TRACING VEDIC DIALECTS - People.fas.harvard.edu

TRACING VEDIC DIALECTS - People.fas.harvard.edu

TRACING VEDIC DIALECTS - People.fas.harvard.edu


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the geographical data contained in them have only scarcely been studied and<br />

have even less been put to use. K.Mylius, in his studies on the ŚB and the<br />

geographical milieu of Vedic texts, is an exception. A few tentative<br />

localisations had already been made by Weber, Caland, and others. 34<br />


RV Panjab and surroundings, max. extension: Kabul River to Ganges<br />

PS Western N.India, up to Kāśī (Benares)<br />

ŚS Central N.India, up to Aṅga<br />

YV-Mantras: their centre is Kurukṣetra: "the rivers flow west- and<br />

eastwards"<br />

Caraka: an old,lost school, probably between KS,MS, Vādh, Vāj. terr.<br />

KS E.Panjab/Kurukṣetra: "rivers flow westwards"; early eastward<br />

expansion, see KS 26.2:123.17; Arrian, Anabasis 5.21-22, locates<br />

the Kathaíoi in the doab of Ravi and Beas/Satlej<br />

KpS dto., Megasthenes/Arrian, Indikē, 4.8 at the confluence of Ravi<br />

(and Chenab?),<br />

MS Kurukṣetra, with southward expansion, see MS 4.7.9:104.14<br />

TS Pañcāla country (Uttar Pradesh= U.P.)<br />

VSK Kosala (E. Uttar Pradesh), probably excluding the Vatsa country<br />

between Gaṅgā and Sarayū<br />

VSM Videha (N.Bihar), later also S.of the Ganges, on the Andomatis<br />

(Tons? South of Allahabad), see Arrian, Indikë 4.4<br />

ABo = AB 1-5: older part: E.Panjab,"rivers flow westwards"<br />

34 Cf. Keith, TS tr. XCII, RV-Br. tr. 44 sq.; Minard, Trois enigmes I §549b (general<br />

movement to the East; ŚB is Eastern) sums up the earlier views of Weber, etc.; the earlier<br />

results are also summarised and compared with Pāṇini by P.Thieme, Pāṇ. and the Veda,<br />

p.75: N. = KS, W. = MS, S. = TS ("surely...TS was yet being read in the North"); these<br />

locations which, with the exception of TS, would be correct for the first few centuries A.D.<br />

have to be altered now, as will be mentioned below. (TS is Southern (i.e. Malva, etc.) , viz.<br />

already S.Indian in the post-Chr. era.) See especially: K.Mylius, Geographische<br />

Untersuchungen zur Entstehungsgegend des Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa, Wiss.<br />

Zs.K.M.Univ.Leipzig, 14/4,1969, p.759-61; Das geographische Milieu der mittelvedischen<br />

Literatur, Fs. Ruben (Neue Indienkunde), Berlin 1970, p.421-31. However, E. Brucker, Die<br />

spatvedische Kulturepoche nach den Quellen der Śrauta-, Gṛhya- und Dharmasūtras. Der<br />

Siedlungsraum. Wiesbaden 1980, treats a period too extensive to be of use here; he also<br />

includes some quite early material (AV)! Cf. now, author, On the location of Vedic texts<br />

and Schools, Felic. Vol. Eggermont, ed. G.Pollet, Louvain, forthc. 1987(?). Here, only the<br />

results of that investigation are presented without discussion.<br />


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