n Editorial: “Together, we shall stay the best!” n ... - Smithfield Ferme

n Editorial: “Together, we shall stay the best!” n ... - Smithfield Ferme n Editorial: “Together, we shall stay the best!” n ... - Smithfield Ferme

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6 NeWS S mithfield n “CaRE project aims at ensuring occupational health and safety to the benefit of more than 390 employees within Smithfield Prod’s production department. Prod launched the project Sfaturi pentru asigurarea securității named “Competency, și sănătății în Adaptability, muncă: Responsibility, Efficiency through Occupational Health and Safety (CaRE), co-financed Ca angajat al companiei Smithfield Prod avem dreptul și obligația de a ne proteja sănătatea și securitatea la by the European Social Fund under the locul de muncă, atât a noastră cât și a celorlalți colegi! Sectoral Operational Program human Resources Development Pentru 2007-2013 aceasta este necesar: – “Invest • Să ne prezentăm la analizele medicale periodice, in people, priority axis 3 “Increase of work- la data programată. • Să respectăm recomandările medicului. ers’ and enterprises’ • Să ne adaptability, protejam sănătatea la locul de muncă. major • Să purtăm corect echipamentul individual de area of intervention protecție 3.2. acordat. “Training and sup- • Să respectăm regulile de igienă individuală, port for enterprises să and avem un comportament employees adecvat care for să nu the pună în pericol securitatea și sănătatea noastră și promotion of adaptability. a celor din jurul nostru. The project aims at ensuring occupational health and safety to Ai the întrebări benefit legate of de sănătatea more than și securitatea ta la locul de muncă? 390 employees within Smithfield Prod’s production department Vino and la Cabinetul targets de Securitate the și Sănătate imple- în Muncă din incinta abatorului Smithfield Prod! mentation of a sustainable organizational Te așteptăm cu răspunsuri, informații și echipamente de protecție specifice activității tale pentru a te simți culture for the employees’ health and safety, by means of a oricând în siguranță. Găsim împreună soluții pentru sănătatea și securitatea complex training and information program to prevent occu- noastră! pational risks. The project named “Competency, Adaptability, Responsibility, Efficiency through Occupational Health and Safety is implemented in a share of 98% with non-reimbursable financial assistance under SOPHRD 2007-2013. The “Production Exchange Week Program took place in the period 19- 26 October 2010, with the participation of 50 colleagues from the Financial, IT, Human Resources, Purchasing, Legal, Public Relations, Sales, Security, Environment departments who have actually worked for 8 hours, shoulder to shoulder, with our more experi- „ Colleagues from the Financial, IT, Human Resources, Purchasing, Legal, Public Relations, Sales, Security, Environment departments have worked for 8 hours in the butchering section of Smithfield Prod slaughterhouse. Smithfield Prod implemented “CARE project, a complex occupational health and safety program De ce trebuie să mă prezint la analizele medicale periodice? Pentru că noi toți, angajații din industria alimentară, suntem răspunzători de siguranța alimentelor care ies din mâinile noastre, pentru familiile noastre și pentru toți ceilalți consumatori finali! Verificându-ne periodic starea de sănătate, vom putea identifica sau preveni orice tip de boală și vom putea lua măsuri în timp util pentru a putea duce o viață sănătoasă alături de cei dragi. PRODUCTION EXCHANGE WEEK enced colleagues within the butchering section of Smithfield Prod slaughterhouse, in the following jobs: bacon cutting, selection of pork rind, brisket cutting, collection of raw material, separation of brisket bones, evacuation of brisket, packaging. Benefiting from prior specialized trainings related to each job, as well as occupational health and safety, hygiene and emergency situations, the 50 colleagues made up 6 teams, choosing a representative name and a guiding slogan. THE TEaMS wERE aS FOLLOwS: n Cheerful Butchers (“Headfirst) – they managed to keep their cheerfulness and head on throughout the entire day. n Knife Spartans (“We cut everything) Smithfield Prod project aims at permanently Când ar trebui să mergi la medic? identifying and monitoring the occupational Chiar dacă te simți sănătos şi nu te doare nimic. Când risks apar of o serie the de modificări employees, în starea de sănătate mitigating risk and injur- legate de locul de muncă. ing factors, improving the employees’ aware- De două ori pe an beneficiezi gratuit de un consult medical ness oferit and de serviciul training de medicina muncii. level in the field of occupa- Ferește-te tional health de: and safety and increasing their adaptability to the EU requirements. • Bolile respiratorii cronice The project activities in the field of occupa- • Hipotermii și degerături • tional Pneumopatii health and safety and its operational struc- • tures Slăbirea auzului will continue even after its completion by Protejându-te the establishment și purtând Echipamentul Individual of an de internal medical unit, Protecție pe care îl primești gratuit! Spală-te aimed pe mâini at further ori de câte ori developing este nevoie! the company’s ongoing occupational health and safety activities. Smithfield Prod is the largest slaughterhouse in Romania with a production capacity of 600 capita per hour, being situated on the location of former Comtim, in Timis County. Smithfield Prod’s values are food safety, environmental responsibility, understanding of the local specificity and support for the local community where it operates, continuous development of the technologies and creation of a pleasant working environment for the employees. Smithfield Prod is a company certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System and ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System. – were promoted as “Gladiators and cut everything, according to the technological sheets. n The apprentices (“We came as apprentices and leave as masters) – they were trained on the line and will probably never feel as apprentices for the rest of their life, with us. n inglorious Bastards (“Touch and cut) – they succeeded even without the help of Brad Pitt to punish the stubborn pork rind pieces. n The Workers (“Cut well) – they took on the proletarian roles and the slogan in power. n The 5-Star Team (“The best will win, meaning us) – accustomed with comfort and self-esteem – proved to be quite good. Following this experience, we managed to better understand and see on-site what the challenges and satisfactions of working in a slaughterhouse are.

