2007, Piran, Slovenia

2007, Piran, Slovenia 2007, Piran, Slovenia


Environmental Ergonomics XII Igor B. Mekjavic, Stelios N. Kounalakis & Nigel A.S. Taylor (Eds.), © BIOMED, Ljubljana 2007 to TTC (0.84). These results were consistent with data’s found in a previous experiment Davey and Newton, (2006). The reduction in heat loss due to the increased RH in the microclimate was compared to the instantaneous increase in skin temperature at each of the combined RH and temperature sensors. It was found that estimates of increased skin temperature predicted from calculating changes in heat loss due to the lower vapour pressure gradient closely matched those actual of measured skin temperature increases. These findings will be presented at a later date. Figure 3: Actual by Predicted Plot For TTS Tor TS New Actual 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 358 30 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Tor TS New Predicted P

Thermal comfort A NEW METHOD FOR EVALUATION OF BEHAVIORAL THERMOREGULATION IN HUMANS. Daniel (Wolowske) Yogev , Igor B . Mekjavic Department of Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics, Jozef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Contact person: daniel.wolowske@ijs.si INTRODUCTION Behavioural responses are the most efficient of thermoregulatory responses, since relatively simple actions can prevent the need to activate the more metabolically costly autonomic responses. Dependence on behavioural responses may increase in environmental conditions where the prevailing non thermal factors (NTFs) attenuate autonomic responses and alter thermal comfort (Mekjavic and Eiken 2006, Mekjavic et al. 1996, 2003). Thermal (dis)comfort is considered to be the driving force for the initiation of behavioral thermoregulatory responses (Weiss and Laties. 1961). Thus, alteration in the perception of thermal comfort by a NTF might jeopardize normothermia by preventing the initiation of appropriate behavioural responses (Mekjavic et al. 1996). This was confirmed in animal studies (Macdonald et al. (1989, Pertwee et al. 1986), but data in humans is lacking. The aim of the current study was to develop a valid protocol that would reliably evaluate behavioural thermoregulatory responses in humans. METHODS Eleven subjects (6 males and 5 females) participated in the study. The experimental set-up consisted of a water-perfused suit (WPS) with a manual control unit designed to allow the experimenter or the subject control over the temperature of water perfusing the WPS. Following familiarization with the equipment and study protocol subjects donned the WPS and assumed a supine position on a bed. The study consisted of three trials separated by a minimum of 48 hours. In each trial the temperature of the water perfusing the WPS varied from 27°C to 42°C and back to 27°C, at a rate of 1.2°C min -1 . Subjects were requested to indicate the moment they perceived the temperature changing from a comfortable to a slightly uncomfortable level. One of the trials (counterbalanced between the subjects) was followed by a 60-min subjective control trial during which the temperature of the WPS fluctuated in a sinusoidal manner between 27°C and 42°C at the same rate. Subjects were instructed to maintain maximal thermal comfort by interfering (i.e pushing a button on a remote controller) with the cooling or warming of the WPS whenever it reached a slightly uncomfortable level. In all trials, the subjects were naive regarding the absolute temperature of the water perfusing the suit. The temperature of the water exiting the WPS (Tout; °C) at the moment subjects reported feeling slightly uncomfortable (trials 1-3) or at the moment they pushed the remote controller button (trial 4) were recorded and analyzed. RESULTS Subjects identified the moment of cold and warm discomfort in a reproducible manner. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) between Tout chosen in trials 1 to 3. The average coefficient of variation (calculated as SD/mean*100 of Tout) between trials 1 to 3 was 2.32% for cold discomfort and 5.5% for warm discomfort. No significant changes (P>0.05) were found in Tout at the moment subjects reported feeling uncomfortably warm or cold and the moment they responded to it behaviourally. The Pearson Correlation coefficient (P.Corr) between the perceived warm discomfort (Average of trials 1- 3) and the average upper limit chosen during trial 4 was 0.84 and between perceived cold 359

Thermal comfort<br />



Daniel (Wolowske) Yogev , Igor B . Mekjavic<br />

Department of Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics, Jozef Stefan Institute<br />

Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, <strong>Slovenia</strong>.<br />

Contact person: daniel.wolowske@ijs.si<br />


Behavioural responses are the most efficient of thermoregulatory responses, since relatively<br />

simple actions can prevent the need to activate the more metabolically costly autonomic<br />

responses. Dependence on behavioural responses may increase in environmental conditions<br />

where the prevailing non thermal factors (NTFs) attenuate autonomic responses and alter<br />

thermal comfort (Mekjavic and Eiken 2006, Mekjavic et al. 1996, 2003). Thermal<br />

(dis)comfort is considered to be the driving force for the initiation of behavioral<br />

thermoregulatory responses (Weiss and Laties. 1961). Thus, alteration in the perception of<br />

thermal comfort by a NTF might jeopardize normothermia by preventing the initiation of<br />

appropriate behavioural responses (Mekjavic et al. 1996). This was confirmed in animal<br />

studies (Macdonald et al. (1989, Pertwee et al. 1986), but data in humans is lacking. The aim<br />

of the current study was to develop a valid protocol that would reliably evaluate behavioural<br />

thermoregulatory responses in humans.<br />


Eleven subjects (6 males and 5 females) participated in the study. The experimental set-up<br />

consisted of a water-perfused suit (WPS) with a manual control unit designed to allow the<br />

experimenter or the subject control over the temperature of water perfusing the WPS.<br />

Following familiarization with the equipment and study protocol subjects donned the WPS<br />

and assumed a supine position on a bed. The study consisted of three trials separated by a<br />

minimum of 48 hours. In each trial the temperature of the water perfusing the WPS varied<br />

from 27°C to 42°C and back to 27°C, at a rate of 1.2°C min -1 . Subjects were requested to<br />

indicate the moment they perceived the temperature changing from a comfortable to a slightly<br />

uncomfortable level. One of the trials (counterbalanced between the subjects) was followed<br />

by a 60-min subjective control trial during which the temperature of the WPS fluctuated in a<br />

sinusoidal manner between 27°C and 42°C at the same rate. Subjects were instructed to<br />

maintain maximal thermal comfort by interfering (i.e pushing a button on a remote controller)<br />

with the cooling or warming of the WPS whenever it reached a slightly uncomfortable level.<br />

In all trials, the subjects were naive regarding the absolute temperature of the water perfusing<br />

the suit. The temperature of the water exiting the WPS (Tout; °C) at the moment subjects<br />

reported feeling slightly uncomfortable (trials 1-3) or at the moment they pushed the remote<br />

controller button (trial 4) were recorded and analyzed.<br />


Subjects identified the moment of cold and warm discomfort in a reproducible manner. There<br />

were no significant differences (P>0.05) between Tout chosen in trials 1 to 3. The average<br />

coefficient of variation (calculated as SD/mean*100 of Tout) between trials 1 to 3 was 2.32%<br />

for cold discomfort and 5.5% for warm discomfort.<br />

No significant changes (P>0.05) were found in Tout at the moment subjects reported feeling<br />

uncomfortably warm or cold and the moment they responded to it behaviourally. The Pearson<br />

Correlation coefficient (P.Corr) between the perceived warm discomfort (Average of trials 1-<br />

3) and the average upper limit chosen during trial 4 was 0.84 and between perceived cold<br />


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