TRACING VEDIC DIALECTS - People.fas.harvard.edu

TRACING VEDIC DIALECTS - People.fas.harvard.edu

TRACING VEDIC DIALECTS - People.fas.harvard.edu


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The language of the Yajñagāthās will have to be studied closely as to<br />

establish links with the Epic and with MIA and early Classical Skt.. 357<br />

In order to get a grip on the problem of a general North Indian Koine,<br />

the language of the śiṣtas, a good collection of Pāṇini's bhāṣā material has<br />

to be prepared which will have to be compared with his Vedic rules and<br />

with the language he actually u s e s in his Aṣṭādhyāyī, i.e. both the<br />

grammatical forms employed and the words attested (thus, excluding<br />

his meta language); for example the words used in definitions of<br />

meanings of compounds could be studied. Also, the words he actually<br />

teaches in the text of his grammar (excluding the examples contained in<br />

gaṇas, because of their more or less uncertain extent) will have to be<br />

taken into account. Only then can the connections with texts like the PS,<br />

KS, etc. and the relation of his archaic bhāṣā to the language of the RV<br />

be further elaborated, in succession of the work of P.Thieme's Pāṇini and<br />

the Veda. and, on the other hand, the relation to Middle/Late Vedic 358<br />

and to the (possible) continuant of his bhāṣā in Gandhārī be indicated. 359<br />

357 Cf. for example, Renou, Histoire de la langue Sanskrite, p.38: "spécimens d'une poésie ...<br />

non hiératique,... réellement populaire; (ann.)... sont d'une niveau différent de la prose<br />

[brāhmanique]."; cf. ann. 64.<br />

358 Pāṇini's report of forms with the comparative and superlative suffixes as taught by the<br />

Eastern grammarians, 5.3.94, is interesting. The suffixes -tara/tama in composition with<br />

eka- indeed occur only in Eastern Vedic texts: ŚBK 7x, ŚBM 1-5 only 1x, and 1x in ŚBM 12;<br />

otherwise, -tama is found only in very late Vedic texts: KGS, ĀgGS; -tara- appears in HGS,<br />

AVPar, ṢB, again in late texts. This seems to indicate that Pāṇ. lived at the end of the late<br />

Br. or even during the Sūtra period. This conclusion is also reached by K. Hoffmann, Aufs.<br />

p.541 sqq.: Pān. knew the late Vedic Sūtra texts MŚS, VārŚS (or at least, the lost Br. -if it<br />

existed - of the Maitr. school. The mantra in question is used at the Soma sacrifice; MŚS<br />

has, when compared to MS, taken over many mantras it lacked in its Saṃhitā from other<br />

schools, e.g. the Kaṭhas. Perhaps the mantra belonged to the fragmentary KaṭhB. At this<br />

instance, we can only state that MŚS is quoted by Pānini.) - He knew of Eastern forms (see<br />

above) and of the teaching of the Eastern grammarians (Śākalya!) but he did not<br />

acknowledge the Eastern Veda texts (ŚB, VS, nor even TS-prose, see ann. 98). This seems to<br />

indicate that he lived in a period (cf. ann. 58) when late Br. like ŚB were redacted and some<br />

of the earlier Sūtras (MŚS) were composed, and probably before the Vṛj(j)i had moved<br />

eastwards to Bihar (see ann. 97), i.e. before the time of the Buddha, or at least, that of the<br />

composition of the relevant Pāli Suttas mentioning the Vajji in connection with the<br />

Magadha kings.<br />

359 Similarly, at Pāṇ. 4.1.17, according to the Eastern gramarians, Vṛddhi + accented suffix<br />

-yá, as for example (in Kāśikā) *Gārgyāyaṇī from Gārgī; the Veda has only: Gārgyāyaṇa-<br />

in the Vaṃśa of BAUK 4.6.2, an Eastern text, and Gārgyāyaṇī in Kauṣ Up. 1.1, which is a<br />

Central (Pañcāla) text.<br />


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