No. 1 – March 2011 Product tasting This month, Smithfield Prod launched some new recipes: 11 assortments of sausages and 7 assortments of highly seasoned forcemeat balls. „ With this 3.5 milion USD Smithfield Prod investment, the pork achieves the optimum parameters so as to be safely kept and subsequently consumed.“ Smithfield Prod invested 3.5 mil. USD in technological upgrade Smithfield Prod has completed the technological upgrade works in the rapid refrigeration area of pork carcasses resulted from the slaughtering process. The investment amounted to USD 3.5 million, the new refrigeration area covering 755 m2. For almost 4 months, 7 contracting companies have been involved in this project. Rapid refrigeration is a refrigeration method for foods, pork in this case, at a low temperature, safe in terms of preventing bacterial proliferation. With this investment, by transiting the carcasses in tunnels with temperatures between -18 and –24 °C, for 90 minutes, the pork achieves the optimum parameters so as to be safely kept and subsequently consumed. Rapid cooling of pork carcasses can also be useful to processors as an additional method to control the microbial proliferation and, implicitly, the increase of food safety as regards basic pork products. Smithfield Prod is the largest slaughterhouse in Romania, with a processing capacity of 600 heads per hour, being located on the former COMTIM premises. Smithfield Prod values are n FEBRUARy RECIPE: COMTIM chop in the oven • 2 pieces of COMTIM pork chop • 300g bacon • 150g cheese • 2 tomatoes, • 1l milk • salt, pepper, butter NeWS This month, Smithfield Prod launched some new recipes: 11 assortments of sausages and 7 assortments of highly seasoned forcemeat balls. The current investment adds up to more than USD 67 million, amounts allocated by Smithfield Prod over the last 5 years only for the modernizing of the production capacities of former COMTiM. food safety, responsibility towards the environment, understanding of the local specificity and support for the local communities where it operates, continuous development of the technologies used and creation of a pleasant working environment for the employees. Smithfield Prod is ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management system and ISO 22000: 2005 Food Safety Management system certified. The chops are kept in milk for one hour for tenderness, dried, cut, coated with butter on the inside, then salt and pepper are added according to taste. Sliced bacon is put on the inside, as well as sliced cheese, a slice of tomato and a slice of bell pepper. Salt and pepper is added according to taste. Cook in the oven for 45-50 min. Serve warm with rice and vegetables and mushrooms. Contest of recipes A winner will be chosen every month, and the We are launching a contest of recipes for those of you winning recipe will be posted on the Intranet and in the next issue of the newsletter. who want to share the pleasure of cooking fresh pork. PLEaSE SEND YOUR RECIPES aT: retete@smithfieldferme.ro 7

