62 FACCHINI Nessler CL. 1991. Expression of enzymatically active and correctly targeted strictosidine synthase in transgenic tobacco plants. Planta 185:148–52 104. McKnight TD, Roessner CA, Devagupta R, Scott AI, Nessler CL. 1990. Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding the vacuolar protein strictosidine synthase from Catharanthus roseus. Nucleic Acids Res. 18:4939 105. McLusky SR, Bennett MH, Beale MH, Lewis MJ, Gaskin P, Mansfield JW. 1999. Cell wall alterations and localized accumulation of feruloyl-3 ′ -methoxytyramine in onion epidermis at sites of attempted penetration by Botrytis allii are associated with actin polarisation, peroxidase activity and suppression of flavonoid biosynthesis. Plant J. 17:523–34 106. Meehan TD, Coscia CJ. 1973. Hydroxylation of geraniol and nerol by a monooxygenase from Vinca rosea. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 53:1043–48 107. Meijer AH, Cardoso MIL, Voskuilen JT, de Waal A, Verpoorte R, Hoge JHC. 1993. Isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone from Catharanthus roseus encoding NADPH: cytochrome P-450 reductase, an enzyme essential for reactions catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases in plants. Plant J. 4:47–60 108. Meijer AH, Verpoorte R, Hoge JHC. 1993. Regulation of enzymes and genes involved in terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus. J. Plant Res. 3:145–64 109. Menke FL, Champion A, Kijne JW, Memelink J. 1999. A novel jasmonateand elicitor-responsive element in the periwinkle secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene Str interacts with a jasmonateand elicitor-inducible AP2-domain transcription factor, ORCA2. EMBO J. 18:4455–63 110. Menke FL, Parchmann S, Mueller MJ, Kijne JW, Memelink J. 1999. Involvement of the octadecanoid pathway and protein phosphorylation in fungal elicitorinduced expression of terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic genes in Catharanthus roseus. Plant Physiol. 119:1289–96 111. Mérillon J-M, Ouelhazi L, Doireau P, Chénieux J-C, Rideau M. 1989. Metabolic changes and alkaloid production in habituated and non-habituated cells of Catharanthus roseus grown in hormonefree medium. Comparing hormonedeprived non-habituated cells with habituated cells. J. Plant Physiol. 134:54–60 112. Michael AJ, Furze JM, Rhodes MJC, Burtin D. 1996. Molecular cloning and functional identification of a plant ornithine decarboxylase cDNA. Biochem. J. 314:241–48 113. Moreno PRH, van der Heijden R, Verpoorte R. 1993. Effect of terpenoid precursor feeding and elicitation on the formation of indole alkaloids in cell suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus. Plant Cell Rep. 12:702–5 114. Morishige T, Tsujita T, Yamada Y, Sato F. 2000. Molecular characterization of the S-adenosyl-L-methionine: 3 ′ -hydroxy- N-methylcoclaurine-4 ′ -O-methyltransferase of isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in Coptis japonica. J. Biol. Chem. 275:23398–405 115. Mueller MJ, Brodschelm W, Spannagl E, Zenk MH. 1993. Signaling in the elicitation process is mediated through the octadecanoid pathway leading to jasmonic acid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:7490– 94 116. Muemmler S, Rueffer M, Nagakura N, Zenk MH. 1985. S-Adenosyl-Lmethionine: (S)-scoulerine 9-O-methyltransferase, a highly stereo- and regio-specific enzyme in tetrahydroprotoberberine biosynthesis. Plant Cell Rep. 4:36–39 117. Nakajima K, Hashimoto T. 1999. Two tropinone reductases, that catalyze opposite stereospecific reductions in tropane alkaloid biosynthesis, are localized in

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62 FACCH<strong>IN</strong>I<br />

