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Plainrif{<br />

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TXWI¡/g99358_l<br />




CaseNo. tt0CVI72317<br />

E-FILED<br />

Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM<br />

David H. Yamasaki<br />

Chief Executive Officer/Clerk<br />

<strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara<br />

Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

By J. Cao-Nguyen, Deputy<br />

*ft #ro*'""3äËilyrïf?v,rNc.,s<br />

Action Filed: May 18,2010

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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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COlt4ES NOWDefejndant<br />


INC. on behalf of itseÌf and<br />

for no othe¡ Defendant and<br />

and each and<br />

This answering Defen<br />

nswers plaintiff s complaint on file herein as follows:<br />

"u".rou.uouoiiT:ï:îiff:;"'J#*"*n orthe comprainr on nre he¡ein<br />

in the sum or sums alleged, or .<br />

,ha'f p,ainrirr is en,i,red,. -"#ï;îî;î"ïïrîiÏîiïîîî:îJil::<br />

t rn any amount whatsoever.<br />

For a nrst, separare -:Iffi "f:i'H#::Ì PÌ^y'iå'<br />

""":ï#:ïi:,jT,.yï::î::iïff ::åî,îi:ï;:ï:,"i,"J:î::..,.<br />

Forasecond,"__.'"':,::::ijmï_q,!,EFENsE<br />

<strong>to</strong><br />

Defendant aneges that any and a' recovery by praintiff, 'nt<br />

,rltt<br />

complain! this answering<br />

failure<br />

is bar¡ed<br />

<strong>to</strong> properly<br />

by virrue<br />

mitigate<br />

of Plaintiffs<br />

their own a'eged damug"r, ir*f<br />


Fo¡ a third, separate<br />

^, '^^'^-'":t <strong>to</strong><br />

Defendant alleges ^"::::;:::::"::;:::. the complain!<br />

that plaintrr,<br />

this answering<br />

jff or<br />

". "*^-" others' so carelessly' :t**<br />

recklessly<br />

themselves<br />

and negiigentry<br />

so as <strong>to</strong><br />

conducted<br />

cause *<br />

alleged<br />

have damages,<br />

been sustained iranv, alreged or.r.nrr"îT:ffiïîr.|ï<br />

ro<br />

active<br />

recovery<br />

negligence,<br />

herein Plaintiffs<br />

as <strong>to</strong> any dam<br />

diminisheri rn rr¡c<br />

^_+^_. ., , u1r,.o*o"o Oy plaintif{<br />

if any, is<br />

diminished<br />

barred andlor<br />

<strong>to</strong> the<br />

should<br />

extent be<br />

that such ¿rq.,.^-- _,-^_ .- " "'r' ¡ù u¿{reû andlor shourd be<br />

;uch damages were proximately caused<br />

legal fault<br />

by the<br />

of the piaintifl<br />

negligence or other<br />

TXWLC,/9993 58 _ I<br />


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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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-<strong>to</strong><br />


(L'omparative Fautt)<br />

For a fourth, separate and distinct affirmative defense <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Defendart " compÌaint,<br />

mt alleses ateges<br />

"" this<br />

that<br />

answering<br />

that any en¡, and -_¡ ail ^tt<br />

"o<br />

events and happenings in<br />

uomplamt, this answeri<br />

_ _-.*<br />

'4r,r,çuurgs rn con¡ection<br />

contarned rontained with<br />

in rhc .^,--r_:-.<br />

the<br />

in allegations<br />

the complaint were rlproximately nrô.,.ihol-r,,<br />

caused ^^_-<br />

and contributed *'"""" other rther<br />

<strong>to</strong> ru by oy<br />

regar leeal<br />

rne the negrigence<br />

fauit farlt of .,r^+r.-- othe¡ and<br />

parties .^^,_,<br />

negligence and<br />

here<strong>to</strong>. lf praìntiff<br />

recov.r, any sum<br />

amount -r -*^¡r whatsoever Yr'4lùuever<br />

must musf he be re.tr,^-.{ :..<br />

herein, nerern,<br />

reduced such sucl<br />

in propoÍion <strong>to</strong> the extent that<br />

plaintiff. the negligence<br />

Plaintif{ ësrrçc or o¡ other<br />

and ôïhê* legal<br />

other persons -^-^^_-<br />

fauit of<br />

or enfiriee entities' proximately ñ,^-,:* ^. caused o;r contributed<br />

if any<br />

<strong>to</strong> plaintifps<br />

damages,<br />

,r uoy.<br />

For a fifth, separate<br />

^<br />


DEF'ENSE<br />

(statute of Limitøtions)<br />

;:ï;ï,i:':ï;;""'"*ffiT"l,iÏ::îî,1-<br />

rimited ro, S ecrions r r r, r r r'r';'l:;<br />

Ï: :î:'n'¿''1his arswerins<br />

.;îî:: ::", :.",.;; i':i:ïiiil rïj t<br />


Forasixth,separateandrrrr^:T:rj:::;:::::: e <strong>to</strong> the complaint, this answering<br />

