Cetacean researches at Phuket Marine Biological Center - fisheries ...

Cetacean researches at Phuket Marine Biological Center - fisheries ...

Cetacean researches at Phuket Marine Biological Center - fisheries ...


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CENTER<br />

Kongki<strong>at</strong> Kittiw<strong>at</strong>tanawong

Overview<br />

Research timeline<br />

Survey and monitoring<br />

Stranding network and records<br />

D<strong>at</strong>a obtaining from the stranded specimens<br />

Rescue of cetaceans<br />

Conserv<strong>at</strong>ion and Management

Earliest documents<br />

1950: Suv<strong>at</strong>ti. Fauna of Thailand. 3 species.<br />

1973: Pelleri. Contribution to the knowledge<br />

of <strong>Cetacean</strong>s of Southwest and Monsoon Asia<br />

(Persian Gulf, Indus Delta, Malabar, Andaman<br />

Sea and the Gulf of Thailand). 7 species.<br />

1977: Lekagul and Mcneely. Mammals of<br />

Thailand. 12 species.<br />

1989: Pelleri, et al. A dwarf form of the<br />

spinner dolphin from Thailand.<br />

1996: Chantrapornsyl, et al. Whales and<br />

dolphins in Thailand. 19 species.

<strong>Marine</strong> mammals of Thailand<br />

24 Species of cetacean<br />

21 Species from the Andaman Sea<br />

19 Species from the Gulf of Thailand

<strong>Phuket</strong> <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Biological</strong> <strong>Center</strong><br />

-Department of<br />

Fisheries (1972-<br />

2001)<br />

-Department of<br />

<strong>Marine</strong> and<br />

Coastal Resources<br />

(2002-present)<br />

-5 research<br />

st<strong>at</strong>ions<br />

-6 research<br />

groups<br />

-<strong>Marine</strong> Ecology<br />

-Taxonomy and<br />

Reference<br />

collection<br />

-Oceanography<br />

and pollution<br />

-<strong>Marine</strong><br />

resources<br />

evalu<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />

monitoring<br />

-<strong>Marine</strong><br />

Endangered<br />

Species<br />

-Initi<strong>at</strong>ed in<br />

1987<br />

-Survey and<br />

monitoring<br />

-Stranding<br />

network and<br />

records<br />

-D<strong>at</strong>a from the<br />

carcasses<br />

-Rescue<br />

-Management<br />

and<br />


Survey and monitoring<br />

Interview inform<strong>at</strong>ion, Land-based observ<strong>at</strong>ion, Bo<strong>at</strong> survey, Aerial survey, Acoustic<br />

technique, Cooper<strong>at</strong>ion with local community.

Sighting Records<br />

Family Common name Scientific name<br />

1. Balaenopteridae Fin whale Balaenoptera physalus<br />

Bryde’s whale<br />

Balaenoptera edeni<br />

Omura whale<br />

Balaenoptera omurai<br />

2. Physeteridae Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus<br />

3. Kogiidae Pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps<br />

Dwarf sperm whale Kogia simus<br />

4. Ziphiidae Ginkgo-toothed whale Mesoplodon ginkgodens<br />

Cuvier’s beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris<br />

5. Delphinidae Killer whale Orcinus orca<br />

False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens<br />

Pygmy killer whale Feresa <strong>at</strong>tenu<strong>at</strong>a<br />

Short-fined pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus<br />

Melon-headed whale Peponocephala electra<br />

Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin Sousa chinensis<br />

Bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus<br />

Rough-toothed dolphin Steno bredanensis<br />

Long beaked common dolphin Delphinus capensis<br />

Spinner dolphin Stenella longirostris<br />

Striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba<br />

Spotted dolphin Stenella <strong>at</strong>tenu<strong>at</strong>a<br />

Fraser’s dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei<br />

Irrawaddy dolphin Orcaella brevirostris<br />

Risso’s dolphin Grampus griseus<br />

6. Phocoenidae Finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides

Land-based observ<strong>at</strong>ion

Land-based observ<strong>at</strong>ion

Bo<strong>at</strong> survey methodology

Line transect survey<br />

Stripped transect<br />

Detection probability<br />


Sea st<strong>at</strong>e and estim<strong>at</strong>ion

Social interaction

Feeding behavior

Humpback dolphin: Photo ID<br />

14 Mar 07 28 Mar 08

Aerial survey<br />

Started from<br />

1997.<br />

Aircrafts: Polaris<br />

Flying bo<strong>at</strong>,<br />

Microlite, Ultralite,<br />

Helicopter, Fixed<br />

wings Dornier.