Nessler CL. 1991. Expression of enzymatically<br />

active and correctly targeted<br />

strictosidine synthase in transgenic tobacco<br />

plants. Planta 185:148–52<br />

104. McKnight TD, Roessner CA, Devagupta<br />

R, Scott AI, Nessler CL. 1990. Nucleotide<br />

sequence of a cDNA encoding the vacuolar<br />

protein strictosidine synthase from<br />

Catharanthus roseus. Nucleic Acids Res.<br />

18:4939<br />

105. McLusky SR, Bennett MH, Beale MH,<br />

Lewis MJ, Gaskin P, Mansfield JW. 1999.<br />

<strong>Cell</strong> wall alterations and localized accumulation<br />

of feruloyl-3 ′ -methoxytyramine<br />

in onion epidermis at sites of attempted<br />

penetration by Botrytis allii are associated<br />

with actin polarisation, peroxidase activity<br />

and suppression of flavonoid biosynthesis.<br />

Plant J. 17:523–34<br />

106. Meehan TD, Coscia CJ. 1973. Hydroxylation<br />

of geraniol and nerol by a monooxygenase<br />

from Vinca rosea. Biochem.<br />

Biophys. Res. Commun. 53:1043–48<br />

107. Meijer AH, Cardoso MIL, Voskuilen JT,<br />

de Waal A, Verpoorte R, Hoge JHC. 1993.<br />

Isolation and characterization of a cDNA<br />

clone from Catharanthus roseus encoding<br />

NADPH: cytochrome P-450 reductase,<br />

an enzyme essential for reactions<br />

catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases<br />

in plants. Plant J. 4:47–60<br />

108. Meijer AH, Verpoorte R, Hoge JHC.<br />

1993. Regulation of enzymes and genes<br />

involved in terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis<br />

in Catharanthus roseus. J. Plant<br />

Res. 3:145–64<br />

109. Menke FL, Champion A, Kijne JW,<br />

Memelink J. 1999. A novel jasmonateand<br />

elicitor-responsive element in the<br />

periwinkle secondary metabolite biosynthetic<br />

gene Str interacts with a jasmonateand<br />

elicitor-inducible AP2-domain transcription<br />

factor, ORCA2. EMBO J.<br />

18:4455–63<br />

110. Menke FL, Parchmann S, Mueller MJ,<br />

Kijne JW, Memelink J. 1999. Involvement<br />

of the octadecanoid pathway and<br />

protein phosphorylation in fungal elicitorinduced<br />

expression of terpenoid indole<br />

alkaloid biosynthetic genes in Catharanthus<br />

roseus. Plant Physiol. 119:1289–96<br />

111. Mérillon J-M, Ouelhazi L, Doireau P,<br />

Chénieux J-C, Rideau M. 1989. Metabolic<br />

changes and alkaloid production<br />

in habituated and non-habituated cells of<br />

Catharanthus roseus grown in hormonefree<br />

medium. Comparing hormonedeprived<br />

non-habituated cells with habituated<br />

cells. J. Plant Physiol. 134:54–60<br />

112. Michael AJ, Furze JM, Rhodes MJC,<br />

Burtin D. 1996. Molecular cloning and<br />

functional identification of a plant ornithine<br />

decarboxylase cDNA. Biochem. J.<br />

314:241–48<br />

113. Moreno PRH, van der Heijden R,<br />

Verpoorte R. 1993. Effect of terpenoid<br />

precursor feeding and elicitation on the<br />

formation of indole alkaloids in cell suspension<br />

cultures of Catharanthus roseus.<br />

Plant <strong>Cell</strong> Rep. 12:702–5<br />

114. Morishige T, Tsujita T, Yamada Y, Sato F.<br />

2000. Molecular characterization of the<br />

S-adenosyl-L-methionine: 3 ′ -hydroxy-<br />

N-methylcoclaurine-4 ′ -O-methyltransferase<br />

of isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis<br />

in Coptis japonica. J. Biol.<br />

Chem. 275:23398–405<br />

115. Mueller MJ, Brodschelm W, Spannagl E,<br />

Zenk MH. 1993. Signaling in the elicitation<br />

process is mediated through the octadecanoid<br />

pathway leading to jasmonic<br />

acid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:7490–<br />

94<br />

116. Muemmler S, Rueffer M, Nagakura<br />

N, Zenk MH. 1985. S-Adenosyl-Lmethionine:<br />

(S)-scoulerine 9-O-methyltransferase,<br />

a highly stereo- and<br />

regio-specific enzyme in tetrahydroprotoberberine<br />

biosynthesis. Plant <strong>Cell</strong> Rep.<br />

4:36–39<br />

117. Nakajima K, Hashimoto T. 1999. Two<br />

tropinone reductases, that catalyze opposite<br />

stereospecific reductions in tropane<br />

alkaloid biosynthesis, are localized in

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