Defendant alleges that any recovery by praintiffwould be r<br />

-"i: oe unjust and<br />

ci¡cumstances inequitabie<br />

of<br />

under<br />

the rhe<br />

case, * o, all performance ,.-.'*__"-":'-^ required by such answering performed.<br />

Defendant was prope¡ry<br />


For a sevenrh, separare and djsrinc¿<br />

ou"nse ^:{;;:" <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Defendant complaint.<br />

alleges<br />

this answering<br />

that by its conduct --"""! plaintiffhas ¡ r4'rrt'llas waived warved tthe<br />

causes complaint.<br />

ofaction set forth in the<br />


(Laches)<br />

For an eighth, separate and dislincl aflìrmadve<br />

'¡'auvc defel oeænse <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Defendant complaint'<br />

alleges that prain<strong>to</strong>r,this<br />

answering<br />

ff is a"-., bar¡ed from *^*<br />

îxwrc/ese3s8_t<br />

pursuing the causes ofaction set forth in the<br />

J<br />


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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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complaint due <strong>to</strong> laches.<br />

For a ninth, separate<br />


^ro orrrr^r'llli,Ï^":,:::::!<br />

affirmative defense <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Defendant<br />

complaint, this<br />

alleges answering<br />

that it is entitled t,-.' <strong>to</strong> an âñ award ô,¡,^_.¡<br />

of at<strong>to</strong>mey,s<br />

procedu¡e fèes pursuart<br />

se.ri^h rnzo , ,tï, ' <strong>to</strong><br />

section<br />

Code of<br />

103g, CiviÌ<br />

by which at<strong>to</strong>rney,s fees may be<br />

rwwr p'.suârt <strong>to</strong> code ofcivil<br />

ded<br />

:omplaint upon<br />

for exnr"ece ô, i--,:^r . enûy<br />

,<br />

ofjudgment on a<br />

;#T:::ï.:^":]:r-...remniryorcontrir,,"",;;;;:är:Ï".ii;,<br />

-<br />

without<br />

--' " ¡rv¡¡ ùnu' oomplarnt<br />

any reasonable has been<br />

cause anrl or.,n¿ f^:+L L ,. ^ .,<br />

filed<br />

and good faith beliefthat ther

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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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warve¡' due <strong>to</strong> the failure <strong>to</strong> give this aaswering Defendafit afìy notice ofdefects, if any, and a<br />

reasonable opportunity <strong>to</strong> cure any alieged defects.<br />


Fo¡ a fourteenth, separate *, -::::: ;:r:^:::: efense <strong>to</strong> the complaint. this answering<br />

Defendaat requests that the court determine the rights and liabilities ofthe parties and determine<br />

the proportionate share of fau<br />

the a*ion, in order rhar pro,"i,ïT,'ï:: ffi ,ffi il jï"ï,; :i';:';ï:î, "<br />

F.¡ a nfteen,h*,:P:li* ::!##r::::ï"î:: ense <strong>to</strong> the complainl, _,,<br />

Defendant this<br />

alleges<br />

answering<br />

on information and beliefthat persons or entities orher<br />

Defendant<br />

than this answerìng<br />

misused a¡rd ra'ed ro ;::;::":-i:ersons<br />

rhisa*ionthe¡e'r",,.,,r",'"'"åoo"";Trî;ï",:',,î;";rïî::ffiï,,:""<br />


For a sixreenrh, separate<br />

^ro orrrrnl^f,íüllil"derense ro rhe complainr,<br />

Defendant thìs<br />

a'eges answering<br />

on information ard belief that pe¡sons or entities other than this answering<br />

defendant' without the knowredge or consent of this answering Defendaat, artered the subject<br />

ïjr,jr"<br />

the extenr that aay alleged damages were solely and proximareiy caused by such<br />