Aerial survey<br />

+<br />

popul<strong>at</strong>ion estim<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

Large coverage<br />

-<br />

Species ID<br />

Expensive<br />

Difficult to get<br />

oper<strong>at</strong>e<br />

Limit<strong>at</strong>ion to near<br />

shore areas

Survey results: www.pmbc.go.th

Cooper<strong>at</strong>ive d<strong>at</strong>a collecting

Sighting records by villagers

Resources mapping by local community

Opportunistic sighting<br />

Diving oper<strong>at</strong>ors<br />

Regular route sea<br />

transport<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

Fisheries p<strong>at</strong>rol, DOF<br />


Stranding of cetaceans

Interview inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

Tent<strong>at</strong>ive species and<br />

distribution over the<br />

past and present<br />

Rel<strong>at</strong>ive abundance<br />

Attitude of local<br />

people<br />

Stranding network<br />


Stranding records

Mass Strandings

9 Irrawaddy dolphins<br />

In 2009<br />

5 spotted dolphins in 1999<br />

& 8 in 2006<br />

3 rough-toothed dolphins<br />

in 2008<br />

30 false killer whales in 2008<br />

9 spinner dolphins in 1999<br />

Andaman Sea<br />

Gulf of<br />


False killer whale, Pseudorca crassidens

One whale died of drowning. 10 whales were transferred to opposite bay.<br />

We applied them with dexamethasone to prevent shock, measured length.

B<strong>at</strong>ok Bay:Width 745 m and the length is 925 m

1 male and 2 females rough tooth dolphins; body lengths of 2.45-2.6 m.

9 Irrawaddy dolphins stranded<br />

in front of mangrove beach in Mar 2009

•Dolphins were foraging<br />

into the shallow area.<br />

•During low tide they were<br />

trapped behind the breaking<br />

w<strong>at</strong>er obstacles.

Sand Sausage<br />

4-5 m

<strong>Cetacean</strong> rescue

Dolphin flo<strong>at</strong> supporter

D<strong>at</strong>a from the carcasses

P<strong>at</strong>hology and Parasitology

Stomach content analysis<br />

Humpbacked dolphin<br />

Spotted dolphin Bottlenose dolphin

Sea garbage

Aging<br />

Thin section of tooth

DNA analysis<br />

Popul<strong>at</strong>ion structure<br />

Inter-specific<br />

rel<strong>at</strong>ionship<br />

Forensic identific<strong>at</strong>ion

Heavy metal<br />

Organotin<br />

Organochorine<br />

(under analysis)<br />

Heavy metal<br />

(under analysis)

Whale bones<br />

Intra and inter specific<br />

vari<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />

Radio-isotope d<strong>at</strong>ing

Bryde’s whale<br />

Balaenoptera omurai Balaenoptera edeni

Fossil records:<br />

Unidentified ancient beaked whale

Cooper<strong>at</strong>ive d<strong>at</strong>a collecting

Sighting records by villagers

Resources mapping by local community

Conserv<strong>at</strong>ion and management

Protecting the cetacean<br />

Fisheries Act 1990: No<br />

one shall hunt dolphins.<br />

Wildlife Reserv<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />

Protection Act 1992: 10<br />

species of cetaceans<br />

have been listed as<br />

protected animals.<br />

Export and import Act<br />

2004: No animals in<br />

order Cetacea shall be<br />

allowed to export and<br />


Transfer Irrawaddy dolphins from<br />

CITES App. II to I <strong>at</strong> COP 13, 2004<br />

Appendix II Appendix I

Whales and dolphins protected area<br />

Bottom-up approach.<br />

Community particip<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

Inform<strong>at</strong>ion collecting<br />

Defining area<br />

Regul<strong>at</strong>ion of fishing gears<br />

and other thre<strong>at</strong>s<br />

Implement<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

Enforcement<br />

Responsible GOs assist the<br />


D<strong>at</strong>abase and GIS<br />

Stranding<br />

Distribution and<br />

abundance<br />

Managing inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

Internet<br />

Local community<br />

d<strong>at</strong>abase system

Inform<strong>at</strong>ion distribution<br />

Books<br />

Leaflets<br />

Posters<br />

Digital medias<br />


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