2007, Piran, Slovenia

2007, Piran, Slovenia 2007, Piran, Slovenia


Environmental Ergonomics XII Igor B. Mekjavic, Stelios N. Kounalakis & Nigel A.S. Taylor (Eds.), © BIOMED, Ljubljana 2007 radiation or outdoor situations) the compared assessment leads to a dramatic situation. According to data reported in Fig. 2B, both WBGT and PHS limit curves fall in the 30 ≤ HD ≤ 39 area. This means that microclimatic conditions judged by HD as only slightly uncomfortable, are judged inconsistent with healthy work by both a rational approach (PHS), and an empirical index (WBGT). DISCUSSION The comparative assessment of the thermal environment carried out in accordance with the regulations in force and Humidex, has revealed a substantial disagreement between the two approaches, both in moderate and in extreme environments. Concerning moderate environments, Humidex provides a good estimation of thermal comfort only in a narrow range of thermohygrometric conditions (i.e. higher temperature and summer conditions or lower temperature and winter conditions) and at low metabolic rates. The assessment of extremely hot environments has revealed underestimation the hazard of such conditions. In conclusion, bioclimatic indices such as Humidex, although easy to interpret, can only be used by media to give some useful information regarding the type of clothing recommended for given weather conditions, specifically clothing most likely to provide thermal comfort. In other situations (thermal comfort in buildings or thermal stress induced by the combination between the microclimate and the particular work activity) their use should be strongly restricted since they fail when used outside the narrow validated range. Also, they do not take into account the physiological response of the subject to the thermal environment. REFERENCES Fanger PO (1970). Thermal Comfort. New York, USA, McGraw-Hill. d’Ambrosio Alfano FR, Palella BI, Riccio G. (2005). TEE (Thermal Environment Assessment): a friendly tool for thermal environment evaluation. Proceedings of 11th International Conferences on Environmental Ergonomics, Ystad (Sweden) 2005 May 22- 26; 503-506. Masterton, JM, Richardson, FA. (1979). HUMIDEX: A Method of Quantifying Human Discomfort Due to Excessive Heat and Humidity. CLI 1-79. Downside Ontario, CANADA: Environment Canada. 1-45. Conti S, Meli P, Minelli G, Solimini R, Toccaceli V, Vichi M, Beltrano MC, Perini L. Epidemiologic study of mortality during the Summer 2003 heat wave in Italy. Environm. Res. 2005; 98(3): 390-399. Ministry of Labour of Canada: Health and Safety Guideline April 2003. Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Risk assessment strategy for the prevention of stress or discomfort in thermal working conditions – ISO Standard 15265 – Geneva: International Standardization Organization. Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Estimation of thermal insulation and water vapour resistance of a clothing ensemble. ISO/FDIS 9920, January, 2007. 508

Invited presentation Universal Thermal Climate Index THE UNIVERSAL THERMAL CLIMATE INDEX UTCI GOAL AND STATE OF COST ACTION 730 Gerd Jendritzky, George Havenith, Philipp Weihs, Ekaterina Batchvarova, Richard DeDear 1 Meteorological Institute, Univ of Freiburg, Germany, 2 Loughborough Univ, Loughborough, U.K., 3 Univ Soil Culture, Vienna, Austria, 4 Nat. Inst. Meteorology Hydrology, Sofia, Bulgaria, 5 Dept. Physical Geography, Macquarie Univ, Sidney, Australia Contact person: gerd.jendritzky@meteo.uni-freiburg.de INTRODUCTION One of the fundamental issues in human biometeorology is the assessment and forecast of the outdoor thermal environment in a sound, effective and practical way. This is due to the need for human beings to balance their heat budget in any climate to a state very close to thermal neutrality in order to optimise their comfort, performance and health. The heat exchange between the human body and its environment takes place by sensible and latent heat fluxes, radiation and (generally negligible) conduction. Consequently dealing with the thermo- physiologically significant assessment of the thermal environment requires the application of a complete heat budget model that takes all mechanisms of heat exchange into account. Input variables include air temperature, water vapour pressure, wind velocity, mean radiant temperature including the short- and long-wave radiation fluxes of the atmosphere, in addition to metabolic rate and clothing insulation. Based on current advances in science of heat budget modelling there is a need for harmonisation of the development and dissemination of a universally valid health related climate index. ISB recognised this issue some years ago and established a Commission ”On the development of a Universal Thermal Climate Index UTCI”. Since 2005 the COST Action 730 (Cooperation in Science and Technical Development) provides the basis that at least the European scientists can join together on a regular basis in order to achieve significant progress to derive such an index as a standard (www.utci.org). The main objective of the Action is to develop and make easily available a physiologically relevant assessment model of the thermal environment in order to significantly enhance applications related to health and well-being. The core issues of human biometeorology range from daily forecasts and warnings of extreme weather, to bioclimatic mapping, urban and regional planning, environmental epidemiology and climate impacts research. This covers the fields of public weather service, the public health system, and precautionary planning. The model to be developed will be based on the-state-of-the-art in the cause-effect related assessments of the outdoor thermal environment. The Universal Thermal Climate Index UTCI (working title) must meet the following requirements: 1)Thermo-physiological significance in the whole range of heat exchange conditions of existing thermal environments 2)Valid in all climates, seasons, and scales 3)Useful for key applications in human biometeorology (see later). 509