6<br />

NeWS<br />

S mithfield<br />

n<br />

“CaRE<strong>”</strong> project aims at ensuring<br />

occupational health and<br />

safety to <strong>the</strong> benefit of more than<br />

390 employees within <strong>Smithfield</strong><br />

Prod’s production department.<br />

Prod launched <strong>the</strong> project<br />

Sfaturi pentru asigurarea securității<br />

named “Competency, și sănătății în Adaptability, muncă: Responsibility,<br />

Efficiency through Occupational<br />

Health and Safety<strong>”</strong> (CaRE), co-financed<br />

Ca angajat al companiei <strong>Smithfield</strong> Prod avem dreptul<br />

și obligația de a ne proteja sănătatea și securitatea la<br />

by <strong>the</strong> European Social Fund under <strong>the</strong><br />

locul de muncă, atât a noastră cât și a celorlalți colegi!<br />

Sectoral Operational Program human Resources<br />

Development Pentru 2007-2013 aceasta este necesar: – “Invest<br />

• Să ne prezentăm la analizele medicale periodice,<br />

in people<strong>”</strong>, priority axis 3 “Increase of work-<br />

la data programată.<br />

• Să respectăm recomandările medicului.<br />

ers’ and enterprises’ • Să ne adaptability<strong>”</strong>, protejam sănătatea la locul de muncă. major<br />

• Să purtăm corect echipamentul individual de<br />

area of intervention protecție 3.2. acordat. “Training and sup-<br />

• Să respectăm regulile de igienă individuală,<br />

port for enterprises să and avem un comportament employees adecvat care for să nu <strong>the</strong><br />

pună în pericol securitatea și sănătatea noastră și<br />

promotion of adaptability<strong>”</strong>.<br />

a celor din jurul nostru.<br />

The project aims at ensuring occupational<br />

health and safety to Ai <strong>the</strong> întrebări benefit legate of de sănătatea more than și<br />

securitatea ta la locul de muncă?<br />

390 employees within <strong>Smithfield</strong> Prod’s production<br />

department Vino and la Cabinetul targets de Securitate <strong>the</strong> și Sănătate imple- în Muncă<br />

din incinta abatorului <strong>Smithfield</strong> Prod!<br />

mentation of a sustainable organizational<br />

Te așteptăm cu răspunsuri, informații și echipamente<br />

de protecție specifice activității tale pentru a te simți<br />

culture for <strong>the</strong> employees’ health and safety, by means of a<br />

oricând în siguranță.<br />

Găsim împreună soluții pentru sănătatea și securitatea<br />

complex training and information program to prevent occu-<br />

noastră!<br />

pational risks.<br />

The project named “Competency, Adaptability, Responsibility,<br />

Efficiency through Occupational Health and Safety<strong>”</strong> is implemented<br />

in a share of 98% with non-reimbursable financial assistance<br />

under SOPHRD 2007-2013.<br />

The “Production Exchange Week<strong>”</strong><br />

Program took place in <strong>the</strong> period 19-<br />

26 October 2010, with <strong>the</strong> participation<br />

of 50 colleagues from <strong>the</strong> Financial,<br />

IT, Human Resources, Purchasing,<br />

Legal, Public Relations, Sales, Security,<br />

Environment departments who have<br />

actually worked for 8 hours, shoulder<br />

to shoulder, with our more experi-<br />

„ Colleagues from <strong>the</strong> Financial, IT, Human<br />

Resources, Purchasing, Legal, Public<br />

Relations, Sales, Security, Environment departments<br />

have worked for 8 hours in <strong>the</strong> butchering section of<br />

<strong>Smithfield</strong> Prod slaughterhouse<strong>”</strong>.<br />

<strong>Smithfield</strong> Prod implemented “CARE<strong>”</strong> project,<br />

