2007, Piran, Slovenia

2007, Piran, Slovenia 2007, Piran, Slovenia


Environmental Ergonomics XII Igor B. Mekjavic, Stelios N. Kounalakis & Nigel A.S. Taylor (Eds.), © BIOMED, Ljubljana 2007 OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO COLD THERMAL ENVIRONMENTS: A FIELD STUDY IN PORTUGAL A. Virgílio M. Oliveira 1* , Adélio R. Gaspar 2 , Divo A. Quintela 2 1 Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Rua Pedro Nunes - Quinta da Nora, 3030 – 199 Coimbra, Portugal, http://www.isec.pt 2 Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Coimbra, Pólo II, 3030 – 201 Coimbra, Portugal, http://www.dem.uc.pt Contact person: avfmo@mail.isec.pt INTRODUCTION During the last decades, the improvement of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is giving rise to updated and improved international and national legislation and to the promotion of public awareness, education and investigation in OSH. As a consequence, different research studies are being developed in order to characterise the present working conditions. The occupational exposure to cold environments is one example and it represents a specific field of the thermal exposure which is almost unknown in Portugal (Oliveira et al., 2005). Traditionally, the study of heat stress is more common due to our mild climate, and this may be the reason why cold stress has not been addressed so far. Therefore, a field study comprising industrial environments was carried out among activities with cold stress conditions, namely in the food industry. Fish, meat and milk-food production, conservation and distribution industrial units, hypermarkets and supermarkets were considered. In addition, a few industrial units from the pharmaceutical distribution were also included. The present survey supports a description of the occupational cold exposure in the Portuguese industry and highlights that the number of people working under such thermal conditions is much more important than it was initially predicted by the authors. METHODS The evaluation of thermal stress level is mainly supported by measurements of the physical parameters [air and mean radiant temperatures (ta and tr), air velocity (va) and humidity (rh)] and estimation of the individual parameters [metabolic rate (M) and the thermal insulation of clothing (Icl)], which are assessed in terms of the Required Clothing Insulation Index, IREQ. Developed by Holmér (1984) and adopted by ISO as a Technical Report (ISO/TR 11079, 1993), the IREQ index provides a method to assess the thermal stress associated with the exposure to cold environments. It applies to continuous, intermittent and occasional exposure either for indoor or outdoor work. Two levels of physiological strain, defined in terms of mean skin temperature, skin wettedness and change in body heat content are proposed: IREQneutral and IREQmin. The clothing insulation required to maintain thermal equilibrium (IREQmin) and thermal comfort (IREQneutral) are calculated by satisfying the equations: tsk − tcl IREQ = (1) M − W − Eres − Cres − E = R + C (2) M −W − Eres − Cres − E where t sk and t cl are the mean skin temperature and the mean clothing surface temperature [ºC], M is the metabolic rate, W is the effective mechanical work, Eres, Cres, E, R and C [W/m 594 2 ] are the heat exchanges by respiratory evaporation and convection, by evaporation, by radiation and by convection, respectively. When the resultant clothing insulation of the selected ensemble (Iclr) is less than the calculated required clothing insulation (IREQ), exposure has to be time-limited to prevent progressive body cooling. Thus, a duration limited exposure (DLE) is defined in terms of the