.o, u,"u",,,""o,jï"" -iîtr?"JÏ"?"o<br />

DEF'EN'E<br />

defense <strong>to</strong> the complaint, this<br />

answering Defendant a'eges that praintiff expressly or impriedry approved and/or ratified any<br />

and all wo¡k performed by this answering Defendant at *ï. rhe subjecr<br />

prainriffhas properrv and the¡efo¡e<br />

waived and is .r;;;":::*.-:-r<br />

rpped from asserfing any claims arising out of such mafte¡.<br />

///<br />

///<br />

TXWrc/999358_l<br />

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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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laccord aad Satisfaction) _- ".,",_<br />

For an eighteenth, separate and distinct affirmadve r<br />

answering Derendant aneges * "*"se<br />

"J;;"::.::i*'1"<br />

<strong>to</strong> the compraint, rhis<br />

an accord and satisfaction between the parties barring the<br />

compraint.<br />

For a nineteenrh ;i""-*î',*ffi #'ETEFEN'E<br />

defense<br />

Defendanr <strong>to</strong> the complaint,<br />

alreges rhat<br />

this<br />

ir<br />

answering<br />

has ,*" ::,:"; excused from - 1]r1auve<br />

pe¡fomance of<br />

because of plainrr*. any contract alleged by plaintiff<br />

or,". o."li<br />

r*r*r¿#Il#IW:#,?fF,ENsE<br />

t1<br />

::x ,a FôrânrA-+; For a rwentieth, +L separate and il<br />

distinct affirm ur, ", *-,t<br />

o"*nse<br />

t s oerenoant <strong>to</strong> the complaint,<br />

alleges that<br />

this<br />

rhe<br />

answering<br />

/ conr¡act alreged <strong>to</strong> .*,., 0",u" een it and l4 t+ // etuinrirr*d Plaintiff -v{r . arru Plaintiff rrarnnrl<br />

and<br />

was<br />

was dra<br />

unconc^;^n¡Lr^ unconscionabre<br />

fted<br />

^..r<br />

by<br />

// al Lhe rime ¿¡rtrc Ì¿ it was m¡ made. lt is therefore unenforceable.<br />

,, ll<br />

', / F.nr.+...^-._ -'*I#:,--iïy;¡'.y*"rr!.8-DE.FENsE<br />

-' vv4s"¿"ns)<br />

For a twenty-first, separate and distinct affirm rtive defense <strong>to</strong> the complaint, this<br />

,, ' ' ll<br />

// *.r..irrn Defêh.ro-+ ^,, -<br />

, * ll *r*.n,,, Defendant areges that rhe cont¡act areged<br />

Plaintiffand conrained non-neSorialed<br />

lerms and cr<br />

,, '" // " // Plaintiff<strong>to</strong> the rrcr.i---. ^.- .<br />

."<br />

il<br />

,o I ntutnttt, <strong>to</strong> the dehiment ofthis answerìng defendant<br />

" ;;;;;;,',;"*.iii;i:. *"_",<br />

-¡¡vrlrvuù rnditions which warcn exclusively benefited bene<br />

t the time the contract was made.<br />



(ancertaìn<br />


l erms¡<br />

For a trventy_second,<br />

separate and distinct affirmative defense<br />

answering - <strong>to</strong><br />

ng<br />

the<br />

Defenrrant Defendant -"^"""' Lne<br />

clt^-^^ .t<br />

complaint,<br />

alleges -..,<br />

'u complaint' this<br />

that the contact alleged <strong>to</strong> rt between uçtween<br />

by Plainfiff aad coïìr¡ineã<br />

""r, ìt lt and<br />

aad<br />

Plaintiff<br />

contained was d¡afted d¡af<br />

uncerrâ;n ertain r^*^ terms' conditions ^^ ,..:.<br />

a¡d l¿Lnguage<br />

against rgainst plaindfr plaintiff<br />

which must be interpreted<br />

*"*'"'öIW,îI#WISDEF'EN'E<br />

For a fwenty_thi¡d,<br />

sepa¡ate ar<br />

answerìng ¿u urc<br />

Defendant<br />

complalnt,<br />

alleges<br />

this<br />

that hat it has h.^- been -__^_-_ excused ,<br />

from ^ pe¡forming any contractuar duties<br />

ns Defehd,.r -11^^- ,, . rd distinct affirmative defense <strong>to</strong> the complain! this<br />

rxwlc,/eee358-1<br />

_=-___<br />

ornioscoNs@<br />


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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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ltt<br />