a complex occupational health and safety program<br />

De ce trebuie să mă prezint<br />

la analizele medicale periodice?<br />

Pentru că noi toți, angajații din industria alimentară,<br />

suntem răspunzători de siguranța alimentelor care ies<br />

din mâinile noastre, pentru familiile noastre și pentru<br />

toți ceilalți consumatori finali!<br />

Verificându-ne periodic starea de sănătate, vom<br />

putea identifica sau preveni orice tip de boală și<br />

vom putea lua măsuri în timp util pentru a putea<br />

duce o viață sănătoasă alături de cei dragi.<br />


enced colleagues within <strong>the</strong> butchering<br />

section of <strong>Smithfield</strong> Prod slaughterhouse,<br />

in <strong>the</strong> following jobs: bacon<br />

cutting, selection of pork rind, brisket<br />

cutting, collection of raw material,<br />

separation of brisket bones, evacuation<br />

of brisket, packaging. Benefiting<br />

from prior specialized trainings related<br />

to each job, as <strong>we</strong>ll as occupational<br />

health and safety, hygiene and emergency<br />

situations, <strong>the</strong> 50 colleagues<br />

made up 6 teams, choosing a representative<br />

name and a guiding slogan.<br />


n Cheerful Butchers (“Headfirst<strong>”</strong>) –<br />

<strong>the</strong>y managed to keep <strong>the</strong>ir cheerfulness<br />

and head on throughout <strong>the</strong> entire day.<br />

n Knife Spartans (“We cut everything<strong>”</strong>)<br />

<strong>Smithfield</strong> Prod project aims at permanently<br />

Când ar trebui să mergi la medic?<br />

identifying and monitoring <strong>the</strong> occupational<br />

Chiar dacă te simți sănătos şi nu te doare nimic.<br />

Când risks apar of o serie <strong>the</strong> de modificări employees, în starea de sănătate mitigating risk and injur-<br />

legate de locul de muncă.<br />

ing factors, improving <strong>the</strong> employees’ aware-<br />

De două ori pe an beneficiezi gratuit de un consult<br />

medical ness oferit and de serviciul training de medicina muncii. level in <strong>the</strong> field of occupa-<br />

Ferește-te tional health de: and safety and increasing <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

adaptability to <strong>the</strong> EU requirements.<br />

• Bolile respiratorii cronice<br />

The project activities in <strong>the</strong> field of occupa-<br />

• Hipotermii și degerături<br />

• tional Pneumopatii health and safety and its operational struc-<br />

• tures Slăbirea auzului will continue even after its completion by<br />

Protejându-te <strong>the</strong> establishment și purtând Echipamentul Individual of an de internal medical unit,<br />

Protecție pe care îl primești gratuit!<br />

Spală-te aimed pe mâini at fur<strong>the</strong>r ori de câte ori developing este nevoie! <strong>the</strong> company’s ongoing<br />

occupational health and safety activities.<br />

<strong>Smithfield</strong> Prod is <strong>the</strong> largest slaughterhouse<br />

in Romania with a production capacity of 600<br />

capita per hour, being situated on <strong>the</strong> location<br />

of former Comtim, in Timis County. <strong>Smithfield</strong><br />

Prod’s values are food safety, environmental responsibility, understanding<br />

of <strong>the</strong> local specificity and support for <strong>the</strong> local<br />

community where it operates, continuous development of <strong>the</strong><br />

technologies and creation of a pleasant working environment<br />

for <strong>the</strong> employees. <strong>Smithfield</strong> Prod is a company certified in<br />

accordance with ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management<br />

System and ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System.<br />

– <strong>we</strong>re promoted as “Gladiators<strong>”</strong> and cut<br />

everything, according to <strong>the</strong> technological<br />

sheets. n The apprentices (“We came<br />

as apprentices and leave as masters<strong>”</strong>) –<br />

<strong>the</strong>y <strong>we</strong>re trained on <strong>the</strong> line and will probably<br />

never feel as apprentices for <strong>the</strong> rest<br />

of <strong>the</strong>ir life, with us. n inglorious Bastards<br />

(“Touch and cut<strong>”</strong>) – <strong>the</strong>y succeeded<br />

even without <strong>the</strong> help of Brad Pitt to punish<br />

<strong>the</strong> stubborn pork rind pieces. n The<br />

Workers (“Cut <strong>we</strong>ll<strong>”</strong>) – <strong>the</strong>y took on <strong>the</strong><br />

proletarian roles and <strong>the</strong> slogan in po<strong>we</strong>r.<br />

n The 5-Star Team (“The <strong>best</strong> will win,<br />

meaning us<strong>”</strong>) – accustomed with comfort<br />

and self-esteem – proved to be quite good.<br />

Following this experience, <strong>we</strong> managed<br />

to better understand and see on-site<br />

what <strong>the</strong> challenges and satisfactions<br />

of working in a slaughterhouse are.

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