TRACING VEDIC DIALECTS - People.fas.harvard.edu

TRACING VEDIC DIALECTS - People.fas.harvard.edu

TRACING VEDIC DIALECTS - People.fas.harvard.edu


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In the Vedic texts, with their long history of oral transmission, and the<br />

changes made by the collectors, redactors, and at the time of the final<br />

canonisation, it is necessary to be attentive at every step to such warning<br />

signals; they occur, however, time and again, if one is careful enough to notice<br />

them. Even if the Kauthumas had intended to produce a "perfect<br />

Brāhmaṇa" text, they would hardly have succeeded in cases like yuyām,<br />

anuvyam, etc.<br />

While it is surprising to find the intrusion of late grammatical forms into a<br />

Brāhmaṇa text, it is, on the other hand, well known that the outward shape,<br />

the Sandhi form, of the texts is a late one, and that it has been established only<br />

by the orthoepic diaskeuasis of the RV and other texts. It has, so to speak,<br />

veiled the older state of things by a thin phonetical layer which lets the texts<br />

appear more uniform than they are. In the sequel, I will try to further<br />

indicate the influence of the redaction, taking the abhinihita sandhi as an<br />

example.<br />

§6.7 Abhinihita Sandhi: -e/-o a-<br />

It is well known that the Vedas have not reached us in their original form.<br />

Just as many other Indian texts, like the Pāli canon, the Mahābhārata, etc.,<br />

they have gone through a period of oral transmission which was followed by a<br />

redaction. In the case of the various Vedic texts, this has been well studied<br />

only for the Ṛgveda, notably by Oldenberg in his Prolegomena. 231 The text of<br />

the RV has been transmitted by only one school, the Śākala śākhā. The other<br />

two prominent schools, that of the Bāṣkalas and Māṇḍukeyas, have, for all<br />

practical purposes, been lost. As far as the other Vedas are concerned, this<br />

process has not been studied and understood very well. 232 Just as in the case<br />

of the Ṛgveda, however, there are a number of indications which show that<br />

these texts had a pronunciation which was different from the form that the<br />

texts have now, in their post-redactional shape.<br />

One typical example, just as in the Ṛgveda, is the Abhinihita Sandhi, of final<br />

-as/ -e before a-. In the the Vedic texts, in the language Pāṇini uses in his own<br />

231 After what has been said above on the history of some Eastern texts, a detailed<br />

investigation of PB, ŚBK, ŚBM is in order; for PS, see for the time being, ZDMG,<br />

VI.Suppl.Bd., p.256 sqq., 1985.<br />

232 Especially PS, PB, ŚBK, ŚBM should be studied in detail.<br />


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