I<br />

alieged by plaintiff<br />

by reason<br />

impossibility breach of condition ofr",.""*.,,';T:î";:;.,#;rvaive¿<br />

preceden!<br />

vj r rdrllull,<br />

plaintiff<br />

Irustration ofpurpose and/or acceptance by<br />

TWENTY+o uRqI<br />

(Futt or pariai -AÌÌ,IRMATIVE DE F.ENSE<br />

þ;rö;;;;"b<br />

For rv""s"çet<br />

a t\¡/enty-fourth,<br />

separate ¿ md distinct affi¡mative defense<br />

answering <strong>to</strong><br />

ng<br />

the urç<br />

Defend¡,.t Deferrdant -r^^^_ ,r ._<br />

compraint, (-:omplarnt,<br />

alreges<br />

this<br />

that all duties owed <strong>to</strong> plaintif have<br />

answering been extinguished<br />

Defendåhr,a Defendant,s r,,ll<br />

by<br />

full this<br />

or partial performance<br />


For a rwenry-fif,h. separare *o r,*::":^;;:::**,<br />

aaswering Defendant alleges that the contract alieged <strong>to</strong> ""ld"*nt"<br />

by Plainliffand is a contract c<br />

must be resoived<br />

<strong>to</strong> the complaint, this<br />

"e"i"o pr"i,llt'"'io"' a'v u'îil,,::i. îj ":::iiî;" .Ï"i<br />

'\lENTy_srxTH AFFIR¡4ATr},E (Act<br />

DEF'ENSE<br />

oÍ God)<br />

For a twe¡ty_si¡1þ, s eparate and distinct affirmativ arurmatrve defense<br />

answering <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Defendant<br />

complaint,<br />

is<br />

this<br />

infomro¡ ,.;;;-'<br />

aileges<br />

rosses or<br />

that<br />

danages,<br />

anv and<br />

irany, al injuries,<br />

#H|""HrffiÏ::u,ts ¡esult<br />

condirion<br />

of any unavoidabie<br />

and, as such,<br />

incident<br />

*"." ax ,", o¡<br />

aa act ";:"^, of God' '--:'*]maæ<br />

without faurt or liabilitY<br />

Defendant, on the<br />

incruding<br />

part ofthis<br />

but<br />

answering<br />

no, limited <strong>to</strong>, an unforeseeable .- úfting<br />

or preexisting of land mass,<br />

ancient abnormal la¡dslide.<br />

rainfall,<br />


(Economìc Loss)<br />

For a twenty_seventh,<br />

separate and disfinct affirmat alürmative defense<br />

answeringDefen¿ant <strong>to</strong> the complaint,<br />

i. i rro.-"1;r:-^]-t:<br />

this<br />

;i":.,:.:::;ffii_i","<br />

ramages soushr e.o ç^,<br />

Prupeny' As such, ^ .t thr<br />

,mic loss, aad these damages c<br />

itserrwithout an*'**";"#iH"ll".TïÏl."t<br />

damages sought are for economic -txwr,./sssjss-t<br />

lnco .-¡.r^- ,<br />

o.r.nroscoNs@<br />

.*_.ï:;":** a,,eses rhar any and ai, damases

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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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arswering Defendant.<br />

rwENTy_Ercl{Tr{ AFFrRtvrATr\T DE FENSE<br />

(Lack of Stanang¡<br />

For a twenty_eighth,<br />

separate and distinct afûrmative q'rr¡rdLrve defens oeÌense<br />

answering <strong>to</strong> the<br />

.,s Defendant f)efenJo-+;^ :_¡-<br />

complaint,<br />

is<br />

"u this<br />

informea ând r"-r;-..^^ , ,<br />

uty cornplalnt, thi<br />

red arld beiieves and on the basis alleges<br />

standing Itandins ro c,,ê "" -""""" that ua¡ plaintiff<br />

<strong>to</strong> sue this '.i- ^..^_-<br />

lacks<br />

a¡rswering Defendant with 'arntrfi respect <strong>to</strong> *.<br />

lacks<br />

property described in the complaint.<br />

DEFEN'E<br />

For a rwenry-nint*"*t**tffi#"å¿Ïtm;x¡<br />

a'swering Dereno*,,, _.,1iî;ïT:ï:ï:;,:ïï:""": *.<br />

*" basis alleges ::.":*r,:, sought by ptaintiff that aav and all<br />

are damages<br />

subjec*o<br />

" ":;;;::-i_.:.:l<br />

p,aintìrr and rhis,",*.",, ollj*,iiiiTHffi , .:"î":ïä:,"iä_,<br />

arbihation pursuant <strong>to</strong> the cont¡actual arbitration provision.<br />

