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488 Sharks<br />

Carcharhinus porosus (Ranzani, 1840) CCR<br />

Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: None / Rhizoprionodon terraenovae (Richardson, 1836),<br />

Rhizoprionodon porosus (Poey, 1861), Rhizoprionodon lalandii (Müller and Henle, 1839).<br />

FAO names: En -Smalltail shark; Fr - Requin tiqueue; Sp - Tiburón poroso.<br />

ventral view of head<br />

upper and lower<br />

tooth near centre<br />

Diagnostic characters: Body slender and fusiform. Eyes large, internal nictitating lower eyelids present.<br />

Snout long, preoral length 1.2 to 1.8 times internarial width, and narrowly rounded to pointed; nostrils<br />

with a pointed, narrow-based anterior nasal flap; upper labial folds short. Teeth with serrated edges,<br />

those in upper jaw with narrow cusps, becoming progressively oblique towards the sides, those in<br />

lower jaw with high narrow cusps, erect in front, oblique posteriorly; anteroposterior tooth row counts on<br />

each side 13 to 15/12 to 15, total tooth row counts 29 to 32/26 to 32. Spiracles absent; gill slits relatively short,<br />

height of third gill slit about 2.8 to 3.4% of total length; gill arches without papillae. First dorsal fin moderately<br />

low, height 6.9 to 9.9% of total length; first dorsal fin with a broadly convex anterior margin, a narrowly rounded<br />

apex, an origin over pectoral fin inner margins, and the midlength of its base much closer to the pectoral-fin insertions<br />

than the pelvic-fin origins;second dorsal fin high although much smaller than first dorsal fin, height 2.2<br />

to 2.8% of total length; second dorsal fin with a nearly straight or shallowly concave posterior margin, an origin<br />

over or slightly behind midpoint of anal-fin base, a somewhat elongated free rear tip, and an inner margin<br />

much less than twice the fin height; anal fin with a deeply notched posterior margin and without long<br />

preanal ridges; pectoral fins short, slightly falcate, and with narrowly rounded apices. Interdorsal ridge absent<br />

between dorsal fins; no keels on caudal peduncle. Precaudal vertebral centra 41 to 61, total vertebral<br />

centra 96 to 135. Colour: back greyish blue or leaden, belly paler; sides and pelvic fins tinged with reddish in<br />

some individuals.<br />

Size: Maximum total length to 134 cm; common to 90 cm; size at birth between 31 and 40 cm; males maturing<br />

between 72 and 78 cm, females at 84 cm or below.<br />

Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Coastal, common in shallow waters (16 to 32 m) over muddy bottoms, especially<br />

in estuaries. Number of young 2 to 7 per litter. Feeds on bony fishes, other small sharks, and small invertebrates,<br />

mainly crabs and shrimp. Caught throughout its range. Separate statistics are not reported. Caught<br />

mainly with gill nets and longlines. Important<br />

catches occur off Trinidad in the area and off<br />

northern Brazil. Marketed fresh-frozen and<br />

salted for human consumption, also for liver oil<br />

and fish meal. Conservation status uncertain.<br />

Distribution: Western Atlantic from the Gulf of<br />

Mexico to southern Brazil; also along the Pacific<br />

coast of the Americas from Mexico (Baja, California)<br />

to Peru.Recorded from Gulf of Mexico (USA,<br />

Mexico), Trinidad and Tobago, and Panama, Suriname,<br />

and Venezuela, apparently absent from<br />

the Bahamas and the Greater and Lesser Antilles;<br />

also northern and southern Brazil.

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