2007, Piran, Slovenia

2007, Piran, Slovenia 2007, Piran, Slovenia


Environmental Ergonomics XII Igor B. Mekjavic, Stelios N. Kounalakis & Nigel A.S. Taylor (Eds.), © BIOMED, Ljubljana 2007 CHROME DOMES: SWEAT SECRETION FROM THE HEAD DURING THERMAL STRAIN. Christiano A. Machado-Moreira 1 , Frederik Wilmink 1 , Annieka Meijer 1 , Igor B. Mekjavic 2 , Nigel A.S. Taylor 1 1 Human Performance Laboratories, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia and 2 Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Contact person: nigel_taylor@uow.edu.au INTRODUCTION The importance of the head in dissipating body heat and the prevention of heat illness under hot conditions is well recognised (Desruelle and Candas, 2000), although little is known about the local differences in sweat secretion within the head. In this study, we focussed on this sweat distribution, since such information will contribute significantly to our understanding of thermoregulation in general and of human sudomotor control in particular. Despite its relatively small surface area (6-7% of total area; Hardy and DuBois, 1938), the head is highly vascular, and has a surface area-to-mass ratio that favours heat loss. Indeed, heat loss per unit area is significantly higher from the head than most other body segments (Froese and Burton 1957; Rasch et al., 1991). In addition, when the body is covered with clothing, the head becomes a major avenue for heat dissipation, but this is adversely influenced by helmets and other headgear. Therefore, it is most important, either for the development of thermal (head) manikins or for the design of headgear, that the sweat secretion patterns of the head are known across a wide range of thermal loads. In this project, the sweating responses of nine non-glabrous (hairy) skin surfaces of the scalp and the forehead were measured in shaved males. METHODS Ten healthy and physically-active males (25.5 SD 2.7 y; 74.8 SD 8.4 kg; 178.7 SD 9.0 cm) participated in hot-humid trials (36 o C, 60% relative humidity) involving 30 min rest, followed by incremental cycling (increasing from 50 W by 25-W steps every 15 min), whilst wearing a heated water-perfusion garment (46 o C: Cool Tubesuit, Med-Eng, Ottawa, Canada). Before testing, each subject’s head was shaved and instrumented. Trials were terminated when core temperature exceeded 39.5 o C for 2 min (N=1) or at volitional fatigue (N=9). The average exercise duration was 55.6 min (range: 45-69 min). Ventilated sweat capsules (3.16 cm 2 ) were used to measure local sweat rates from the forehead, and nine sites inside the hair line: three lateral sites on each side; two top sites; one rear site (Figure 1; Clinical Engineering Solutions, NSW, Australia). Local sweat rates were recorded from six sites simultaneously, with the four remaining sweat capsules ventilated with room air to avoid saturation. During rest, only six sites were investigated, while during exercise, capsules were connected to the sweat system in a rotating pattern, leaving two capsules always connected. Two trial sequences were established, with five subjects participating in each sequence. Capsule changes were completed within about 2 min, and this rotation pattern was continued until the trial terminated. 272

Figure 1: A chrome dome following preparation. Sweating Auditory canal (insulated) and skin temperatures (Edale instruments Ltd., Cambridge, U.K.) were recorded at 5-s intervals (1206 Series Squirrel, Grant Instruments Pty Ltd., Cambridge, U.K.). Skin temperatures from eight regions were used to derive an area-weighted mean skin temperature (ISO 9886:1992), with skin temperatures next to each sweat capsule also being recorded. Heart rate was also monitored (Vantage NV, Polar Electro SportTester, Finland). RESULTS During passive heating (rest), core temperature and heart rate increased from 36.7 o C and 72 b.min -1 by 0.25 o C and 18 b.min -1 (P

Environmental Ergonomics XII<br />

Igor B. Mekjavic, Stelios N. Kounalakis & Nigel A.S. Taylor (Eds.), © BIOMED, Ljubljana <strong>2007</strong><br />



Christiano A. Machado-Moreira 1 , Frederik Wilmink 1 , Annieka Meijer 1 , Igor B. Mekjavic 2 ,<br />

Nigel A.S. Taylor 1<br />

1 Human Performance Laboratories, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia and<br />

2 Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, <strong>Slovenia</strong>.<br />

Contact person: nigel_taylor@uow.edu.au<br />


The importance of the head in dissipating body heat and the prevention of heat illness under<br />

hot conditions is well recognised (Desruelle and Candas, 2000), although little is known about<br />

the local differences in sweat secretion within the head. In this study, we focussed on this<br />

sweat distribution, since such information will contribute significantly to our understanding of<br />

thermoregulation in general and of human sudomotor control in particular.<br />

Despite its relatively small surface area (6-7% of total area; Hardy and DuBois, 1938), the<br />

head is highly vascular, and has a surface area-to-mass ratio that favours heat loss. Indeed,<br />

heat loss per unit area is significantly higher from the head than most other body segments<br />

(Froese and Burton 1957; Rasch et al., 1991). In addition, when the body is covered with<br />

clothing, the head becomes a major avenue for heat dissipation, but this is adversely<br />

influenced by helmets and other headgear. Therefore, it is most important, either for the<br />

development of thermal (head) manikins or for the design of headgear, that the sweat<br />

secretion patterns of the head are known across a wide range of thermal loads. In this project,<br />

the sweating responses of nine non-glabrous (hairy) skin surfaces of the scalp and the<br />

forehead were measured in shaved males.<br />


Ten healthy and physically-active males (25.5 SD 2.7 y; 74.8 SD 8.4 kg; 178.7 SD 9.0 cm)<br />

participated in hot-humid trials (36 o C, 60% relative humidity) involving 30 min rest, followed<br />

by incremental cycling (increasing from 50 W by 25-W steps every 15 min), whilst wearing a<br />

heated water-perfusion garment (46 o C: Cool Tubesuit, Med-Eng, Ottawa, Canada). Before<br />

testing, each subject’s head was shaved and instrumented. Trials were terminated when core<br />

temperature exceeded 39.5 o C for 2 min (N=1) or at volitional fatigue (N=9). The average<br />

exercise duration was 55.6 min (range: 45-69 min).<br />

Ventilated sweat capsules (3.16 cm 2 ) were used to measure local sweat rates from the<br />

forehead, and nine sites inside the hair line: three lateral sites on each side; two top sites; one<br />

rear site (Figure 1; Clinical Engineering Solutions, NSW, Australia). Local sweat rates were<br />

recorded from six sites simultaneously, with the four remaining sweat capsules ventilated<br />

with room air to avoid saturation. During rest, only six sites were investigated, while during<br />

exercise, capsules were connected to the sweat system in a rotating pattern, leaving two<br />

capsules always connected. Two trial sequences were established, with five subjects<br />

participating in each sequence. Capsule changes were completed within about 2 min, and this<br />

rotation pattern was continued until the trial terminated.<br />


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