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2007, Piran, Slovenia 2007, Piran, Slovenia


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Gravitational Physiology CARDIOVASCULAR RESPONSES TO LOWER BODY NEGATIVE PRESSURE IN ATHLETES AND NON-ATHLETES Masami Hirashita 1 , Yoko Kajiwara 2 , Saburo Yokokura 3 and Shigeru Okada 1 1 Department of Social Welfare, Kinjyo University, Japan 2 The Faculty of Education, Bunkyo University, Japan 3 School of Science and Engineering, Meisei University, Japan. Contact person: masami12@po.incl.ne.jp INTRODUCTION During exercise and heat exposure, cutaneous blood flow increases in response to centrally-mediated thermoregulatory drive. However, even during such states, cutaneous vasoconstriction, mediated by the baroreceptor reflex, can occur when various stimuli lower blood pressure. Indeed, this is a rather strong reflex (6) , which is also powerfully induced when the blood volume is lowered following extended sweating. Conversely, following regular endurance training, the blood and plasma volumes are increased as part of the adaptation process. This is similar to that seen with heat acclimatisation, and is associated with a significant and repeated increase in intramuscular heat production, which also elevates body temperature. The corresponding increase in blood volume acts to buffer blood pressure reductions, and reduce the effect of the baroreceptor reflex on peripheral resistance vessels. During endurance exercise that produces an elevation in body temperature, finger blood flow increases, particularly at sites with well developed arteriovenous anastomoses, thereby promoting heat dissipation (3,4) . It is believed that during such exercise, two conflicting cutaneous vascular responses take place simultaneously. First, there is cutaneous vasodilation caused by rise in body temperature. Second, there is cutaneous vasoconstriction due to non-thermal factors (e.g. baroreflex). There is an antagonism between this vasodilation and vasoconstriction, which lasts for some time, and it resembles the cardiovascular response to lower body negative pressure (LBNP) when body temperature is rising. The adaptation effects following endurance training (i.e. increased blood volume and cardiac output), may result in a better defence of blood pressure during an exercise tolerance test. Therefore, there is a possibility for the baroreflex to be less powerfully activated, even during training, and this reflex may thus become weakened. There are two opposing views on this within the literature. One view is that endurance training results is a less powerful baroreflex when LBNP is applied at rest (7) . The other view is that endurance training has no influence on the baroreflex (5) . These differences of opinion may be attributed to variations in the form of exercise and ambient temperature during testing. However, the biggest factor seems to lie in different interpretations of muscle blood flow and cutaneous blood flow. For instance, finger blood flow, measured using venous occlusion plethysmography, reflects cutaneous blood flow, while forearm blood flow, measured in the same manner, reflects muscle blood flow. However, if the forearm blood flow serves for cutaneous blood flow, or if it is measured by laser Doppler flowmetry, cutaneous vasoconstriction may not appear clearly in response to the baroreceptor reflex. In our study, forearm blood flow was simultaneously measured using laser Doppler flowmetry and venous occlusion plethysmography, while finger blood flow was measured using plethysmography. LBNP was applied, and we examined how endurance training influences peripheral 43

Gravitational Physiology<br />



Masami Hirashita 1 , Yoko Kajiwara 2 , Saburo Yokokura 3 and Shigeru Okada 1<br />

1 Department of Social Welfare, Kinjyo University, Japan<br />

2 The Faculty of Education, Bunkyo University, Japan<br />

3 School of Science and Engineering, Meisei University, Japan.<br />

Contact person: masami12@po.incl.ne.jp<br />


During exercise and heat exposure, cutaneous blood flow increases in response to<br />

centrally-mediated thermoregulatory drive. However, even during such states,<br />

cutaneous vasoconstriction, mediated by the baroreceptor reflex, can occur when<br />

various stimuli lower blood pressure. Indeed, this is a rather strong reflex (6) , which is<br />

also powerfully induced when the blood volume is lowered following extended<br />

sweating. Conversely, following regular endurance training, the blood and plasma<br />

volumes are increased as part of the adaptation process. This is similar to that seen<br />

with heat acclimatisation, and is associated with a significant and repeated increase in<br />

intramuscular heat production, which also elevates body temperature. The<br />

corresponding increase in blood volume acts to buffer blood pressure reductions, and<br />

reduce the effect of the baroreceptor reflex on peripheral resistance vessels.<br />

During endurance exercise that produces an elevation in body temperature, finger<br />

blood flow increases, particularly at sites with well developed arteriovenous<br />

anastomoses, thereby promoting heat dissipation (3,4) . It is believed that during such<br />

exercise, two conflicting cutaneous vascular responses take place simultaneously.<br />

First, there is cutaneous vasodilation caused by rise in body temperature. Second,<br />

there is cutaneous vasoconstriction due to non-thermal factors (e.g. baroreflex). There<br />

is an antagonism between this vasodilation and vasoconstriction, which lasts for some<br />

time, and it resembles the cardiovascular response to lower body negative pressure<br />

(LBNP) when body temperature is rising.<br />

The adaptation effects following endurance training (i.e. increased blood volume and<br />

cardiac output), may result in a better defence of blood pressure during an exercise<br />

tolerance test. Therefore, there is a possibility for the baroreflex to be less powerfully<br />

activated, even during training, and this reflex may thus become weakened. There are<br />

two opposing views on this within the literature. One view is that endurance training<br />

results is a less powerful baroreflex when LBNP is applied at rest (7) . The other view is<br />

that endurance training has no influence on the baroreflex (5) . These differences of<br />

opinion may be attributed to variations in the form of exercise and ambient<br />

temperature during testing. However, the biggest factor seems to lie in different<br />

interpretations of muscle blood flow and cutaneous blood flow. For instance, finger<br />

blood flow, measured using venous occlusion plethysmography, reflects cutaneous<br />

blood flow, while forearm blood flow, measured in the same manner, reflects muscle<br />

blood flow. However, if the forearm blood flow serves for cutaneous blood flow, or if<br />

it is measured by laser Doppler flowmetry, cutaneous vasoconstriction may not appear<br />

clearly in response to the baroreceptor reflex. In our study, forearm blood flow was<br />

simultaneously measured using laser Doppler flowmetry and venous occlusion<br />

plethysmography, while finger blood flow was measured using plethysmography.<br />

LBNP was applied, and we examined how endurance training influences peripheral<br />


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