Invited presentation<br />

Universal Thermal Climate Index<br />



Gerd Jendritzky, George Havenith, Philipp Weihs, Ekaterina Batchvarova, Richard DeDear<br />

1 Meteorological Institute, Univ of Freiburg, Germany, 2 Loughborough Univ, Loughborough,<br />

U.K., 3 Univ Soil Culture, Vienna, Austria, 4 Nat. Inst. Meteorology Hydrology, Sofia,<br />

Bulgaria, 5 Dept. Physical Geography, Macquarie Univ, Sidney, Australia<br />

Contact person: gerd.jendritzky@meteo.uni-freiburg.de<br />


One of the fundamental issues in human biometeorology is the assessment and forecast of the<br />

outdoor thermal environment in a sound, effective and practical way. This is due to the need<br />

for human beings to balance their heat budget in any climate to a state very close to thermal<br />

neutrality in order to optimise their comfort, performance and health.<br />

The heat exchange between the human body and its environment takes place by sensible and<br />

latent heat fluxes, radiation and (generally negligible) conduction. Consequently dealing with<br />

the thermo- physiologically significant assessment of the thermal environment requires the<br />

application of a complete heat budget model that takes all mechanisms of heat exchange into<br />

account. Input variables include air temperature, water vapour pressure, wind velocity, mean<br />

radiant temperature including the short- and long-wave radiation fluxes of the atmosphere, in<br />

addition to metabolic rate and clothing insulation. Based on current advances in science of<br />

heat budget modelling there is a need for harmonisation of the development and<br />

dissemination of a universally valid health related climate index.<br />

ISB recognised this issue some years ago and established a Commission ”On the development<br />

of a Universal Thermal Climate Index UTCI”. Since 2005 the COST Action 730 (Cooperation<br />

in Science and Technical Development) provides the basis that at least the European scientists<br />

can join together on a regular basis in order to achieve significant progress to derive such an<br />

index as a standard (www.utci.org).<br />

The main objective of the Action is to develop and make easily available a physiologically<br />

relevant assessment model of the thermal environment in order to significantly enhance<br />

applications related to health and well-being. The core issues of human biometeorology range<br />

from daily forecasts and warnings of extreme weather, to bioclimatic mapping, urban and<br />

regional planning, environmental epidemiology and climate impacts research. This covers the<br />

fields of public weather service, the public health system, and precautionary planning. The<br />

model to be developed will be based on the-state-of-the-art in the cause-effect related<br />

assessments of the outdoor thermal environment.<br />

The Universal Thermal Climate Index UTCI (working title) must meet the following<br />

requirements:<br />

1)Thermo-physiological significance in the whole range of heat exchange conditions of<br />

existing thermal environments<br />

2)Valid in all climates, seasons, and scales<br />

3)Useful for key applications in human biometeorology (see later).<br />


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