Occupational Thermal Problems recommended maximum time of exposure with available or selected clothing. It can be calculated for both levels of strain from: Q DLE = lim (3) S = M − W − Eres − Cres − E − R − C (4) S where Qlim and S are the body limit heat loss and the rate of change in heat content [W/m 2 ]. RESULTS The present survey was realised in 8 out of 18 provinces of Portugal main land. The sample gathered consists of 32 industrial units and a total of 101 workplaces, embracing freezing and refrigerating chambers and ambient/controlled air temperature workplaces. The measurements were carried out according to ISO 7726 (1998) using equipment from Testo, namely the data loggers 175-T2, 175-H2 and 445. The activity level, M, was estimated according to ISO 8996 (1990), using the methods of level II of accuracy. The standard procedure consisted on adding the metabolic rates corresponding to the posture, the type of work, the body motion related to the work speed and the basal metabolic rate, for each single activity. Whenever we got authorization from the workers, the metabolic rate estimation was based on heart rate measurements. The thermal insulation of the ensemble, Icl, was calculated following ISO 9920 (1995) by adding the values corresponding to each garment. For this purpose a questionnaire with a set of figures representing different types of garments was used and the workers were asked to identify the garments worn. To illustrate the measurements of the physical parameters, Figure 1 shows the results of ta in each workplace. ta [ºC ] 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 Milk food industrtry Workplace Freezing chambers Refrigerating chambers Ambient temperature Fish industry Meat industry Food conservation industrial units Food distribution industrial units Pharmaceutical ind. units Figure 1. Air temperature results. In Figure 1 three types of workplaces can be identified and associated with different environmental conditions. The freezing chambers show air temperatures between -15 and - 25ºC. Refrigerating stores are characterised by a temperature range from 0-10ºC, and the workplaces with ambient or controlled air temperature by ta values between 10-25ºC. Figure 2 shows the resultant clothing insulation (Iclr) and the required clothing insulation in terms of the neutral (IREQneutral) and minimal (IREQmin) levels for all workplaces under analysis. It clearly shows that the ensembles commonly used are inadequate. The freezing chambers represent the most severe case since all the workplaces reveal situations with 595

Occupational Thermal Problems<br />

recommended maximum time of exposure with available or selected clothing. It can be<br />

calculated for both levels of strain from:<br />

Q<br />

DLE =<br />

lim<br />

(3) S = M − W − Eres<br />

− Cres<br />

− E − R − C (4)<br />

S<br />

where Qlim and S are the body limit heat loss and the rate of change in heat content [W/m 2 ].<br />


The present survey was realised in 8 out of 18 provinces of Portugal main land. The sample<br />

gathered consists of 32 industrial units and a total of 101 workplaces, embracing freezing and<br />

refrigerating chambers and ambient/controlled air temperature workplaces. The measurements<br />

were carried out according to ISO 7726 (1998) using equipment from Testo, namely the data<br />

loggers 175-T2, 175-H2 and 445. The activity level, M, was estimated according to ISO 8996<br />

(1990), using the methods of level II of accuracy. The standard procedure consisted on adding<br />

the metabolic rates corresponding to the posture, the type of work, the body motion related to<br />

the work speed and the basal metabolic rate, for each single activity. Whenever we got<br />

authorization from the workers, the metabolic rate estimation was based on heart rate<br />

measurements. The thermal insulation of the ensemble, Icl, was calculated following ISO 9920<br />

(1995) by adding the values corresponding to each garment. For this purpose a questionnaire<br />

with a set of figures representing different types of garments was used and the workers were<br />

asked to identify the garments worn. To illustrate the measurements of the physical<br />

parameters, Figure 1 shows the results of ta in each workplace.<br />

ta [ºC ]<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

-10<br />

-15<br />

-20<br />

-25<br />

Milk food industrtry<br />

Workplace<br />

Freezing chambers Refrigerating chambers Ambient temperature<br />

Fish industry Meat industry Food conservation industrial units Food distribution industrial units Pharmaceutical ind. units<br />

Figure 1. Air temperature results.<br />

In Figure 1 three types of workplaces can be identified and associated with different<br />

environmental conditions. The freezing chambers show air temperatures between -15 and -<br />

25ºC. Refrigerating stores are characterised by a temperature range from 0-10ºC, and the<br />

workplaces with ambient or controlled air temperature by ta values between 10-25ºC.<br />

Figure 2 shows the resultant clothing insulation (Iclr) and the required clothing insulation in<br />

terms of the neutral (IREQneutral) and minimal (IREQmin) levels for all workplaces under<br />

analysis. It clearly shows that the ensembles commonly used are inadequate. The freezing<br />

chambers represent the most severe case since all the workplaces reveal situations with<br />


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