport young people in their grow th<br />

i nto adult hood œ cceRqful Iy achieved t hanks to our i ncredible<br />

volunteer counœ l Iors and the staff w ho m ake it aII poe ble. * ny<br />

thanks aIK for the com m itm ent and guidance offered by our<br />

O nagem ent O m m ittee.<br />

Y i ng a = al I charity does not get any eaïer and w e are I ikely to<br />

encounter even m ore m ueezing in theœ diff icult ' credit crunch' tim es<br />

but the optim ir , energy and enthuïar l ow n by aII com m itted to<br />

14 : 21 l ines through and w e rem ain determ ined to be here for our<br />

young people, w ho deœ rve the best help that we can give.<br />

I l ould aIK I ike to acknow ledge and give gratef ul t hanks to t he<br />

organi> tions and people w ho continue to œ pport us both f inancially<br />

and w ith f riendly encouragem ent . There are too m any to acknow ledge<br />

aI individualy but I l ould j ust Iike to thank particularly West<br />

Y rkl ire œ uncil , Vodafone and Greenham O m m on Trust .<br />

W e Iook f orw ard to t he com i ng year w it h eager ant icipat ion.<br />

% st w il es to you al I and t hank you agai n.<br />

Y niœ Buchan<br />

Chai r<br />


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