For a thirtieth, separate and dir<br />


(Consent)<br />

affirmative defense <strong>to</strong> Defendantariegesthattheactionsr,r¿o-r,.,^--,---*"''urecomplarnt,thisans<br />

the complaint,<br />

nrt alieges this<br />

fhat the eo¡i^^.-^,-:ï"<br />

answering<br />

ons taken _-^,¡¡ by er or vr on ru behalfofd oenatlo1<br />

(nowÌedoc - defendart<br />

qn,r<br />

^^..^- , -- *v¡wluúLrll we¡e done oone<br />

^^-<br />

with the u<br />

intiff and that said<br />

"4rq<br />

consent wa<br />

uonsent \¡/as both express and imptied<br />


AF'F,IRMATI}.8<br />


knowledge and consent ofplainfi ff cn,1 +L^+ ^^:,<br />


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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

For a thiny_third and r<br />

'"'T-iiÍ).'H,HW##,',",å,?Ì,ljENsE<br />

ut*ative defense <strong>to</strong><br />

Defendant areges that this urriackssubjectmatter<br />

"o,tt"tntt jur.r,Ï:îTï:,*Tnî''"n"t<br />

WHEREFORE, this arrswering<br />

Defendant prays forjudgrnent r õ, .<br />

as follows:<br />

That the Plaintiff take nothing bv w"v<br />

.o-0,*,<br />

"¡,r. al""g.ti";;";;<br />

'n -"-<br />

2. For an apporticrnment<br />

of damages in proportion <strong>to</strong><br />

responsible<br />

the degree<br />

person<br />

of fault<br />

or<br />

of each<br />

entity;<br />

3. Fo¡ costs ofsuit incurred herein;<br />

4. For ¡easonable at<strong>to</strong>mey,s fees; and<br />

5. For such other and furtlei<br />

relief as the court may deem just<br />

¡__,^, à r1_-^^,<br />

and<br />

Dated: prope¡.<br />

August ?fuJg1g<br />

NORRIS<br />


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,"n<br />

;:n<br />

*[<br />

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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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Terrace, t iõ,ä åil<br />

courf - '""-"" and Aciiãnîo: santa<br />

"'ssoclat¡on v. Missio.<br />

r clar¡ Clara ñ^_-*. County <strong>Superior</strong> .'_-<br />

Cor¡rt<br />

Action No' 110cv172317<br />

äåÏ{'ii åi'i::* {:':: 1"ïïe or S an ra cru'u uo-"io ers As s o ciarion v. Mis sion<br />

I, Kathlee.,, r r ^,.J r . ,<br />

I ffi:ijåå:' #J*.{::1* +at r am over the<br />

åil"å#Jffi cammiá"t''-,ii,j*ÏlllÏ'""ï""'"'J'*"'i:xhi{1trä'j#hï:T't'å:'#Jtr<br />

¿1å%yåi"rË$Jg:'.,#,î{î.'ff",rîy,i:{#:,,':æçt:il;f<br />

#ðå"#,<br />


r_..¡r.{Dr MNc.'s ANswER To<br />

corupraÍNr<br />

by having I pe¡sonallv dei<br />

a seafed envelop", ,o ,o"l]j.t^e^d.l-true copy of the docu<br />

E !v .uu', o**"" 0"," jl"*r'i'' jãiäi'*å::J(ä.åÍ'¿fi';t':T""' encrosed in<br />

äi"f o:iï:,encrosedi"'.""í"ã;;rop.,1"rh.'-p".|ålöîår":il::iå&:: jtl,<br />

by ! placing a tuue conv o - a box or o,her ::flf:'I"TïöIii:1,:å:"ffiî:lî'J'3'":T:::n ::fl'å:'J,îåîi:ff raci,i,v<br />

couri.er or driver *r¡o"1äi igi*;rï:.**i.t"f*"^*Ë'.ä""ï*î#îtïIo,.u<br />

li,'ÀPress, an express servi<br />

cnve<strong>to</strong>pe desiønaiert hr, +r.^ ^-/ fne express service carrier recerve<br />

¡J;"Jtr":.:ïi'::îg;i ji;Äi.ï:::#ï"ffi <strong>document</strong>s,<br />

for, addressed"as<br />

in îJiJ:i1<br />

a¡<br />

;;; fúh ;"åi<br />

fees paid o. pr*i¿å<br />

I I eiectronically sewed th<br />

senrce in rhis action *r."^iojl," .t"frenced docu¡nent(s) throueh ¡l<br />

TXWLC/99}425_t<br />

This servic<br />

compreled on aI parries,i.r.o_,"rïäï"*ùi;;ñ E_<br />

:e complles with the court,s order rn this case.

