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Environmental Ergonomics XII Igor B. Mekjavic, Stelios N. Kounalakis & Nigel A.S. Taylor (Eds.), © BIOMED, Ljubljana 2007 Thomas, J. R., Nelson, J. K. and Thomas, K. T., 1999. A generalised rank-order method for nonparametric analysis of data from exercise science: A tutorial. Res. Quart. Exer. Sport 70, 11-23. Young, A.J., Sawka, M.N., Epstein, Y., Decristofano, B. & Pandolf, K.B., 1987. Cooling different body surfaces during upper and lower body exercise. J. App. Physiol. 63, 1218-1223. 232

Personal protective equipment EXERCISING IN COMBAT ARMOUR AND HELMETS IN HOT- HUMID CONDITIONS: THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL’S BACK Joanne N. Caldwell 1 , Lian Engelen 1 , Charles van der Henst 1 , Mark J. Patterson 2 , Nigel A.S. Taylor 1 1 Human Performance Laboratories, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, and 2 Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Melbourne, Australia Contact person: nigel_taylor@uow.edu.au INTRODUCTION Metabolic and external heat sources are equally capable of elevating body core temperature in individuals working in hot environments. When heat loss avenues are impeded by clothing and protective equipment, the risk of exertional heat stress is further increased. There are various work-rest guidance tables available within the literature, some of these have correction factors for variations in clothing insulation, such that rest periods are lengthened and work periods shortened when clothing insulation is increased (TBMED 507). However, there is a paucity of experimental data upon which such modifications may be based. An absence of such empirical data may result either in an increased risk of exertional heat illness, or compromised operational capability, if physiological strain is over-estimated (Danielsson and Bergh, 2005). Therefore, the aim of this project was to assess the impact of wearing such body armour on physiological and cognitive function in hot-humid conditions. METHODS The physiological and cognitive impact of wearing combat body armour was evaluated at work intensities that represented those associated with an urban patrol in hot-humid conditions (36°C, 60% relative humidity), with a substantial radiant heat source (infra-red lamps). Nine physically-active males participated in three, exercise and heat stress trials, walking for 2.5 h at two intensities (0.56 m.s -1 (1.5 h) and 1.11 m.s -1 )). Trials differed only in the equipment worn: control trial: disruptive pattern (camouflage) combat uniform with a cloth hat (clothing mass: 2.05 kg; insulation 0.29 m 2 K.W -1 ); torso armour trial: disruptive pattern combat uniform plus combat body armour (Aramid-lined vest with ceramic-plate inserts) covering the chest and back (Hellweg, Australia; 6.07 kg) with a cloth hat (total ensemble mass: 8.12 kg); and torso armour and helmet trial: disruptive pattern combat uniform, combat body armour (chest and back) and combat helmet (Aramid construction; Rabintex Industries Pty. Ltd., Australia (1.29 kg); total ensemble mass: 9.41 kg). Physiological variables included insulated auditory canal temperature (Edale Instruments Ltd, Cambridge, U.K.), skin temperatures from eight sites (Type EU, Yellow Springs Instruments Co. Ltd., Yellow Springs, OH, U.S.A.), heart rate (Polar Electro Sports Tester, Finland), and gross mass changes (corrected for drinking, urine production and sweat retained within the clothing and body armour). At 15-min intervals, data were collected for perceived work effort (15-point Borg scale), thermal sensation and thermal discomfort. Cognitive function was evaluated using the Mini-Cog rapid assessment battery (Shephard and Kosslyn, 2005) administered via a personal digital assistant (PDA, PalmOne, Tungsten C, U.S.A.), following 8-10 h of preliminary training. The following tests were administered at 30-min intervals during each trial: vigilance; three-term reasoning; filtering; verbal working memory, divided attention and perceptual reaction time. 233

Personal protective equipment<br />



BACK<br />

Joanne N. Caldwell 1 , Lian Engelen 1 , Charles van der Henst 1 , Mark J. Patterson 2 ,<br />

Nigel A.S. Taylor 1<br />

1 Human Performance Laboratories, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, and 2 Defence<br />

Science and Technology Organisation, Melbourne, Australia<br />

Contact person: nigel_taylor@uow.edu.au<br />


Metabolic and external heat sources are equally capable of elevating body core temperature in<br />

individuals working in hot environments. When heat loss avenues are impeded by clothing<br />

and protective equipment, the risk of exertional heat stress is further increased. There are<br />

various work-rest guidance tables available within the literature, some of these have<br />

correction factors for variations in clothing insulation, such that rest periods are lengthened<br />

and work periods shortened when clothing insulation is increased (TBMED 507). However,<br />

there is a paucity of experimental data upon which such modifications may be based. An<br />

absence of such empirical data may result either in an increased risk of exertional heat illness,<br />

or compromised operational capability, if physiological strain is over-estimated (Danielsson<br />

and Bergh, 2005). Therefore, the aim of this project was to assess the impact of wearing such<br />

body armour on physiological and cognitive function in hot-humid conditions.<br />


The physiological and cognitive impact of wearing combat body armour was evaluated at<br />

work intensities that represented those associated with an urban patrol in hot-humid<br />

conditions (36°C, 60% relative humidity), with a substantial radiant heat source (infra-red<br />

lamps). Nine physically-active males participated in three, exercise and heat stress trials,<br />

walking for 2.5 h at two intensities (0.56 m.s -1 (1.5 h) and 1.11 m.s -1 )). Trials differed only in<br />

the equipment worn: control trial: disruptive pattern (camouflage) combat uniform with a<br />

cloth hat (clothing mass: 2.05 kg; insulation 0.29 m 2 K.W -1 ); torso armour trial: disruptive<br />

pattern combat uniform plus combat body armour (Aramid-lined vest with ceramic-plate<br />

inserts) covering the chest and back (Hellweg, Australia; 6.07 kg) with a cloth hat (total<br />

ensemble mass: 8.12 kg); and torso armour and helmet trial: disruptive pattern combat<br />

uniform, combat body armour (chest and back) and combat helmet (Aramid construction;<br />

Rabintex Industries Pty. Ltd., Australia (1.29 kg); total ensemble mass: 9.41 kg).<br />

Physiological variables included insulated auditory canal temperature (Edale Instruments Ltd,<br />

Cambridge, U.K.), skin temperatures from eight sites (Type EU, Yellow Springs Instruments<br />

Co. Ltd., Yellow Springs, OH, U.S.A.), heart rate (Polar Electro Sports Tester, Finland), and<br />

gross mass changes (corrected for drinking, urine production and sweat retained within the<br />

clothing and body armour). At 15-min intervals, data were collected for perceived work effort<br />

(15-point Borg scale), thermal sensation and thermal discomfort.<br />

Cognitive function was evaluated using the Mini-Cog rapid assessment battery (Shephard and<br />

Kosslyn, 2005) administered via a personal digital assistant (PDA, PalmOne, Tungsten C,<br />

U.S.A.), following 8-10 h of preliminary training. The following tests were administered at<br />

30-min intervals during each trial: vigilance; three-term reasoning; filtering; verbal working<br />

memory, divided attention and perceptual reaction time.<br />


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