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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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Jeffrey A. Bamett. Eso.<br />

iéì"^?ff "ff i i: s:1" 1 f ,- *<br />

òan Jose, CA 951 l0_1343<br />

rer: (408) 441_7800<br />

¡ax: (408) 44t_7302<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for Mission Ter¡ace HOA<br />

Debra Tip<strong>to</strong>n, Eso.<br />

Duffy & Guenthei. Lr.p<br />

t49 Bonifacio plaóe<br />

Monterey, CA 93940<br />

Iel: (831) 649_sl0o<br />

Fax: (831) 649_5102<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for Giacalone Eiectric Service<br />

lvìliam H. Sraples. Eso.<br />

a¡cher Norris<br />

2,033 N. Main Sr., Suire 800<br />

watnut Creek, CA 94596<br />

tel: (925)930_6600<br />

tax: (925) 930_6620<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for Schindler Eleva<strong>to</strong>r<br />

G. Noel Kidd. Eso.<br />

Kidd-Carr. LLp '<br />

469 9th St., Suire 200<br />

Oakland, CA94607<br />

Tel: (510) 268-8600<br />

.t,ax: (510) 268_8682<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for ValderToolen Assoc., Inc.<br />

r,fti:öf,ätT"Y;Ì:r¿::,,<br />

walnut c'eer,õãú'iöä<br />

ter: (925)944_6080<br />

Iax: (925)256_3110<br />

TXWIl/99942s_1<br />


David R. Sylva, Eso.<br />

Ueneral Counsel '<br />

4O4.Sara<strong>to</strong>ga Avenue, Suite 100<br />

òanta Ulara, CA 95050<br />

ret: (408) 98s_6016<br />

¡ax: (408) 985_6066<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for Mission Terace, LLC<br />

Thomas M. Harrelson, Eso.<br />

Janme C. Ogando. Eso<br />

H-arrelson & Associate's<br />

5J3_Airyort Blvd., Suire 325<br />

öürngame, CA 94010<br />

rel: (650) 373_3300<br />

¡ax: (650) 373_3302<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for South Valley plumbing, Lrc.<br />

Stephen B. Welch. Eso.<br />

Archer Norris<br />

?93: N Main Sr., Suire 800<br />

ì/y alnut C¡eek, CA94596<br />

rel: (925) 930_6600<br />

Þax: (925) 930_6620<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for Coast Buiiding products<br />

J-emifer J. Bran¡en, Eso.<br />

Werl & D¡ape<br />

23212 }r'rill öreek Drive<br />

r-aguna Hills, CA92653<br />

rer (949)837_8200<br />

!ax: (949) 837_9300<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for NTGy Group, Inc.<br />

17 02--L Meidian a"Ë.. + t O:<br />

ùan Jose, CA 95125<br />

Tel: (408) 266-Vn<br />

r.ax: (408) 302_760s<br />

**?11?^r_pt n*aissa¡ce Srone Care &

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E-FILED: Aug 10, 2010 1:51 PM, <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Court</strong> of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172317 <strong>Filing</strong> #G-24564<br />

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i;åit",:î'$:"ffiÏtt"'<br />

Oaktan¿.-CÀ bã6,1;"""<br />

Tel: (510) s:z-aJij<br />

.tax: (510) 839_692s<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for Basco Dr¡,"vrail & painting<br />

At<strong>to</strong>mey attíri--<br />

986 Walsh Avenue<br />

Santa Clara, Ca öiOso<br />

rer: (408) 727_5700<br />

tax: (408)727_0366<br />

TXWLC/99942'-1<br />

,_\-ormanA.Filer.E-so--___-<br />

ðYii::åf ,;rî co'êge atvo, Sre r 370<br />

Tel: (714) æq_titt<br />

nax: (714)634_2866<br />

At<strong>to</strong>meys for San Marino plastering<br />

iäitr#,?ffi¡,Ë,ste 33o<br />

Tet: (925)ée+_ipsn'<br />

tax: (925)BB4_2090

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